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Elevpaket – Digitalt + Tryckt





Elevpaket – Digitalt + Tryckt

Of Course! är en läromedelsserie som täcker de fyra delkurserna för grundläggande vuxenutbildning i engelska. I läromedlet möter de studerande konkreta situationer som kommunikationen och språkproduktionen bygger vidare på, och grammatiken förklaras efter hand som nya konstruktioner förekommer i texterna. Eleven behöver inte kunna svenska för att använda boken.


Elevboken är uppdelad i åtta kapitel, som vart och ett tar upp olika situationer och miljöer. Efter texterna kommer uppgifter som tränar läsförståelse, kommunikativ förmåga, grammatik och språkriktighet.


I det digitala läromedlet kan eleverna söka i innehållet. De kan också göra egna anteckningar och markera viktiga stycken i texten. Anteckningarna sparas automatiskt och kan enkelt samlas ihop och skrivas ut.

Interaktiv version av boken, inläst med autentiskt tal och textföljning

Interaktiva övningar

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Illustrationer: Lene Due Jensen

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Art.nr 40766

ISBN 978-91-44-13644-8

© Författarna och Studentlitteratur AB 2022

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Printed by Interak Poland 2022

Listening Jack at home

Grammar and Vocabulary Grammar review: to be, a/an, the present tense, have/has, possessive pronouns, can/can’t. The alphabet and texting. Numbers 1-100. Cardinal and ordinal numbers. Dates.

Other Giving and following directions. Writing: people and what they do.

Listening More dating

Grammar and Vocabulary Comparative adjectives. Asking questions. There is/there are. Plural nouns. Have/has got. Some/any. Job words (accountant, builder etc).

Other Feet and inches. Role play with questions. Writing: descriptions of people.

Listening Bushra at home in Mombasa.

Grammar and Vocabulary The present continuous (ing-form).

Other Writing: a story about what is happening. Speaking: habits.


Listening A letter to Bridget from her parents

Grammar and Vocabulary The past tense (irregular verbs). Opposites (cheap-expensive, wrong-right). Prepositions (about, after, around etc).

Other Writing: a letter


Listening What the guests did after the show

Grammar and Vocabulary Questions and negations in the past tense

Other British-American English. Writing: what you did last week. Writing: questions for a talk show. Speaking: a talk show. Writing: a message

Listening Interviews with three people about the women in the chapter

and Vocabulary Word families

Other Writing and speaking: your opinion, and describing a person. Speaking: the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

Listening Interviews with three au pairs Grammar and Vocabulary The present perfect tense. Bad at/good at + ing-form.

Other Writing: what you are good at. Writing and speaking: questions

Chapter 8

Listening About Jane Austen

Grammar and Vocabulary The future tense. Prepositions of time. Words and grammar about time.

Other Writing: a book you like. Speaking: your favourite book.

Welcome to Of Course! 2

Your trip to the world of English has already begun! When you left the station with Of Course! 1 you were just starting out, but now you can read, write, listen and speak. It’s time to keep going on your trip with the next course. We will help you by giving you new reading texts, grammar pages, exercises and lots of chances to help you get better at speaking. In Of Course! 2 you will meet new people, go to new countries and learn more about countries where they speak English.

You can listen to all the texts by logging in using the code in the front of the book. You can even read and listen to the texts at the same time, if you log in on a computer.

Every chapter has a few texts with a common theme, from a garden party in Chapter 1, to people who went from Ireland to the US almost two hundred years ago in Chapter 4. The last chapter presents some books that you might like to read.

There are questions to check that you understand what you read after every text. And of course there is new grammar in every chapter and a word list. You will also write your own texts and speak English with other students in the classroom.

There are lots of listening exercises which you can find by logging into the digital material. Don’t forget to answer the questions after listening!

Of course there are lots of other interactive exercises in the digital material, where you can practise reading, vocabulary, spelling, grammar and more. You can find out right away if your answer was right or wrong, and do the exercises again until everything is right! It’s like having a teacher sitting next to you at the computer.

We are very pleased to help you on this trip into your English language future.

P.s. On the last page of every chapter you will see a list of the digital exercises. Just click on this symbol in the digital book to start the exercises!


Garden party

In the garden at 15 Greendale Avenue

It is Saturday the 28th of August, at the end of the summer. It is a hot, sunny summer afternoon. Today all the people who live at 15 Greendale Avenue are having a garden party together. There are seven flats in the big yellow building and today the neighbours are all here to get to know each other.

Abdi and Diana moved here last year. They sometimes talk with the neighbour who lives nearest them, Anna. She is very old and Abdi often helps Anna with her shopping bags. The bags are heavy, and he carries them up the stairs. Anna often invites Diana for tea and then Diana reads the newspaper to her. Anna can’t see very well, but she likes to know what goes on in the world.

The garden party starts at three o’clock. Paul and Susan live together in a big flat on the ground floor. They prepared everything for the party together. Paul works as a bus driver, but he loves to cook in his free time. He was very busy in the kitchen this morning.

“Welcome everybody,” Susan says. “It’s great to see so many of our neighbours here today. Please help yourselves to food and drinks. There are plates, knives, forks and glasses on the table for everyone. I hope you’re all very hungry and that everything tastes good.”

A young man called Jack lives on the third floor. He likes football and cricket a lot. He works as a builder. Now he looks a bit worried and asks:

“Where is Mr Brown from Flat 3? I don’t see him here.”

“I’m afraid he’s not well,” Susan answers. “I talked to him this morning. He can’t join us today.”

“I can bring some food to his flat later,” Jack says. “I want him to enjoy the party too.”

Diana walks around and talks to the other guests in the garden. Claire and Fiona fill their plates with food and look for a place to sit.

“Hello Claire,” Diana says. “How are you?”

“Fine, thanks. I see you don’t have much food on your plate today, Diana. Are you all right?” asks Claire.

“Well, you know how it is. I’m pregnant and I’m not very hungry. Just tired,” says Diana.

“Do you know Fiona? She lives on the second floor. Fiona moved in here with her dog Charlie last week.”

“Oh, hello and welcome! Nice to meet you, Fiona. Where are you from?”

“I’m from Ireland, but I moved here for work. I’m a midwife. So, you are pregnant? How long before the baby comes?”

“Yes, any day now! The due date is the 3rd of September!” Diana says and smiles.

“Where do you work now, Diana?” Fiona asks.

“I work in a supermarket, but I want to study to be a teacher. But now I am home most of the time, of course.”

“As a midwife, I think that is good! Be careful now. You need to take it easy and rest a lot.”

“That’s all I do. Abdi, my husband, is very helpful. He does all the housework every day.”


001 True or false

Write the answers in your notebook. Write T for TRUE and F for FALSE.

1. There is a party for everybody in the street.

2. Diana helps her neighbour Anna with her shopping bags.

3. Anna can’t read the newspaper because she can’t see very well.

4. Paul works in a restaurant.

5. Abdi and Diana prepared all the food for the party.

6. Jack lives on the first floor.

7. Fiona moved in last week with her cat.

Claire lives with her husband and two daughters next door to Fiona. Danny is with the girls in the playground and together they count one, two, three … as their dad pushes the swing higher and higher.

“…26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33…”

“Danny, please stop it!” Claire shouts and puts down her plate. “It’s dangerous! They can fall and hurt themselves.”

“Come on, Claire,” Fiona says. “It’s alright. It’s fun. Nothing bad can happen.”

Anna likes to sit in the shade under an old tree in the garden. It’s a hot day and she doesn’t like the sun. She can see everybody from there. Anna waves at Susan and asks:

“Susan, who is that tall man in the brown jacket over there? I don’t know him.”

“Maybe he’s Mr Brown’s son. You know Mr Brown is sick. I think the son is here to visit his dad. Can I get you some cake and tea or coffee now, Anna?” Susan asks.

“Yes, please, Susan,” Anna answers. “I’d like a cup of coffee and a small piece of cake.” Susan returns with the cake and coffee and joins Anna under the tree.

“Thank you, dear,” Anna says. “That was nice of you.”

“Not at all.”

“Tell me Susan, did you go to France on vacation, like you usually do?” Anna asks.

“Yes, we did!” Susan answers. “It was lovely and…”

Suddenly they hear a noise from the house. It is the sound of breaking glass. They see the strange man near the house. He has something in his hand.

He jumps over the fence and disappears. Susan gets up and shouts: “There’s a thief in our garden. Catch him!” Jack and Paul run after him, but it is too late. They go inside the house and look around. Paul looks for his computer everywhere, but he can’t find it. Now they all understand that the man in the brown jacket was not a guest – he was a thief. Paul calls the police immediately.

“Good afternoon. I would like to report a crime,” Paul says.

“What’s your name, sir?” the police officer asks.

“Paul Robinson.”

“Can you spell your surname, please.”

”It’s R-O-B-I-N-S-O-N.”

“Thank you. Now, please tell me what happened.”

Paul tells the police what happened and the police officer asks, “Can you describe the thief?”

“Not really. He was far away,” Paul answers. “We only know he was tall and that he had a brown jacket.”

“Well, it can be difficult to find the thief, but we always try our best.”

Paul puts the phone down and returns to the party. He tells the other guests what happened. Everybody feels sorry for Paul.

“Oh no, Paul. This is awful!” says Diana. “And a thief in our garden! It was a lovely party, but I feel like the baby is ready now. I think that Abdi and I have to go to the hospital!”

“Then this Saturday can still be a very good day,” Paul says. “A new life is more important than a computer. Good luck, you two!”

“Yes! And let us know when the baby is born!” says Claire.


002 True or false

Write the answers in your notebook. Write T for TRUE and F for FALSE.

1. Danny is with his two daughters in the playground.

2. Danny’s wife Claire is pregnant.

3. Anna likes to sit in the sun.

4. The man in the brown jacket is Mr Brown’s son.

5. The thief jumps over the fence.

6. The thief is called Paul Robinson.

7. Diana and Abdi leave the party to go to the hospital.

003 Who lives Where?

Look at the picture and read the text again. Write the name or names of the people who live in each flat in your notebook.

004 abouT anna, Paul and Jack

Choose the right word for each gap. Use the words in the box. Write in your notebook.

bags neighbour newspaper old see shade sun tea vacation

Anna is very 1. and she can’t 2. very well. Her nearest 3. helps her with her shopping 4. . Anna likes to drink 5. with Diana and listen to her when she reads the 6. . Anna doesn’t like the 7. so she usually sits in the 8. . She wants to know more about Susan’s 9.

Paul lives in a big 10. on the 11. floor together with his 12. Susan. He works as a bus 13. . When Paul and Susan 14. guests to a party in their flat, Paul likes to 15.

bring catch enjoy join late next door report sick thief third worried young

Jack is a 16. man who lives 17. to Mr Brown. Their flats are on the 18. floor. Today Jack is 19. about his neighbour when he sees that he is not at the party. Susan tells Jack that Mr Brown can’t 20. them, because he is 21. . Jack feels sorry for his neighbour, and offers to 22. him food so he can 23. the party too. A few hours later Jack and Paul hear there is a 24. in the house. They run after him and try to 25. him, but it’s too 26. They 27. the crime to the police.

A thief broke into the flat of bus driver Paul Robinson’s flat in the middle of a garden party at 15 Greendale Avenue on Saturday afternoon. A tall man in a brown jacket walked into Paul and Susan Robinson’s flat to steal a computer. He disappeared before anyone could stop him. Paul called the police and reported the thief in his flat. The police found the man with the computer later that day, and he is now at the police station to tell them what happened and why.

cook driver flat ground invite wife

Grammar review from Of Course 1


005 am, are or is?

Fill in the gaps with am, are or is. Write the answer in your notebook.

examPle: I am happy to see you.

1. Jack Mr Brown’s neighbour.

2. Abdi and Diana married.

3. Diana pregnant.

4. The weather today very nice.

5. I always late for school.

6. Claire’s daughters very young.

7. Mr Brown still at home.

8. My brother and I good friends.

9. Paul at work?

10. Abdi and Diana in hospital now?

11. you busy now?

12. I the only customer here today?

13. the shop open?

14. the guests in the garden?

15. my sister angry with her husband?

16. you and your friends ready to go now?


006 a or an?

Fill in the gaps with a or an. Write the answer in your notebook.

Claire and Danny live in 1. nice flat on 15 Greendale Avenue. They have 2. big living room with 3. old green sofa and 4. new black table. Claire works in 5. hospital and Danny in 6. office. He has 7. important meeting every morning. In his office there is 8. ugly armchair. He wants to buy 9. new one and also 10. blue umbrella for his wife.

Danny’s sister Amanda has 11. American boyfriend and wants to move to the USA. She eats 12. egg, 13. piece of toast and 14. orange for breakfast every day. She also drinks 15. cup of tea.


007 Which verb form?

Choose the correct form of the verbs that are underlined. Write in your notebook.

David and Nicola live/lives in Scotland. Their house is white and very old. The garden is very big and Nicola always find/finds something to do there. Their cat sometimes sleep/sleeps under a tree. David drive/drives his car to work in the morning. Nicola and her neighbour take/takes the bus to the restaurant where they work/works . Their two children Logan and Holly walk/walks to school. They study/studies at The Royal High School and it is very close to their home. Most of their friends go/goes there by bus. The bus stop/stops just outside the school building. Logan always wait/waits there. Then he talk/talks with his best friend before the first lesson start/starts .


008 have or has?

Fill in the gaps with has or have. Write the answer in your notebook.

examPle: My brother has a blue car.

1. The children many toys to play with.

2. I a white horse.

3. My sister three cats at home.

4. My father and my mother a new car.

5. Bob’s mum a cup of coffee in her hand.

6. Our neighbours a nice park to play in.

7. My grandmother a brown dog in her house.

8. The baby a lamp over the bed.

9. You a nice flat.

10. My sister and I a room together.


009 Which Possessive Pronoun?

Fill in the gaps with my, your, his, her, its, our or their. Write the answer in your notebook.

examPle: I like my cat. He calls his mum.

1. Diana works very hard to finish homework.

2. Jamal always talks about new car.

3. The teachers finish coffee before the lessons begin.

4. My sister and I like new room.

5. My dad loves to sing for children.

6. Abdi and Diana wait for baby to come.

7. I play tennis with my father, but you never play tennis with father.

8. I can pay for lunch.

9. The dog eats food.

10. We wash hands before we eat.



010 asking and ansWering

Work in pairs or in a small group. Use the verbs in the box.

Take turns asking and answering.


Student A: Can you drive a car?

Student B: No I can’t. Can you?

Student A: Yes, I can

Student B: Can you speak Spanish?

Student A: Yes I can, but I can’t write in Spanish. ask begin believe buy celebrate clean close come cook eat finish give help learn leave meet move offer open order pay pick up play put remember ride run show sleep stay take teach tell try use visit wake up watch work



011 sPell The names

Work in pairs or groups. One person chooses a name and spells it out loud. The other writes it down. Check if it is right. Take turns.



Birger Carlos Carolyn Farah



George Isabella Isak Jehan









Mohammad Najwan Nour







Sylvain Waseem Youssef

Some people like to play with letters and numbers to make words when they text on their phones. What do you think this person wants to say?

012 Play WiTh leTTers and numbers

Here are some more examples. What do you think these sentences mean? Talk with a partner and work it out. Can you write more words and sentences like this?

I am B4 U. Don’t B L8.

I C U.

R U L8 2day?

Y R U here?

NUMBERS: 1-100

013 hoW do you sPell a number?

Write the number as a word, using letters. Follow the example. Write in your notebook.

examPles: 12 – twelve 37 – thirty-seven


How many?

There are seven cars in the garage. Use cardinal numbers: 1, 2, 45, 65.

In what order?

The second car is blue.

cardinal ordinal

one first (1st)

two second (2nd)

three third (3rd)

four fourth (4th)

five fifth (5th)

six sixth (6th)

seven seventh (7th)

eight eighth (8th)

nine ninth (9th)

ten tenth (10th)

Use ordinal numbers: 1st, 2nd, 7th.

014 PracTise using numbers

Write the missing number as a word in the gaps, using the number in brackets. Follow the example. Write in your notebook.


There are six children in the class. (6)

I was there first. (1)

1. It was my day of school. (3)

2. My brother has friends from Finland. (4)

3. The door was closed. (2)

4. The day of the week is Sunday. (7)

5. All children help their mother in the kitchen. (8)

6. I came in the race. (5)

7. My trip to London was great. (2)

8. I want to go on vacation for weeks. (3)

9. I talked to him for the time yesterday. (1)

10. I have cousins. (10)


How do we say this date?

Either the seventh of December or December the seventh.


• use the ordinal numbers for dates

• days and months always begin with a capital letter (Monday, July).

How do we say years?

In two parts: the first two numbers together and then the last two numbers together.

1968 = nineteen sixty-eight

1792 = seventeen ninety-two

2018 = twenty eighteen

015 PracTise saying daTes

Say the dates the correct way. You can also write them out in words.


18 January 1971 – The eighteenth of January, nineteen seventy-one

4 July 1776

18 April 1980 6 June 1523 26 June 1960 14 August 1821 11 November 1918

How do I get to the market?

Abdi often works at Café Napoleon in the afternoon. Sometimes people stop and ask him how to get to different places. Abdi always tries to help them.

Abdi: Can I help you, sir?

MohAMMAd: Yes please, can you tell me how to get to the playground in Vanessa Gardens?

Abdi: Yes, of course. We are here at Café Napoleon. Turn right and cross the bridge over the river and go straight on. On the High Street you walk two blocks and then you make a right turn onto Park Avenue, just before the school. Vanessa Gardens is on your left. The playground is very popular and usually full of children.

MohAMMAd: Thank you very much.

Abdi: You’re welcome.

MArgAret: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the market? I need to buy some eggs.

Abdi: Of course. Turn right onto the High Street and then cross Greendale Avenue. At the next crossing, turn left onto Park Avenue. Go straight on and pass the yellow school building. After you cross Market Street you can see the market to your right. It’s next to the bus station. There is also a supermarket opposite the market, if they don’t have any eggs left.

MArgAret: Oh dear, I wonder if I can remember all that…


016 hoW do i geT To...

Work in pairs. One person asks how to get somewhere. The other person uses the map to say how to get there. Take turns asking and answering. You can also start and finish in other places on the map.

Person asking for help

Where they are now 15 Greendale Avenue the church the gym

JK Hair Salon

Where they are going Andy’s Fish Restaurant the bus station

City Hotel home


017 four flaTs on 26 high sTreeT

There are four flats in the house on 26 High Street. Look at the picture and make up a story about the people who live there. Choose one or two of the flats. Who are the people that live there? What do they like? What are their jobs?


Translate into your language. Write the words in English and your language in your notebook and learn them.

Nouns bridge builder building computer crime fence floor (ground, 1st, 2nd) fork glass knife (knives) midwife neighbour noise piece plate playground police (officer) report shade sound stairs surname swing thief tree vacation

Verbs bring carry catch count cross describe disappear fall fill hear invite join jump pass prepare push report return shout taste turn wish

Adjectives dangerous easy exciting heavy helpful high lovely strange tall third well worried

Other words and phrases a few a lot down feel sorry for get to know good luck help yourselves I’m afraid immediately much next door nothing straight on try our best you’re welcome


Reading check


Word check

Spelling: Listen and write the words

Word order

Dictation: Listen and write the sentences

Grammar review: A or an?

Grammar review: I speak English, but my friend speaks French

Grammar review: Am/are/is/have/has

Grammar review: The alphabet

Grammar review: Numbers and years

Listening part 1

Listening part 2


Swipe right

The english alPhabeT A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (the blue letters are vowels)

briTish or american english?

In the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) people speak British English (BrE). In the USA they speak American English ( AmE).

Some words are different in British and American English:

British English American English flat apartment garden yard

sofa couch cupboard closet lift elevator underground subway pavement sidewalk holiday vacation chips French fries trousers pants film movie football soccer match game

hire rent lorry truck petrol gas

Some words are spelt differently in British and American English.

British English American English colour color centre center


0 zero/oh

1 one

2 two

3 three

4 four

5 five

6 six

7 seven

8 eight

9 nine








10 ten 20 twenty

one hundred

one hundred and one

1,000 one thousand 2,000 two thousand

100,000 a/one hundred thousand

1,000,000 a/one million

caPiTal leTTers

The words below start with a capital letter (big letter) in English.


A boriginal, Australian, Chinese, European


January, February, M arch, A pril, M ay, June, July, August, September, October, November, December


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Holidays: Christmas, Thanksgiving


English, Swedish, A rabic, Hindi, Spanish

WhaT Time is iT ?

half past five ten past eight a quarter past two a quarter to eleven 5:30 8:10 2:15 10:45

Personal and Possessive Pronouns

Personal pronouns Possessive pronouns Object pronouns


Plural I you he she it we you they my your his her its our your their me you him her it us you them


I eat my lunch at home. Mum eats with me. He helps his sister a lot.

The geniTive

That is Lisa’s dog. It is my parents’ house.


The verb to be

The present tense The present tense short forms (when you speak) The past tense

I am you are he is she is (she’s) it is (it’s) we are you are they are


I’m you’re he’s she’s it’s we’re you’re they’re

I was you were he was she was it was we were you were they were

I am sad today. You were sad yesterday. George is happy today.

Verbs in the present simple Statement Statement Question Negative

1 singular I need a pen. You drink coffee. He helps his dad. She buys ice cream. It takes too long.

Do I need a pen? Do you drink coffee?

Does he help his dad?

Does she buy ice cream?

Does it take too long?

I don’t need a pen. You don’t drink coffee. He doesn’t help his dad. She doesn’t buy ice cream.

It doesn’t take too long.

2 or more plural We play tennis. You watch the games. They like pizza.

Regular verbs in the past simple

Do we play tennis? Do you watch the games? Do they like pizza? We don’t play tennis. You don’t watch the games. They don’t like pizza.

Add -ed to the verb: visit – visited climb – climbed return – returned

Add -d if the verb ends in e: arrive – arrived believe – believed move – moved

Add -ied if the verb ends in consonant + y : study – studied worry – worried tidy up – tidied up

Double the consonant in short words: stop – stopped fit – fit ted ban – banned

Verbs in the present continuous When something is happening right now:

I am drinking coffee. My brother is reading a book. We are waiting for our teacher.

Future: will or going to I will start school on Monday. My brother will not ( won’t). Sandy will buy a new car. Our parents will not (won’t) buy a new car.

I think I am going to like the film. My friends are going to cook a nice dinner.


Of Course! är en läromedelsserie som täcker de fyra delkurserna för grundläggande vuxenutbildning i engelska. I läromedlet möter de studerande konkreta situationer som kommunikationen och språkproduktionen bygger vidare på. Grammatiken förklaras efter hand som nya konstruktioner presenteras i texterna. Of Course! är ett tydligt strukturerat läromedel som utgår ifrån den vuxenstuderandes verklighet.

Of Course! 2 täcker Engelska, nationell delkurs 2. Materialet börjar i vardagen och tar upp bekanta ämnesområden som yrkesliv, familjeliv, fritidsintressen, och seder. Kapitlen utspelar sig bland annat i England, Kenya, Irland och USA. Det finns även ett kapitel om tre starkar kvinnor, från Pakistan, Somalia och Sverige. Bokens sista kapitel tar upp kända författare som Charles Dickens och Jane Austen och deras verk, samt några bokrekommendationer. Nedslagen runt om i världen blir en naturlig ingång till olika engelska accenter, som de studerande kan lyssna på i det digitala läromedlet.

Det digitala läromedlet innehåller bland annat:

• hela elevboken som inläst digital bok med textföljning

• självrättande övningar till alla kapitel som tränar bland annat ordkunskap, hörförståelsen och grammatik

• alla hörövningar.

Licensen som ingår i elevpaketet varar i fyra år och kan ärvas mellan elever.

Of Course! 2 finns även som digitalt läromedel med en licenstid på 12 månader:

Elevlicens ISBN 978 ­ 91 ­44­13700 ­1

Klasslicens ISBN 978 ­ 91 ­44­13704­ 9

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