CSG Annual Report 2021

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Executive Director’s Note We will celebrate CSG’s 25th year this coming spring! Thank you to all of you who have donated, volunteered, and taken action throughout the years. With your help we have played a central role inspiring the region toward a more sustainable way to grow. Our role and effectiveness have been generously acknowledged by the Council of Governments’ 2017 Regional Partnership Award, the Washington Business Journal’s Power 100 (three awards), and the Catalogue for Philanthropy (four awards). Never has sustainable and inclusive development been more important. While we are proud to be celebrating 25 years, we are laser-focused on the next decade. By 2030, we must cut our greenhouse gas emissions by 50% below 2005 levels, while addressing the critical affordable housing, equity, land use, and transportation challenges before us. We can do this! Walkable, inclusive, transitoriented communities are great places to live and thrive, while driving less and walking, biking and using transit more. This is simply a better way to grow. We must support this vision by shifting funds from highways to transit, biking and walking, and to affordable housing close to jobs and transit. So please join us to celebrate our 25th year, and help us continue to win positive change in the critical years ahead by contributing toward our $250,000 for our 25th year fundraising campaign.

Thank you! Stewart 2

Get ready for our celebration!

Join us this spring to celebrate our 25th year and launch our campaign for the next decade. Keep an eye out for our announcement of the date and venue. Meanwhile, help us raise $250,000 in individual donations between now and our big event in spring for our 25th year of smart growth advocacy. With your help we’ll be able to hire a full-time Prince George’s Advocacy Manager and a Senior Policy Fellow. $250,000 for our 25th year!

Thank you to these photographers for the use of their wonderful images in this report: COVER: Streatery/Ted Eytan; Sunset/Joe Flood, RISE PG meeting/RISE Prince George’s, D.C. Comprehensive Plan/D.C. Office of Planning, West Falls Church Redevelopment/ Government of Falls Church, Thrive 2050/Montgomery Planning, Night on U St/Mike Maguire, ADU/Erin Kelleher, McLean Station/Daniel Kelly, Richmond BRT/BeyondDC, Four Mile Run/Erinn Shirley, Route 15/Marco Sanchez, 495/270/urbandispute, Tysons Comprehensive Plan/Fairfax County, Loudoun Data Centers/Hugh Kenny, Suburban Sprawl/Hugh Kenny, Sprawl/Mark Strozier, Cutting Trees/Hugh Kenny, Flooding in Old Town/John Sonderman, Bethesda Lane/BeyondDC, Brookland/BeyondDC, Duplex/Sightline, Rowhouses/angela n., Flash/MW Transit Photos, DC Bike Party/Joe Flood, C&O Canal/C Buoscio, Overlook/Hugh Kenny, Metroway/BeyondDC, Metro/Daniel Kelly, People & Bikes/Mike Maguire, Protected Bike Lane/Elyse Horvath, Robinson River/Hugh Kenny, Lower Senate Park/John Brighenti, Tidal Basin/Jim Havard, Marcia de Garmo/PEC, Ed Risse/emrisse.com, King Street/Joe Flood Flickr photos licensed via Creative Commons or by permission via our Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool. All other photos not listed here are CSG file photos by CSG staff. For hyperlinks to the original photos on Flickr, please contact our office.

Coalition for Smarter Growth | Annual Report 2021 3

Maryland Advocates for Sustainable Transportation (MAST), promoting transit and transit-oriented development (TOD) as alternatives to highway expansion.

Our Mission The Coalition for Smarter Growth advocates for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the Washington, D.C. region to grow and provide opportunities for all.

MetroNow, a business alliance campaigning for transit funding and investments.

Montgomery for All, a community-led group advocating for sustainable and inclusive land use, housing, and transit policies.

D.C. Housing Priorities Coalition, advocating for housing and land use policies to serve the needs of D.C. residents.

Working in partnership We were founded in 1997 by the region’s leading conservation organizations. Today, working in partnership is more important than ever.


RISE Prince George’s, building a shared, sustainable prosperity in Prince George’s County by creating safe, walkable, inclusive and transitoriented communities.

Ward3Vision and Cleveland Park Smart Growth, community-led groups supporting TOD, and an inclusive Ward 3 and city.

Fairfax Healthy Communities, linking conservation, housing, climate, transportation, and racial equity organizations. Liveable Alexandria, committed to affordable housing, TOD, transit, and safe street design. The Alliance for Housing Solutions, working to increase the supply of affordable housing in Arlington and Northern Virginia. Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance, promoting healthy, sustainable and equitable communities that meet diverse housing needs. Virginia Conservation Network, coordinating the state’s conservation movement.

Join the movement! There are several ways to get involved and support our vision and work:

Donate Individual donors like you are critical to keeping our team in the field, whether it’s a big annual donation or an automatic recurring contribution of as little as $2.50 per month. Donate at smartergrowth.net/donate.

Take Action Sign up for our emails to learn about local issues, send emails to your elected officials, or speak at a public hearing. We make it easy for you to take action! Sign up at smartergrowth.net/signup.

Volunteer Join our smart growth photo team, help out at our events, cover a public meeting, or do important research. Learn more at smartergrowth.net/volunteer.

Connect with local advocates Local advocates are critical to our shared success. Join one of our local partners like Montgomery for All, RISE Prince George’s, Ward3Vision, or Liveable Alexandria.

Have questions? Email us at action@smartergrowth.net!

Coalition for Smarter Growth | Annual Report 2021 5

2021 2021Achievements Achievements

Transit-oriented Transit-orientedcommunities communities Smart Smartgrowth growthmeans meanscommunity communitycommitment commitmenttotocreating creating walkable, walkable,inclusive, inclusive,mixed-use, mixed-use,transit-accessible transit-accessibleplaces places

6 6

Planning Planningfor foran an AAwin winininWest West inclusive inclusiveD.C. D.C. Falls FallsChurch Church

The Thefight fightfor for Thrive Thrive2050 2050

TOD TODand andour our future future

After After four four years, years, wewe won won D.C. D.C. Council Council approval approval of of a bold a bold update update to to the the Comprehensive Comprehensive Plan Plan to to allow allow forfor more more housing housing and and more more affordable affordable housing housing in in transit-accessible transit-accessible locations locations across across the the city. city. Thanks Thanks to to allall who who emailed emailed and and fought fought forfor aa more more inclusive, inclusive, racially racially equitable equitable D.C. D.C. Next Next up:up: updating updating area area plans, plans, including including Chevy Chevy Chase. Chase.

Our Our Montgomery Montgomery forfor AllAll group group is is campaigning campaigning forfor approval approval of of Thrive Thrive 2050, 2050, Montgomery Montgomery County’s County’s new new general general plan plan forfor a more a more sustainable, sustainable, inclusive, inclusive, and and competitive competitive future. future. We’re We’re also also fighting fighting forfor anan inclusive inclusive Silver Silver Spring Spring plan plan and and “missing “missing middle” middle” housing. housing.

Our Our 2021 2021 report, report, “Cutting “Cutting Transportation Transportation Emissions, Emissions, ” ” shows shows transit-oriented transit-oriented development development (TOD) (TOD) is is key key to to reducing reducing CO2 CO2 emissions. emissions. We We sparked sparked aa regional regional transportation transportation and and climate climate study, study, aa transportation transportation plan plan byby 2024 2024 to to cutcut emissions, emissions, and and a Council a Council of of Governments’ Governments’ resolution resolution prioritizing prioritizing growth growth at at high-capacity high-capacity transit transit with with a focus a focus onon equity equity and and affordable affordable housing. housing.

We We won won a unanimous a unanimous vote vote of of the the Fairfax Fairfax County County Board Board forfor the the West West Falls Falls Church Church Metro Metro plan plan to to transform transform acres acres of of parking parking lots lots into into anan inclusive, inclusive, walkable, walkable, bike-friendly, bike-friendly, transittransitoriented oriented community. community. Next Next up:up: creating creating safer safer bike/ bike/ pedestrian pedestrian access access from from nearby nearby neighborhoods. neighborhoods.

2021 2021Achievements Achievements

Affordable Affordablehousing housing Smart Smartgrowth growthmeans meansusing usingevery everytool toolwe wehave havetoto ensure ensurepeople peoplehave havesafe, safe,affordable affordableplaces placestotolive live

Winning Winningmore more funding funding

Inclusive Inclusivehousing housingfor for Accessory Accessory D.C. D.C. apartments apartments

We We helped helped win win more more funding funding forfor affordable affordable housing! housing! Wins Wins include: include: D.C. D.C. with with a record a record $200 $200 million million per per year year forfor the the next next two two years years and and $42 $42 million million forfor project-sponsorproject-sponsorbased based vouchers; vouchers; Prince Prince George’s George’s first first dedicated dedicated funding funding - $10 - $10 million million in in year year one; one; Fairfax, Fairfax, anan extra extra $13 $13 million million per per year year forfor the the next next two two years, years, doubling doubling their their fund; fund; and and Montgomery, Montgomery, new new funding funding streams. streams.

We We won won Expanded Expanded IZIZ (inclusionary (inclusionary zoning) zoning) which which creates creates the the opportunity opportunity to to increase increase the the share share of of affordable affordable units units upup to to 20% 20% in in rezonings. rezonings. With With Ward3Vision, Ward3Vision, we’re we’re campaigning campaigning forfor more more affordable affordable housing housing in in Ward Ward 3. 3.

We We won won approval approval of of ADUs ADUs in in Alexandria, Alexandria, and and limited limited liberalization liberalization in in Fairfax. Fairfax. D.C. D.C. saw saw anan increase increase in in ADU ADU permits, permits, helped helped byby improvements improvements wewe won won in in the the permitting permitting process. process. Interest Interest in in ADUs ADUs is is growing growing asas a housing a housing option, option, forfor older older family family members members and and forfor producing producing income. income.

Coalition Coalition forfor Smarter Smarter Growth Growth | Annual | Annual Report Report 2021 2021 7 7

2021 2021Achievements Achievements

Safer Saferstreets, streets,sustainable sustainabletransportation transportation Smart Smartgrowth growthmeans meanstransit transitand andlocal localstreet streetnetworks networks that thatare aresafe safefor forwalking walkingand andbicycling bicycling

Better BetterBuses Buses Our Our Montgomery Montgomery Better Better Buses Buses coalition coalition won won extended extended free free fares fares and and aa Ride Ride OnOn Reimagined Reimagined study study to to improve improve frequency, frequency, reliability, reliability, and and quality. quality. Alexandria Alexandria launched launched anan improved improved DASH DASH Bus Bus network network and and free free fares. fares. D.C. D.C. expanded expanded itsits bus bus lane lane program program and and began began construction construction forfor the the 16th 16th Street Street bus bus lanes. lanes. With With MetroNow, MetroNow, wewe released released a status a status report report onon the the WMATA WMATA Bus Bus Transformation Transformation Project. Project.

8 8

We Weneed needsafer safer Federal Federaltransit transit Bus Busrapid rapid streets streets funding funding transit transit The The region’s region’s overly-wide, overly-wide, high-speed high-speed arterial arterial roads roads areare extremely extremely hazardous. hazardous. We’re We’re pressing pressing forfor aa safer safer design design forfor Route Route 1 1 and and forfor the the ActiveFairfax ActiveFairfax safety safety plan, plan, and and just just won won a grant a grant to to work work with with the the community community forfor Route Route 7 7 safety safety improvements. improvements. We We helped helped win win Alexandria’s Alexandria’s plan plan prioritizing prioritizing walking, walking, biking biking and and transit, transit, while while D.C. D.C. lowered lowered speed speed limits limits and and expanded expanded protected protected bike bike lanes. lanes.

Working Working with with the the National National Transit Transit Justice Justice Coalition, Coalition, T4America, T4America, and and MetroNow, MetroNow, wewe helped helped win win record record funding funding forfor transit transit and and intercity intercity rail, rail, and and renewal renewal of of the the federal federal commitment commitment to to WMATA WMATA of of $150 $150 million million per per year. year.

We We continued continued our our campaigns campaigns to to transform transform suburban suburban arterials arterials with with modern modern bus bus rapid rapid transit, transit, including including Route Route 1 and 1 and Route Route 7 in 7 in Fairfax, Fairfax, Duke Duke Street Street in in Alexandria, Alexandria, the the Metroway Metroway extension extension in in Arlington, Arlington, and and Veirs Veirs Mill Mill Road, Road, Route Route 355, 355, and and Route Route 2929 inside inside the the Beltway Beltway in in Montgomery. Montgomery.

2021 2021Achievements Achievements

More Moreopen openspace, space,less lesssprawl sprawl Smart Smartgrowth growthmeans meansprotecting protectingour ourforests forestsand andfarms, farms,clean clean water, water,and andreducing reducinggreenhouse greenhousegas gasemissions emissions

TOD,VMT VMTand and TOD, climatechange change climate

Route Route15 15

495/270 495/270

The The battle battle forfor the the future future of of Route Route 1515 continues. continues. Loudoun Loudoun County’s County’s push push With With just just nine nine years years leftleft to to slash slash our our widen widen Route Route 1515 north north of of Leesburg Leesburg greenhouse greenhouse gas gas (GHG) (GHG) emissions, emissions, to to to to four four lanes lanes while while retaining retaining traffic traffic wewe launched launched a major a major climate climate lights lights will will make make it less it less safe safe and and campaign. campaign. Transportation Transportation is is the the induce induce more more traffic traffic and and speculative speculative #1#1 source source of of our our region’s region’s GHG GHG rural rural land land development. development. Working Working emissions, emissions, and and electric electric vehicles vehicles with with partners, partners, we we still still hope hope to to will will not not bebe enough. enough. We We must must also also win win our our safer, safer, context-sensitive context-sensitive reduce reduce vehicle vehicle miles miles traveled traveled (VMT) (VMT) alternative: alternative: two two lanes lanes with with byby ending ending sprawl sprawl and and creating creating roundabouts roundabouts and and traffic traffic calming. calming. transit-oriented transit-oriented communities communities with with more more frequent frequent transit. transit.

Virginia Virginia and and Maryland Maryland continue continue to to seek seek widening widening and and tolling tolling forfor the the Capital Capital Beltway Beltway and and I-270, I-270, despite despite harm harm to to parkland, parkland, neighborhoods, neighborhoods, and and airair quality. quality. Our Our sustainable sustainable alternative alternative combines combines transit, transit, demand demand management, management, and and transittransitoriented oriented land land use, use, with with TOD TOD in in Prince Prince George’s George’s asas a core a core solution solution forfor racial racial and and economic economic equity equity and and reducing reducing peak-hour peak-hour trips. trips.

Coalition Coalition forfor Smarter Smarter Growth Growth | Annual | Annual Report Report 2021 2021 9 9

2021 Achievements

Education and Engagement Smart growth means informed and engaged advocates shaping the future of our community.

• RISE Prince George’s meetings

Livable Communities

• Fairfax Healthy Communities meetings

• Montgomery for All meetings

• Fair Oaks Bike Tour • Smart Growth Social Goes Local: Tour of Kingdom Square in Capitol Heights with RISE Prince George’s

• Smart Growth Social Goes Local: Old Town • Transit Equity Day waterfront walking Virtual Lunch & Learn tour and picnic with Liveable Alexandria • Accelerating Active Transportation Change • Smart Growth Social in Northern Virginia Goes Local: Happy

In May, we awarded D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser our Livable Communities Leadership Award for championing affordable housing, and recognized Community Heroes Mary Paden of Fairfax, Kishan Putta of D.C., and Alison Gillespie, Peter Gray, and Kristy Daphnis of Montgomery County.

• Connecting the Corridor: a Century of Racism and Resilience Along the Purple Line • MWCOG’s Vision Zero Arterial Design Summit

Smart Growth Social Goes Local This fall we held five outdoor inperson events to reconnect with our local supporters and check out local placemaking. It was great to see everyone!


More forums and events

• Cycling for Sustainable Cities with Professor Ralph Buehler • West Falls Church Virtual Forum • NVRC’s Safe Walking Summit • WABA’s Regional Vision Zero Summit • Say No To Maglev event

hour at the 11th floor rooftop Starr Hill Biergarten in Tysons with NoVa advocates

• Smart Growth Social Goes Local: Mixer on the closed service street in Cleveland Park with Cleveland Park Smart Growth & Ward 3 Vision • Smart Growth Social Goes Local: Wheaton Regional Park walking tour and picnic with Montgomery for All • Trains, Buses, People book talk with Christof Spieler • Arlington County Board candidates forum with EcoAction

2021 Achievements

Speaking up We speak up in favor of smart growth projects and policies, while encouraging our supporters to do so as well. We also oppose projects that undermine a sustainable region. We’ve had a busy year analyzing, testifying, and mobilizing on 30+ issues, including: • North Bethesda Strathmore Square project at Grosvenor Metro Station • Montgomery County Property Tax Abatement for High-Rise Residential at Metro • Bipartisan Infrastructure and Build Back Better bills

• Metroway Bus Rapid Transit Expansion to Pentagon City • University Boulevard bike lanes • Metro fares and service • ActiveFairfax Transportation Plan • Fairfax’s Safe Streets for All program

• Smart growth alternative to the 495 and 270 HOT lanes and 495 NEXT

• Thrive 2050 Montgomery County General Plan update

• Open Streets D.C.

• Park Morton and Bruce Monroe redevelopment in D.C.

• DC Expanded Inclusionary Zoning • Alexandria Mobility Plan • Heritage at Old Town redevelopment with affordable housing

• Prince George’s Comprehensive Map Amendment

• Climate Action Plans in Prince George’s, Montgomery, Fairfax and Alexandria • Richmond Highway (Route 1) Design and Bus Rapid Transit • Prince George’s Blue Line TOD economic development • 5500 Wisconsin Avenue development • Creekside at Cabin John site plan • Rockville 2040 Master Plan • State legislation for inclusionary zoning near Metro stations in Virginia • Visualize 2045 regional transportation plan

• Prince George’s Housing Investment Trust Fund dedicated funding • Alexandria Accessory Dwelling Unit policy • Fairfax County Zoning Modification for Accessible Living Units • Fairfax County Workforce Dwelling Unit policy update • Fairfax County budget allocations to safe streets and affordable housing • West Falls Church Transit Station Area plan amendment • Route 7 Bus Rapid Transit Study • National Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices update

Coalition for Smarter Growth | Annual Report 2021 11

A Look Back and a Look Ahead

Highlights from CSG history Visionary planners and conservationists founded CSG in 1997 to promote a better way for our region to grow - a network of livable communities tied to our transit stations, which would reduce driving and address the east-west economic divide. Our 2002 Blueprint for a Better Region captured our vision, shaping the 2005 Urban Land Institute Reality Check summit, 2010 Council of Governments’ Region Forward plan, 2015 WMATA Connect Greater Washington plan, and 2021 regional recommitment to transit-oriented communities. What follows are selected highlights from our history beginning with some of the early work of our founders.


1988 •


Public rejects Washington “outer beltway”

2007 •

CSG and WRN merge

Win bipartisan Virginia legislation for Urban Development Areas

1992 •

WRN report: A New Approach


PEC and allies defeat Disney theme park near Manassas Battlefield

1996 •

CBF/EDF reports A Better Way to Grow & Network of Livable Communities

• •

Defeat NoVA sales tax for roads

Win WBJ Business Person of the Year


Conservation groups found CSG

CSG report: Highway Robbery

Launch, with business leaders, Washington Smart Growth Alliance CSG defeats upper Potomac “Techway” Bridge

Chosen “one of best small charities” by CFP

2005 •

ULI “Reality Check” summit endorses TOD

Win Chair Connolly’s support to create an urban Tysons Plan

2001 •


Release: Shaping the Future of Fairfax

Win 2nd CFP


1997 •

CSG release: Blueprint for a Better Region

CSG report: Reconnecting Virginia

2006 • •

Win MetroWest at Vienna Metro Win D.C. Inclusionary Zoning affordable housing program

Release vision for Fairfax Route 1


COG “Region Forward” Plan & Fairfax’ Tysons Plan

2012 •

Selected to WBJ Power 100

Win 3rd CFP

CSG report: Public Land for Public Good

A Look Back and a Look Ahead

2013 •

Win 81-mile Montgomery BRT network

Selected to WBJ Power 100

CSG Walkable Living stories

CSG reports: Rethinking the BiCounty Parkway & Thinking Big, Planning Smart

Win hospital at Largo Metro & ”Get MD Moving” campaign for transportation $

2014 •

Virginia approves SmartScale for transportation

Win 16th Street bus lanes

Win D.C. Public Land for Public Good law

Win COG climate commitment

CSG report: Moving an Age-Friendly D.C.


Saved the Purple Line

Win new D.C. zoning code

Selected to WBJ Power 100

Host StreetsCamp and ANC training

CSG reports: Transit Alternatives to M-83 and D.C. Affordability Crisis in 7 Charts

2016 •

Win Prince George’s Urban Street Design Standards

Win 4th CFP

Win King Street bike lanes

CSG report: GreenPlace


Lead Metro Fund it/Fix it campaign

CSG report: D.C. Long Term Affordability



Win dedicated Metro funding

Win Embark Richmond Highway Plan

Lead D.C. ADU campaign

Release with SC, a Transportation Blueprint for NOVA

Stop upper Potomac Bridge again

Host Courageous Conversations about residential segregation

Win record Virginia rail funding and Federal emergency transit funding

CSG report: ADU D.C. Homeowner’s Manual

2021 •

Win new D.C. Comp Plan and expanded IZ

CSG report: Cutting Transportation Emissions



ADU: Accessory Dwelling Unit

Win at COG: 75% of new housing to go to transit stations

Win Montgomery ADUs

Win Seminary Road bike lanes

Win Potomac Yard Metro station


Inclusionary Zoning


Sierra Club

ANC: Advisory Neighborhood Commission BRT: Bus Rapid Transit CBF: Chesapeake Bay Foundation CFP: Catalogue for Philanthropy COG: Council of Governments EDF: Environmental Defense Fund

Win COG Regional Partnership Award

Win new Prince George’s Zoning

TOD: Transit-Oriented Development

Win D.C. parking cash-out

CSG D.C. Bus Report Card

WBJ: Washington Business Journal

Win Route 29 BRT


Urban Land Institute

WRN: Washington Regional Network of Livable Communities

Coalition for Smarter Growth | Annual Report 2021 13


A Look Back and a Look Ahead Leesburg

Smart Growth Plans Adopted Following CSG Advocacy and Collaboration (1997 to 2021) Maryland


22. Crystal City Sector Plan 23. East Falls Church Area Plan


Bethesda Downtown Plan


Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro Area Minor Master Plan


Lyttonsville Master Plan

26. North Woodbridge Master Zoning Plan


Montgomery 81-mile Bus Rapid Transit Plan

27. Potomac Yard Small Area Plan


Montgomery General Plan - Thrive 2050*


New Carrollton Transit District Plan

29. Richmond Highway EMBARK Comprehensive Plan


Prince George’s Plan 2035

30. Seven Corners Visioning Plan


Shady Grove Sector Plan

31. Tysons Corner Comprehensive Plan


Silver Spring Downtown and Adjacent Communities*

32. Vienna Metro Plan - MetroWest

10. Subregion 4 Master Plan - Heart of Prince George’s 11. Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan 12. Twinbrook Sector Plan 13. University of Maryland East Campus Redevelopment 14. West Hyattsville Transit District Plan 15. White Flint Sector Plan 16. White Oak Science Gateway Master Plan

Virginia 17. Alexandria Waterfront Plan 18. Bailey’s Crossroads Plan 19. Beauregard Small Area Plan 20. Braddock Road Metro Area Plan 21. Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Area Plan 14





24. Envision Loudoun comprehensive Plan 25. Merrifield Suburban Center Plan


28. Reston-Wiehle TOD Plan


33. West Falls Church Transit Station Area



34. American University Campus Plan 35. Brookland/CUA Metro Station Small Area Plan 36. DC Comprehensive Plan

37. Deanwood Strategic Development Plan 38. Fort Totten Small Area Plan 39. Howard University Campus Master Plan 15 Island Avenue Small Area Plan 40. Rhode 41. Southwest Waterfront Plan 42. Takoma Central District Plan

We have also actively supported FAUQUIER over 100 individual development COUNTY proposals across the region! *In process winter 2021



Manassas Manassas



A Look Back and a Look Ahead

8 270





Tysons Corner


Bethesda 1
















22 1








DC 39 40

23 ARLINGTON COUNTY Falls 25 Church 21 30 395 Annandale 18

Bowie 6




13 College Park





Silver Spring

38 189


16 495


Reston 28






Great Falls




12 15





17 Oxon Hill


assas Park


V I RG I N IA 95


Smart Growth Plans 5


Major Roads Jurisdiction Lines


Urban Areas

Lorton Map created by:

Dale City


a om


er R iv





CHARLES Coalition for Smarter Growth | Annual Report 2021 COUNTY 301


Which path will our region choose? An Unsustainable Future If the region continues to spread outward and separate homes from transit, jobs, and services, while building even more highways, then traffic, pollution, climate change, and economic inequity get worse.

Land Use • 150 square miles (nearly 100,000 acres) of farms, forests lost to sprawling development • 100,000 more families live >50 miles from D.C. and commute over 2 hours per day • Homes, offices, stores, and schools are separated from each other, forcing driving for every trip.

Housing • 224,000 affordable homes lost by 2030 • Housing costs are >50% of household income for lower-income residents • Combined housing + transportation costs are >45% of income for all residents

Transportation • Commute trip lengths increase • Over 80% of suburban trips are by car instead of other modes • Rates of deaths and injuries to pedestrians, bicyclists, and children continue to increase

Health and Climate Change • Failure to adequately reduce CO2 emissions from transportation • Increased heat and air pollution • Loss of 1000’s of acres of forests to development 16

A Look Back and a Look Ahead

A Sustainable, Equitable Future The region meets its commitment to focus mixed-use development at transit stations and in redeveloped commercial corridors. We curb outward sprawl, preserve farms and forests, and shift from highway expansion to transit, walking, and biking.

Transit-oriented communities • Transit-oriented development is complete at 80% of the region’s high-capacity transit centers • 75% of new homes and jobs are located at high-capacity transit centers • 1 million more acres are permanently protected for farms, forests, recreation

Housing for all • $2 billion more per year is invested in affordable housing • Affordable housing is available for all residents • Combined housing + transportation costs are <45% of household income

Transforming Transportation • 40% of trips in the suburbs are by transit, walking, biking • 80% of residents have access to high-capacity transit • 20% reduction in miles of driving per person • 0 deaths/serious injuries to pedestrians, bicyclists, and children

Saving our health and environment • 50% decrease in CO2 emissions from transportation by 2030 • Rates of asthma and other respiratory illnesses plummet • Increase in walking, biking, and transit helps improve health 17

A Look Back and a Look Ahead

Our Blueprint for a Better Region


Leesburg 15


Ashburn 267


Walkable, inclusive, mixed-use, transit neighborhoods


Parks, farms, forests


Safe streets 66


Man 15



Metro, Commuter Rail, bus and BRT corridors



A Look Back and a Look Ahead







Great Falls



Silver Spring





V I RG I N IA Bethesda

College Park 29






Falls Church






Transit Lines for the Next Decade







Bus Rapid


Express Bus


Burke Springfield

VRE/MARC all-day


Oxon Hill






Manassas Park







DC Bus Priority & MetroBus High-Freq Network Rosslyn Fix/Blue Line


V I RG I N IA 95



Silver Line Phase

2021 Metro Rail


Blue Green




ake Ba y









Orange Red

Dale City





a om

iv cR



Map created by:

Waldorf 301






Indian Head 5

Coalition for Smarter Growth | Annual Report 2021 19

Who Whowe weare are Staff Staff

Stewart Stewart Schwartz Schwartz

Cheryl Cheryl Cort Cort Policy Policy Director Director

Executive Executive Director Director

Jane Jane Lyons Lyons

Sonya Sonya Breehey Breehey Ayesha Ayesha Amsa Amsa

BillBill Pugh Pugh

Bernard Bernard Holloway Holloway

Northern Virginia Virginia Communications Communications Senior Senior Policy Policy Fellow FellowSenior Senior Advocacy Advocacy Maryland Maryland Advocacy Advocacy Northern Advocacy Advocacy Manager Manager andand Administration Administration (2021) (2021) Fellow Fellow (2021) (2021) Manager Manager Assistant Assistant Co-Chair Co-Chair of RISE of RISE Prince Prince George’s George’s

Champions ChampionsCouncil Council We We sincerely sincerely thank thank our our Champions Champions Council, Council, anan accomplished accomplished team team that that advises advises the the Coalition Coalition forfor Smarter Smarter Growth Growth toto help help usus carry carry out out our our mission. mission. Our Our Champions Champions Council Council includes includes experienced experienced leaders leaders across across business, business, development, development, housing, housing, transportation, transportation, media, media, and and academic academic fields. fields. Champions Champions Council Council business business affiliations affiliations areare forfor reference reference only only and and dodo notnot imply imply endorsement. endorsement.

Andrew Andrew Aurbach Aurbach

Communications Communications consultant consultant and and media media producer producer

JimJim Campbell Campbell

Somerset Somerset Development Development

Allison Allison Davis Davis

Washington Washington Metro Metro

Ronald Ronald Eichner Eichner

New New Legacy Legacy Partners Partners

Rodney Rodney Harrell, Harrell, PhD PhD


Steven Steven E. Jones E. Jones


Christopher Christopher Miller Miller

President, President, Piedmont Piedmont Environmental Environmental Council Council

Robert Robert Puentes Puentes

Eno Eno Center Center forfor Transportation Transportation

Dan Dan Reed Reed

Toole Toole Design Design

Douglas Douglas Stewart Stewart

Fairfax Fairfax City City Citizens Citizens forfor Smarter Smarter Growth Growth

Lee Lee Farmer Farmer


Our Our parent parent organization: organization: The The Coalition Coalition forfor Smarter Smarter Growth Growth is is grateful grateful to to ourour parent parent organization, organization, thethe Piedmont Piedmont Environmental Environmental Council Council (PEC), (PEC), a 501(c)(3) a 501(c)(3) nonprofit nonprofit based based in in Warrenton, Warrenton, Virginia. Virginia. PEC PEC provides provides accounting, accounting, taxtax reporting, reporting, and and human human resources resources support, support, and and segregates segregates contributions contributions made made to to CSG. CSG. Copies Copies of of PEC’s PEC’s most most recent recent audited audited financial financial statements statements and and IRS IRS Form Form 990, 990, which which incorporates incorporates thethe activities activities of of CSG, CSG, areare available available online online at at pecva.org/donate. pecva.org/donate. For For more more information, information, please please contact contact usus at at (202) (202) 675-0016. 675-0016.


2020 Financial report

FY2021 numbers are not yet available at print deadline, as our fiscal year ends on December 31.

Sources of Organizational Support Foundations






Corporate and organizational






Federal PPP



Surplus from 2019






Operating expenditures Personnel and related costs Salaries and staff benefits Consultants and professional fees Subtotal, Personnel







General expenses Advertising







Rent and occupancy








Meetings and conferences Hosted events

Travel Postage and Delivery



Printing, copying, publications



Supplies and equipment



Dues and subscriptions



Misc fees and insurance Subtotal, General expenses







100% Coalition for Smarter Growth | Annual Report 2021 21

2021 In Memoriam We lost three CSG Community Heroes in 2021 and do not want to forget their contributions to CSG and a more sustainable region.

Marcia de Garmo

Founder of Voters to Stop Sprawl in Loudoun and the Virginia League of Conservation Voters, Marcia was our inspiring and strategic leader of campaigns for smarter growth in Loudoun.

Ed Risse

A professional planner and visionary regionalist, Ed illustrated how the DC region could grow more compactly and had a profound influence on our Blueprint for a Better Region.

Janet Brown

A member of the Washington Regional Network for Livable Communities (founded 1991; merged with CSG in 2007), Janet was a mentor to us and a passionate advocate for preserving and adding affordable housing in D.C.

2020 Contributions We are incredibly grateful to the foundations, organizations, firms, and every one of the individual donors who make our work possible. We are able to list within available space 258 donors whose contributions of $100+ we received between January 1 and December 31, 2020.

Smart Growth Guardians $20,000+ The Campbell Foundation The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Community Foundation for Northern Virginia Prince Charitable Trusts Share Fund

Smart Growth Defenders $5,000-$19,999 Akridge Development 22

Anonymous David Alpert David M. Schwarz Architects EYA Fivesquares Development Allen Greenberg & Jay Evans Kaiser Permanente New Legacy Partners Molly & Bill Pugh Mark Ohrstrom George Ohrstrom II Jean Perin JBG Smith Wolf Run Foundation

Smart Growth Champions $2,500-$4,999 Chevy Chase Land Company James Dubois Somerset Development Company Rebecca & Jeff Tapick Harriet Tregoning ZGF Architects LLP

Smart Growth Stewards $1,000-$2,499

AARP Madhav Acharya William Alsup Geoffrey Anderson Andrew Aurbach Laurence Aurbach Bozzuto Allison Davis Marcia & George De Garmo Kevin & LG Desantis-Bush Eastbanc Tom Gutierrez Bart Harvey Steven Jones Joe Kakesh

Christopher Miller Anita Morrison, Partners for Economic Solutions National Landing BID National Parks Conservation Association The Family of Harry L. Sanders Gregory Sanders & Kate Malloy Conor Shaw Don, Tina, & Jessie Slater SWBID Stout & Teague Torti Gallas + Partners Stonebridge VHB

Smart Growth Patrons $500-$999 AHC, Inc. Anonymous APAH Matthew Bell Kaid Benfield Capitol Riverfront BID Cunningham | Quill Architects Charles Denney Mitch Diamond & Lucy Bernstein DowntownDC BID Jim Epstein Fehr & Peers Eddie Fendley Michael Fine Gables Construction, Inc. Louise Gerstenfeld Greater Washington Board of Trade Steven Greenwaters Michael Hechter Thomas Hier Kittelson & Associates George Lamb Lerch, Early, Brewer Macerich Tom Metcalf William Millar Dr. Robert B Moler Nelson\Nygaard NoMa BID Jeffrey Norman Mary Pierce Renaissance Planning Group Denise Schlener Margaret Schoap Lee & Elizabeth Schoenecker Carl Shoolman Sierra Club Virginia

Douglas Stewart Robert Ward Wesley Housing

Smart Growth Advocates $250-$499 Anne Ambler Anonymous Tad Baldwin Ellen Bass Marlene Berlin Richard Bradley Jason Broehm Jim and Tina Brown Nick Burger Otto Condon Brian & Bee Ditzler Victor Dover Jim Durham Lee Farmer Jim Feldman Miti Figueredo Michelle Foster Nancy Fox Nicole Funari Bill Gallagher Calvin Gladney John Goodman Rodney Harrell Larry Huffman Lee Alice Kimball Susan Kimmel Steve Knight Marc Korman Glenn MacCullough Jacob Mason Joe McAndrew & Jessica Bloomfield Deirdre Middleton Alex Posorske Richard Price & Lena O’Rourke Tom Quinn Matt Schuneman

Peter Shapiro Robert Sheehan Betsy Sherman Leslie Steen Robert Summersgill Jennifer Williams Daniel Winston Michelle Winters Frederick Wu Robert & Deborah Wulff Samuel Zimbabwe Christopher Zimmerman Mariia Zimmerman

Smart Growth Supporters $100-$249 Dean Amel Anonymous Anonymous Susan Auerhan Kelley Banks Ann Bauer Jamie Baxter Marc Bendick Jr Gregory Billing Gem Bingol Elizabeth Borkowski David Bowers Liz Brent Christoph Casati Stephen Cerny Sivakumar Chandran Hilary Chapman Ann Cook Stephen Crim Don Cuming Ralph Cunningham Hope Cupit Ronit Dancis Adam Davis Rachel Davis Rosalyn Doggett Megan Draheim

Robert Duffy Heather Edelman Jim Edmondson Michael English Lee Epstein Brandon Estela Jay Fisette Al Francese Jaime Frank Walker Freer James Fremont Ralph Garboushian Donna Gentry Maggie Gendron Geoff Gerhardt Reinaldo Germano Cindy Gibson Alison Gillespie Dannielle Glaros The Honorable Parris Glendening Charles Grymes Michele Hagans Robin Halsband Peter Hawley Seth Heald David Helms Paula Hirschoff Michael Holzheimer Alex Horowitz Joseph Jakuta Phil Kang Robert Klein Jonathan Krall Celeste Land George Leventhal Brian Levy Dave Levy Roger Lewis Joy Markowitz Mikel Maron Barbara McCann Eileen McCarthy Sarah McMeans Christopher Mrstik

Randall Myers Lowell Nelson Elisa Ortiz Jonathan Parker Kripa Patwardhan Bob Peck Andrew Pendleton Peter Pennington Martha Polkey Claire Randall Dan Reed Stephen Repetski Michael Replogle Lynn Richards Hope Richardson Thomas Ross Ileana Schinder John Schisler Ari Schnitzer Stewart Schwartz David Sears Nick Sementelli Rosemary Sheridan Wade Smith Jeff Speck Franklin & Nancy Spielberg Matthew Steil Timothy Stevens John Swanson Yolanda Takesian Laura & Mark Tekrony Jane Thurber Prem Vadlamudi Patricia Waddy Scudder Wagg Matthew Watson Bri West John & Val Wheeler Yvette White William Wilkinson Martha Wingfield Steven Woodbury Michael Zeldin Abigail Zenner

Coalition for Smarter Growth | Annual Report 2021 23

Let’s Shape the Future Together For walkable, inclusive, transit-accessible communities. Help CSG raise $250,000 for our 25th year! We are excited to celebrate our 25th year but we have much more to do over the next decade to win a more sustainable, inclusive region with great walkable, transit-accessible communities. Please help us raise $250,000 in individual donations as part of our 25th anniversary fundraising campaign. You can donate online anytime at smartergrowth.net/donate

Other ways you can donate include: • Setting up a monthly recurring donation • Using a donor advised fund • Donating stocks • Making a contribution from your IRA • Donating in memory of someone • Setting up an employer matching program • Making a planned gift

Coalition for Smarter Growth P.O. Box 73282 | 2000 14th Street NW Washington, D.C., 20009 (202) 675-0016 | smartergrowth.net

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