2022 Year In Review

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Executive Director’s Note


In October, we scored a big win with the unanimous Montgomery County Council vote for the Thrive 2050 General Plan. Our campaign for Thrive is illustrative of what CSG accomplishes with great staff possessing strong policy expertise and advocacy skills. The win reflects our commitment to developing relationships with decision makers, building strong partnerships with allies, and working with terrific local advocates.

You’ll see in the pages that follow the many land use, transportation, housing and environmental issues where we’ve played an important role across our region – ranging from affordable housing regionally to locally such as the Chevy Chase DC plan, advocacy for transit-oriented communities in Fairfax and Arlington, safer streets and better buses, and equitable economic development for Prince George’s.

We are particularly proud of winning the commitment of regional officials to slashing greenhouse gas emissions from transportation by 50% by 2030. Climate change is an existential challenge, and CSG will continue to lead the fight to change our land use, housing, and transportation policies to meet it. We simply cannot continue this record of success without you. So, I hope you will give generously to our end-of-year fundraising campaign!

Thank you for your support!


Thank you to these photographers for the use of their wonderful images in this report:

COVER: Hugh Kenny; x, Changemaker/Washington ULI, 25th/Hugh Kenny, Cooper at the Capitol/Joe Flood, Chevy Chase DC/DC Office of Planning, Downtown Silver Spring/Jada Thomas, Adelphi/Stantec, Huntington/Elvert Barnes, Plan Langston Boulevard/Arlington County, Rally/Action in Montgomery, Dance Loft/PNG Architects, Accessory Dwelling Unit/ Erin Kelleher, Missing Middle/Sightline Institute, Richmond Highway/Fairfax County, Bus Lane/BeyondDC, Ride On bus/MW Transit Photos,, Wiehle-Reston East/Elvert Barnes, 495/270/ urbandispute, Route 15/Marco Sanchez, Rural Crescent/Hugh Kenny, Host Committee/Hugh Kenny, Photographer/Hugh Kenny, Bike at the Potomac/Joe Flood, Flower stroll/Jeff Vincent.

Flickr photos licensed via Creative Commons or by permission via our Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool. All other photos not listed here are CSG file photos by CSG staff. For hyperlinks to the original photos on Flickr, please contact our office.


We Are Changemakers!

We were honored to be awarded the Washington Urban Land Institute Changemaker Award in June for our leadership in advocating and shaping a transit-oriented future for our region. We were particularly touched by the testimonials offered by Katie Cristol, Chair of the Arlington Board, former Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker, and John Torti of Torti Gallas + Partners.

Celebrating 25 Years!

Over 150 of you, our supporters, joined us in May for a lovely, COVID-safe rooftop celebration of CSG’s 25 years of success. It was a grand reunion after two years of virtual events. The venue, overlooking Union Station and the Capitol Building, could not have felt more appropriate for the role CSG has played in shaping the future of the region. Thank you to all of you, including our founders who attended, our board members who told our story – Dan Reed, Lee Farmer, and Rodney Harrell – and our host committee and corporate sponsors. Thank you as well to our event volunteers.

Check out their wonderful video here:
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Coalition for Smarter Growth

Our Mission

The Coalition for Smarter Growth advocates for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the Washington, D.C. region to grow and provide opportunities for all.

Working in partnership

We believe in the strength of partnerships and our victories would not be possible without our many partners across all sectors. Our current partnerships include:

Maryland Advocates for Sustainable Transportation (MAST), promoting transit and transit-oriented development (TOD) as alternatives to highway expansion.

D.C. Housing Priorities Coalition, advocating for housing and land use policies to serve the needs of D.C. residents.

Ward3Vision and Cleveland Park Smart Growth, communityled groups supporting TOD, and an inclusive Ward 3 and city.

Montgomery for All, a community-led group advocating for sustainable and inclusive land use, housing, and transit policies.

RISE Prince George’s, building a shared, sustainable prosperity in Prince George’s County by creating safe, walkable, inclusive and transit-oriented communities.

MetroNow, a business alliance campaigning for transit funding and investments.

Fairfax Healthy Communities, linking conservation, housing, climate, transportation, and racial equity organizations.

Liveable Alexandria, committed to affordable housing, TOD, transit, and safe street design.


People Before Cars, working for a walkable, bike-friendly, transit-friendly National Landing.

Capital Trails Coalition, advancing a network of equitable, connected, and low-stress multiuse trails across the DC region.

Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance, promoting healthy, sustainable and equitable communities that meet diverse housing needs.

Virginia Conservation Network, coordinating the state’s conservation movement.

Smart Growth America, Transportation for America, and National Transit Justice Coalition, national partners and coalitions working together for livable places, healthy people, shared prosperity, and safer, affordable and sustainable transportation.

What people have to say about us

“I think so highly of you and your team. One of the reasons Metro DC is THE national model of walkable urbanism is due to your efforts...seriously. Thanks for your efforts.”

— Christopher B. Leinberger, Chair of the Center for Real Estate and Urban Analysis at the George Washington University School of Business

“I cannot overstate the importance of the support you provide. It is instrumental in winning smart growth.”

— Alison Gillespie, Open Streets Montgomery

“Thank you for the work you do in our Washington DC region by promoting connecting livable neighborhoods to transit, climate change and equity issues. Your work makes our region a better place to live and grow in and our planet healthier!”

— John Francis Torti, FAIA, FCNU, Principal and Chairman, Torti Gallas + Partners | Architects of a Better World

“Your work truly is extraordinary and we are glad to play any part in supporting it.”

— Carolynn Brunette, Managing Director, Prince Charitable Trusts

Ward3Vision Wins A Local Planning Award!

We are pleased that CSG’s longtime local partner, Ward3Vision, won the Outstanding Citizen Plan 2022 from the George Washington Chapter of Lambda Alpha International. In their letter to Ron Eichner of Ward3Vision (and CSG Champions Council member), they recognize the group’s educational efforts including forums, design concepts, and partnerships that helped win public support and adoption of the Chevy Chase Small Area Plan.

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Coalition for Smarter Growth

2022’s top stories

A Win for

Climate Action

We won a historic vote at the region’s Transportation Planning Board to reduce emissions from transportation by 50% by 2030 and pursue climate strategies that include more housing near transit, walk and bike access to transit, and better bus service. The vote was a direct result of CSG’s two year campaign, the support of 47 partner groups, and advocacy by our supporters.

We Passed Thrive 2050!

It took three years, and great work with our Montgomery for All team and partners, but we won Montgomery County Council approval of Thrive 2050, a new general plan. Thrive embraces smart growth as the most sustainable and equitable way to grow and provide opportunities for everyone. Use the QR code to check out our Thrive video!

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Safer Streets for Bailey’s Crossroads

Bailey’s Crossroads/Culmore is home to a large immigrant population where many rely on walking, biking, and the bus. Teaming with immigrant advocacy group CASA and local residents, we held rallies, press conferences, a walkability survey, and on-site audit. We secured a meeting with Fairfax County and VDOT with 120 residents, new speed and crossing studies, and near-term fixes, but we’re pressing for more!

A new plan for Chevy Chase DC

Working closely with local advocates at Ward3Vision and architect Matt Bell of Perkins-Eastman, we helped win the Chevy Chase Small Area Plan. The plan includes more homes, an enhanced main street, and a new library with affordable homes. This is a big win for a more inclusive Ward 3, making room for more affordable housing and access to good schools and opportunity.

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for Smarter Growth

Transit-oriented communities


A New Plan for Silver Spring

We threw ourselves into the planning for downtown Silver Spring and adjacent communities, sharing recommendations, getting folks engaged, and testifying. The County Council approved the plan which allows for more housing downtown, improved pedestrian and bicyclist safety, and a better street tree canopy. A follow-on study will look at missing middle housing opportunities in adjacent neighborhoods.

Adelphi Sector Plan

We navigated a complex political environment to offer and secure a win-win solution for more development and housing close to a future Purple Line Station at the University of Maryland, along with partial preservation of Guilford Woods.

Huntington Metro Plan

We connected WMATA, developers, conservationists, affordable housing advocates, and Fairfax County, helping to find the win-win. The plan, approved this fall, includes retail, office, and residential, affordable housing, safer walking and biking, and a community green above a new bus station linking bus rapid transit and Metrorail.

Pentagon City and Langston Boulevard

We supported more housing along Langston Blvd and in the updated Pentagon City plan, particularly at the River House. After the county’s Metro stations, Arlington’s commercial corridors offer the greatest opportunity for more housing, and mediumdensity redevelopment along Langston Blvd will provide housing, new street connections, a safe bikeway, parks and plazas.

growth means community commitment to creating walkable, inclusive, mixed-use, transit-accessible places

Affordable housing

Smart growth means using every tool we have to ensure people have safe, affordable places to live

Housing at the Chevy Chase MD Library

We sprung into action when we learned the County Executive decided to renovate rather than redevelop the library, losing the opportunity for affordable housing a short walk from a Purple Line station. Teaming with Action in Montgomery for a 100-person rally and hundreds of emails, we won a unanimous County Council vote requiring housing as part of a new library.

Dance Loft on 14th in DC

Surprising opposition to this great project spurred us to make the case, helping win zoning commission approval. It will have 101 apartments, with a mix of deeply affordable homes and family-sized units, and a permanent home for Dance Loft’s community arts and cultural center.


Apartments (ADUs)

We continued partnering with United Planning Organization to help homeowners build ADUs. We organized an online homeowner workshop, one-on-one sessions for homeowners with an experienced architect, and published a revised homeowners manual with updates on key zoning changes.

Missing Middle Housing

In the face of record high home prices, which present a nearly insurmountable obstacle to home ownership for an entire generation, we’ve joined local advocates across the region in seeking plans and zoning changes that would allow for more housing options including duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes, as well as garden condo and apartment options.

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Safer streets, sustainable transportation

Smart growth means transit and local street networks that are safe for walking and bicycling

A safer Richmond Highway

With VDOT locked into its 6-lane version of Route 1, we pressed for design changes to make it safer. VDOT announced it would lower the speed limit to a safer 35mph and eliminate unnecessary turn lanes to reduce crossing distances. We’ll keep pressing for more changes to make Richmond Highway safer for people walking, biking and using transit, including the planned bus rapid transit.

Transforming our Regional Bus Network

Since serving on the Bus Transformation Project in 2019, we’ve teamed with our MetroNow business coalition to campaign for better buses including a regional network redesign. Together, we publish a monthly Dispatch newsletter and host forums on better buses. WMATA launched its redesign study in October! We’re on the advisory board and we’ll be mobilizing riders and advocates to weigh in.

Transforming Montgomery’s Bus Network

Our Better Buses campaign prompted the launch of the Ride On Reimagined Study in July and the county’s commitment to work closely with WMATA. We’ve brought together 29 diverse partners in the campaign, shared ideas for inclusive engagement, and met monthly with county staff. We’ll continue to press for our platform’s 20 recommendations for better buses.

Fighting for the Duke Street Transitway

The City of Alexandria vision is for three bus rapid transit corridors – Potomac Yard, Beauregard, and Duke. Yet, opposition to changes on Duke Street from some residents has been intense. We’ve partnered in the fight for dedicated lanes to provide faster, more frequent, and reliable transit, better walking and biking, and improved access to jobs and opportunity.


More open space, less sprawl

Smart growth

A plan we can’t afford

The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority is proposing a $76 billion list of projects we can’t afford. We’ve shown the plan would increase driving on outer suburban arterials 1.5 to 3X the rate of population growth and increase greenhouse gas emissions. We continue to press for a transit-oriented development, transit, and walkable communities alternative.

Virginia and Maryland seek widening and tolling for the Capital Beltway and I-270 despite harm to parkland, neighborhoods, and air quality. Our sustainable alternative combines transit, demand management, and transit-oriented land use with transit-oriented development in Prince George’s as a core solution for racial and economic equity and reducing peak-hour trips.


Route 15

The battle for the future of Route 15 continues. Loudoun County’s push to widen Route 15 north of Leesburg to four lanes while retaining traffic lights will make it less safe and induce more traffic and speculative rural land development. Working with partners, we hope to win our safer, contextsensitive alternative: two lanes with roundabouts and traffic calming.

Saving the Rural Crescent

Prince William’s Rural Crescent is widely supported by county residents, but the County Chair wants to pave it over with data centers, even on currently unprotected parts of historic Manassas National Battlefield. We’re in a coalition with dozens of conservation, civic, and historic preservation organizations fighting to save Manassas, protect drinking water, and block revival of the outer beltway.

means protecting our forests and farms, clean water, and reducing greenhouse gas
Fighting the I-495/I-270 toll expansion
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Education and Engagement

Smart growth means informed and engaged advocates shaping the future of our community.

Smart Growth Social Goes Local

West Falls Church • North Bethesda/Pike & Rose • Downtown Largo • City Ridge in Tenleytown • National Landing

Nearly 200 people joined us for our walking tours to look at progress in creating more sustainable communities, followed by happy hours to strengthen community ties and motivate local advocacy. We are thankful to everyone who joined us in making the events a success. We wouldn’t be able to do our important work without you!

More forums and events

• RISE Prince George’s meetings and presentations

• Montgomery for All meetings and presentations

• Fairfax Healthy Communities meetings and presentations

• Safe Streets for Baileys campaign kick-off, walking audit, report release press conference, pedestrian safety rally, and public meeting

• Webinars: Better Bus series with MetroNow

• Webinar: Prince Wiliam’s Rural Crescent and the Outer Beltway

• Workshop: Building an Accessory Dwelling in DC with UPO and DCRA

• Webinar: Transit Equity Day with Sierra Club and NAACP

• Panelist: North Woodside Community Association on Thrive 2050

• Montgomery County Candidate Forums with WABA

• Presentation to GWU Real Estate class

• “Kojo In Your Community” about safe streets

• Webinar: Chevy Chase DC Small Area Plan with Historic Chevy Chase DC and Ward3Vision

• Meet-up: RISE Prince George’s at the Better Block Suitland party

• NoVA Community College Green Festival

• Panelist: Leadership Arlington on Environmental Sustainability

• Presentation to Mid-Atlantic Chapter of Institute of Transportation Engineers

• Rally: Housing at Chevy Chase MD Library

• CSG 25th Anniversary Celebration

• Webinar: No New Highways, Montgomery County

• Panelist: GWU/AEI State of the Capital Region

• Presentation at VA Conservation Network Transportation University

• Webinar: Street Design for Transit-Oriented Communities in Prince George’s

• Walking Tour: Capitol Heights Metro Station Area

• Bike and Roll Safety Day at The Capital Market, Prince George’s

• Webinar: Inclusive growth in Montgomery County and Thrive 2050

• Webinar: Affordability As We Grow in Prince George’s County

• Panelists: WABA’s Regional Vision Zero Summit

• Webinar: “Taming Our Arterials” with FABB and Toole Design, Fairfax

• Panelist: Parking Cashout at Vision Zero Cities conference

• Panelist: Parking Cashout at Climate Conference

• Panelist: Equitable TransitOriented Development at VA Housing Conference


Speaking up

We speak up in favor of smart growth projects and policies, while encouraging our supporters to do so as well. We also oppose projects that undermine a sustainable region. We’ve had a busy year analyzing, testifying, and mobilizing on dozens of issues, including:

• Prince George’s Purple Line Adelphi Sector Plan

• Thrive Montgomery 2050

• Prince George’s Climate Action Plan

• Alexandria’s ParcView II affordable housing

• Silver Spring Downtown and Adjacent Communities Plan

• Montgomery County better buses in the FY23 budget

• Strathmore Square Plan Amendment/Site Plan at Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro Station

• Letter to Maryland General Assembly on proposed suspension of the Maryland gas tax

• Redevelopment of Chevy Chase DC Library and Community Center with mixed-income housing

• Montgomery County FY23 Operating Budget

• Dance Loft on 14th mixed-income housing proposal in DC

• Visualize 2045 regional longrange transportation plan

• Prince George’s FY23 Budget

• Union Station Expansion Project Update

• 301 Florida Ave NE, DC (100% affordable housing proposal)

• 5151 Wisconsin Ave NW, DC (214-unit mixed-use building, 11% of units at 60% MFI)

• Lisner Home rezoning adding affordable housing at Friendship Heights Metro

• Transit funding in 2023-2026 Transportation Program for Baltimore Region

• Maryland Commission on Climate Change Annual Report – Transportation

• Maryland Consolidated Transportation Program FY23-28 for Prince George’s

• Opposing bills weakening Prince George’s smart growth zoning code

• Housing Policy and Implementation Advisory Board in Prince George’s

• NVTA Six-Year Program and TransAction Plan

• Racial equity lens for DC’s Comprehensive Plan

• Implementation of Prince George’s Urban Street Design Standards

• Restoration of the K Street Transitway in DC as a “Great Street”

• USDOT Greenhouse Gas Tracking and Reduction Rule

• 495 Southside HOT Lanes and Transit & TDM studies

• Richmond Highway turn lane analysis

• Bailey’s Crossroads/ Culmore pedestrian safety improvements

• Huntington Metro plan amendment

• Pentagon City Plan update

• Arlington Missing Middle draft plan

• Marbella affordable housing project in Arlington

• National Capital Region on-road transportation greenhouse gas reduction policies

• Loudoun U.S. Route 15 widening

• Prince William-Loudoun Bi-County Parkway

• Prince William Rural Crescent

• Plan Langston Boulevard, Arlington

• Duke Street in Motion, bus rapid transit in Alexandria

• Fairfax County transit node analysis

• Fairfax County FY23 budget


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for Smarter Growth

Who we are


Champions Council

Interns and Volunteers

Interns: Maeve Grady, Alex Horn, Chadisia Stadler, Mollie Russell, Jada Thomas, Giancarlo Valdetaro

Volunteers: Matthew Hernandez, Michael Sanchez, Melina Triantos, John Turbeville

25th Anniversary volunteers: Sam Briglia, Reinaldo Germano, Maeve Grady, Colleen Herrmann, Kevin Kask, Nancy LaVerda, and Mollie Russell.

Carnegie Mellon University graduate students: Hannah Morrey Brown, Scout Cheeks, Rebecca Cotton, Rose Johnson, Matthew Ko, and Saidah Rahman

Champions Council business affiliations are for reference only and do not imply endorsement

Our parent organization: The Coalition for Smarter Growth is grateful to our parent organization, the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Warrenton, Virginia. PEC provides accounting, tax reporting, and human resources support, and segregates contributions made to CSG. Copies of PEC’s most recent audited financial statements and IRS Form 990, which incorporates the activities of CSG, are available online at pecva.org/donate. For more information, please contact us at (202) 675-0016.

Stewart Schwartz Executive Director Cheryl Cort Policy Director Bill Pugh Senior Policy Fellow Ayesha Amsa Communications and Administration Manager Sonya Breehey Northern Virginia Advocacy Manager Jane LyonsRaeder Maryland Advocacy Manager (through September) Andrew Aurbach Communications consultant and media producer Allison Davis Washington Metro Ronald Eichner New Legacy Partners Rodney Harrell, PhD AARP Steven E. Jones CPA, MSOD Christopher Miller President, Piedmont Environmental Council Robert Puentes Eno Center for Transportation Dan Reed Greater Greater Washington Douglas Stewart Fairfax City Citizens for Smarter Growth Lee Farmer VHB Carrie Kisicki Maryland Advocacy Manager (from November)

Join the movement!

There are several ways to get involved and support our vision and work:


Individual donors like you are critical to keeping our team in the field, whether it’s a big annual donation or an automatic recurring contribution of as little as $2.50 per month. Donate at smartergrowth.net/donate.

Take Action

Sign up for our emails to learn about local issues, send emails to your elected officials, or speak at a public hearing. We make it easy for you to take action! Sign up at smartergrowth.net/signup.


Join our smart growth photo team, help out at our events, cover a public meeting, or do important research. Learn more at smartergrowth.net/volunteer.

Have questions? Email us at action@smartergrowth.net!

The Urgency of the Moment

This photo of a bicycle on the banks of the Potomac River as it flows by our low-lying Monumental Core, with transit-oriented Rosslyn in the background, speaks to this moment. Sea level rise and flooding from climate change signal the urgent need for action. CSG is on the front lines in campaigning for the walkable, bike-friendly, inclusive transit-oriented communities that are key to reducing driving and climate emissions.

Connect with local advocates

Local advocates are critical to our shared success. Join one of our local partners like Montgomery for All, RISE Prince George’s, Ward3Vision, or Liveable Alexandria.


2021 Financial report

Sources of Organizational Support

Foundations $314,333 57.1 % Individuals $159,932 29.1%

Corporate/non-profit organizations $76,200 13.8%

Total $550,465 100%

FY2022 numbers are not yet available at print deadline, as our fiscal year ends on December 31.

Operating expenditures

Personnel and related costs Salaries and staff benefits $457,667 84% Consultants and professional fees $24,047 4.4%

Subtotal, Personnel $481,714 88.3%

General expenses

Advertising $352 0.1% Meetings and conferences $11,352 2.0% Hosted events $841 0.2% Rent and occupancy $6,398 1.2% Communications $25,352 4.6% Travel $741 0.1% Postage and Delivery $1,802 0.3% Printing, copying, publications $2,530 0.5% Supplies and equipment $6,224 1.1% Dues and subscriptions $2,459 0.5% Misc fees and insurance $5,781 1.0%

Subtotal, General expenses $63,751 11.6%

Total $545,465 100%


2021 Contributions

We are incredibly grateful to the foundations, organizations, firms, and every one of the individual donors who make our work possible. We are able to list within available space 292 donors whose contributions of $100+ we received between January 1 and December 31, 2021.

Smart Growth Guardians


The Morris And Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation

Joan Kasprowicz

Prince Charitable Trusts Share Fund

Smart Growth Defenders $5,000-$19,999

Akridge Development David Alpert Christine & Fred Andreae

David M. Schwarz Architects Ron Eichner John Evans EYA Fivesquares Development

JBG Smith Keith Campbell Foundation

Kaiser Permanente Mark Ohrstrom George Ohrstrom II

Jean Perin Rebecca & Jeff Tapick

The Webb Companies

Smart Growth Champions


Jim Campbell Chevy Chase Land Company

Joy Oakes & Tom Cassidy Stantec Harriet Tregoning

Smart Growth Stewards


William Alsup Andrew Aurbach Laurence Aurbach

Kevin Bush Stephen Crim Allison Davis George Degarmo Eastbanc

Ed Fendley Michael Fine Rodney Harrell Bart Harvey Michael Hechter

Melane Hoffman

Michael Holzheimer

Jarrett Walker + Associates Steven Jones Diana Mendes

Nelson\Nygaard NoMa BID

Partners for Economic Solutions

Perkins Eastman DC Revenue Authority of Prince George’s County

Gregory Sanders Conor Shaw SJG Properties

Don, Tina, & Jessie Slater

David Slater Stout & Teague The Bozzuto Group John Torti WC Smith ZGF Architects LLP

Smart Growth Patrons

$500-$999 APAH Kaid Benfield Jeff Blum

Debra Butler Capital Riverfront BID

Hilary Chapman Cunningham & Quill Matthew Dalbey Charles Denney

E&G Group

James Epstein Lee Farmer

Fehr & Peers Foulger-Pratt

Nancy Fox

Gables Construction, Inc.

Georgetown BID Global Philanthropy Partnership Peter Gould Jim Gray Greater Washington Board of Trade Joe Kakesh

David Kaplan Klein Hornig LLP Marc Korman Jonathan Krall Lerch, Early & Brewer

Macerich Daniel Marcin

Joe McAndrew & Jessica Bloomfield

Tom Metcalf

William Millar Mary Pierce Richard Price

Renaissance Planning Group Denise Schlener Carl Shoolman

Sierra Club - Maryland Chapter

Joseph Sternlieb Douglas Stewart SW BID

The Henry Foundation

Bob Ward Wesley Housing John & Val Wheeler Jennifer Williams Christopher Zimmerman Smart Growth Advocates


Anonymous Linda Bailey Nathaniel Baldwin Kelley Banks Ellen Bass Marc Bendick Jr Marlene Berlin Cemile Bingol David Bowers

Jason Broehm Nick Burger Christoph Casati Otto Condon Rosalyn Doggett Anonymous Robert Duffy James Durham

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for Smarter

2021 Contributions

Peggy Duxbury & Stephen Metruck

Lee Epstein

James Feldman

James Fremont

William Gallagher

Ralph Garboushian John Goodman

Daniel Guilbeault Mary Hynes

Lee Alice Kimball Steve Knight

Stella Koch

Jacob Mason Barbara McCann

Deirdre Middleton Christopher Miller

Matt Miller Dr. Robert B Moler

Robert Peck Alex Posorske

Robert Puentes

Molly Pugh Tom Quinn

Claire Randall Michael Replogle

Thomas Ross

Ileana Schinder

Margaret Schoap Jim Sebastian Peter Shapiro

Robert Sheehan Betsy Sherman Nancy Soreng

Zachary Weinstein Stevenson Weitz

William & Martha Wingfield

Daniel Winston Bruce Wright Frederick Wagg Frederick Wu

Smart Growth



Alia Anderson Susan Auerhan Matthew Bank Ron Basumallik Jamie Baxter Anne Beals Matthew Bell Gregory Billing Elizabeth Blair Marlene Blum Elizabeth Borkowski Richard Bradley Liz Brent Kendra Briechle Erik Bue Mary Campbell

Stephen Cerny Sivakumar Chandran Michael Chernicoff

Marcie Cohen Donald Cuming Adam Davis Rachel Davis Warren Davis Brian Ditzler Carol Donlan

Mortimer Downey

Mike Doyle

Deanna Duncan Michael Dutka Heather Edelman Mike English Karissa Epley Brandon Estela John Fay & Anne Ambler

Maria Figueredo Jay Fisette Al Francese Walker Freer Michele Gehshan Reinaldo Germano Steven Glaros Sol Glasner

Parris Glendening Evan Goldman John Gosling Hester Graves Steven Greenwaters Charles Grymes Robin Halsband Peter Harnik Gertraud Hechl David Helms

Thomas Hutcheson Melanie Isis Joseph Jakuta Michael Jelen Evan Kaufman Susan Kimmel Rob Klein Ruth Kroeger

George and Terri Lamb

Celeste Land Douglas Larson George Leventhal

Sam Leverenz

David Levy Brian Levy

Josephine Liu Glenn & Sarah Maccullough

Ivy Main Joy Markowitz Zachary Marks

Christine Matthews Edward McMahon

Sarah McMeans David Mihalcik

Laura Miller

Laura Miller Brooks Pat Munoz Randall Myers Lowell Nelson Elisa Ortiz Chris Orvin

Jonathan Parker

Kristin Pauly

Andrew Pendleton

Peter Pennington

Adam Pollock

Paula Posas Shelley Poticha

Lynn Richards Hope Richardson

Alexis Rieffel

Jonathan Rogers

Rick Rybeck

Mark Scheufler

Ari Schnitzer

Matthew Schuneman Stewart Schwartz Dave Sears Nick Sementelli

Rosemary Sheridan

Mya Sjogren Wade Smith

Jeff Speck

Franklin Spielberg Matthew Steil Timothy Stevens

Yolanda Takesian Laura Tekrony Jane Thurber

Meredith Upchurch Patricia Waddy David Wagoner Matthew Watson Matt Welbes Bri West Yvette White Gerard Widdicombe

JoDee Winterhof Patrick Wojahn Diane Xu

Paul Zeisset Mariia Zimmerman Jim Zook


Thank you to our founders


2022 In Memoriam

We lost these CSG community heroes in 2022 and do not want to forget their contributions to CSG and a more sustainable and equitable region.

Pam Lindstrom

Pam Lindstrom founded the Citizens Planning Association in Montgomery County,

David Harrington

David Harrington served Prince George’s County in many capacities, as State Senator,

this our 25th year, we wish to express our appreciation for our founders, who –with the exception of Christopher Miller – have retired and passed the torch.
Christopher Miller Joy Oakes Kristin Pauly Neal Fitzpatrick Stella Koch Michael Replogle Dru SchmidtPerkins Lee Epstein
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Coalition for Smarter Growth
Let’s Shape the Future Together For walkable, inclusive, transit-accessible communities. Coalition for Smarter Growth P.O. Box 73282 Washington, D.C., 20056 smartergrowth.net Your support for CSG is more important than ever. You are investing in a winning team – winners of the Washington ULI Changemaker Award in 2022 and the Council of Governments’ Regional Partnership Award in 2017. You can donate online anytime at smartergrowth.net/donate Other ways you can donate include: • Setting up a monthly recurring donation • Using a donor advised fund • Donating stocks • Making a contribution from your IRA • Donating in memory of someone • Setting up an employer matching program • Making a planned gift • Combined Federal Campaign, cfcgiving.opm.gov | CFC # 32340 If you have questions please contact us at donations@ smartergrowth.net or Stewart Schwartz at (703) 599-6437. Don’t forget to check out the ULI video about CSG!

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