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©2024 MalmöGatufotogrupp

Allimagesare ©their respective photographers.

Coverphotograph©:Peter Malmgren

Photographsinthe foreword ©: RalphAndersson

Layout:Ralph Andersson

Publisher: BoD– BooksonDemand, Stockholm, Sverige

Print: BoD– BooksonDemand, Norderstedt, Tyskland


Malmö Gatufotogrupp är en löst sammansattgrupp fotografer somverkar föratt lyfta framgatufotografi iMalmöregionen genom lokalaoch nationella fotografers verk.

Iseptember 2024 anordnade vi vår första utställning, Exhibit#01, där ett trettiotal fotografer visade sina verk inom gatu- ochurban- fotografi. Åttafotografer deltog ihuvudutställningen,medan resterande hängde på klassisk ”tvättlina”. Det fanns även en sektion för fotografer från Facebook- gruppen ”Gatufotografi Sverige”.

Utställningenarrangeradessom en pop-up, isamarbetemed restaurang Matverkstaden, under Malmö Gallerihelg som organiserasavKonstfrämjandet Skåne, vars måläratt göra konst tillgängligt för alla ochmöjliggöra nyamötenoch upplevelser.

Malmö Gatufotogruppisa loosely organized collective of photographers dedicated to promoting street photography in the Malmöarea through the works of both localand national photographers.

In September 2024, we organized our first exhibition, Exhibit #01, where around thirty photographers showcased theirwork in street andurban photography. Eight photographers participated inthe mainexhibition,whilethe rest displayed their work on aclassic "clothesline." There wasalso asection dedicated to photographers from the Facebook group ”Gatufotografi Sverige.”

The exhibition was arranged as apop-up in collaboration with Matverkstaden duringthe Malmö Gallery Weekend, an event organized by Konstfrämjandet Skåne, aimed atmaking art accessible and creatingopportunities for new encounters and experiences.

Ralph Andersson, Malmö, 2024.

Huvudutställning /Mainexhibition

RalphAndersson Malmö

Skrivande frilansfotograf. Harsysslatmed gatufotoi varierande intensitet sedan 1980-talet. Genom alla år med en förkärlek till spårbundna miljöer så somtågstationer ochtunnelbanor. Någraavbildernapå utställningen togs 1988 dåjag tillbringade två veckor iParis tunnelbana med min kamera. Bildernahar tillbringat merparten av åren undangömdai en kartong iförrådet.Något somi min mening visar på det historiskavärdetavgatufoto somdokumentationavenvardagsom annars bara passerar. Jag hadeäven mednågra nytagna svartvita bilder med utgångspunkt isamma tema.

Freelance photographer/journalist. I've been engaged in street photography withvarying intensity since the 1980s, alwayswitha strongpreference forrail-boundenvironments like train stations and subways. Some of thephotosinthis exhibition were taken in 1988, when Ispent twoweeksinthe Paris Metro with my camera.Theseimages have spent most of theyears hidden away in abox in storage. In my opinion,this highlights the historical value of street photography as adocumentationofeveryday life thatwould otherwise simplypassby. Ialsoincluded some recently taken black-and-white photos based on thesame theme.

In September 2024, MalmöGatufotogrupporganized their first exhibition, Exhibit#01, where around thirty photographers showcased their work in streetand urban photography. Eightphotographersparticipatedinthe main exhibition, while the rest displayedtheir work on aclassic "clothesline". Therewas also asection dedicated to photographers from the Facebookgroup"Gatufotografi Sverige".

The exhibition was arranged as apop-upincollaboration with Matverkstaden duringthe MalmöGallery Weekend, an event organized by Konstfrämjandet Skåne, aimed at making art accessible and creatingopportunities fornew encounters and experiences.

Exhibit #01- Malmö Gatufotogrupp

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