Inclusive Design 09 Sem 2

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Inclusive DESIGN09 Major Studio 8 Scott Mayson

Inclusive Design 09 Course: GRAP 1040 - Major Project 32 credit points Lecturer: Dr. Scott Mayson Project Document: Studio Overview Part C Room: 87.5.04 @ 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Duration: 4 hours x 12 weeks [48 hours contact] Learner Hours: 20 hours x 12 weeks [240 hours minimum]

Studio Practice Introduction Major Studio 8 is your final ‘cap stone’ studio, it is a continuation of Pre Major Studio 7. In your final semester you will be required to refine, detail and manufacture your documented project from Pre Major Studio. The major project will focus and inform your practice within design for manufacture ‘DfM’ where you will integrate and expand your knowledge of functional prototyping, manufacturing processes and project documentation.

Content The main content for this class will be a Design Thesis and Production Quality Artefact that will document the processes and methods employed within the studio practice theme that you have chosen. Major project requires you to bring together and synthesise your knowledge from the past three and a half years of study preparing you for a career within the industrial design profession. All Major project documentation will be submitted as a digital file + hard copy final thesis. The digital file will take the form of a PDF document. You will need to scan all sketches, photograph 3D artefacts and type notes relevant to the design thesis.

Research Methods You will be required to clearly document your design proposition and research outcomes. This will require you to engage in a high level of autonomy where you will need to research at a level of open inquiry (student specified) within structured and self-determined guidelines 1: • • • • • •

Determine a need and generate questions/ aims/ hypotheses based on experience, expertise and literature. Collect and record self-determined information/ data from self-selected sources, choosing an appropriate methodology within structured guidelines. Critically evaluate information/ data and the inquiry process rigorously using self-generated criteria within structured guidelines. Organise information/ data that is both collected and generated using self-structured guidelines. Synthesise, analyse and apply information/ data to fill recognised knowledge gaps. Use the language of the discipline of industrial design to address knowledge and understanding gaps from several perspectives for a range of audiences.

Learning Objectives • • • • • •

To develop a design proposition that is informed by a process of investigation and exploration (research) Make clear and lucid connections between the investigation (research) and the design outcome The ability to undertake a largely self-directed major project (high level of self directed learning) The ability to defend a design and articulate a well considered decision making process (to be aware of why decisions were made and to be able to articulate these and convince others as to their validity) To be able to demonstrate and apply accomplished learning in all of the various program streams undertaken to date; Design Studio LP & UPS, Design Studies, Communication Design and Design Technology. The ability to undertake a major project in a professional manner, including time and project management.

1 Derived from research skill development framework -


Online Presence You are required to adapt cloud computing within your major studio. You are required to maintain and update your blog from last semester. You need to treat the log as a tool that exemplifies your professional ability and, is a place where prospective employers can gain a understanding of your ability to apply and develop independent design methods.

Methods Design, Ideation, Detail sketching, Rapid form development, Materials, Prototyping, Production processes, Assembly, International manufacturing...

Online Resources Your online resources are available and continually updated at the Learning Hub.

Schedule • • •

Week 6 Design Development & At Risk. o Up load documentation 24/Aug/09 Week 9 Design Testing & Refinement. o Up load documentation 21/Sep/09 Week 12 Final Design Manufactured Artefact.

Week 16 Major Project Presentation [TBC] at exhibition venue. o Up load documentation 2/Nov/09

Outcomes Week 16: • •

Digital Thesis/ folio and high quality images on CD-ROM. Manufactured artefacts – outcome to be determined by you and agreed to by lecture.

Feedback, Critique & Criticism All major presentations will be recorded using audio that will be available for download as an .mp3 file through Learning Hub. You are required to listen and reflect on this feedback and detail how you will integrate (or not) this advice into your further design thesis work. At the beginning of the Mid Semester and End of Semester presentations/ crits, you are required to summarise the feedback you have received and describe how you have responded to it in your design thesis. Formal Feedback: a digital response to your work in reference to the specific learning objectives of the assessment task. Feedback will either be available on the Learning Hub or where personal emailed to you. Informal Feedback: Verbal feedback that takes place through discussion and correspondence. Informal feedback is generally related to your ongoing academic performance. Critique: Critique is a response (generally verbal) that lecturers/ reviewers and peers give to the formal presentation and articulation of your inquiry. These Critiques will be digitally recorded.

Assessment You will need to re-evaluate your ‘learner centred grade’ for this semester and inform your lecturer in week 2 of your desired / aspirational grade. You final grade will be awarded at the end of the semester as a combination of – Thesis, Oral defence and Peer review.


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