Sunday News - December 4

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T HE S UNDAY N EWS December 4, 2016

Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471

Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love



Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church and the second week of Advent. Today we honor the ministry of Shelly Vescovo, who for 37 years has led Adult Formation. Receptions to thank Shelly follow the 9:00 and 11:00 services. Take advantage of the many Advent activities in the coming days as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ. The Christmas Eve worship services schedule is in your bulletin. More are available throughout the church to give to friends.

Honduras Threads Pop-Up Sale Today. Visit the Parlor today and see the new merchandise from the women of Honduras Threads. There are pillows, Christmas tree skirts, table toppers and runners – all supporting the women and their families. Young Adults Meeting at The Ginger Man Today. Saint Michael’s recently formed young adult group, 20s/30s, is meeting from 3:30 to 5:30 today at The Ginger Man at 2718 Boll Street. Snacks will be provided with a cash bar for happy hour drinks. Tacky Christmas attire is recommended. Free childcare is provided at the church. Advent Meditation Booklets Available. Devotions written by parishioners, staff, and clergy are available in the Advent Meditation booklet, which is available at several locations in the church and online at Madalyn Teal to Address Faith and Grief Luncheon. Parishioner Madalyn Teal will speak at Thursday’s Faith and Grief Luncheon beginning at 12:00 Noon in the Coke Activities Room. A box lunch is provided and trained leaders help facilitate conversation. Lunch is free, but donations are appreciated. Make reservations with Katherine Bowen at Clergy Staff Ministry Changes. Rector Chris Girata has announced that The Rev. Lisa Flores Musser, who will return from maternity leave Monday, December 12, will assume leadership of the Worship and Liturgy ministry, and that The Rev. Greg Pickens will become Associate for Pastoral Care. “Lisa is passionate about worship excellence and will bring a host of organizational and liturgical skills to the table to help us grow. Greg has taken the lead in pastoral care during Lisa’s maternity leave and his presence has been a true gift,” the Rector said. Heal the Hurt at the Advent Service of Remembrance and Light, December 15. For many, the holidays are a time of hurt; over the loss of a beloved, relationships turned sour, being alone. The Advent Liturgy of Remembrance and Light seeks to bring peace, healing, and wholeness in the midst of grief on Thursday, December 15 at 6:00 in Saint Michael Chapel. A reception hosted by the Grief Ministry in the Parlor follows the service. Did you know… Our main church building was built in the 1950’s and today our campus spans 13 acres and 187,000 square feet?

…the music in the big church…the warmth of all the clergy.

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