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An Introduction to Continuous Optimization Foundations and Fundamental Algorithms Optimization, or mathematical programming, is a fundamental subject within decision science and operations research, in which mathematical decision models are constructed, analyzed, and solved.

The book can be used in mathematical optimization courses at any mathematics, engineering, economics, and business schools. It is a perfect starting book for anyone who wishes to develop his/her understanding of the subject of optimization, before actually applying it. Art.nr 32217

Second edition

ISBN 978-91-44-06077-4


9 789144 060774

978-91-44-06077-4_01_cover.indd 1

An Introduction to Continuous Optimization

The book provides lecture, exercise and reading material for a first course on continuous optimization and mathematical programming, geared towards thirdyear students, and has already been used as such for nearly ten years. The preface to the second edition describes the main changes made since the first, 2005, edition.

An   Introduction to Continuous Optimization Second edition ¯2()(x ∇∇ g∇2g(g2x ¯)) ¯x ¯) ∇ g2 ( x

2nd ed.

¯x ¯11()(x ∇ g∇ ¯)) ∇1 (ggx

¯()(x −∇f (fx ¯)) ¯x −∇f −∇ ¯) −∇f ( x


The book’s focus lies on providing a basis for the analysis of optimization models and of candidate optimal solutions for continuous optimization models. The main part of the mathematical material therefore concerns the analysis and linear algebra that underlie the workings of convexity and duality, and necessary/sufficient local/global optimality conditions for continuous optimization problems. Natural algorithms are then developed from these optimality conditions, and their most important convergence characteristics are analyzed. The book answers many more questions of the form “Why?” and “Why not?” than “How?”. We use only elementary mathematics in the development of the book, yet are rigorous throughout.

An d r é a s s o n E v g r a f o v Pat r i k s s o n g u s tav s s o n Ö nn h e i m

N i c l a s An d r é a ss o n is a licentiate of technology in applied mathematics at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg. Ant o n E v g r a f o v is a doctor of philosophy in applied mathematics from Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, and is presently an associate professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby. M i c h a e l Pat r i k ss o n is a professor in applied mathematics at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg. E m i l G ustav ss o n is a licentiate of technology in applied mathematics at the University of Gothenburg. M a gnus Ö nn h e i m is a licentiate of technology in applied mathematics at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg.

¯ x x ¯ ¯ x

¯) ∇ g1 ( x g 2 (gx) == 0 0 2 ( x)

g 2 ( x) = 0

S SS S x) = g 3 (ggx) = 0= 00 33((x) x)= = 0=00 g 1 (gx) g131((x)

g 1 ( x) = 0

N i c l a s An d r é a s s o n An t o n E v g r a f o v M i c h a e l Pat r i k s s o n


E m i l G u s tav s s o n M a g n u s Ö nn h e i m

2013-11-08 10.58

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