T HE S UNDAY N EWS October 16, 2016
Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471 www.saintmichael.org
Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love
Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. Thank you for worshiping with us. We are honored today to have Dr. AmyJill Levine serve as our Distinguished Lecturer and Scholar-inResidence. Dr. Levine, Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt, will speak to combined Sunday School classes on “The Call to Action – Queen Esther” at 10:00 in the Church. As Scholar-in-Residence, Dr. Levine will return to Saint Michael in February addressing, “How Am I Called to be With Others?” And again in April discussing the topic, “Let Us Go Forth Into the World.” Welcome
pariSh nurSe Sunday. Our parish nurses are in the South Lanai today to take blood pressures and provide information on women’s health issues, this month’s focus. inSurance and riSk coMMittee SeekS MeMberS. The Insurance & Risk Management Committee of Saint Michael is seeking parishioners to serve as members of the committee. It is responsible for identifying risks associated with the parish and securing insurance coverage as may be required. Knowledge of property and casualty insurance is preferred. If you are interested contact Mac Wesson at mac@usrisk.com. prayer MiniStry hoStS dioceSan evangeliSM MiSSioner thurSday. Carrie Headington, Diocesan Missioner for Evangelism, is speaking at Thursday’s meeting of the Prayer Ministry. She will share the vision, strategy, and preparation for the 2017 Prayer and Evangelism Movement in the Diocese. All are invited. A light supper is offered for $10. RSVP to Katherine Bowen, kbowen@saintmichael.org Saint Michael Music Director Performs at the Meyerson. James Diaz, director of music, will perform at the Meyerson Symphony Center next Sunday afternoon, October 23, at 2:30. His concert is part of the Pipedreams Live performance. Tickets are available through the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. Disciples Confirmation Class Sets Book Drive. In support of the Jubilee Park Literacy Fair the Disciples Class is seeking donations of new or gently used books appropriate for children from birth through 8th grade. They will be distributed at the November 5 Literacy Fair. Books can be placed in the collection box located in the South Lanai until November 3 or you can contact Elizabeth Showalter, bartone1@ sbcglobal.net, to arrange a pick-up. PT Cruisers “Drag” the State Fair Thursday, October 20. Big Tex will say “Howdy” to the PT Cruisers as they head to the State Fair of Texas on Thursday. The bus leaves the church at 9:30. Call Mary Davis today at 214-363-7761 to make reservations. We are supporting the church’s initiative to engage more young adults and families. We joined Saint Michael when we had young children, and the church played a critical role in both the adult and youth formation. It helped shape and energize our spiritual and social foundation. We are grateful for that experience and want to ensure that lifeline is supported for the future. — Eric, Judy, Nick, Noah, Olivia Conner