THE WAY WE WERE: There's no place like home! Dave Trafford ’79 It's the week after Christmas and all through the rink There are signs of the season and that hockey bag stink.
Back on the rink, the two anthem lines Glide into position at centre ice.
And where would we be without our Convenors Thanks brothers Duby! Chief Puck and Chief Keener!
The dressing room's got a smell of its own. One deep breath reminds you "There's no place like home!"
The face off! The puck drop. The game's under way! The passes are sloppy. It's typical play.
All friends in shinny, this ice-hockey crew. No matter the team, we wear double blue.
It's uniquely odiferous, a bit musty and wet, A tinge of Febreze and a hint of old sweat.
We need a goal. We're counting on Fred. But delusions of breakaways dance in his head.
For more than a century at St. Michael's College. It's been about goodness, discipline, knowledge.
We stretch into our jerseys and sweat tying our laces. We grunt and we groan and put on our game faces.
He dippsies. He dangles. He plans where to stick it. He's eyeing a spot Be-tween the wickets.
In this empty old barn, there are no fans to cheer. But we really don't care as long as there's beer.
Just then Chris Reynolds announces to all. "My athletic support is three sizes too small!"
He's got his head up. His stick’s on the ice. It's SHOOT, AIM, and READY! Freddy fires it wide.
Raise one for the game. Have another, there’s plenty. Have one for the team! And here's to the 20s!
Without missing a beat, Bingham seizes his chance. "It would fit better Chris, without your hand in your pants."
A scramble ensues! The play isn't dead Until Krevs shoots the puck into his own net.
The air fills with trash talk and the calling of names, Bad jokes and needling - it's all in the game.
The action crescendos at a journeyman's pace Under Hall of Fame banners. It's the game's rightful place
We snap up our buckles and buckle our snaps We stick our ‘mouph gargs intuh err yapsh’.
For decades they've played here - it's been a long time. Each all-stars and legends in their own minds.
The zamboni driver is lively and quick. He leaves a clean sheet of ice as a gift.
There's Larry, and Larry and there's Larry Gerry We've got Jimmys and Johns and ONE guy named Cengarle.
We step on the rink and wish everyone luck. Except for poor ol' Coop, who just hears "you suck!"
There are Daveys and Willies and sometimes a Byron (since traded for pucks and a plastic orange pylon.)
The boos from the crowd are unvarnished reminders Kenny has struggled to stay out of the minors.
The cages are tended by Tom, Tim, and Steve. From time to time Joel and John Gariepy.
He faces tough questions in locker room scrums His answer's rehearsed - always the same one.
There's Ferrigan, Murphy, Kielty, and Quinn, O'Sullivan, Walsh, McDonough, and Flynn.
"You can't blame me. I'm a first round draft pick. I just can't score goals with this back-checking stick"
There's John Ferracuti, and there's Sal Mannella, Ferraro, Tedesco - all good Irish fellas.
Chris Bingham ’83 Marco Berardi ’84 Steve Budaci ’83 Nick Cardinale ’84 Licio Cengarle ’64 Tim Crowley ’73 Bill Currie ’59 Mario De Piero Bob Dubniak ’65 Peter Dubniak ’78 John Ferracuti ’55 Paul Ferraro ’66 John Ferrigan ’56 Pat Flynn ’77 John Gariepy ’57 Peter Grossi ’54 Joe Haffey ’73 Dan Haffey ’77 Paul Hansen Bob Henderson ’58 Frank Kielty ’54 Paul Krevs ’82 Joe LeMoine ’52 Larry MacNeil ’62 Sal Mannella ’77 Jim McDonough ’77 Jamie McKinnon Fred Merlocco ’67 Bill Morrison ’67 Mike Nasello ’74 Tim O'Sullivan Greg Paolini Tom Peets ’64 Reg Quinn, OSM Chris Reynolds ’79 Len Robinson ’57 Ken Sharpe ’60 Robert Tedesco ’68 Dave Trafford ’79 Rob Tunney ’81 John Walsh ’73 Brian Wilson ’72 + John Wilson ’81
Oldtimers, Group Picture 1974
1989 Annual Christmas Dinner
2010 - Paul Ferarro, Robert Tedesco, Fred Merlocco, Paul Conner, Peter Dubniak
Snoopy Tournament 1989
Tournament at University of Michigan, Dearborne Campus 1995 (L-R) Bill Currie, Brian Anderson (1973-76), Frank Kielty, John Ferrigan