Vote, Learn, Act
Dear {{FirstName or 'Friend'}}, Thank you to all who joined us for our Smart Growth Social Goes Local series! It’s never been more important to come together to help make our communities more sustainable, livable and inclusive. Check out these opportunities to learn and act!
Vote, vote, vote! Election Day in Virginia is tomorrow! Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General are up for election as well as the
entire House of Delegates. Polls are open from 6am to 7pm, if you are in line by 7pm you can vote. Find your polling place here. Marylanders – the Prince George’s cities of Greenbelt and Laurel have elections tomorrow and College Park on Nov 7th!
MetroNow statement on WMATA service breakdown CSG is a member of the MetroNow coalition with leading business groups. We join all transit advocates in our deep concern about the WMATA maintenance, safety, and communication issues raised by the wheel axle issue with the 7000 series rail cars. While transit is many times safer than driving, these ongoing issues must be addressed. See our joint statement and other transit news in our latest MetroNow Dispatch.
A month of inspiration and celebration Thank you to all who joined us for our all-outdoor Smart Growth Social Goes Local series at a transforming strip-mall in Prince George’s, the new waterfront in Alexandria, rooftop brewery in Tysons, streetery in Cleveland Park, and Wheaton Regional Park. It was truly energizing to connect with our supporters and see so much local progress. A huge thank you to all who sponsored and donated to support our work!
“Trains, Buses, People”: A book talk with Christof Spieler! (Oct 26 event recording) Our co-host, Island Press, recently released the second edition of Christof Spieler’s wildly popular book “Trains, Buses, People.” At our online talk, Christof touched on every top transit issue of the day. Check out the recording to see why we are big fans and purchase his book using code WEBINAR with Island Press for 30% off.
Fighting for affordable homes at Bruce Monroe (view our testimony) We’re continuing our support for replacement homes for Park Morton public housing residents and developing the former Bruce
Monroe school site for mixed-income housing and a nearly 1-acre park. We testified at a Zoning Commission hearing on how this addresses needs for affordable housing and a more equitable city. We hope the plan will finally be approved after 4 years of delay.
Our parking reforms featured at Railvolution (view the powerpoint) CSG’s Policy Director, Cheryl Cort, joined a panel at the national RailVolution conference to discuss our successful DC parking reform campaign for parking cash-out (flexible commuter benefits), and DC's zoning update that reduced parking requirements.
“Let’s Talk about Shaping the Future of Chevy Chase DC" (view the powerpoint) CSG partnered with Ward3Vision to develop a 30-year urban design vision for Chevy Chase DC. As part of the vetting with local residents, Historic Chevy Chase DC held an online event to present the vision and encourage input. The design vision represents an important contribution to the city’s ongoing Chevy Chase Small Area Plan.
Take Action: Support this inclusive, sustainable blueprint for Montgomery County (send an email)
The Planning Board’s draft of Thrive Montgomery 2050 embraces urbanism and smart growth. The draft is excellent, but we’re pushing for even bolder policies for affordable housing and sustainable transportation. We’re also facing opposition from residents fearing change and inclusion. So, even if you've emailed the County Council in the past, it's time to email them again! Take Action: Keep Ride On free! (send an email) The average income of a Ride On rider is $35,000 and regionally, nearly 80% of bus riders are people of color. Free fares would
benefit vulnerable populations and essential workers upon whom we all depend. We’re also campaigning for a bus network redesign with more frequent, reliable, and expansive service.
Meeting, Nov 1: Join RISE Prince George’s (RSVP) Please join the RISE Prince George’s group meeting where we’ll be discussing a draft election platform to educate candidates for County Council about our priorities. This is a great opportunity to get our agenda before candidates and the public well before the June 28, 2022 primary.
Take Action: Speak up for Safe Streets in Fairfax (learn more & register) Fairfax County is a tough place to walk, bike, and get around if you have any physical challenges. The county wants to hear from you about how to address safety concerns as they develop their Safe Streets for All program. Join virtual public meetings on November 8 or 18. Tell them about unsafe conditions you and your family face walking and biking and how they can fix it. Event, Nov 10: Prince William – Smarter Growth and Sauvignon (register) Conservation is at risk in Prince WIlliam County as the county presses to allow industrial development in the Rural Crescent adjacent to Manassas National Battlefield Park and Prince William Forest National Park. Join Prince William Conservation Alliance, CSG, and other partners at the Winery at Sunshine Ridge Farms to discuss why these proposals are harmful and learn about our vision for a sustainable, diverse, inclusive Prince William County. Alexandria Mobility Plan Approved Thanks to everyone who sent letters and testified in support of Alexandria’s updated mobility plan! The City Council approved the plan unanimously on October 16. The Alexandria Mobility Plan
focuses on improving walking, biking, and transit, while making our streets safer and more efficient for all users and modes.
Thanks for all you do, Stewart Schwartz
Executive Director Coalition for Smarter Growth
Images from Stewart Schwartz, Cheryl Cort, Montgomery for All; VA Department of Elections; MetroNow; Christof Spieler; Business Journals, Railvolution; Ron Eichner; Montgomery Planning; MW Transit Photos; Ayesha Amsa; Sonya Breehey; Prince William Conservation Alliance; City of Alexandria
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Coalition for Smarter Growth
P.O. Box 73282
2000 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
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