T HE S UNDAY N EWS September 11, 2016
Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471 www.saintmichael.org
Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love
Welcome to Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. Today is the 15th Anniversary of 9/11. Pray for the families of the victims who still suffer from the tragedy. Pray for reconciliation, healing, and forgiveness. We are honored to have you worshiping with us today. There are a lot of opportunities for spiritual growth and service at Saint Michael. You are invited and urged to take advantage of them. Information Meeting Today for the Journeys of St. Paul Pilgrimage. Saint Michael Rector Chris Girata will lead a pilgrimage next year tracing the Journeys of St. Paul through Rome, Greece, Turkey, and Malta. An information session will be held today at 12:30 in the Parlor for those interested. The cruise, from June 29 – July 12, will visit several historic and scenic destinations in the Mediterranean. Rector to Launch Women of Saint Michael’s Luncheon Series. The Women of Saint Michael’s fall luncheon series kickoffs Wednesday, September 14 with Rector Chris Girata addressing “Empowering Women in Leadership.” The luncheon, hosted by past Women of Saint Michael presidents and our clergy, begins at 11:30 in Parish Hall. Purchase season tickets or make a reservation for the luncheon online at: www.saintmichael.org/wosmluncheons. Prayer Ministry to Meet with Bob Johnston. The Thursday, September 15 meeting of the Prayer Ministry will feature The Rev. Bob Johnston, Associate for Evangelism. Jed Demler of Savoureaux Catering will provide a salad or sandwiches for $10. The meeting begins at 6:00 in the Coke Activities Room. Make reservations by Tuesday, September 13 with Katherine Bowen at kbowen@saintmichael.org. Saint Michael 101 – Learn About Saint Michael Membership. Are you new to Saint Michael and are thinking about joining? Do you have friends who ought to be members? Saint Michael 101 on September 18 at 6:00 is where you can get to know our church and what it’s all about. It’s a lively, fun (free) dinner, led by The Rev. Bob Johnston. Sign up or urge your friends to come and see. RSVP at www.saintmichael.org. Honduras Mission Information Meeting Tonight. Tonight is the chance to learn about Saint Michael’s Honduras Mission. Join us at 6:30 in the Coke Activities Room to learn about the February, 2017 mission trip to Tela and the surrounding communities. September is Food 4 Kids Month. Food 4 Kids provides a weekend food pack for a child at critical risk for hunger. Look for the Food 4 Kids table every Sunday this month. Dallas County has one of the highest childhood hunger rates in the nation. $5 a week, $20 a month, $200 for the school year, or $260 a year makes sure a child has food for the weekend. You can mail or deliver a check to Saint Michael and All Angels – Food 4 Kids. Make online donations at www.saintmichael.org/food4kids. Rector Institution September 24 You are invited to the Institution of The Rev. Christopher D. Girata as the 8th Rector of Saint Michael and All Angels on Saturday morning, September 24 at 11:00 in the Church. Former Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold will preach, Bishop George Sumner will celebrate the Eucharist, and festal music will be provided by the Saint Michael choir, organ, and orchestra. A reception in the Garden Cloister will follow the ceremony. John 1:43-46