TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
SMITH MOORE & ASSOCIATES s m arter m anaged as s oc i ati ons
City of Newport Beach Finance Department
Facilitated by David Garrison, SMA
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
Scott Catlett (Making a Difference and Vision) Mike Gomez (Balance and Trust) Amber Haston Marlene Burns (Trustworthiness and Excellence) Rochelle Myers (Reliability and Responsibility)
Shelby Burguan (Excellence and Reliability) Jessica Nguyen (Efficiency and Integrity)
Sander Huang (Making a Difference and Humility) Shaun Tormey (Ethics and Integrity) Duc Bui
Trevor Power (Family and Teamwork) Jeremiah Lim (Balance and Well-Being) Davnette Librando (Kindness and Optimism) Christopher Neal (Integrity and Humility) Andrew Panganiban (Family and Hope) Deanna Hoffman Desiree Cooper
Evelyn Tseng (Humor and Usefulness) Anthony Alannouf (Learning and Efficiency) Antonio Velasco (Accountability and Faith) Seanne Carley (Authenticity and Reliability) Joanne Kessler (Faith and Understanding) Bryan Bello (Loyalty and Family) Janine Williamson Omar Khalil (Fairness and Teamwork) Sonia Camacho Patricia Figueroa Ellen Brenan Andrew Shigenaga Meg Walsh David Garrison (Knowledge) Catherine Smith (Giving Back and Caring)
The purpose of leadership is to change the world around you in the name of your values, so you can live those values more fully.
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
11:00 - 11:25am Icebreaker - 5 Minute Check-In 11:25 - 11:50am Introduction, Permission Slips & Values 11:50 - 12:10pm Invisible Production Line 12:10 - 12:30pm Review the Results of the Survey and Discuss 12:30 - 1:15pm
1:15 - 1:55pm
The Press Room
1:55 - 2:15pm
Open Round-table Discussion
2:15 - 2:20pm
2:20 - 3:00pm
What Stands In The Way
3:00 - 3:20pm
Values In Action
3:20 - 3:45pm
What’s ONE thing?
3:45 - 4:00pm
Wrap up - Closing Questions and Conversations/ Next Steps
There’s a huge difference between discomfort and unsafe. Navigating discomfort brings about growth and discoveries. Persevering through an unsafe situation increases danger.
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
You will be partnered up and each of you will have five uninterupted minutes to talk about your thoughts, fears, feelings, good news etc. After each participant has spoken, you’ll then have a few minutes to converse before regrouping with everyone.
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
Sometimes you’re just waiting for a small lull in the conversation to say the thing you want. Therefore, not actually listening to what’s going on. If there’s something you really want to share or add, write it down in front of you so you don’t forget and keep paying attentionbe present with the dialogue. You will certainly have an opportunity to comment when it’s your turn or during a circle back.
Sometimes people can dominate conversations or spend too much time reiterating what someone else has already said and explained. If you find that you are speaking far more than anyone else, that may not be a good thing- use your charisma and ease with speaking publicly to prompt someone else to share. We should all be aware of our talk time.
Bandwagon Effect.
Feeling like you have to hop onboard with the consensus, even if you might disagree, vehemently or mildly. This often happens when you’re the only objector or you’re the last to share and the group is already excited about an idea.
Halo Effect.
When team members see what the person with the most influence in the room wants and tells them what they want to hear, even if it defies their perception of organization priorities and what’s feasible in a certain amount of time.
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
TOOLS AND CONCEPTS Say More. Asking either a leader or team member to say more often leads to a profoundly deeper level of understanding— context and details matter. Asking someone to say more is a curiosity tool.
The story I’m telling myself. We make up stories to try to make sense of things when we don’t have all of the relevant facts. In the absence of data, we will always make up stories. Most of the stories we make up when we’re feeling emotionally hooked magnify our fears and insecurities. He doesn’t trust me. She thinks my idea is terrible. They don’t work as hard as me. Using the phrase “The story I’m telling myself” creates the opportunity for some inner dialogue. It gives us a chance to pause and evaluate what we’re thinking and feeling. In some cases, that is all we need to do. If we decide that we want to get clarity from another person, “The story I’m telling myself” gives us permission to speak honestly and candidly without the fear of generating a defensive response. Because the phrase comes from a place of curiosity, it almost always results in a productive conversation, rather than a heated debate.
Any More? 6
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
PERMISSION SLIPS VALUES Permission slips are a great way to start building trust in a group and to start container building. If you’re working on your own, it’s a helpful tool to identify what might get in your way of learning and practicing new ways of showing up. Sometimes the first step in getting started is giving ourselves permission. Maybe you need to give yourself permission to: Stay open minded, Give yourself the time you need, Make a list of questions. Or if you’re doing this in a group setting, permission to: Show up to the group meetings, Ask for what you need, To pass during group sharing, Ask for more time. Often times in group meetings permission slips are written on postits and placed in front of the person for everyone to see, or on ZOOM written into the chat. It can be powerful to have your teammates aware of your permission slips. Another tool is container building. A container is often grown from the permission slips or developed by the agenda. A container can be something like we will not discuss the budget in today’s meeting, the 2023 conference is off topic today, we are struggling with this aspect of this project, let’s not discuss our losses only our wins, etc. It’s basically a way of framing the meeting to be safe, productive and on-topic. Each participant will select one or two values from the list on the following page (if they haven’t already send that to David) and write them on their namebadge. We will then go around the group and folks can share their permission slips if any, their values and a quick story from their early life that either demonstrates their value or the origin of it (them).
VALUES Accountability Achievement Adaptability Adventure Altruism Ambition Authenticity Balance Beauty Being the best Belonging Career Caring Collaboration Commitment Community Compassion Competence Confidence Connection Contentment Contribution Cooperation Courage Creativity
Curiosity Dignity Diversity Environment Efficiency Equality Ethics Excellence Fairness Faith Family Financial stability Forgiveness Freedom Friendship Fun Future generations Generosity Giving back Grace Gratitude Growth Harmony Health Home
Honesty Hope Humility Humor Inclusion Independence Initiative Integrity Intuition Job security Joy Justice Kindness Knowledge Leadership Learning Legacy Leisure Love Loyalty Making a difference Nature Openness Optimism Order
City of Newport Beach Finance Department
Parenting Patience Patriotism Peace Perseverance Personal fulfillment Power Pride Recognition Reliability Resourcefulness Respect Responsibility Risk -taking Safety Security Self-discipline Self-expression Self-respect Serenity Service Simplicity Spirituality Sportsmanship Stewardship
Success Teamwork Thrift Time Tradition Travel Trust Truth Understanding Uniqueness Usefulness Vision Vulnerability Wealth Well-being Wholeheartedness Wisdom Write your own:
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
INVISIBLE PRODUCTION LINE Participants will be broken into 3-5 groups who will then be responsible for pantomiming an object decided by a single individual at the end of the line. Without speaking or confirming nonverbal questions participants will pass the object from one end to the other. When all groups have successfully passed the object - the last participant has to guess what the item is.
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
REVIEW SURVEY RESULTS 26 Participants How would you rate the clarity of your role and what’s expected of you? 0 = Not Clear At All | 100 = Very Clear Average Number: 73
How would you rate the clarity of your team’s overall mission? 0 = Not Clear At All | 100 = Very Clear Average Number: 68
How would you rate the clarity of the goals and steps required to work effectively toward that mission? 0 = Not Clear At All | 100 = Very Clear Average Number: 63
How would you rate the level of communication between you and your team? 0 = Not Good | 100 = Very Good Average Number: 71
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
REVIEW SURVEY RESULTS How would you rate the level of communication between your team and the entire department? 0 = Not Good | 100 = Very Good Average Number: 63
How would you rate the entire department’s current organizational structure in its effectiveness of accomplishing tasks and reaching goals? 0 = Not Good | 100 = Very Good Average Number: 62
Do you feel that you have an outlet for communicating fears, feelings and frustrations? Yes = 11 No = 6 Unsure = 5 Other = 3
Are you aware of opportunities to grow your career within the department? Yes = 8 No = 7 Unsure = 5 Other = 5
Do you feel that you have the resources and equipment to do your job effectively? Yes = 12 No = 4 Unsure = 6 Other = 3
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
REVIEW SURVEY RESULTS Do you feel that your ideas and opinions are heard, acknowledged and considered? Yes = 13 No = 3 Unsure = 7 Other = 2
Are your team’s and overall department’s goals and values measurable? How do you gauge quarterly or annual success? What are the three biggest challenges facing your team? What are a few recent big wins for your department? What is ONE thing that would make your engagement with the department increase by a large margin? These open-ended questions will not have each answer read aloud, but rather main themes and commonalities shared.
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
THE PRESS ROOM You will be broken into your divisions and tasked with designing your divisions perfect press briefing for all staff.
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
Stretch your legs after stretching your minds.
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
WHAT STANDS IN THE WAY We will ask for 10 participants to read the 10 things that leaders identified as getting in the way of their organizations. After these have all been read we will start a conversation about whether we think any of these show up on these teams and in this group and in which ways. We will make sure everyone has the same understanding of each of these sentences. We will then ask everyone to select up to three they believe show up the most and then we will turn and learn. Turn and Learn: People will write their answer down and all at once we flip them over. This will hopefully prevent the bandwagon and halo effect.
Based on 10+ years of research by Brené Brown, PHD, LMSW
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
Participants will be asked to move around the space and without speaking read the values on people’s namebadges. After doing this for a few minutes, each person will be asked to share their value again, and tell a story about how they live their values OR how they have witnessed someone else leaning into theirs.
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
What is one thing that could change about your role, your environment, your processes etc. that would make your work experience a lot better? Write it down and we will then turn and learn.
TEAM BUILDING AND STRATEGIC VISIONING City of Newport Beach Finance Department
Closing questions, comments and determine next steps.
Knowledge is only rumor until it lives in the bones.
Questions, Comments, Concerns? Email: