Whitelight 09

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Course: GRAP 1033 - Studio 3 Technical Innovation

Room: 87.4.18 @ 2:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Lecturer: Dr. Scott Mayson scott.mayson@rmit.edu.au

Duration: 4 hours x 12 weeks

Project Document: Studio Overview

Learner Hours: 1.5 x duration per week

Learning Objectives • Identify the purpose and scope of the studio topic within the New Product Development (NPD) process and to execute a design response to a brief. • Explain methods used to research NPD methods and demonstrate an appreciation of design strategies for various modes and scales of production and technical design evaluation. • Critically analyse and distinguish the manufacturing process in product design research. • Demonstrate the prominence of technical production processes through the application of a working knowledge of materials, manufacturing and logistical constraints and opportunities within a design project. • Reflect and critically analyse your own and peers work within a studio framework. • Execute, evaluate and describe methods of studio practice the processes of professional product innovation through design documentation and project work. This includes: the capacity to detail a design for production technical drawings / annotations / transmittals /reports), and the capacity to communicate complex ideas fluidly and confidently • Demonstrate a capacity in design research, conceptualisation, communication and realisation of ideas. • Demonstrate an ability to work productively and creatively in a design team and individually.

Introduction Studio 3 - Technical Innovation

Design studio 3 is the last semester of lower pool studio. The studio is designed to enable you too transition to upper pool design studios. This will occur through a studio stream Technological Innovation that emphasises: Design Studies, Design Technology and Design Communications within Design Studio 3 and endeavours to explore the notion of Humanising Technology. Project Format

The studio will be run as one project theme ‘whitelight’ with two specific assessment requirements: 1. Research & Development Document 2. Product Development Document You will be able to develop your own lighting design topic within the studio. However, the topic will be reenforced with a comprehensive analysis and application of inclusive design and sustainability practices.


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Studio Themes

Whitelight is an artefact driven studio orientated to professional practice within the global design studio. The studio will require you to understand and apply the following areas: • Project management • New Product Development NPD • Design for Manufacturing DfM • Production Materials & Processes • Product Life Cycle • Product take back CREE LED Module Methods / Core Learning Activities

The technological innovation studio ‘whitelight’ will be conducted as a professional consulting studio. Therefore, you will be required to focus and reflect on a range of core learning activities delivered as lectures:

• Users ✴ Human Factors ✴ Cross-Cultural comparisons ✴ Image Boarding/ Mood Boards

• Overarching methods of design ✴ Understand ✦ Market, client, technology and later challenge this knowledge. ✴ Observe ✦ Real people in real situations. ✴ Visualise ✦ Storyboards, sketching… ✴ Evaluate and refine ✦ Quick prototypes and lots of iterations of working tests. ✴ Implement ✦ Bring the idea to a commercial reality. • Inclusive D ✴ Place people at the heart of design process ✴ Acknowledge diversity ✴ Create convenient solutions for all users • Universal D ✴ Equitable use ✴ Flexibility in use ✴ Tolerance for error

• Product Assessment / Relationships ✴ Human – Product ✴ Object – Product ✴ Space – Product • Aesthetic Function ✴ Product grammar ✴ Proportion • Experience D ✴ Designing experiences not just things ✴ Interaction with artefacts • Electronics ✴ Equations ✴ LED Data ✴ Soldering ✴ Circuit designing /manufacturing ✴ Thermal efficiencies • Production ✴ China/ off shore production ✴ Sourcing manufacturers ✴ Understanding cultural differences ✴ How do I get it here?


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Studio Practice Whitelight strives to exemplify and promote what can be achieved with cutting edge high power light emitting diode (LED) technology. You will need to design and manufacture a product that emphasises inclusive design within a rural or urban environment to enhance the human condition. The studio will be Learner Centered, You’re in control. The workload choice is up to you, regarding final grades. Classification

Luminaires are classified in two main categories, task and decorative. Task lighting is functional; it serves a direct purpose, meting a set of stringent criteria. The criteria could be safe working levels of street illumination or, providing evenly lit work spaces in design bureaus. On the other hand decorative lighting can set a mood allowing for the creation of an ambient atmosphere. The champagne bar luminaires for example project bubbles into the atmosphere, metaphorically linking the name to the ambience, the pattern of a shade can project a feeling into a domestic environment. You will critique and reconsider your design by questioning a range of categories. These will relate to; experience design, sustainable methods for design and manufacturing, user centred processes and cross cultural comparisons. Your luminaire will facilitate its specific task using an environmentally responsible approach to design, manufacturing, use and reprocessing. Avoiding design for landfill and empowering a sustainable end of life for each design project.


Your evaluation will include: • Class participation, peer review and folio reflection (80 % Minimum) • All assessment tasks must be completed. • Ability to engage with Learning Objectives / Activities • Quality of input, research and design professional practise • Quality of concept development • Quality of prototypes and operational prototype • Quality of documentation and posters • Professional quality of presentations and documentation • Ability to engage at studio level 3 • Digital feedback: NOTE: All presentations and digital portfolio reviews will be recorded using audio that will be available for download as an .mp3 file through GRAP 1033 Learning Hub. You are required to listen and reflect on this feedback and detail how you will integrate (or not) this advice into your further design work. At the beginning of the Mid Semester and End of Semester presentations/crits, you are required to summarise the feedback you have received and describe how you have responded to it in your final digital design portfolio.


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Assessment Tasks

All studio documentation will be submitted as a digital file. This will take the form of an A3 PDF document with a file limit of < 15Mb. You will need to scan all sketches and type notes relevant to the project. This is typical of all professional studio practice. You will need to include as a minimum the following: Index, Abstract, Research, Timeline, Market Position, Sector & Target Market Mapping, Materials & Technology Identification, LCA, Inspiration, Initial Concepts & Summation. Concept Refinement, Analysis, Manufacturing Techniques, Technology Integration, Component Innovation, Manufacturing Documentation, LCA & DfDisassembly, In Store Sails, Specification Sheets &Brochure Sheets.

• Research & Development Document

• Product Development Document inc. R&D doc

✴ PDF A3 Submission Online (due 30/3/09) week 4

✴ PDF A3

✴ Digital Feedback Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory

✴ Digital Feedback with complete grade out of 100%

✴ Submission Online (due 8/6/09) week 14

• Whitelight 09 Pub Data CD-ROM (due 8/6/09) ✴ 5 - 10 key images of project Hi-Res ✴ 100 word description .doc / .txt format

Resources • RMIT Online Blackboard Site ✴ www.rmit.edu.au/learninghub

WHITELIGHT09 Timetable

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