Exciting events and several ways to take action!
Astar of the walkable communities movement will be joining CSG and metrobar on St Patrick’s Day! Jeff Speck will be in town celebrating the release of his 10th Anniversary Edition of Walkable City – and we’re excited to be hosting him. This is just one of many important events and campaigns on tap for CSG and our supporters in the coming weeks.
Transit Equity Day (Feb 4)
It’s almostTransit Equity Day, celebrated on Rosa Parks’birthday! Celebrate by riding the bus, taking Metro, or taking action. Join the national webinar hosted by Labor Network for Sustainability.
Event: Smart GrowthAmerica Equity Summit (Feb 7-9, RSVP)
Across three days, the 2023 Equity Summit will discuss how to ensure equity is at the forefront of every decision through the lens of community development, reconnecting communities, and equitable decarbonization.
Weigh in on Metro’s new strategic plan! (submit comments, deadline: Feb 14)
Metro has developed a new strategic plan, Your Metro, the Way Forward, to guide long-term decision making and everyday actions over the next 5+ years. Now it’s our turn to weigh in. Is Metro on the right track? Do their goals align with your needs? Share your feedback online or at the hearing on Feb 9.
Event: SaferArterials for Livable Communities Series, #1 (Feb 23 at 12pm)
Join CSG and transportation firm VHB, for VHB’s update on their work for DC and the National Capital Planning Commission to redesign key parts of PennsylvaniaAvenue into a more peopleoriented, safer and greener corridor. Stay tuned for RSVP email.
Event: Shamrocks and Smart Growth with Jeff Speck (March 17 at 5pm; buy tickets)
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day the urbanist way with CSG, metrobar, and Jeff Speck, author of Walkable City! Jeff is traveling to DC for a special reading from his recently released 10thAnniversary edition of Walkable City. Signed copies of Jeff’s book will also be available for purchase.Tickets ($25) include one drink. D.C.
Support affordable housing at the new Chevy Chase library (take action, deadline: Feb 9)
With your support, we helped pass the Chevy Chase DC Small Area Plan.The plan includes a “Civic Core” – a new library and community center with affordable, mixed-income housing. Don't let the skeptics block affordable housing like they did at the Tenleytown Library.
Support the transformation of Takoma Metro station!
Thank you to everyone who took action to send supportive comments to the WMATABoard for transforming parking lots at Takoma Metro into new housing, including affordable housing, a civic plaza with retail, and better walk and bike facilities. Stay tuned for updates on the development application before the DC Zoning Commission.
Join the Office of Planning for a Racial Equity Open House! (Feb 11 at 10am; register)
DC’s Office of Planning (OP) is developing a Racial EquityAction Plan and they need your input! Learn more and share your input about how they can advance racial equity in their work to achieve improved outcomes for DC residents.
Support the Old Georgetown Road bike lanes (take action)
Support the State HighwayAdministration’s decision to apply a “road diet” when replacing a portion of Old Georgetown Road. Adding bike lanes will make Old Georgetown Road safer for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists alike.
Join Montgomery forAll (become a member for $5/year)
Last week, CSG’s grassroots team Montgomery forAll kicked off a year of action with a gathering at Montgomery County’s first tiny house. If you are passionate about housing, land use, and transportation, and live or work in Montgomery County, join us! Members vote for steering committee members and annual advocacy priorities, shape change, and have fun!
Join RISE Prince George’s (sign up)
Do you live or work in Prince George’s? Join RISE Prince George’s as we champion a more walkable, equitable, transitoriented community. We’ll be engaging with the new Council as we work for zoning for transit-oriented development, safer urban street designs, and funding affordable housing and better buses.
Demand safety fixes at this Columbia Pike intersection in Culmore (take action)
On November 16, Lesly Diaz Bonilla, a teenager at Justice High School, lost her life while crossing Columbia Pike to walk to school. Support the Culmore/Bailey’s Crossroads community as they demand a traffic signal and other safety improvements at the intersection where she was killed.
Let’s get West Falls Church over the finish line (take action)
Plans to transform the West Falls Church Metro Station area into a walkable, transit-oriented community are heading into the final and crucial rezoning phase and we need your help showing support. Send comments today and join us in speaking at the Planning Commission hearing on Feb 8.
Weigh in on Fairfax County plan amendments
Fairfax County’s site specific plan amendment (SSPA) process involves dozens of development changes proposed by landowners, developers, and community members. CSG and partners are reviewing as many as possible to support those that are mixed-use, walkable, and transit-accessible and raise questions about others. Stay tuned for more!
What’s up with the bus in NoVa? (event materials)
Thank you to everyone who joined CSG and NVTC for our webinar on efforts to make our buses more frequent, reliable, accessible, and affordable. Our experts highlighted the DASH bus and Fairfax Connector improvements, BRTplans for Route 1 and Route 7, WMATA’s bus redesign, and NVTC’s role.
Thanks for all you do,
Stewart Schwartz Executive Director Coalition for Smarter Growthhttps://email.everyaction.com/EmailMessage/PreviewMessage/a900e571-44a2-ed11-994d-00224832eb73
Washington, DC 20056
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