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ter bet ead

r d n a sten

li o t g earnin

by l

Gail Davison Blad

Gail Davison Blad

R U 0 Y T 0S


H S I L G EN nd a n liste o t g earnin


tte e b d ea


by l

sanoma utbildning

Sanoma Utbildning Postadress: Box 30091, 104 25 Stockholm Besöksadress: Alströmergatan 12, Stockholm Hemsida: www.sanomautbildning.se E-post: info@sanomautbildning.se Order/Läromedelsinformation Telefon: 08-587 642 10 Telefax: 08-587 642 02 Författare: Gail Davison Redaktör: Karl-Erik Widlund Grafisk form och bild: Fresh Design Teckningar: Solveig Hellmark Omslag: Fresh Design Bilder: Shutterstock förutom sid xx, xx, xx, xx Boost Your English ISBN xxxxxxxxxxxxx © 2014 Författaren och Sanoma Utbildning AB, Stockholm. Första upplagan Första tryckningen

Kopieringsförbud! Detta verk är skyddat av lagen om upphovsrätt. Vid tillämpning av skolkopieringsavtalet (även kallat Bonus-avtalet) är detta verk att se som ett engångsmaterial. Engångsmaterial får enligt avtalet överhuvudtaget inte kopieras för undervisningsändamål. Kopiering för undervisningsändamål av denna bok är således helt förbjuden. Utan tillstånd av förlaget kommer kopiering utöver avtalet att innebära ett otillåtet mångfaldigande. Ett sådant intrång medför straffansvar och kommer att ge upphov till skadeståndsskyldighet enligt 53 och 54 §§ lagen om upphovsrätt Tryck: Livonia Print, Lettland 2014

Dear student, With the help of this book, you can get much better at English. How? 1. With tips and practice, so you can listen, read, speak, and write better with the words that you know now. 2. By learning more words, so you can communicate in English at a higher and higher level. Important things for you to do as you work with Boost Your English: • Get a binder or something to write in – you will need it every day. • Start right – read the title and the introduction for every new article and story. • Do the first exercise, where you match up words. Listen to those important words so you know how to say them. Say them yourself. • Then listen or read. • When you listen, close your eyes so you can concentrate. After you have listened, do the exercises. Then find the text (the transcript*) in the back of the book, and read it at the same time as you listen again. That way, you get better at listening and reading. • When you read, try to stay focused. Then do the exercises. Last, read the story again at the same time as you listen to it. Now you will understand more. • Read the little yellow notes. These are ideas for how to do things better. • Do the review exercises. They come after every two chapters. These are good because they help you remember the words you learned a few articles back. • Correct the exercises after you do them.

GOOd luck! Sincerely, Gail Davison Blad *hörmanuset


Contents Chapter 1


A I could have died

Chapter 1


B The Inventor Who Didn’t Know He Was an Inventor

Chapter 2



A How Not to Go to a Party

Chapter 2




B A Very Special Friendship


Vocabulary Review Chapters 1–2


Chapter 3 Listening A Child Prodigies – Where Do They Come From?

Chapter 3


B Pool Companion

Chapter 4



B How’s It Going?


Vocabulary Review Chapters 3–4


Chapter 5


A Butterfingers

Chapter 5 Chapter 6



A How Far?

Chapter 6



B A Boy Named Sue




A Couchsurfing

Chapter 4




B Couples Swap Babies


Vocabulary Review Chapters 5–6


Chapter 7


A How Do Animals Do That?

Chapter 7


B The Elephants Said Goodbye

Chapter 8



A With Danger as Your Neighbor

Chapter 8




B Life and Death in the Sunderbans


Vocabulary Review Chapters 7–8


Chapter 9


A The Girl Who Sailed Around the World

Chapter 9


B Who Are These Crazy People?

Chapter 10



A How to Save a Life by Accident

Chapter 10




B Did an Angel Catch Him?


Vocabulary Review Chapters 9–10


Chapter 11


A Some Down-to-Earth Advice

Chapter 11


B Freeze or Fry

Chapter 12



A Frank’s American Dream

Chapter 12




B Two Minutes to Change Your Life


Vocabulary Review Chapters 11–12







Chapter 1


A I Could Have Died! if yOU o d u o y uld What wo ing? k O h c e n eO saw sOm ION INTRODUCT ry of a girl in This is the sto most died. Canada who al

These are words you will need to understand the story. Match them with the correct definitions. camp

to take air into your lungs and send it out again

cabin first aid breathe

what ice and


d, like a rocket

a place where young people can go in the summer to swim, sail, etc.

what you are doing when you can

’t get any air

lick stick

something sweet and cold you can eat

ice pop pointy melt

a small house

having a point at the en

choking throat


n it gets war

snow do whe

a kind of leader


ent for an emergen

simple medical treatm

a short, thin piece of wood, plastic, etc.

the way people often eat an ice pop


the inside of your neck

A Listen to a little bit of text at a time. When there is a pause, choose the correct picture. 1 Choose the correct picture. a


4 Choose the correct picture.



3 Choose the correct picture.



2 Choose the correct picture.


Listening t Close yo ip ur eyes to concentr ate bett er.


5 Choose the correct picture.



To be continued on the next page.


6 Choose the correct picture.



B Improve your vocabulary Look at the words on page 169 and see how many you already know. Which ones are new to you? You can also read the transcript on page 168–169. C Work on words 1 Put the right phrases into the sentences. 1 … was the first time I went to camp. 2 Don’t … on a sailboat. You can fall in the water. 3 I wish this day would …

nothing happened last longer

4 Two new girls are coming this afternoon. I wonder what they …

last summer

5 … , there was a storm coming, and we were far out on the water.

at all

6 We were scared when it was so windy, but … The big tree didn’t blow down. 7 Our counselor said she wasn’t scared … but I thought she looked nervous. 8 … the summer was over. It went so fast!


the trouble was

look like

all of a sudden joke around

2 Which are the correct alternatives? 1 You can help someone who is hurt if you know a little…

a first aid.

b choking signal.

2 If you put ice in the sun, it will…

a lick.

b melt.

3 If you can’t breathe for a long time, you will…

a last longer.

b die.

4 One thing that often has a pointy top is a…

a Christmas tree.

b tea cup.

5 When you fish, you try to…

a catch fish.

b eat fish.

6 Last summer means…

a every summer.

b the summer that has finished.

7 If you show something to someone, you…

a let them see it.

b let them have it.

8 If someone says, It’s nice to meet you, a good answer is…

a It’s nice to meet you, to.

b It’s nice to meet you, too.

It’s nice to meet yOU!

9 If you say that you are still sad, it means that you…

a were happy before.

b were sad before.

10 If you like water sports, you might like to…

a kayak.

b rock-climb. 9

D One more time 1 Listen to the story again. Decide if the sentences are true or false.

1 Jennifer goes to camp in Canada every winter.

2 She always has a very good time.

3 She thought it was interesting to learn first aid.

4 She learned how to help someone who can’t swim.

5 In the afternoon, Jennifer and her friends got hamburgers.

6 Jennifer’s ice pop flew down her throat so she couldn’t breathe.

7 She made the joking signal.

8 The other girls thought she was choking.

2 Look back at the sentences that were false. Correct the word that is wrong in each sentence.

Vocabulary review on page 28

BOost YOUr English • Have you ever been in a dangerous situation? What was it? • What is a dangerous situation you have seen in a movie or read in a book? • Did the person survive or die?


VOCABULARY REVIEW Chapters 1–2 1 Do the crossword.














Across 3 you … clothes when you have them on your body. 5 near, not far away 6 if you can’t take it with you, you … it 8 not yes, not no – perhaps 10 not alone 12 it’s not a house, but you can live in it Down 1 normal 2 you do this if you want someone to come to your party 4 after the morning but before the night 5 a little bit beautiful 7 more than once but not very often 9 strange 11 also 12 every time, all the time 13 so good you almost can’t believe it


2 Put these words into the dialogues one and two. You may need to change some verbs to the simple past forms. outside, together, last, stick, have, pirate, cute, leave, fake, hold, trick, inventor, going to, parrot, frozen, great

1 Frank, get up! It’s 9:00! Okay, okay, Mom. I’m up. And go get your drink. You … it … the house last night! Okay. Oh, Mom, look! It’s … Hey! It’s good! That’s funny, son! You can … it by the … That’s … You’re an … 2 Hi, Adian. Hi, Kim. I hear there was a … at your party … night. Yeah. He was so … with his stuffed … and … mustache. That was a good … I played on him! Anyway, do you want to go and get some lunch? Sorry. Richie and I already … lunch. We’re … study … . 3 There are two dialogues here. Separate them.

Hey, Manny, we heard you guys have an amazing cat!

Well, we’re glad we got you back! Yup. She is so cute when she leads the dog around. Jennifer, we heard you had a great summer in Canada.

Yeah, but it was only scary for a minute – I almost choked on an ice pop! Yeah, Joey, we do. Yes, Ms. Gray, it was amazing. And we heard something scary happened there. She’s like a seeing-eye cat, right? I’ll have to come over and check it out! 29

Transcripts Chapter 1 A I Could Have Died! This is the story of a girl in Canada who almost died. Listen to a little bit of text at a time. When there is a pause, choose the correct picture. My name is Jennifer and I live in Toronto, Canada. I want to tell you about the beautiful summer day last summer when I could have died. Every summer, I go to camp here in Canada. At camp, we have so much fun. We swim and fish and rock-climb. We have sailboats, canoes, kayaks, and much more. I sleep in a cabin with five other girls. I always have an amazing time.

Anyway, it was a normal, fun day. In the morning, we learned some first aid, which was interesting. We learned how to help someone who can’t breathe. We also learned the choking signal. That’s when you hold your throat to show people that you can’t breathe – like, for example, if you choke on some food.

It was afternoon. Everybody was happy. Our counselor walked up with some ice pops. Who wants an ice pop? Yes, please! I love ice pops! Ice pops! Great! Oooh, thanks! Can I have red? Ice pops! Great! The other kids ate their ice pops fast. I wanted mine to last longer, so I licked it. It got smaller and smaller. It started to look like a rocket with a pointy top. It also started to melt and get a little loose. Then, all of a sudden: Look at Jennifer! She’s doing the choking signal! That’s funny, Jen! 168

It’s amazing. Her face is purple. I know! It really looks like she’s choking! The trouble was, I really was choking. I wasn’t joking around. My ice pop had come loose from the stick and flown straight down my throat like a rocket. I couldn’t breathe at all! I tried to cough up the ice pop. Nothing happened. I started to panic. My friends laughed and laughed. They still thought I was joking. Suddenly, I coughed and the ice-pop shot out of my mouth. I don’t know how it happened. Maybe it melted a little bit more. I didn’t care. I was just happy! I could breathe again! Then I could laugh, too. But it was really scary. I could have choked to death.

beautiful last summer camp swim, swam, swum fish rock climb sailboat canoe cabin amazing anyway first aid interesting someone who choking hold, held, held throat show afternoon everybody counselor ice pop

vacker i somras läger simma, simmade, simmat fiska klippklättra segelbåt kanot stuga otrolig, jättebra i alla fall första hjälpen intressant någon som kvävas hålla, höll, hållit hals visa eftermiddag alla ledare isglass

eat, ate, eaten last longer lick look like rocket pointy start melt loose all of a sudden the trouble was joke around stick fly, flew, flown at all cough up nothing happened laugh still suddenly shoot, shot, shot it shot out of too choke to death

äta, åt, ätit vara längre slicka se ut som raket spetsig börja smälta lös plötsligt problemet var skoja pinne flyga, flög, flugit alls hosta upp det hände inget skratta fortfarande plötsligt skjuta, sköt, skjutit den for ut ur också kvävas till döds


Boost YoUr English Ett läromedel som hjälper elever att förbättra och utveckla sina receptiva förmågor.

Boost YoUr English är en allt i ett-bok som består av 12 kapitel med

24 texter i stegrad svårighetsgrad. Varje kapitel består av en avlyssningstext och en lästext.

Boost YoUr English utvecklar metodiskt elevernas förmåga att förstå

Boost YoUr English

Gail Davison Blad

och tolka innehållet i engelska texter och avlyssningsövningar.

Alla texter, både lästexter och avlyssningstexter, är inspelade med professionella skådespelare och finns tillgängliga på bokens hemsida www.sanomautbildning/boostyourenglish Hörmanus och facit till alla övningarna finns i boken. I Boost

YoUr English finns …

• uppgifter och upplägg som gynnar elever med ett behov av struktur

Gail Davison Blad

Konkreta inlärningstips i form av ”post-it-lappar” låter eleverna pröva olika språkstrategier som hjälper dem att systematiskt utveckla sitt ordoch frasförråd.

R U 0 Y T 0S



ter t e b ead

r d n a sten

li o t earning

by l

• övningstyper som liknar det nationella provet i åk 9 • repetitionsavsnitt, Vocabulary Review, som befäster ny vokabulär • även extrauppgifter som tränar muntlig och skriftlig förmåga och utgår från elevens vardag • texter från hela världen i form av dialoger, tidningsartiklar, faktatexter, reklambroschyrer m.m. som låter eleverna se hur man kan anpassa språket till olika syften och situationer • en betoning på amerikansk engelska.


Gail Davison Blad

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