Smar Company Profile (English Version)

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SMAR year 38

SMAR, Year 38 2012, SMAR turns 38. Thirty eight years exploring the future. The passion for what we do, the tireless search for excellence and the strong commitment with persons and the environment have always been part of our history. Throughout these years, many were the conquests: we started modestly, with plenty of will and audacity, and today we are leaders in automation, setting out presence in over 95 countries, as a world reference in fieldbus technology. These conquests were achieved with boldness, determination and the most cherished values: traits that inspired us along our existence. Our beginning, in 1974, was simple, with just a small number of employees, a case of tools and the willpower to succeed. This feature prompted SMAR to grow and become a company that goes beyond boundaries and is present in the 5 continents. 38 years in which SMAR, boosted by the strength of its workforce, grew and supplies to the market the most sophisticated automation and control technology. With innovative ideas, SMAR became a worldwide provider of automated equipment to the sugar and ethanol sector. Always young and energetic, it offers state-of-the-art products to all industrial segments, shaping the world of automation and control to an extent and depth never imagined even by its founders. A company witha great deal of decisiveness and creativity, SMAR, fully conscious of its role, also generates thousands of direct and indirect jobs, voluntarily providing benefits to its clients and the community in social, environmental and cultural matters. In these 38 years we dared technologically, contributed to the world technical development, made our clients more competitive, formed qualified professionals, innovated in the international automation and control market, created and produced chips, surpassed 1000 employees, supplied technology to our competition, believing in the potential of our staff, and became a world reference in modern industry. There´s a lot more to come. We hope this portfolio may give you an idea of what SMAR is and invite you to visit our web site for details: www.smar. com With best regards,

Mauro Sponchiado President


Core Business

VISION Being a Company of Enterprise Automation with strong international performance and the leader in Brazil, facilitating the sustainable growth of our Customers around the World with only advantages and benefits proportionate by our talents, innovative technology and products, acting in a safe and profitable way with social and environmental responsibility.

MISSION Providing the world’s automation market with comprehensive, advanced, practical, robust and cost-effective products and solutions. 03

SMAR Worldwide

SMAR has 10 subsidiaries strategically located and a product distribution network in over 95 countries through companies specializing in Instrumentation and Control.

Expertise The history of SMAR is oriented to the application and management of solutions in automation and control. About 16% of its employees work in R&D laboratories in Brazil and US. Over 30% of its employees have undergraduate and graduate degrees in addition to technical experts in several areas, which make SMAR a global reference for industrial network technology. 04

Company Profile

Patents - Innovation and Results SMAR, through its commitment to creating innovative and high technology products, gained recognition in dozens of patents.


Major innovations and achievements 2011: Prototypes of Wireless and Remote I/O (WIO)

2010: First Foundation Fieldbus HSE/AS-i Controller

2009: First Foundation Fieldbus HSE/DeviceNet Controller

2008: FF-SIS – First FOUNDATION fieldbus SIS instrumentation prototype; First FOUNDATION fieldbus HSE flow computer. First Foundation Fieldbus HSE/WirelessHART Controller

2007: 400 Series – High-performance devices More than 2 million ASICs produced

2006: OPC-UA and EDDL - First convergent prototype for these two technologies.

2005: DFI302 – Multiprotocol fieldbus controller SYSTEM302 – First control system based on fieldbus multiprotocol architecture fully standardized SMAR assumes presidency of PROFIBUS Latin America. SMAR is considered the largest Brazilian automation industry, according to a research of American Chamber - AMCHAM.

FB4050 - FOUNDATION fieldbus/Profibus PA Communication Controller, low power consumption and advanced features such as math coprocessor and LCD driver. 2004: FR302 - First fieldbus relay. TM302 - First FOUNDATION fieldbus tank measurement system

2003: DC302 - World’s first device with FFB. 2002: The Fieldbus age. FC302 - World’s first FOUNDATION fieldbus flow computer

2001: SMAR Albert F. Sperry Award. The first book about fieldbus “Fieldbuses for process control”. First web based asset management.

HI302 - World’s first HART® to FOUNDATION fieldbus interface DC302 - IAN Magazine Excellence Awards 2000: First registered HSE device

1999: American Automatic Control conference. First fieldbus mobile training center. First line of PROFIBUS PA field devices, profile V3.0

1998: SYSTEM302 version 4.0, a complete system for industrial automation. FF Beta Test. Syncrude Trial. Sira Field Trial

1997: Communication stack registered. FY302 – Product Recognition Award from Control Engineering magazine. Daishowa - First fieldbus interoperable production installation.

1996: Fieldbus H1 profile finalized.

1995: FF Alpha Test. Donation of fieldbus system to ISA’s training center. 1994: First commercial fieldbus plant. LD302 Product Recognition Award from Control Engineering magazine.

1993: Pressure transmitter ISP/WorldFIP.

1992: First chip fieldbus. FB1050 World’s first fieldbus chip. BP field trial IEC/SP 50 test. SP50 demonstration at the Interkama.

1987: Fieldbus standardization studies.

1984: First PC based supervisory control and data acquisition system.


Company Profile

Development of tecnologies

Over the last 20 years SMAR has significantly contributed to the development and standardization of the technology for automation.

Tests and fieldbus prototypes

SMAR provided technical support and equipment for the construction and the certification of the first PROFIBUS Competence Centre of Latin America. Demonstration of Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) technology in FOUNDATION fieldbus instruments, at Shell Global Solutions Shell Global Solutions exhibition in Amsterdam.

Fieldbus brings to the industrial environments the same

SMAR has always been and continues to be “First in Fieldbus.� Not only in support, but also in the development of this technology. SMAR has proven this to me many times since I have started using their equipment in 1996, that they have an exceptional group of engineers who quickly develop concepts into quality products and solutions. Ian Verhappen, MTL - Director of Industrial Networking Technologies

advantages and easiness of operation that computer networks brought to the offices in the recent years. Fieldbus is a digital network that interconnects field instruments, such as transmitters, controllers and actuators with each other and the host computer. Advanced features in hardware and software make it robust, reliable, safe, powerful, elegant and easy to install and use. 07

Participation in Standardization Institutes

“The great experience that SMAR has in FOUNDATION fieldbus in particular will strengthen the range of process automation solutions that we can offer to our customers world wide.” Mr. Klaus Endress, CEO and Group’s chief operating officer - Endress+Hauser


Company Profile

Successful Cases Cosan / Jataí Cosan is the third largest sugar producer, the fifth largest ethanol producer in the world, and one of the world’s largest ethanol exporters. Founded in 1936 in Brazil, Cosan has now 23 production facilities, 21 in São Paulo State, one in the city of Jataí (Goiás State) and another one in Caarapó (Mato Grosso do Sul State). Its crushing capacity is today about 60 million tons, with participation of 10% in the Brazilian market share. It also operates four refineries and two

I/O points distributed between PROFIBUS PA transmitters and

sea port terminals.

PROFIBUS DP equipment.

The Jataí unit has a crushing capacity of 4 million tons and

Grupo Cosan has worked in partnership with SMAR for more

produces about 370 thousand cubic meters of hydrous ethanol and

than 20 years. The sugar and ethanol process know-how and

105 MW of electric energy, using up to 28 MW. All of the excess

the habitual commitment to its customers, made SMAR a natural

energy is sold through a consortium.


The Jataí unit, currently the world’s most modern, selected the Guaranteed Results

SYSTEM302 as a solution for its process control, considering the guarantee of technical support provided by SMAR for all stages of the plant life cycle. Another requirement was an open automation

With SYSTEM302 functionalities, the plant can be controlled

platform that supports the modern automation technologies and

directly from the Control Room, providing more production

was adopted worldwide, allowing with a long life cycle for the plant.

flexibility and reducing field interventions. Plant safety is increased with the reduction of field operators, reducing the possibility of

The friendly system operation, easy diagnosis and maintenance

human failure. The system is designed to act safely, so in case of

were also factors that played a major role in the choice, which

failure, the system ensures a high degree of protection to the plant.

allowed a rapid training of its operators. The plant has 2500


Petrobras Petrobras Library Pictures

The world’s first FOUNDATION fieldbus system on an offshore application is situated in Campos Basin area in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. At this platform known as “Namorado 1”, or PNA-1, Petrobras concentrates the natural gas shipments to the continent. Its daily production capacity is 40 thousand barrels of oil and 3 million m3 of gas. The installed system measures natural gas pressure and flow, besides to control the compressors and Hydraulic Unit for testing wells. It operates with a network connecting the field devices and the operation stations in a control room. This platform is responsible to control the gas pipelines from Roncador, Marlim-S, Cabiunas, Marlim PCH-1 Namorado 2. Fieldbus technology was chosen due to its easy integration of all data generated by the system instruments, and its modern architecture, with distributed control located inside field devices. As apart from providing much more information very fast and most reliably, it also brings down costs of cables, cable trays, installation and maintenance. The time spent in installations is also significantly reduced. The project uses the SYSTEM302 with hundreds devices

of HSE (High Speed Ethernet) technology using SYSTEM302 on

connected to DFI302 - Fieldbus Universal Bridges in redundancy.

this platform, which is also the first installation in the world on a

In the Control Room there is a provision for two Operation Stations

platform of H1 Fieldbus.

and two Engineering Stations connected through an Ethernet fiber optic network.

SMAR coordinated the project and also supplied all Field Devices, Control Hardware and Software.

SMAR also achieved the first commercial installation in the world

OIL & GAS 10

Company Profile

CFE - Comisión Federal de Eletricidad

CFE - Comisión Federal de Electricidad is the body responsible

Applied also on Unit 3, SYSTEM302 today supports 616 MW

for the generation of energy in Mexico. Currently, it has seven

generation capacities by the Mazatlán units. In addition, Punta

units that use SYSTEM302.

Prieta thermo-electric station, located in the city of La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico, adopted the new SYSTEM302 on its three

The first fieldbus system installed in Mexico started its operations

units automated by SMAR. A total 113 MW is generated by the

on the Mazatlan Thermo-electric Energy Plant located in

power plant.

northeastern part of the country. A high-pressure boiler that produces 600 t/h of steam at 150 kgf/cm2 powers this unit.

Also in México, in Guaymas, Sonora, the Carlos Rodríguez Rivero

The following loops were involved: air pressure master control,

thermo-electric (Guaymas II) facility installed SYSTEM302 on

combustion control (crossed limits), two air dampers with a balance

its Unit 4, to produce a total 150 MW. SYSTEM302 has totally

station, oxygen adjustment, 3-element pipe level control, power

automated the unit boiler, with thousands of connected I/O points.

water flow control, deaerator level control, feed forward steam

450 field devices are connected to several units automated by

flow and LC700 interlocking and alarms.

the system, with control loops producing approximately 880 MW.

This system has worked continuously for more than 36 months, without stops or other problems, ensuring 50 percent cost reduction compared to a traditional DCS/PLC. In 1998, after establishing SYSTEM302´s performance, a second system was installed on the Unit 2 plant. With the same capability and control loops, the new SYSTEM302 exceeded expectations. It operated exactly as the first system, but with a new record installation time period: one week. Up until now, neither of the two systems has required maintenance.


Binzhou Chemical Group that the use of Fieldbus improved diagnostic capabilities, reduced plant operating costs, minimized the effort required for the control system configuration, installation and commissioning. Because of the success on the boiler, BCG selected a Fieldbus-based solution to automate the PO plant. Unlike the boiler application, the PO plant presents a number of difficult control challenges, such as being extremely corrosive, highly toxic and highly explosive. The Fieldbus system has met such important technical criteria to enable proactive maintenance. The features such as intrinsic safety, system redundancy, simplified safety and wiring, and remote instrument diagnostics all are part of the maintenance characteristics. Installation of the Fieldbus-based control system was completed in November 1999. The redundant system installed allowed operation with high availability, where different paths of the control network to the operator are automatically switched on failure. This recipe for success paved the way for subsequent upgrades with version 7 of SYSTEM302 in 2007, with the adoption of the High Speed Ethernet network as the automation backbone, while maintaining the supervision via OPC. Binzhou Chemical Group (BCG), located in Binzhou, Shandong Province, one of China’s major chemical producers, was formed in

Best of all, system commissioning is achieved with “plug-and-play”

the late 1960’s and operates several production facilities including

simplicity because field devices are automatically detected at the

a refinery, a chlor-alkli plant, a power plant, and a Propylene Oxide

time they are connected.

(PO) plant. These plants center around 2 main product categories: petrochemical products and specialty chemicals.

The company’s experience demonstrates that Fieldbus’ robust device diagnostics improve predictive maintenance, and in doing

BCG previously installed Fieldbus on a boiler control project and

so, minimize costly downtime. The use of standardized Fieldbus

used SYSTEM302 to control the system. This project assured

programming and function block languages simplifies training, and



Company Profile

allows regulatory control strategies to be developed in much less time. Because Fieldbus enables regulatory control to be performed in field devices, fewer centralized controllers are required on the PO process. The technology also provides substantial reductions in I/O, and supports smaller, more efficient supervisory control architecture. The SYSTEM302 has been providing continuous, reliable control performance since its commissioning and start-up.

Customer Testimonial: “Fieldbus is cost-effective, simple, powerful, reliable, and a lot more. A traditional DCS system simply loses out to the virtues of a Fieldbus systems in nearly all aspects.� Mr. Niu Qi, Vice-President - Binzhou Chemical Company


Cognis (Formerly Henkel) Cognis S.A, German company leader in specialty chemicals, has a plant located in Jacareí, São Paulo, that produces raw material for Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industry from vegetal oil. It processes 20t/d of vegetal oil. The SYSTEM302 is controlling the sterilization process, reactor, distillation towers, vacuum system, tanks level, and product stock. The Batch Control is performed in conjunction of the field devices and LC700 - Programmable Controller exchanging data through the Fieldbus module installed in the Programmable Controller, but that is also part of the Fieldbus network. The Programmable Controller also is responsible for the interlock system, and transportation for raw material and others products necessary for the plant. It is an interoperable system where SMAR Field devices as LD302

The plant has 212 Fieldbus devices, 2 I/O servers, 3 operation’s

- Pressure Transmitters, TT302 – Temperature Transmitters,

station, and over 930 I/O points. There are up to 16 devices per

FI302 - Fieldbus to Current Converters, FY302 - Valve Positioner

bus. The control strategies implemented by this system include

and IF302 - Current to Fieldbus Converters are connected at the

Feed back, Feed forward, Split ranges, Override, Cascade Control

same bus with 19 Vortex Flow meters from a third party supplier.

totally performed by the field devices.


Company Profile

Corning Incorporated Corning Incorporated is the world’s largest producer of glass fiber for telecommunications. In 1997, Corning decided to build a modern new facility in Midland, NC. The plant located near Charlotte, NC began producing fiber in the spring of 1999. The control system technology, chosen for this facility, was to be the most advanced in the world. Corning chose SMAR SYSTEM302 to be the backbone of this new facility. With the successful start-up in 1999, Corning’s production needs continued

of the segment there is a DF63. These controllers send their data

to grow. In December 1999 Corning decided to expand the

to redundant data servers. The next step was to include redundant

Concord facility, doubling its capacity making it the largest plant

Ethernet switches and 16 operator consoles. These terminals the

of this type in the world. SMAR SYSTEM302 would control this

plant is seen as a continuous application.

new addition to the plant. The control strategies implemented by this system include Feed In 2007, the entire FOUNDATION fieldbus system was updated to

back, Feed forward, Split ranges, Override, Cascade Control totally

version 7 of SYSTEM302, DF63-based controller. The time taken

performed by the field devices.

for this change was only three weeks, including configuration, firmware and hardware update. The plant has over 500 Fieldbus devices (such as TT302 Temperature Transmitters, FI302 - Fieldbus to Current Converter and IF302 - Current to Fieldbus Converter), 16 redundant servers, 24 operation stations and over 2,600 I/O discrete points running over the Fieldbus system. One unique feature of the system is that it is designed for full redundancy to prevent any single failure to stop the process. Each Fieldbus segment is powered from both ends of the bus using redundant DF52 - Power Supply for Fieldbus. Also, on each end



Deten Deten Química S.A., located in the Camaçari petrochemical area, Bahia, Brazil, produces Linear Al qui l benzene (LAB). L AB i s the basic raw material used for detergents. Deten was one the first manufacturers in the world to install and operate a Fieldbusbased control system, even before the Fieldbus final standard was established. All of Deten’s production comes from two identical plants. At the time Fieldbus technology was installed, both plants were 15 years old and a large part of the

more than 12 months, Deten undertook its largest project in

instrumentation was still pneumatic. The Deten chemical process

1996, one that increased the number of Fieldbus devices. The

requires a high degree of reliability and flexibility, as well as both

equipment included pressure and temperature transmitters,

short- and long-term economical benefits. The operation involves

current-to-Fieldbus converters, Fieldbus pressure converters and

critical applications such as reactors, batches, and boiler and

programmable controllers with Fieldbus communication modules.

compressor control.

This project made the company 100% controlled by Fieldbus

In December 1994, Deten commissioned a Fieldbus pilot project to

The plant has been designed for total redundancy in order to

partially test the technology on its facilities. The controls upgrade

prevent any failure from interrupting the process; there are several

involved the addition of a process optimization unit to one of

redundancy levels that permit safe operation without interruption.

the plants, as well as a digital control system based on SMAR

In addition, triple-redundancy devices are installed on critical

intelligent transmitters and multi-loop controllers. There were 63

control loops, and safety and status information are exchanged

fieldbus compatible equipment installed and 43 control loops.

between PLCs, including, for example, the watchdog timer.

The second unit also received an optimization unit, but it was

In 1997, SMAR gave a presentation on the use of the Internet to

implemented with Fieldbus technology from the beginning. The

monitor chemical plants at a World Conference on Fieldbus held in

installation encompassed thousands of field devices, including

São Paulo, Brazil. SMAR used a dial-up connection supplied by an

pressure transmitters, temperature transmitters, flow equipment,

access provider. It was necessary to establish an account with this

level measuring equipment, conventional signal converters to

provider, and install a fax-modem and computer configuration. The

Fieldbus and approximately 800 I/O discrete conventional points.

application consisted primarily on a computer-server connected

Plant supervision was distributed among 12 operator stations.

directly to the field equipment, and a computer client installed on the SMAR kiosk. The application demonstrated features such as

On the basis of the successful execution of this project over


remote maintenance, diagnostics and operation, and process


Company Profile

integration. It showed how information offered by Fieldbus could

planning, was implemented with 207 field devices using Modbus/

be easily transmitted over the Internet, thus enabling remote

TCP for communication between the FOUNDATION bridges and

maintenance. The integration of Internet technology with Fieldbus

field PLCs via the Ethernet network.

control improves the administration of process operations. With this capability, plant employees may check process variables,

In 2007, Deten II was updated to include over 600 field instruments.

execute real-time maintenance and monitor supervisory screens.

This project introduced an integrated architecture concept through HSE networks, with alarms generated on H1 devices connected

For Deten, the project cost reduction and installation/startup

to HSE linking devices (DF63) and signals sent directly to the

improvements provided by Fieldbus delivered significant

interlocking logic implemented on HSE Controllers (DF75). The

economical gains. The company calculated overall savings of 32 to

result was a control architecture that was much simpler and

45 percent on the project. This included approximately 97 percent


cost saving on cables. Other savings were realized through the Future planning includes the installation of additional field devices

reduction of cable trays and panel costs.

on Deten I sectors with the same philosophy one that will complete In 2000, Deten devised a plan to implement FOUNDATION fieldbus

the entire plant integration.

to ensure that the system would work until 2006, when installation

To Deten management, project cost and time reductions, combined

of the final project was to start. This system employed a new

with improvements in documentation supervision and process

interlocking philosophy based on HSE. The primary goal was to

data, were immediately apparent with Fieldbus technology. As

guarantee the system reliability.

the system started operating, overall reliability and reductions in maintenance costs were also substantiated. This immediately

In 2004, the plant’s Sulfonation area, the first phase of the

improved production technical indices.

Customer Testimonial: “The Fieldbus System version ISP-50 was a pioneer at DETEN, as it also pioneered in the world. In spite of the difficulties involving the implementation of an entirely new system, it was successfully carried out with a lot of zeal and a lot of work by DETEN and SMAR partnership. Its performance, reliability and operational continuity are excellent, beyond expectations, and we no longer have problems such as freezing, communication errors, loss of information, etc. The ISP-50 reduced our operational loss and maintenance costs. It was surely the right investment and made us very pleased!” Alexandre Pessoa, Instrumentation Engineer - DETEN “The Fieldbus System installed by SMAR in our factory at Camaçari - Bahia is a complete success. In addition to reducing our operational losses and maintenance costs, it significantly contributed to the improvement of our product quality. Regarding our productivity, SMAR fieldbus has given our personnel a great professional motivation, making it possible for us to put in operation the Advanced Process Control and have other gains”. Eng. Luiz Petersen - DETEN Instrumentation and Electrical Coordinator.


Ilustred Picture


SMAR made a partnership with Krohne/Conaut to supply equipment with the Profibus PA protocol, that included the configuration, to revamp the Resin Plant of the Paints Unit of Glasurit (BASF group), located in S達o Bernardo do Campo, SP. This is the largest installation with Profibus PA technology in Brazil. The SMAR Profibus PA series was launched in October of 1999 at Interkama, Dusseldorf, Germany, in response to European market request, where this protocol is stronger. The superior quality and functionality of the SMAR transmitters were recognized by the German company headquarters that now standardized its pressure and temperature transmitters with the SMAR brand in an unprecedented contract in the history of Brazilian Automation reaching thousands of units in a few years.


Company Profile

Banatski Dvor

The plant for underground gas extraction, injection and production

technologies instead of proprietary protocols. Furthermore the

at the Banatski Dvor gas reservoir, at the North of Serbia, is an

control system should integrate legacy subsystems running the

example of how the SYSTEM302 is capable of yielding results

compressor control and the HART instrumentation. Integration

in the most adverse situations. The unfavorable weather and the

with the HIMA emergency shutdown system was also a customer

potentially explosive atmosphere are known variables that are best

requirement as well the support for a Daniel custody transfer

handled with fieldbus technology and intrinsically safe equipment.


The injection capacity can reach 7 million m3/day and a10 million

The project used instrumentation from other suppliers, attesting

m /day production. The main benefit of the project is the increase

to the interoperability of FOUNDATION fieldbus technology within

of injection during Summer, taking advantage of low gas prices, to

the SYSTEM302. The benefits also covered the operational and

reduce the electrical power consumption during Winter.

maintenance phases, using the Asset Management AssetView,


which allows remote access via Internet. The choice of the SYSTEM302 was based on the use of standard

“During installation, commissioning and operation SMAR SYSTEM302 on underground gas storage Banatski Dvor project has proven to be a reliable system suitable for distributed control and for simple system expansion (especially for the plant construction phase), and easy to configure. In particular I would like to point out that SYSTEM302 proved to be interoperable with Emerson instrumentation, Allen Bradley SLC500, HIMA F35 and Wonderware Intouch. And also, that FOUNDATION fieldbus brings freedom to choose and power to integrate. SMAR AssetView is easy to use for maintenance, diagnostic and remote configuration of equipment. SMAR engineers provide not just prompt technical assistance but permanent system support�. Mr. Miodrag Pramenko, Serbia Gas Control System and Instrumentation Engineer Leader



Rhodia is a world leader in the development and production of

ISP50 was the choice based on two main factors: economic

specialty chemicals. Operating in Brazil since 1919, the company

feasibility, which would include the project within the approved

provides value-added products and high-performance solutions

budget; and the strong previous partnership with SMAR, the

to diversified markets, including automotive, electronics, perfume,

national company that introduced Fieldbus technology in

health & beauty and home care, through its six global enterprises.

Brazil, namely, ISP50 and later FOUNDATION fieldbus H1/HSE.

Rhodia leads the world in the production of mild amphoteric surfactants, phosphorus chemistry and guars and derivatives,

Manzano indicated that several key aspects, such as the

as well as high-performance silica, rare earth-based

time available for the migration between both systems, was

formulations and diphenols. Rhodia is also number two

vital for the undertaking, and listed the benefits gained as:

globally in polyamides and the number three producer •

of cellulose acetate tow. Additionally, the company is

Ease of maintenance due to the centralization of procedures in a single workstation, reducing field

recognized as the major sulfuric acid regenerator in the U.S.

interventions; As one of the first companies to implement the

Faster identification of failures;

Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol,

Reduced time per intervention;

Rhodia is at the forefront of combating climate change.

Increased volume of information for diagnostics and control;

Located in Paulinia, São Paulo, Brazil, Rhodia selected

Increased plant availability through the distribution of control for field devices and the use of advanced

advanced Fieldbus protocols to optimize its processes.

resources, such as the master backup; According to Rhodia senior maintenance engineer Ronaldo

Fewer trips to the field by instrument technicians;

Sergio Novaes Manzano, the most qualified technologies

Expanded process visibility.

available at the time were DCS or Fieldbus technology. Fieldbus



Company Profile

Other decisive factors in choosing Fieldbus technology were

11 Rhodia plants used pneumatic controls. The modernization

noted by Rhodia Senior Engineering Technical Assistant Hamilton

now encompasses all of the solvent units. “Today, all of

Roberto Baldo. He stated that for every plant operation there

our units are stable and reliable,” said Baldo. “Thanks to

was a corresponding improvement, such as the refinement

integration, the units are interconnected and exchange data

of information at the supervisory level. With Fieldbus, each

considerably improving our operation with more efficient

device provides its own status on monitoring screens, and

control and increased data and diagnostics.” Baldo added,

complementary technologies like OPC complete the solution.

“The cost per loop is lower and the units are more competitive,

In the project area, the volume of documentation, wiring and

while the increase in information from the plant makes it

accessories was dramatically reduced. The control room layout

possible for us to make faster and more efficient decisions.”

was also optimized (smaller cabinets, etc.), as well as the use of equipment from other suppliers to strengthen interoperability.

Rhodia is currently implementing one more plant that will adopt F OUNDATION fieldbus HSE and is projecting new investments in the technology during the near future.

Before the new automation technology was implemented, the

Customer Testimonial: “The main advantages of SYSTEM302 are its low implementation cost and the maintenance diagnostic. In addition to SMAR’s high quality of service.” Mr. Hamilton Baldo, Senior Instrumentation Technician - Rhodia


Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station was the first nuclear plant to be built and operated by Duke Energy. The facility, located on Keowee Lake in Seneca, South Carolina, has provided safe, reliable and cost-effective energy to customers in South Carolina and North Carolina since 1973. Since startup, the Oconee Station has generated more than 500 million megawatts/hour the first American nuclear station to reach this figure. With the capability of generating approximately 2.6 million kilowatts, it is one the largest nuclear power facilities in the U.S. and the second nuclear plant to have its license revalidated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Committee for 20 years. During the process of revalidating its license, Duke Energy searched for new technologies to replace its outdated pneumatic control equipment. For the utility area of its three nuclear station reactors, Duke selected F OUNDATION fieldbus from all of the existing alternative solutions. SMAR was chosen to supply the SYSTEM302 control system due to its expertise in implementing F OUNDATION fieldbus systems, as well as its ability to meet Duke’s plant customization requirements. The SYSTEM302 provided for each reactor has a redundant

In addition to the SMAR solution, the Duke Energy

control system employing SMAR’s Model DF62 FOUNDATION

reactors use F OUNDATION fieldbus equipment from other

fieldbus HSE controllers. The system architecture was designed

manufacturers, thus taking advantage of the interoperability

for over 500 devices in the channel. The technology and

resources made available by SYSTEM302 and eliminating the

controllers were also selected to allow for future plant expansion.

dependence on a single supplier of technology and equipment.

Besides redundancy on the SMAR HSE controllers for

Each reactor counts on an OPC server and switch

each control loop, the Fieldbus system has field equipment

r e d u n d a n c y, w i t h f o u r o p e r a t i n g t e r m i n a l s - t h r e e

configured as masters. In the event of a triple failure and

stations (one engineering and two operational), and one

loss of the fieldbus processors, only the supervisory station

database SQL server for data history storage and alarms.

will be lost resulting in no interruption in field control. Since 2005, the reactor control loops utilizing F OUNDATION fieldbus have added field equipment such as LD302 - pressure transmitters, TT302 - temperature transmitters, FI302 Fieldbus to current, FP302 - pressure converters, and FR302 - Fieldbus relays, eliminating the old pneumatic equipment.


Company Profile

On each reactor, SYSTEM302 has an advanced diagnostic system

The control strategy implemented for each reactor is entirely distributed

that, combined with the SMAR DC302 feature (FOUNDATION

in the field. It includes PID control loops, indication, conversion of

fieldbus remote input and output), localizes and identifies

Fieldbus signals to pressure and current, and interlocking with the

failures on each HSE controller, H1 Fieldbus power supply,

use of the FR302 (Fieldbus relay) to turn on/off pumps and motors.

and HSE controller power supply. SYSTEM302 also reports on the availability of every point supervised by the system

Satisfied with the technology and the quality of supply and

and indicates temperature levels inside the cabinets. The

diagnostics, which provide easy maintenance for each

alarms and diagnostic data are available on the supervisory

reactor, Duke Energy continues to install F OUNDATION

system and through audio-visual signals in the control room.

fieldbus control loops as substitutes for its existing pneumatic control loops as part of SYSTEM302’s expansion capability.

Customer Testimonial: It is with great pleasure that I say SMAR is the very best control system provider I have ever been associated with in my 32 years as a Control System Engineer. Its commitment to Duke Energy and its extraordinary service to provide instruments in a quick and efficient manner are also greatly appreciated. I look forward to a long and rewarding association with SMAR. I will be making this known to all of my other associates in the Nuclear Industry. To sum it up, SMAR is absolutely one to the very best.” Willard H. Killough, Jr. – Project Engineer


Santelisa Vale Bioenergia S/A

The merger with Santelisa Valle and Louis Dreyfus Commodities

Since March 1997, when the system became fully operational,

(LDC), created the second largest world sugar, ethanol and bioenergy

Santa Elisa Vale has benefited from improvements in its process

company, with sugarcane crushing capacity of 40 million tons per year.

variability and productivity. Steam production went up, the process became much more stable, and the sugar cooking process

In 1997, the Santa Elisa plant started an ambitious and

had an unprecedented measure of 30% growth in productivity.

advanced automation project involving the most up-to-date control technology for the time: the first digital field network,

The system advantages were noted from plant startup

known as Fieldbus. The project included all production

through the current operation, as costs associated with

areas in the mill, which was divided into three parts: steam

maintenance and raw-material wastes were minimized.

generation, sugar production and ethanol distilling plant. With more than 5,000 nodes and thousands of SMAR PROFIBUSSMAR’s SYSTEM302 solution enabled the distribution of logic

PA devices, the automation project spans from the field level

functions and total integration of all 200 fieldbus equipment in over 5.000

to the control room interconnected on a High Speed Ethernet

I/O points connected to 20 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs).

(HSE) network through the DFI302, which will also integrate all plants in the new SYSTEM302-7 engineering environment.

A well-tailored SYSTEM302 Training Program provided complete qualification of the company’s technical team, which worked in

Santa Elisa was the first global ethanol, sugar and bioenergy

close contact with the SMAR AE group processing a large part

producer to install a complete SMAR SYSTEM302-based

of the configuration, control loops and supervisory points. Today,

automation system with continuing production excellence

the plant is monitored and operated from an integrated control

achievements throughout all stages of the project.

room with 24 operation stations and two engineering stations.


Company Profile


Pemex or lodging platforms, a.k.a. “Floating Hotels.” Each platform is

E-KU-A2 Platform Pemex’s platform E-KU-A2 is located on the KU-MALOOB-ZAAP

designed to accommodate 220 people and is connected to the

field, in Campeche, Gulf of Mexico. As the Mexican state oil

other platforms on the Campeche field by bridges.

company responsible for exploring, refining and distributing oil and

SMAR was selected to provide FOUNDATION fieldbus SDMCS

gas, Pemex is making large investments is this area of the gulf.

technology, including the integration of all fieldbus instrumentation E-KU-A2 is a linking platform, whose main function is to connect

on both platforms, as was responsible for the development of

production and housing platforms and perform treatment on

control logic equipment not supplied with proprietary packages.

extracted gas prior to storage. SMAR has participated in the project since the implementation of the SDMCP (Digital Monitoring and

The system was based on a high availability redundant

Process Control System). The automation work has included:

architecture in networks, processors and power supplies, inclusive in terms of integration with other controllers. Part of the integration

Integration of plant and instrumentation air compressors;

was accomplished on a PLC supplied by ICS Triplex. SMAR’s

Integration of drinking water treatment systems;

DFI302 served as master for the redundant Modbus TCP/IP

Integration of service water control systems;

communication with this PLC. The system architecture included

Treatment of dejected and oily water;

three operation stations and one engineering station for each

Integration with HVAC system;


Integration with SPPE (Emergency stop system);

Integration with platform control and power systems.

SMAR provided the database and OPC software for complete, interoperable integration with the ICS Triplex (HMI Panorama) supervisory controls.

For process control, Pemex utilizes SMAR’s SYSTEM302 based on the FOUNDATION fieldbus protocol to integrate a series of Fieldbus instruments and analog 4-20mA devices from several

SYSTEM302 with FOUNDATION fieldbus technology integrated

manufacturers in addition to SMAR such as ABB, Foxboro, KTEC

a variety of Fieldbus devices, analog 4-20 mA devices, and

and Fisher proving the interoperability concept.

flow transmitters with the Modbus RTU protocol from various manufacturers such as ABB, Rosemount, Fisher, Foxboro and

The entire system, including supervisory and control networks,

IF302 - Current to Fieldbus Converters. Pemex selected the

was developed by SMAR using its advanced ProcessView

DC302 to execute field discrete logic, which minimized the amount

supervisory, including the HSE network, Modbus TCP/IP, and

of cable required for each package by providing a truly distributed

the LAN network. A totally redundant architecture was developed

automation architecture.

that used redundant power supplies, processors and networks to guarantee high availability of the supplied systems.

HA-KU-M and HA-KU-S Platforms The HA-KU-M and HA-KU-S platforms were also installed on the KU-MALOOB-ZAAP field, in Campeche, Gulf of Mexico. One platform is in the MALOOB-ZAAP-S area and the other is in the MALOOB-ZAAP-M area. These installations are “Flotels,”

OIL & GAS 26

Company Profile


Awards and Recognition SMAR has received several awards and recognitions for the outstanding results in the development of the fieldbus technology.

1994: LD302 Fieldbus Pressure Transmitter - Product Recognition Award from Control Engineering magazine.

1995: Recognition for the significant time and resources devoted to bringing the advantages of ISA Membership to measurement and control professionals throughout South America and for the donation of Fieldbus instrumentation for use in ISA training programs, to SMAR and its Management.

1996: Specification Team Leader for the Fieldbus Foundation Mr. Libânio Carlos de Souza.

1996: Pressure Profile Team Leader for the Fieldbus Foundation Mr. Eugênio F. da Silva Neto

1996: Excellence in Documentation Award - “Three Views of Fieldbus in Water and Wastewater Applications” by Libânio Carlos de Souza, Edward W. Baltutis, Mark T. Hood, and Joseph Signorelli.

1997 FY302 Fieldbus Valve Positioner Product Recognition Award from Control Engineering magazine.

2000: Data Link Bridge Team Member, on the High Speed Ethernet Development Program - Mr. Libânio Carlos de Souza.


Company Profile

2000: Multiple Input/Output (MIO) Team Leader on the High Speed Ethernet Development Program - Mr. SĂŠrgio Hideki Tateishi.

2001: To the success of the High Speed Ethernet Development Program - SMAR Linking Device Development Team

2001: DT301 Density Transmitter Control Engineering Editor’s Choice.

2001: Recognition of SMAR Dedication to the Fieldbus Technology, ISA Albert F. Sperry Award

2001: First HSE registered device.

2002: IAN Magazine Excellence Awards - DC302

2003: FINEP Award for Product Innovation - AssetView

2006: Fenasucro MasterCana Award

2008: CanaSauro Prize awarded to SMAR Vice President and founder Mauro Sponchiado, in recognition to professionals who, for over 30 years, dedicated their lives to the sugar and ethanol sector.

2010: CanaSauro Prize awarded to SMAR director Eduardo Munhoz, in recognition to his dedication for over 30 years to the sugar and ethanol sector.


Product Portfolio SMAR has the world’s largest line of Fieldbus products. Pressure + Differential Pressure + Level

LD301 LD302 LD303 Differential Pressure Transmitter









Level Transmitter Sanitary connection

Transmitter with Extended Remote Seal SR301E







LD303 Diferential, Gauge, Absolute and Flanged Pressure Transmitter.

Gauge Pressure Transmitter

Absolute Pressure Transmitter

LD301 LD302 LD303




Gauge Economic Capacitive Pressure Transmitter

Transmitter with T-Type Remote Seal SR301T

Level Transmitter


Company Profile

LD301 LD301






Transmitter with sanitary connection Remote Seal SR301S

LD301 LD302 LD303 Flanged Pressure Transmitter

Transmitter with threaded Remote Seal SR301R

LD290 + Valve Manifold

LD291 LD292 LD293

Pressure Transmitter 4-20mA (manifold not included)

Pressure Transmitter

Density / Concentration Transmitters Sanitary Models

DT301 DT302 DT303 Industrial Models


Valve Positioners and Position Transmitters


FY301 FY400


FY302 FY303


Valve Positioner

Valve Positioner with self tuning

Valve Positioner with remote sensor

ACP301 TP301





Linear Pneumatic

Rotary Cilinder Actuator

Position Transmitter

Configurators and Interfaces

HART® Configurator Interface CONF401

HART® Configurator for Palm HPC401 Plus

USB HART® Interface for PC´s HI321

HART® Serial Interface HI311


Temperature TT421






Temperature Transmitter

Panel Mounting Temperature Transmitter 32

Head Mounting Temperature Transmitter

Company Profile




FP302 FP303

FOUNDATION fieldbus or

Profibus PA to pneumatic signal Converter


HART速 Modem HT2015


Programmable Logical Controller LC700

IF302 IF303 Current to FOUNDATION fieldbus or Profibus PA Converter

HART速 Modem HT2012

Digital Controller CD600Plus

FI302 FI303 Communication Controller FB2050



Universal Interface DFI302

FOUNDATION fieldbus or Profibus PA to current Converter

Communication Controller FB4050 - TQ

HART速 / FOUNDATION fieldbus Interface HI302 Communication Controller FB3050 - TQ

HART速 /Current Converter HCC301


Mathematical Coprocessor, LCD Controller and D/A Converter HT3012 - TQ


HSE/PROFIBUS Controller 1DP and 2PA

HSE/PROFIBUS Controller 1 DP and 4 PA

Instructional Pilot Plant


Auto/Manual Transfer Station AM01P


RP302 RP312 Fieldbus Reapeaters

4-20 mA

3 Ways Junction Box JM1

Current to Voltage Converter CIV200P

Manifolds and Block Valves

4-20 mA

FOUNDATION fieldbus Relay FR302

4 Ways Junction Box JM400

Signal Distributor and Isolator IS400P

FOUNDATION fieldbus FOUNDATION fieldbus and Profibus PA Bus Terminator BT302

H1 Bus Power Supply DF52

SB312 DF47 Isolated Intrinsic Safety Barriers 34

Remote I/O DC302

Company Profile

SYSTEM302 - Systems and Solutions



AuditFlow Flow Measurement System




LC700 Configurator Software CONF700 ProcessView Process Visualization Tool DeviceNet


Syscon System Configurator

CONF600Plus Configurator Software CONF600

AssetView On Line Plant Asset Management Tool

LogicView for FFB IEC61131 Programming Tool Process Equipment Database Plant Information Management 35

Segurança Intrínseca FOUNDATION FISCO

SYSTEM302 Architecture


Company Profile

Engineering and Project Most customers prefer a complete SMAR solution when acqui-

the basic system engineering. Users are natural project leaders,

ring their initial SYSTEM302. However, SMAR also partners with

as they know their process best.

integrators in various regions throughout the world who can engineer and support SYSTEM302 installations on a local basis.

Preparation and configuration of operator workstations and the

In most cases, the best approach is to let SMAR’s experienced

Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) can be done at a SMAR facility

team oversee the initial project and commissioning, while the

under the user’s supervision. System Acceptance Tests (SAT)

customer handles system installation and maintenance.

and Field Integration Tests with all the field devices are also available options.

A SMAR project group can supervise the entire job, starting from

Kickoff Meeting

Our Systems


Configuration Integration

SMAR can develop program applications executing measure-


ment, control, logic sequencing and functionality according to instructions provided in user documents. These may include flowcharts, logic diagrams, cause and effect tables, and other descriptive operational papers. The projects managed by our company are supplied with the

FAT Startup SAT

complete system documentation, including programs and configurations, connection schemes, cross reference and manuals.

SIT Evaluation

smar Service Maintenance Petrochemical Oil & Gas

Design Commissioning

Pulp & Paper


Sugar & Ethanol

ERP Steel Mining



Package Boiler Tank Gaging Water Treatment


SMAR has several groups of specialized professionals offering

selection and installation. Our project teams also specialized in

valuable contributions to various types of process control. Our

other aspects of systems engineering, such as computers, net-

company, with its dual role as system provider and device manu-

work infrastructure and wireless devices.

facturer, has comprehensive knowledge about control system

Building your own System In some cases, users prefer to develop their own automation

carry out maintenance and future updates. They can also realize

system and keep their process secret. The high degree of open-

initial savings that may be expanded from time to time. Conse-

ness and easy of use with SYSTEM302 enables the user to im-

quently, the user is better positioned to solve possible difficulties,

plement the system on their own with SMAR support.

always counting on SMAR’s recognized technical assistance on a periodic basis.

Under this scenario, the user acquires the confidence needed to


Company Profile

Today, there is a growing trend in the process industries to shor-

or based on the client’s project. We provide complete documen-

ten the period required for executing projects and starting up

tation, including manuals, inspection procedures and checklist,

plants. Experience shows that in the commissioning stage, it is

with a view to the acceptance FAT, SAT and SIT tests, compliant

common practice to involve several primary suppliers in discus-

to the IEC 62381 standard.

sions regarding project scope and responsibilities. Many times, however, the delivery, acceptance and approval of an automa-

Customer benefits are even greater when you take into account

tion system is impaired by the lack of definition of responsibilities.

the services provided by our Technical Assistance Department, such as electrical and mechanical installation for field equipment, communication networks, etc.

The choice of an automation provider capable of supervising most of the project stages avoids potential disagreements that

The high quality and reliability of SMAR products are demonstra-

may endanger the success of the undertaking.

ted in our cabinet solutions. Our broad experience can be seen To avoid these difficulties, SMAR offers expert Applications and

in thousands of cabinets in operation worldwide. Let us make

Project Engineering Departments, as well as an Assembly De-

your startup and maintenance faster, safer and more reliable.

partment that can design and build control cabinets on its own


SYSTEM302, based on the Microsoft Windows platform, provi-

SMAR provides complete packages to meet all your needs, in-

des applications and interoperability with the main digital proto-

cluding training, services, maintenance and technical support.

cols available in the Industrial Automation market.

Through our worldwide network of business and engineering offices, technical services, system integrators and sales repre-

Configuration manuals for software, hardware, installation and

sentatives, we are able to provide industry-leading technical ser-

system maintenance, together with SMAR training modules,

vices both in the field and via the Internet. This ensures a fast

enable the user to develop new projects in a clear and dynamic

and secure transfer of files and information helping to finalize


projects and services without delay.

Training Since the beginning of its involvement with Fieldbus, SMAR has

As a qualified provider of industrial automation products and ser-

been leading the promotion of this technology to users around

vices, SMAR offers trainings to meet different customer require-

the world. SMAR has donated equipment to several entities,


Universities and Technical Schools, such as ISA, Lee College, SENAI and others.

• Specification and configuration of automation systems and workstations;

Training modules cover the basic and advanced aspects of our

• Installation, configuration, operation and maintenance of field

products, as well as the protocols and technologies applied to


the project.

• Basic instrumentation for process control;

Specific training on maintenance or other activities may be con-

• Automatic process control;

ducted at our training centers in Brazil and the United States, or

• Utilities control;

at the customer’s own facility.

• Digital technologies and protocols.

Didactic Kit

The world’s first mobile training center for teaching and learning Fieldbus technology started operation in August 1999 in Brazil.

Instructional Pilot Plant 40

Company Profile

SMAR offers customers first-class technical support and services with a highly specialized, experienced team. We guarantee the maintenance of your system by supplying quality spare parts and services rapidly, in all stages of the project and plant maintenance.

Online Support We provide information and technical support via Internet at

Responses are quick, usually in less than 24 hours, via chat,, where customers can find

e-mail or telephone (except on weekends and holidays). Our su-

detailed information about SMAR products and services. Regis-

pport team is made up of qualified engineers and technicians

tered users may submit technical questions and visit the Most

who provide basic consultation and assistance for initial configu-

Frequent Asked Questions section.

rations and engineering.

Technical Assistance SMAR provides a technical assistance group on 24/7 basis. Re-

In order to better support the market, SMAR policy is to maintain

quests can be submitted by telephone: Requests can be submit-

very close contact to customers and representatives. Our pro-

ted by telephone (+ 55 16 3513-1722).

ducts are marketed worldwide by a network of SMAR subsidiaries and representatives. SMAR subsidiaries provide technical

The Technical Assistance and Support Departments provide the

and commercial support to representatives, and keep stock of

following services:

transmitters and spares for urgent requirements and service.

Electrical installations and instrumentation projects;

Execution or supervision of instrumentation and electrical installations;

Certifications for installation of analog or digital instrumentation;

Pre-commissioning and commissioning of systems;

Plant start-up, follow-up, and support;

Assistance to the project operation;

Support during plant outages for corrective, preventive and predictive maintenance;

Emergency device support and repairs;

They also offer preventive maintenance contracts for systems and field equipments.


Social Responsibility

Everyone’s Responsibility

SMAR is recognized worldwide for its determination in improving the welfare and safety of its employees and investing in the life quality of the community where it operates. Through the support of SMAR Collection, our Social Responsibility Sector, the company has been active in help constructing a more equitable and caring society. Throughout the year, actions are developed for the inclusion and socialization of poor communities and the frequent help to various local and regional charities. The funds come from the sales of the SMAR Collection shop and thematic campaigns to collect and donate clothes, toys and food, which transform the company’s units in big collecting centers and rely on the voluntary commitment of a significant number of its employees.


Company Profile

Sustainable Future

SMAR recognizes its responsibilities towards the environment

SMAR combines the best automation system and the best field

and sets its goals according to the principles of sustainable de-

equipments to improve the industrial process whenever there

velopment. SMAR synergetic values are oriented to the techno-

are natural resources, with experienced teams to better serve its

logical development, the preservation of the natural environment,

clients. It is the Brazilian technology contributing to the Planet’s

the minimization of environmental impacts, and the reduction of


raw-material spoilage.


Gallery of Applications

SMAR has Fieldbus experience in practically all industry segments in all continents.

FOOD & BEVERAGE • Evaporators • Blending and Batching • Retorts • Fermenting


SUGAR • Vacuum Pans • Mills • Boilers • Evaporators

• Mashing • Lautering • Boiling • Fermenting • Conditioning • Filtering • Filling • Pasteurisation



• Reactors • Separators • Washers • Purificators • Evaporators

• Fermentation • Extraction • Formulation • Packaging



• Boiler • Generator • Cooling Water • Cooling Tower and utility systems

• Weaving • Dyeing 44

Company Profile



• Blast Furnaces • Continuous Casting • Reheating Furnaces • Biological Waste Treatment • Annealing Lines • Sintherization

• Ore Dressing • Pyro/hydro Processing • Electrolytic Refining • Crushers • Ball Mills • Classifiers • Filters • Flotation Devices • Magnetic Separators • Calcining Kilns • Digesters • Evaporators



• Mass Preparation • Inlet Box • Bleaching • Recovering Boiler

• Platform and Pipeline • Catalytic Cracking • Distillation Columns • Blending • Reactors


• Filter Backwash • Chemical Treatment and Feed Systems • Water Pumping and Control • Remote Telemetry • Sludge Processing • Sludge Drying • Sludge Incinerator Control

• Distillation columns • Reactors • Evaporators • Heat Exchangers • Blenders • Tank farm



• Instructional Pilot Plant • Demo-kit • Automation Projects for Pilot Plant

• Glass Ovens • Suppliers •Thermic Treatment 45


Specifications and information are subject to change without notice. Up-to-date address information is available on our website.

Copyright 2011 - SMAR Equipamentos Industriais Ltda - All Rights Reserved

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