3 minute read

The Need and Benefits of Workplace Zen

By: Marcie Anderson | Corporate Wellness Consultants | http://www.corporate-wellnessconsultants.com

Zen is a word that is elusive in its ability to be succintly understood and its benefits.


Zen is enlightenment through the most direct possible methods. Society’s workplace is in desperate need of this thing that we call Zen. There is a painful aching need for peace within. Peace is a powerful, organic force desired by everyone, and it is the foundation needed to create success, joy, and love. What is true inner peace? Can it be attained, and by what means?

Stress and anxiety levels have reached alarming proportions and continue to rise.

Over 40 million adults suffer from unmanageable stress levels, and there’s no indication with the way things are going, that what’s on the horizon communicates any real remedy. In the past five years, stress levels have increased. The hard question to ask is, ‘Why?’ High levels affect individuals and entire organizations alike. Should the focus be on reducing stress and anxiety or on the prevention of them? Both.

Humans have four (basic) qualities; physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

A balanced human being has fluctuating but equal levels in these four qualities. An unbalanced human being is grossly out of alignment in more than one quality, if not in all at the same time. It’s not difficult to see that dealing with high levels of stress can and often trigger new additional waves of anger, grief, guilt, low self-esteem, and fear, which in turn snowballs into more significant amounts of stress.

It is essential to access a service that addresses both acute and chronic challenges, to help right now and at the moment.

Gradually, the basics evolve into a positive forward momentum that is noticeable, palpable, like being able to hit the ‘reset’ button for your life but in real-time. My coaching specializes in bringing a complex field of study and practice directly to you in a variety of offerings to best serve individuals and organizations collectively. You wouldn’t put a simple bandaid on an ulcer, much like you wouldn’t put a coat of paint on a cracked foundation, pretending it’s going to help. People react and handle stress in different ways, and unfortunately, more times than not, the outcome is not good and is harmful and hurtful to themselves and others. Every moment of your life, you have many choices. How will you begin to choose differently so that a brand new outcome will result?

There is a direct correlation to nature and our four basic human qualities; physical relates to the earth, emotional relates to fire, mental relates to water, and spiritual to air.

In my practice, I help by first clearing away the multiple layers of clutter by directing my clients

to the simplicity and beauty of each moment; within themselves and through nature. When you take a deep breath, slow down, and allow yourself to consider there is no “Oops” in nature, how can there be an “Oops” in you? Even if you are stuck in a negative cycle of reacting to stress and anxiety for years that has undoubtedly brought you more of what you don’t want, believe that positive change can occur more quickly than you think. Through a combination of bite-sized meditation practice and knowledge to help secure a new foothold, you’ll be well on your way to a much more enjoyable, peaceful, and inspired life.

The benefits of meditation and establishing or expanding upon an existing practice read like film credits at the end of a movie. I will name a few.

Positive benefits of meditation:

Improved concentration, memory, and creativity Weakens/lowers negative emotions Extends mental space Cultivates greater awareness Increases hope Promotes non-judgment and peaceful observation Promotes happiness Improved productivity and performance Psychosocial well-being Promotes emotional intelligence and motivation Promotes relaxation and peace Positively benefits occupational innovativeness and development

In a time where there are high levels of fear that feed stress, anger, anxiety, and poor sleep and health issues, there is an even greater remedy. It is one thing to talk about ‘someday’ or ‘tomorrow’ when wishing to create change. But talking about making steps towards reducing and preventing negative and harmful things like stress, talk is cheap and will do nothing. Action is required. That action is inward, silent, peaceful. Welcome to meditation.

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