Executive Director’s Note Friends, During our 26 years, CSG has made a real difference in how the region thinks about growth and development. Thanks to our tireless work, our region’s plans now reflect the call our founders made for a “network of livable communities” linked by transit systems. The Council of Governments wants 75% of new jobs and housing to be located near high-capacity transit. Tens of thousands of housing units have been built in walkable communities near Metro stations, reducing cars on the road and cutting emissions. Yet, we face real challenges: Metro is on the comeback trail but faces a big funding gap, we still need more affordable housing near transit, too many of our roads are unsafe for people walking and biking, bad land use plagues the outer suburbs, and highway agencies keep expanding roads despite the climate crisis. The good news is that we know what works. Walkable, transit-oriented communities with a diversity of housing options are the only way we can fix our housing, transportation, equity, and climate challenges. More good news: walkable communities are popular! This year’s National Association of Realtors survey showed majority support for living in walkable communities with nearby access to amenities and transit, and preference for walkable communities with shorter commutes. CSG is at the forefront of advocacy for this more sustainable future. We build coalitions, engage with public officials, analyze plans, submit testimony, reach out to the media, and mobilize supporters. Read on to check out our plans for 2024 and our wins in 2023. Please give generously again this year to support the CSG team as we work with you for a better future.
Thanks for all you do. Stewart Thank you to these photographers for the use of their wonderful images in this report: Mosaic/Sonya Breehey; Porchfest/angela n.; Happy hour/Carrie Kisicki; Branch Avenue meet-up/Kyle Reeder; Retreat/Virginia Conservation Network; Apartments/Bill Pugh; Bikes on 15th St/Joe Flood; Potomac Yard Metro/BeyondDC; H St/Cheryl Cort; Old Town/Joe Flood; ADU/Ileana Schinder; Buses in Silver Spring/Carrie Kisicki; Ballston Quarter/BeyondDC, Sprawl/Hugh Kenny; Visualize 2050/ Bill Pugh; Induced demand/Bill Pugh; 495/270/urbandispute; Parking reform/Google; Hamilton Street/Dan Behrend; Baileys Crossroads/Sonya Breehey; Duke Street/City of Alexandria; Takoma/EYA; West Falls Church/EYA; Connecticut Avenue/DC Office of Planning; Springfield Town Center/Bignell Watkins Hasser Architects; Mixed-income housing/EYA; Chevy Chase DC/DC Office of Planning; U St/Cheryl Cort; Housing options/Bill Pugh; Jeff Speck/Marco Sanchez; Awardees/Kyle Reeder,Justin Wilson, Michelle Krocker, Bernard Holloway, Tina Slater, Kim Hosen; Livable Communities/Hugh Kenny; Smart Growth Social/Hugh Kenny; Walking tours/Marco Sanchez, Ayesha Amsa, Cheryl Cort, Carrie Kisicki; RISE Prince George’s/Kyle Reeder; Montgomery for All/Carrie Kisicki; Popsicles in the Park/Kevin O’Brien; Support for BRT/Jonathan Krall; Proclamation/Montgomery County Council; Testimony/Cheryl Cort; CSG Staff/Hugh Kenny; Kim Hosen/Kim Hosen; Clayfest/BeyondDC Flickr photos licensed via Creative Commons or by permission via our Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool. All other photos not listed here are CSG file photos by CSG staff. For hyperlinks to the original photos on Flickr, please contact our office.
Our Mission The Coalition for Smarter Growth advocates for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the Washington, D.C. region to grow and provide opportunities for all.
Working in partnership We believe in the strength of partnerships! Current coalitions include: Fairfax Healthy Communities, linking conservation, housing, climate, transportation, and equity organizations. MetroNow, our business alliance for transit funding, better buses, and restored Metro.
RISE Prince George’s, building shared, sustainable prosperity
People Before Cars, working for a walk/bike/transitfriendly National Landing. Capital Trails Coalition, advancing equitable, connected, and low-stress multi-use trails across the region. Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance, promoting healthy, sustainable, equitable communities to meet diverse housing needs.
through safe, walkable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities. Ward3Vision & Cleveland Park Smart Growth, communityled groups supporting an inclusive Ward 3 and city.
Montgomery for All, a community-led group for sustainable and inclusive land use and housing policies.
Sustainable Transportation, promoting transit and transitoriented development alternatives to highway expansion.
DC Housing Priorities Coalition, advocating for inclusive housing and land use policies. Liveable Alexandria, committed to affordable housing, TOD, transit, and safe streets. Maryland Advocates for
Virginia Conservation Network, coordinating the state’s conservation movement. Smart Growth America, Transportation for America, National Transit Justice Coalition, partners for livable places, healthy people, shared prosperity, and safe, affordable, sustainable transportation.
Coalition for Smarter Growth | Annual Report 2023 3
Our Plans for 2024 Despite CSG’s progress in advocating for a more sustainable and inclusive future, our region faces major challenges. We are on the front lines building coalitions, meeting with officials, analyzing and giving testimony, talking to the media, and mobilizing supporters. Your support for our team will enable us to work with you on the following priorities in 2024.
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation • Advocate for more transit/walk/bike and fewer highways in transportation plans: Visualize 2050, NVTA 6-year program, MD/ VA transportation and climate plans • Adopt goals and actions to reduce vehicle miles traveled • Fight for a sustainable, transit-oriented alternative to I-495/270 toll lanes
Offer convenient, safe, and sustainable transportation choices • Win dedicated operating funding for Metro • Safer streets for Fairfax: Baileys Crossroads and Active Fairfax plan • Implement the Walkable Urban Streets Act for safer streets for Prince George’s • National Landing improvements to ped/bike and transit • Better buses regionwide – improved networks & bus priority lanes 4
Provide abundant, affordable housing options in accessible locations for all • Create affordable housing opportunities in DC’s Ward 3 by implementing the Chevy Chase Small Area Plan and rezoning Chevy Chase Main Street • Increase housing on upper Wisconsin Ave in DC and Montgomery • Support DC rezonings and inclusionary zoning (IZ+) for more affordable housing • Press Montgomery County to adopt their Attainable Housing plan and strategies • Support rezonings, density bonuses, inclusionary zoning for affordable housing in NoVa
Create walkable, bikeable communities with access to good transit • Transform commercial corridors in Fairfax and Duke St in Alexandria into transit-oriented communities • Advocate for transit-oriented communities at Brookland, Friendship Heights, and Fort Totten • Revitalize Downtown DC as a green, walk/bike-friendly community • Transform Prince George’s Blue Line corridor • Support transit-oriented communities in greater Silver Spring, University Blvd, Wheaton, North Bethesda
2023 Achievements
Transportation and Climate Change Smart growth means protecting our forests and farms, clean water, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Reducing Driving and Climate Emissions
Changing the Region’s Transportation Plan
We’ve sounded the alarm about the need to reduce driving (vehicle miles traveled or VMT) to meet our climate goals, because electric vehicles won’t get us all the way. We’ve won greenhouse gas/ VMT reduction goals in the regional transportation plan and Maryland’s plans and are pressing for reduction goals in Virginia.
Having won the first-ever bottom-up reevaluation of the region’s transportation plan, Visualize 2050, and an additional early public engagement period, we’ve mobilized hundreds of comments recommending removal of major road expansion projects and addition of rail, bus rapid transit, and local bus projects.
Facts on Induced Demand
Toll Lanes or Transit-Oriented Communities?
It’s a fact: if you widen roads in metro areas, they fill again in just a few years. We released a fact sheet citing years of academic research to educate our region’s elected officials and awaken them to the waste and ineffectiveness of road expansion.
We’ve continued to challenge the I-495/270 and I-495 Southside capacity expansion projects because of their bias, impacts, and failure to fairly consider alternatives. They ignore the underlying cause of congestion – our east-west jobs-housing imbalance – and have refused to study a comprehensive transit/transit-oriented development/demand management alternative.
2023 Achievements
Safer Streets, Sustainable Transit Smart growth means transit and local street networks that are safe for walking and bicycling
Parking Reform Safer Streets in Fairfax for Prince George’s Thanks to all who joined us to support parking reform in Fairfax. We generated impressive turnout at the hearings and won unanimous approval. This will help reduce building costs, make housing more affordable, and create more mixed-use, walkable places.
We won approval of the Walkable Urban Streets Act! We played a key role in helping Council Member Eric Olson craft this critical legislation to require safer road designs for people walking and biking in transit districts and local centers.
Safe Streets for Baileys Crossroads/ Culmore We won a lower speed limit, funding for missing sidewalks, and progress on a signalized crossing that will make it safer for people walking, rolling, and taking the bus. We’ve expanded our partnerships to keep up the pressure for safer streets.
Duke Street Transitway We teamed with local advocates to win unanimous Council approval of Alexandria’s Duke Street bus rapid transit. It will include center-running bus lanes where feasible (+ more later), wider sidewalks, and an off-street cycle track. Parents spoke up eloquently about the value of better buses and a safer street for their children.
Coalition for Smarter Growth | Annual Report 2023 7
2023 Achievements
Transit-oriented communities Smart growth means community commitment to creating walkable, inclusive, mixed-use, transit-accessible places
Takoma Metro (Finally)
West Falls Church Metro
CSG spent over 20 years supporting development at Takoma Metro Station in the face of vocal opposition. With your help, we won final approval to transform parking lots into an inviting place with a mix of affordable and market rate homes, public spaces, local retail, and better walk, bike, and bus facilities.
We did it again! Fairfax County approved the last two pieces of the West Falls Church Metro plan. For over a decade, we’ve led the campaign for a dynamic transitoriented community, mobilizing support for each phase. This victory will result in 1,340 new homes, including affordable homes, enhanced stormwater management, and wider walkways and bike paths.
Connecticut Plans for TOD Avenue/ in Fairfax Woodley Park & County Cleveland Park We supported new We joined Cleveland Park Smart Growth, residents, and the ANC to win unanimous approval of the Connecticut Ave Development Guidelines at the DC Historic Preservation Review Board. These ensure more housing integrated with the historic fabric.
proposals in Fairfax County for transitoriented communities in Merrifield, Innovation Center, and Reston that have been added to the Tier 1 work program.
2023 Achievements
Affordable housing Smart growth means using every tool we have to ensure people have safe, affordable places to live
Accelerating Mixed-Income Housing
Housing at the Chevy Chase DC Library
Creating a movement with our supporters in Montgomery for All has meant continued progress in the county. We supported a successful bill that expedites approval for mixed-income housing developments that meet certain affordable housing thresholds.
Since winning the Chevy Chase Small Area Plan with mixed-income housing proposed as part of a new library, we are working with our partners to win that housing with great public facilities.
Public Land for Public Good We’re supporting the rezoning of the site of the aging Third District Police and Fire Stations on U Street NW to allow for both new stations and more than 200 mixedincome homes. It’s still under discussion.
Missing Middle Housing in NoVa We’ve played a supporting role for Missing Middle housing in Arlington and Alexandria – campaigns led by local advocates. Missing Middle provides more housing options, especially for homebuyers, while transit-oriented centers and corridors will continue to provide much needed housing supply.
Coalition for Smarter Growth | Annual Report 2023 9
Author of Walkable Cities, Jeff Speck, spoke to an enthusiastic crowd of CSG supporters at metrobar upon the release of his 10th Anniversary edition.
Our staff participated in multiple live and virtual panel discussions including the AARP’s national release of its 2023 Livability Index.
More Highlights for CSG We’re honored to work with so many great advocates, business leaders, and officials for a more inclusive and sustainable region. In October, we co-hosted with Transportation for America a fun Smart Growth Social in October. Special guests David Zipper and WMATA’s Randy Clarke made the case for Metro funding and frequent transit.
With our partners in the Fairfax Healthy CommunitiesNetwork, we released a Healthy Communities Platform to inform candidates and a candidate questionnaire to inform voters.
Our supporters sent over 3,700 (and counting!) comments to local, state, and regional decision makers via CSG’s online action tools.
In May, we honored Alexandria Mayor Justin Wilson with our Livable Communities Leadership Award and recognized five Community Heroes
Education and Engagement Smart growth means informed and engaged advocates shaping the future of our community. Spring walking tour series Friendship Heights • Addison Road Reston Town Center • Potomac Yard Nearly 200 people joined us for our walking tours around the region to look at progress in creating more sustainable communities. We are thankful to everyone who joined us in making the events a success – we wouldn’t be able to do our important work without you!
More forums and events • An activists’ briefing on the Walkable Urban Streets Act for Prince George’s • Branch Avenue Metro station walking tour and placemaking meetup • Coffee, Donuts, and Popsicles Advocacy Meetup in Northern Virginia • Debut of our “Smart Growth Watchdogs” volunteer program
• Fairfax Healthy Communities meetings and presentations • Montgomery for All meetings and presentations • Panelist: AARP Building Livable Communities • Panelist: Leadership Arlington – on smart growth • Panelist: Reducing Roadway Deaths and Injuries – Fairfax County’s Playbook
• Panelist: TransportationCamp DC – “Climate Accountability” presentation • People Before Cars bike tour of National Landing • RISE Prince George’s meetings, presentations and meetups • Walkable Piedmont Communities workshop, with Piedmont Environmental Council • Webinar: How affordable housing is financed in DC
• Webinar: Parking reform in Montgomery County • Webinar: Rapid updates on bus improvements in Northern Virginia • Webinar: Redesigning parts of Pennsylvania Ave in DC sponsored by VHB • Webinar: RideOn Reimagined bus network • Webinar: Where and how Prince George’s County should grow • Webinar: WMATA bus network redesign
Coalition for Smarter Growth | Annual Report 2023 11
Speaking up We speak up in favor of smart growth projects and policies, while encouraging our supporters to do so as well. We also oppose projects that undermine a sustainable region.
• 2050 Maryland Transportation Plan • Annual meeting of the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority • Better Bus Visionary Network redesign • Brookland Metro station proposed changes to transit facilities • Co-locating affordable housing on public land in Montgomery County • Code Red - 41-group sign-on call to action by Council of Governments on housing, Metro, climate • Connecticut Avenue Development guidelines • DC FY24 transportation and housing budgets • Duke Street Transitway
• Elm Gardens redevelopment (100% affordable housing at Takoma Metro, DC) • Environmental justice for communities dealing with transportation pollution • Expanded housing options in Arlington • I-495 Southside Express Lanes (oppose) • I-495/Medical Center Drive interchange - Downtown Largo (oppose) • January Transportation Planning Board meeting • MD State Highway Administration FY24 budget oversight hearing • Mixed-income housing at the Chevy Chase DC community center and library
• Mixed-use development and affordable housing at Takoma Metro
• TOD Site Specific Plan Amendments in Fairfax County
• Montgomery County Pedestrian Master Plan
• Townhouse moratorium in Prince George’s County (oppose)
• Prince George’s FY24 budget • Proposed NoVA Transportation Commission Work Plan • Providence Hospital mixed income housing redevelopment • Reducing parking requirements in Fairfax County • Reducing parking requirements near transit in Montgomery County • Reforms at the regional Transportation Planning Board • Seven Corners Ring Road
• Transit-oriented projects in Old Towne Gaithersburg • Transportation Planning Board (TPB) June meeting comment • U Street NW Police & Fire Station upzoning with mixed income housing • Union Station environmental impact statement • Urging action on traffic violence in DC • Walkable Urban Streets Act for Prince George’s • WMATA FY24 budget
Who we are Staff
Stewart Schwartz
Cheryl Cort
Carrie Kisicki
Sonya Breehey
Ayesha Amsa
Bill Pugh
Executive Director
Policy Director
Montgomery Advocacy Manager
Northern Virginia Advocacy Manager
Communications and Fundraising Manager
Senior Policy Fellow
Champions Council Andrew Aurbach
Communications consultant and media producer
Allison Davis
Washington Metro
Ronald Eichner
New Legacy Partners
Rodney Harrell, PhD
Anya Kamara
Somerset Development Company
Christopher Miller
President, Piedmont Environmental Council
Dan Reed
Greater Greater Washington
Robert Puentes
Eno Center for Transportation
Douglas Stewart
Fairfax City Citizens for Smarter Growth
Lee Farmer
Champions Council business affiliations are for reference only and do not imply endorsement
In Memoriam Kim Hosen
Kim founded the Prince William Conservation Alliance, helped establish the county’s Rural Crescent, 300-acre Merrimac Farm Wildlife Management Area, popular annual Bluebell Festival, a Virginia Master Naturalist Chapter, and scenic byways, and trained the next generation of conservation and smart growth advocates.
Our parent organization: The Coalition for Smarter Growth is grateful to our parent organization, the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Warrenton, Virginia. PEC provides accounting, tax reporting, and human resources support, and segregates contributions made to CSG. Copies of PEC’s most recent audited financial statements and IRS Form 990, which incorporates the activities of CSG, are available online at pecva.org/donate. For more information, please contact us at (202) 675-0016. Coalition for Smarter Growth | Annual Report 2023 13
2022 Financial report
FY2023 numbers are not yet available at print deadline, as our fiscal year ends on December 31.
Sources of Organizational Support Foundations
52.5 %
Corporate/non-profit organizations $94,865
Operating expenditures Personnel and related costs Salaries and staff benefits
Consultants and professional fees
Hosted events
Rent and occupancy
2022 Contributions We are incredibly grateful to the foundations, organizations, firms, and every one of the individual donors who make our work possible. We are able to list within available space 258 donors whose contributions of $100+ we received between January 1 and December 31, 2022.
Smart Growth Guardians
Smart Growth Defenders
Christine and Fred Andreae JBG Smith Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Prince Charitable Trusts Share Fund U.S. Energy Foundation
Akridge David Alpert Tony Byrne James Dubois John Evans and Allen Greenberg EYA Fivesquares
Just Strategy Joan Kasprowicz New Legacy Partners Mark Ohrstrom George Ohrstrom II Jean Perin Rebecca and Jeff Tapick Jennifer and Sandy Williams
Smart Growth Champions $2,500-$4,999 AECOM David M. Schwarz Architects Eastbanc Ed Fendley Michael Fine Jarrett Walker + Associates
National Landing BID Revenue Authority of Prince George’s County Don, Tina, and Jessie Slater Somerset Development Company Stantec The Chevy Chase Land Company Torti Gallas + Partners VHB Metro DC
Smart Growth Stewards $1,000-$2,499 AARP Madhav Acharya David Anspacher Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing Andrew Aurbach Laurence Aurbach Matthew Dalbey
Allison Davis Charles Denney Downtown DC BID Peggy Duxbury and Steven Metruck Dweck Properties Ron Eichner Enterprise Community Partners James Epstein Foursquare ITP Gables Construction Rodney Harrell Bart Harvey Melane and Tom Hoffmann Holland & Knight Michael Holzheimer Steven Jones Jacob Mason Bonnie Mattingly Diana Mendes NRP Group Joy Oakes Perkins Eastman Saul Urban Denise Schlener Jim Sebastian Conor Shaw WC Smith Leslie Steen Susan Stillman Stout & Teague Bob Ward John and Val Wheeler Ashley Wiltshire ZGF Architects
Smart Growth Patrons $500-$999 Anonymous Anonymous Nathaniel Baldwin
Franklin Benfield Jason Broehm Capital Riverfront BID Cunningham | Quill Architects Rachel and Steve Davis Brian and Bee Ditzler John Eltzroth Lee Farmer Fehr & Peers Jody Fisher Neal Fitzpatrick Nancy Fox William Gallagher Ralph Garboushian Sol Glasner Pete Gould Jim Gray Greater Washington Board of Trade Wes Guckert Hickok Cole Larry Huffman David Kaplan Kittelson & Associates Klein Hornig Stella Koch Chris Leinberger Lerch, Early & Brewer George Leventhal Macerich Daniel Marcin Joe McAndrew and Jessica Bloomfield Barbara McCann Tom Metcalf Christopher Miller Anita Morrison Patricia Munoz Nelson\Nygaard NoMa BID Jeffrey Norman Mark Obrinsky and Michele Gehshan OSLO OS
Partners for Economic Solutions Shelley Poticha Potomac and Chesapeake Cycling Richard Price Michael Replogle Karina Ricks Rick Rybeck Gregory Sanders Ileana Schinder Lee Schoenecker Robert Sheehan Douglas Stewart Yolanda Takesian Frederick Wagg Zachary Weinstein Wesley Housing Development Corporation Christopher Zimmerman
Smart Growth Advocates $250-$499 Anonymous Karen Abrams Chelsea Allinger Anonymous Linda Bailey Kelley Banks Ellen Bass Dan Behrend Matthew Bell Marlene Berlin Liz Brent Nick Burger Mary Campbell Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church Stephen Cerny Otto Condon Don Cuming Michael Doyle James Durham Jonathan Elkind
Lee Epstein Jim Feldman Miti Figueredo Jay Fisette Christopher Forinash Walker Freer Alison Gillespie Dannielle Glaros Parris Glendening Oscar Gonzalez John Goodman John Gosling Charles Grymes Daniel Guilbeault Michael Hechter Doug Johnson Ellen Jones Lee Alice Kimball Steve Knight Shannon Krause Roger Lewis Josephine Liu Glenn MacCullough Eileen McCarthy Kathy McGuire Deirdre Middleton Laura Miller Brooks Randall Myers Bonnie O’Day Chris Orvin Kristin Pauly Robert Peck Mark Perreault Mary Pierce Alex Posorske Robert Puentes Tom Quinn Hope Richardson Tom Ross Barbara Sanders Matthew Schuneman Steven Segerlin Carl Shoolman Wade Smith Nancy Soreng Joe Sternlieb Tim Stevens
Sally Stolz John Swanson Harriet Tregoning Stevenson Weitz Yvette White & David Wagoner Frederick Wu Sam Zimbabwe
Smart Growth Supporters $100-$249 Nick Addamo Dean Amel Alia Anderson Logan Arkema Susan Auerhan John Bachmann Gregory Barranco Ron Basumallik Anne Beals Nicholas Benton Glen Besa Cemile Bingol Elizabeth Borkowski Uwe Brandes Daniel Brezina Marney Bruce Carolynn Brunette Katherine Burke Jamie Butler Andrea Carradus Hilary Chapman Michael Chernicoff Raka Choudhury Lisa Colson Michael Crispino Ralph Cunningham Warren Davis Rosalyn Doggett Mortimer Downey Robert Duffy Heather Edelman Daniel Emerine Mike English Brandon Estela Elizabeth Farry
John Fay Steve and Marie France Al Francese Phil Fraulino James Fremont Donna Gentry Reinaldo Germano Hester Graves Greater Greater Washington Steven Greenwaters Tracy Hadden Loh Jeremy Hancock Peter Harnik Peter Hawley Joseph Jakuta Michael Jelen Michael Kane Shyam Kannan Evan Kaufman Melissa Kim Robert Klein David Kline Marc Korman Jonathan Krall Ruth Kroeger Terri and George Lamb Celeste Land Dan Lantner Brian Levy David Levy Jimmy Li Jeremiah Lowery Ivy Main Andrew Malone Joy Markowitz Chris Marshall Ellen McCarthy Edward McMahon Brian McMahon Sarah McMeans David Miller Matt Miller Drew Morrison Allen Muchnick Lucas Muller Lowell Nelson
Elisa Ortiz Brandi Panbach Jonathan Parker Andrew Pendleton Peter Pennington Mark Pierzchala Martha Polkey Paula Posas Liz Price Molly Pugh Claire Randall Chad Rector Stephen Repetski Sam Ressin Lynn Richards Alexis Rieffel Christina Ritchie Jonathan Rogers Douglas Ryan Mark Scheufler John Schisler Margaret Schoap Stewart Schwartz Steve Seelig William Sellers Nick Sementelli Rosemary Sheridan Betsy Sherman Veronica Sloan Jeff Speck Franklin Spielberg Matthew Steil J. Walter Tejada Laura Tekrony Jane Thurber Meredith Upchurch Patricia Waddy Matthew Watson Matt Welbes Bri West Candice West Gerard Widdicombe JoDee Winterhof Steven Woodbury Ruth Woollett Jim Zook
Coalition for Smarter Growth | Annual Report 2023 15
Let’s Shape the Future Together For walkable, bikeable communities. Your support for CSG is more important than ever. You are investing in a winning team – winners of the Washington ULI Changemaker Award in 2022 and the Council of Governments’ Regional Partnership Award in 2017.
Other ways you can donate include:
You can donate online anytime at smartergrowth.net/donate
• Donating stocks
If you have questions please contact us at donations@ smartergrowth.net or Stewart Schwartz at (703) 599-6437.
• Donating in memory of someone
Coalition for Smarter Growth P.O. Box 73282 Washington, D.C., 20056 smartergrowth.net
• Setting up a monthly recurring donation • Using a donor advised fund • Making a contribution from your IRA • Setting up an employer matching program • Making a planned gift • Combined Federal Campaign, cfcgiving.opm.gov | CFC # 32340
What people have to say about us! “Thanks for all your expertise and time over the years! You added so much depth and historical context to so many stories.” — Jordan Pascale, on his last day as a WAMU reporter “It was great to see the CSG turnout this past week at the Fairfax County Parking Reimagined Planning Commission Hearing and really put forth astute [arguments].” — Consultant and technical expert “Kudos and thanks to Bill for creating the Information Sheet on Induced Demand. It lays out the problem and solutions really well, and is a good tool for making [the case]” — Cheri Conca, Sierra Club - Virginia Chapter