Refugee Alert
Inside Information from Upper Palatinate (Bavaria) A servi ce by OI KOS™ N ews & M ed i a * D-92693 Esl arn
I ts seem s, th ey d on t
ISSUE No. 1 201 5
wan t n ew resi d en ts? !
Unless previously to recognize, execept the administration of Upper Palatinate, all other administrative regions in the Free State of Bavaria not only creating "Erstaufnahmelager", but also looking over their cities and towns, for permanent (private) accommodations just for those refugees who can soon be remembered as recognized asylum seekers. Not so in the district of Upper Palatinate. Here our recent research has shown - even local print media refer to - refugees are almost exclusively housed in detention centers. A search for apartments / private accommodation may not be noticeable in the individual cities and municipalities of this district. Although now some municipalities housed refugees in vacant inns, which mostly otherwise could not be used. Nevertheless, according to our research, the search and the commitment to the future granted asylum providing them permanent housing options is still missing. The expansion of refugee camps with mobile homes is not only very expensive. Soon they must report "overcrowding" without having created apartments for future recognized asylum seekers. Already recognized asylum seekers lack of other housing options need to continue living in such contaniers for years, but at least months. Thus, as has been honest tu us reported by the press office of another administrative region, the reception capacities for new refugees exhausted quickly. RefugeeAlert, Issue No. 1 / 201 5
Perhaps in the administrative district Upper Palatinate one wants to pretend faster "overcrowding" to have no further refugees to accomodate? Honestly? We do not know, because the press office of the District Government of Upper Palatinate not answered our journalistic inquiries. Perhaps, if you will help us getting the needed anwers:
Imprint: Issued by "Die Erste Eslarner Zeitung". Responsible Editor (V.i.S.d.P.): Michael W. Zach, Ludwig-MĂźller-Str. 2, D-92693 Eslarn. Phone: 00491 637093031 , Fax: 004996534070001 , email: