3 minute read


By: Ray Sylvain | CEO of SignOnTheGO, LLC| https://signonthego.us

Boca Raton, Fla – May 29, 2020 – COVID-19, a global pandemic that has drastically impacted all global industries, especially small businesses. In the end, although the damage is severe, it must be harnessed to create new opportunities.


The past few months have been devasting for the entire world. Businesses’ doors shut. Most of the population quarantined—companies like SignOnTheGo frozen in time. Layoffs are looking large. Trillions of dollars of global market value lost. What can a small business like SignOnTheGo do to protect its future? sition to increase telecommuting of millions of employees, presents enormous risks to information security. Currently, cyber threats are now more prevalent. Another threat is the leak of personal data. These current urgent issues with the need for securing remote access to information system resources and infrastructure stability will continue to grow.

The outbreak of COVID-19 has created tremendous network

In recent years, the popularity of blockchain technology has been developing rapidly in many industries.

This technology continues to show excellent opportunities in the following areas: in the field of healthcare, for cross-border payments, remote voting, a solution for Forex trading, platforms for small and medium businesses, the network of air cargo. Blockchain is one of the most suitable systems for storing any information to date.

As the pandemic persists and continues to create a new reality, we see new opportunities

loads, which lead to short-term malfunctions in some cases.

that will increase the importance of SignOnTheGo through the continued development of its Blockchain Technology implementation. Many network providers have been forced to

As witnessed, one of the significant

proximately thirty-three percent (33%). One

impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic

of the solutions to this problem was to block

is online services such as virtual

high-definition video streams around the world.


Also, every day we see an increasing need for workflow optimization. This pandemic, along with universal quarantine, prompted many companies to increase the usage of the electronic document processing workflow model.

It should also be noted that the recent tran

handle the increase of traffic volumes by ap

schooling, which has become

SignOnTheGo will use this opportunity to continue improving the next level of document security as the first layer of authentication.

SignOnTheGo will use the biggest in the blockchain game to strengthen the document authentication process: Bitcoin. The size and stability of this network are most in line with SignOnTheGo’s goal to provide a secure and immutable method of authenticating documents-beyond what digital signatures can provide.

Every document is encrypted and written to the Bitcoin Blockchain Network. A user simply needs to click the link in the audit trail of their executed document and upload the document they wish to verify. The document hash is compared to the hash on the blockchain and authenticated immediately.

These three components, coupled with a complete document editing history and audit trail, are the foundation of SignOnTheGo’s superior document security foundation. SignOnTheGo uses only advanced technologies; any attempt of fraudulent activity will be eradicated.

To see an example of using blockchain technology on an electronic signature platform, visit https://signonthego.us

. SignOnTheGo is an e-signature platform dedicated to helping our community. We are currently offering free e-signature plans to all businesses impacted by the COVID-19 virus.

If you are interested in learning about how SignOnTheGo can help your organization with their remote work challenges, contact us at info@SignOnTheGo.us.

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