Irlen Leal Benchimol - Ebook Little Pirates of Good Against The Coronavírus

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The Little Pirates of Good


The Alligator Head Witch made an urgent video call to Captain Ilan. - Good morning, cute little witch! I can't even take a nap! - Good morning, bro! Sleep more, Captain ... but sleep a lot, while the virus is threatening humanity. - Virus? What virus? - The Coronavirus or the famous Covid-19! I just saw it on the news and I'm calling to update you. Today I also spoke to my doctor, Blue Calanga! - Wait a minute ... I'll turn on the TV, sis, and we'll immediately make a video call with all Little Pirates of Good to set up our prevention plan against this coronavirus ... "Calling..."

- Manatee Isaac Moses listening, Captain! - Daniela butterfly present! EugĂŞnio, Lord Arthur, Cupuacu Head Witch, Ajuricaba, Gorozinho, Linda Lee Bootie, Groselia Trombosnelia The Sloth, Giant Ernie. - Is everyone listening well? - Yes... - Good morning, Little Pirates of Good. Since everyone is ready, let's start. Our friend Aligator Head Witch has some information about the new covid-19 virus that is threatening everyone. Anyone who knows anything can speak here or live later. She talked to her doctor, who clarified a few things. - Good morning beautiful people! I am available. You can ask ....

- Good morning, little witch! Could you tell me what is covid-19? - Asked Linda Lee from across the river. - According to the World Health Organization, it is a disease caused by a new virus that had never been identified in humans. I found the data on the internet - Informed the Alligator Head Witch. - What can we do to collaborate and try to reduce transmission? - Asked Lord Arthur - I'll answer that one! - Said Captain Ilan First, we will have to change our behavior a little, to avoid agglomerations. We will have to isolate ourselves socially! Did you hear, girls? Without strolling in the mall, in airports, no exiting the house, only if necessary, or visiting other people.

- Oh, my God, I'm going crazy! - Said the Cupuacu Head Witch! Alligator and the sloth TrombosnĂŠlia were very upset because they would not be able to leave the house anytime soon! - They will have to be patient and conform at that moment! Everyone has to help at this time! What is the motto of The Little Pirates of Good, sailors? - Help those in need! - They all shouted. Isaac MoisĂŠs, Gorozinho and Daniela the butterfly were minors, so they listened carefully and started to feel sad because they were not going to be able to go out to play. - Calm down, children! All in good time! Now is the time for prevention and we have a lot of work ahead of us! Working against the coronavirus!

Those who know more information can talk, especially about preventive measures. Social distance, keep a distance of at least one meter; Avoid greetings, kissing, hugging, handshaking ... - I won't be able to kiss and hug my family? Asked Eugenio. - It depends on the situation. We will also have to reinforce hygiene measures. - I was searching here, captain. - Said the Sloth. - Proceed. - Washing your hands frequently with soap and water; not approaching people who have any type of respiratory infection; cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or cough; don´t share personal objects in any way...

-We have to take care of the elderly, especially if they have diabetes, hypertension, respiratory issues, cardiologic, renal, neurological problems or whoever has compromised immunity, because the virus reaches these people faster. Contacts with other people have to be more restricted. - We can't forget about alcohol gel 70. I just saw it on the news. - Said Lord Arthur. - Now I was worried about everyone, especially the elderly. The news showed shelters that are in need of medicine, food, masks, alcohol gel ... - I have an idea! I will ask my mom to place an ad on the internet asking if anyone can help the elderly by buying some of these items. - And the riverside, Captain? Can we send them some groceries?

- Excelent idea! - Said Captain Ilan. - We can send the riverine deliveries by boats. Let's put our Chain of Good plan into action! - Our favorite game! - Said the Alligator Head Witch! - Get to work, sailors from Amazonas and the world! - But Captain Ilan, what are we going to do in this quarantine period? - Gorozinho and Isaac asked. - When are we going back to class? And go out to play? - Remember, we will have many important missions to save the world! - What do you mean? - Asked Gorozinho - Stay protected at home with our family; keep the house clean and the windows open; catch the morning sun; wash your hands with soap and water often;

rubbing alcohol gel on your hands. We have to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, drink a lot of lemon juice, orange, beans, rice... - Don't forget to take a shower! - Said Linda Lee the Dolphin. - We can study at home, read many books, draw, sing, dance, learn board games and much more ... - I see that our school has made the digital platform available, we can do activities over the internet. - Reported Giant Ernie. - Hey! That way, nobody will keep their minds still! Let's Dance! Alligator Head Witch put the sound on high volume and everyone started singing and dancing! That's it for today.

May we have the strength and faith to go through this quarantine period! May we have much love, solidarity and respect for all humanity! Let us follow the rules and do our part! God in the heart! Wash your hands! START VALUING THE SIMPLE THINGS IN LIFE!

At that time, everyone gets mixed up. And a certainty: we are all the same! Let's fight, Little Pirates of Good! Without love, nothing has value! Isn't it giant? We will win! Author and creator of The Pirates of Good Irlen Leal Benchimol Tradução: Sérgio Pereira Couto Designer/Ilustradora Patrícia Myao Andrade PORTFOLIO: Good words... Good attitudes ... Good actions... In a context of struggle, love and peace think positive and materialize the best thoughts become necessary! Act responsibly too! At that time everyone gets mixed up, everybody is equal! Only love can save! Irlen Benchimol

Copyright 2020 by Irlen Leal Benchimol. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited without express authorization.

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