22 February newsletter

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We’ll be celebrating, but there’s more to do!

Dear {{FirstName or 'Friend'}}, It’s our 25th Anniversary year and we’re excited to announce our celebration on May 11 at the Capitol View at 400. A five minute walk from Union Station, with breathtaking views of the station, our region’s premier transit hub, as well as of the U.S. Capitol, this is the perfect venue to celebrate shared accomplishments and highlight a vision for the future. Be sure to save the date – details and tickets to come!

Donate to our $250,000 for 25 fundraising campaign! This month is Black History Month, an important time to learn, contemplate, and get involved. Here is one sampling of ideas for exploring Black history and culture in DC.


Transit Equity Day (Feb 4, 12-1pm, register) In honor of Rosa Parks’ birthday, join CSG and the Virginia Sierra Club for a Transit Equity Day virtual lunch and learn. We’ll be discussing how to provide great transit without displacing the communities who rely on transit the most.

TranspoBINGO (details to come) Show your love for active transportation and public spaces! The schedule: Feb 9 at 8pm, bingo cards go live; Feb 10-17, mark as many squares as you can!; Feb 17, happy hour and prizes. Organized by Rachel Maisler & Erin Palmer.

Weigh in on Metro’s Budget (take the survey or attend a public hearing) Share your thoughts on Metro’s Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) budget (starts Jul 1). You can give feedback online and/or attend one of the three public hearings (Feb 7, 8, 9 via phone, video, in-person). Here’s more information from Metro.

Redesigning our Bus Networks (Feb 15, 12-1pm, register) Join us for the second of MetroNow's 2022 Bus Champions Roundtables! We’ll discuss WMATA's Regional Bus Network Redesign project and what a successful redesign might look like. Joining us: Alexandria’s Mayor Justin Wilson, Scudder Wagg of Jarrett Walker Associates and Lora Byala of Foursquare ITP.


DC ADU Homeowner Workshop with UPO (event materials) Interest in accessory dwelling units (ADUs) keeps growing! Nearly 300 people attended our recent workshop with the United Planning Organization (UPO). We heard from architect Ileana Schinder about designing an ADU and Ernesto Warren, DC Office of the Zoning Administrator, on zoning regulations.

Envisioning the future of Chevy Chase DC Ward 3 residents joined a community workshop on Jan 22 about the Chevy Chase Small Area Plan with the DC Office of Planning. The visions presented at the workshop reflected Ward3Vision’s 30-year vision for Chevy Chase DC.


Safer Streets for Bailey’s Crossroads Another pedestrian was tragically killed trying to walk along Route 7 in Bailey’s Crossroads. The community is home to a large immigrant population where many residents rely on walking, biking and the bus, but must navigate unsafe roads with high-speed traffic, missing sidewalks, and inadequate crossings. See our joint statement.

West Falls Church Bike/Ped Access (attend a meeting) Last year, we won a new transit-oriented community plan for West Falls Church Metro, and a study to improve pedestrian and bicycle access. Fairfax County is holding two public meetings on the West Falls Church Active Transportation Study on Feb 9 and 12 where you can learn more and provide input.

Support the Pentagon City Sector Plan (speak at the Planning Commission or Housing Commission) The draft Pentagon City Sector Plan lays out a strong vision that offers to provide much needed housing close to jobs in a walkable, bike friendly community close to Metro. Speak in support of the plan at the Planning Commission (Tonight! Feb 2) or Housing Commission (Feb 3).


Silver Spring Downtown & Adjacent Communities (SSDAC) Plan Advances The Planning Board approved the SSDAC plan and the council hearing is Feb 17. The new plan will guide Silver Spring’s progress as our region’s most racially and economically diverse, walkable, transit-oriented community.

Join the North Bethesda BRT Advisory Committee (apply, deadline: Feb 11) Help guide the North Bethesda bus rapid transit study and improve transit access in your community. This study will determine station locations, street design, and corridor termini.

Join the New Hampshire Avenue BRT Advisory Committee (apply, deadline: Feb 15) Help guide the New Hampshire Avenue bus rapid transit study and improve transit access in your community. This study will determine station locations, and street and station layout for the BRT service.

Take Action: Support Maryland Housing Justice! (send an email) Renters United Maryland has a three-part housing justice plan and legislative agenda to help struggling families, respond to evictions, and protect public health

Join us: Help brief candidates on the RISE Prince George’s Election Platform (fill out the form or email Cheryl) Prince George’s is on the rise. Great placemaking, transit, and housing policies will be key to a sustainable economic future. Residents who support the vision of RISE Prince George’s are invited to join us in briefing County Council candidates on our smart growth agenda.

Support for TOD at the Adelphi/Univ. of Maryland Purple Line station area (submit testimony, deadline: Feb 2 at 5pm) We are supporting a walkable, transit-oriented, mixed-use housing and retail community hub at the future Adelphi/UMD Purple Line station, while recommending better protection for Guilford Woods and Guilford Run, addressing flooding, and incorporating parcels to the north, including the large UMD parking lot. Thanks for all you do,

Stewart Schwartz Executive Director

Coalition for Smarter Growth

Images from Joe Flood, Labor for Sustainability, Rachel Maisler, Bradley Joines, Matthew Friedman, United Planning Organization, Ron Eichner, Stewart Schwartz, Government of Falls Church, City of Arlington, Montgomery Planning Board, Montgomery County, Montgomery County, Elvert Barnes, MNCPPC

Support a thriving D.C. region today by donating!

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