Unelected incumbent candidate Keith Coleman, who has sat on the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) Board of Education since January 2021, announced on Friday afternoon that he would be dropping out of the race to retain his seat.
Construction of two new buildings on the Samohi campus will kick-off next week with a groundbreaking ceremony open to staff, students and members of the community.Thebuildings- the Gold gymnasium and the Exploration building- are being constructed as part of an ongoing plan to redevelop and renovate Samohi campus facilities. They are scheduled to open in fall Stretching2024.two stories high, the Gold gymnasium will include multiple courts for different sports, 800-seat pull-out bleachers, yoga and fitness rooms, outdoor workout areas and a dance studio. Another gymnasium, the Blue gym, is also scheduled to be built to replace the North gym, the current competition gym on the campus, as part of a future phase of the project. The existing South gym will remain in use during construction of the Gold gym.“The new gym spaces will ensure that our physical education teachers and students feel valued as they enter their two new gymnasiums and additional spaces that will further our teaching about healthy lifestyles,” said Dr. Antonio Shelton, former Samohi Principal and the current director of secondary education for SMMUSD, in a press release from the district. “I believe
The Santa Monica Conservancy is hosting an event this weekend highlighting the rich history of the Church in Ocean Park and delving into its role in many of the city’s progressive movements. The event is part of the Conservancy’s ongoing Santa Monica Mosaic virtual lecture series, which aims to tell the stories of the people and places that make up the community. The series was launched three years ago in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, Black Lives Matter and other social justice movements.“Weshifted our emphasis to the make-up of Santa Monica,” said Libby Motika, a longtime volunteer with the conservancy who has helped organize the events. “We’ve covered every single community that has had something to do with the history of Santa Monica, beginning with the Tongva — the indigenous group — going through the rancho period, Jewish, Japanese, more contemporary Mexican. These
Coleman cited personal reasons for withdrawing his candidacy in an email shared with the Daily Press. “This morning, I made the painstaking decision to withdraw from the race for Santa MonicaMalibu School Board in this November’s election,” Coleman wrote. “As I am unexpectedly relocating an ailing, elderly relative to Santa Monica – and becoming their primary caregiver – my priority and focus at this time must be their health and wellbeing.”
Arrest Logs 79 arrests in the past week. Crime Watch Bikes and burglary. West Nile Virus First case in LA County. 4 6 7 bulldogrealtors.com 2909MainSt.,SantaMonica 109 Park Place #3 Craftsman on Venice Walk Street! $4,495 Lease / Month HultgrenMia 424-413-5185 DRE#02178175 WEEKEND EDITION 08.27.22 - 08.28.22 Volume 21 Issue 241
Coleman was appointed to the School Board early last year to fill a vacancy left by Oscar de la Torre, a longtime member who departed the School District’s governing board following a successful race for Santa Monica City Council. His appointment followed an unsuccessful bid for the seat in the November 2020 election, in which he came second runner up behind another candidate, Jason Feldman.
Church in Ocean Park to be celebrated for its history of local activism
The timing of Coleman’s departure from the race, coming after he qualified for the election, means his name will still appear on the November ballot, but he will not be Coleman’scampaigning.decision not to run to retain his school board seat
Courtesy Photo CIOP: The Conservancy will celebrate the history of the church on Sunday.
Photo by Jessica Brown SENIORS: After two years of social distancing and isolation, is the class of 2023 ready to get back to normal? The answer seems to be yes after this Wednesday, when around 200 Seniors gathered in the predawn dark of the Santa Monica beach with their classmates to watch the sunrise and kickoff their last year of high school. The event was organized by the ASB Senior Cabinet and generously sponsored by Yerba Mate and Bagel Nosh. Students played games, went in the ocean and enjoyed each others company before heading to school. The event was a great way to reintroduce school spirit at Samohi and has students excited for what is in store for the rest of the year.
Senior Sunrise

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Santa Monica invites Proposals for: Park Condition Assessment Project Project No. SP2672
The affidavit argues a search of Mar-aLago was necessary due to the highly sensitive material found in the boxes recovered by the National Archives. Of 184 documents marked classified, 25 were at the top secret level, the affidavit says. Some had special markings suggesting they included information from highly sensitive human sources or the collection of electronic “signals” authorized by a special intelligence court.
The government is conducting a agentrecordsgovernmentorconcealmentasspaces,unauthorizedinformationclassifiedstorageremovaltheconcerninginvestigationcriminalimproperandofinaswelltheunlawfulremovalof-FBI
The Proposed HOME-ARP Allocation Plan is now available to the public for a 15-day review period beginning August 27, 2022 at beblock-grant-and-home-investment-partnership-programswww.santamonica.gov/community-development-.HardcopiesareavailableuponrequesttotheHousingandHumanServicesDivisionbyphoneat(310)458-8701,byemailathumanservices@santamonica.gov,orbyfaxat(310)458-3380.WrittencommentsmaysubmittedbySeptember11,2022to humanservices@santamonica.govorbymailto:HousingandHumanServicesDivision,1685MainStreet,MS22,SantaMonica,CA90401.AllcommentsreceivedwillbeincorporatedintothefinaldraftoftheHOME-ARPAllocationPlan.TheCityCouncilisscheduledtoconsiderapprovaloftheproposedplanonSeptember13,2022.
ERIC TUCKER Associated Press Fourteen of the 15 boxes recovered from former President Donald Trump’s Florida estate early this year contained classified documents, many of them top secret, mixed in with miscellaneous newspapers, magazines and personal correspondence, according to an FBI affidavit released Friday. No space at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate was authorized for the storage of classified material, according to the court papers, which laid out the FBI’s rationale for searching the property this month, including “probable cause to believe that evidence of obstruction will be found.”
The City of Santa Monica is inviting proposals from qualified persons or firms interested in providing professional services for the Park Condition Assessment Project (SP2672).
Trump has long insisted, despite clear evidence to the contrary, that he fully cooperated with government officials. And he has rallied Republicans behind him by painting the search as a politically motivated witch hunt intended to damage his reelection prospects. He repeated that refrain on his social media site Friday, saying he and his representatives had a close working relationship with the FBI and “GAVE THEM MUCH.”Theaffidavit does not provide new details about 11 sets of classified records recovered during the Aug. 8 search at Mar-a-Lago but instead concerns a separate batch of 15 boxes that the National Archives and Records Administration retrieved from the home in January. The National Archives then sent the matter to the Justice Department, indicating in its referral that a review showed “a lot” of classified materials, according to the affidavit.
Proposers shall upload RFP via OpenGov Procurement, no later than 12:00 p.m. on Monday September 26, 2022. Size of the electronic proposal shall not exceed 10 MB.
FBI: Trump mixed top secret docs with magazines, other items
RFP questions to be submitted to via OpenGov Procurement, no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 9, 2022.
“The government is conducting a criminal investigation concerning the improper removal and storage of classified information in unauthorized spaces, as well as the unlawful concealment or removal of government records,” an FBI agent wrote on the first page of the affidavit in seeking a judge’s permission for a warrant to search the property. Documents previously made public show that federal agents are investigating potential violations of three federal laws, including one that governs gathering, transmitting or losing defense information under the Espionage Act. The other statutes address the concealment, mutilation or removal of records and the destruction, alteration or falsification of records in federal investigations.
Notice is hereby given that the City of Santa Monica has developed the Proposed HOME-ARP Allocation Plan for use of $2,220,124 in federal funds awarded to the City of Santa Monica by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HOME-ARP provides funding to participating jurisdictions for activities to reduce homelessness and increase housing stability across the country. As a recipient of these federal funds, HUD requires the City to develop a HOME-ARP Allocation Plan describing how the City proposes to use these funds to address the needs of qualifying populations.
ESPAÑOL Esto es un aviso público para invitar a cualquier parte interesada a participar en el repaso del Plan de las Asignaciones HOME-ARP. Si necesita más información, por favor llame a Ivy Chang en la División de Vivienda y Servicios Humanos al número (310) 458-8701. In order to qualify for the newly established eviction moratorium, the tenant must provide documentation to the landlord and then the tenant must be able to prove their case in court.
RFP Documents may be obtained by logging onto the City’s bidding website at: https://secure.procurenow.com/portal/santa-monica-ca
Some of those classified records were mixed with other documents, including newspapers, magazines and miscellaneous print-outs, the affidavit says, citing a letter from the DouglasArchives.London, a former senior CIA officer and author of “The Recruiter,” said this showed Trump’s lack of respect for controls. “One of the rules of classified is you don’t mix classified and unclassified so there’s no mistakes or accidents,” he said.
The affidavit shows how agents were authorized to search a large swath of Mara-Lago, including Trump’s official postpresidential “45 Office,” storage rooms and all other areas in which boxes or documents could be stored. They did not propose searching areas of the property used or rented by Mar-a-Largo members, such as private guestThesuites.document notes that no space at Mara-Lago had been authorized for the storage of classified information at least since the end of Trump’s term in office. TRUMP
The 32-page affidavit — heavily redacted to protect the safety of witnesses and law enforcement officials and “the integrity of the ongoing investigation” — offers the most detailed description to date of the government records being stored at Mar-a-Lago long after Trump left the White House. It also reveals the gravity of the government’s concerns that the documents were there illegally.
The document makes clear how the haphazard retention of top secret government records, and the failure to return them despite months of efforts by U.S. officials to get them back, has exposed Trump to fresh legal peril just as he lays the groundwork for another potential presidential run in 2024.
The purpose of the RFP is to select the most qualified consultant to provide professional services for the comprehensive review of the maintenance, repair, and replacement (MR&R) needs of selected City-owned and City-maintained parks and the preparation of a strategic capital plan for the subject project.

The Beach 2:04 p.m. Vehicle Parked In Alley 1700Blk 10th St 2:13 p.m. Battery 2700Blk Barnard Way 2:19 p.m. Hit And Run Misdemeanor Investigation 1500Blk Ocean Ave 2:24 p.m. Expired Registration 1400Blk 2nd St 2:29 p.m. Failure To Pay Parking Fee 1500Blk Pacific Coast Hwy 2:34 p.m. Traffic Hazard 4th St / Olympic Blvd W 2:40 p.m. General Parking Problem 7th St / California Ave 2:59 Burglaryp.m.1800Blk 11th St 3:01 p.m. Traffic/Vehicle Stop Ocean Ave / California Ave 3:10 Fightp.m.2900Blk Pennsylvania Ave 3:17 p.m. Person Down 1900Blk Wilshire Blvd 3:28 p.m. Burglary 1500Blk 6th St 3:33 p.m. Critical Missing Person 1400Blk 3rd Street Prom 3:39 p.m. Petty Theft 1400Blk Lincoln Blvd 3:58 p.m. Failure To Pay Parking Fee 400Blk Pacific Coast Hwy 4:04 p.m. Hit And Run Misdemeanor Investigation 3100Blk 17th St 4:09 p.m. Traffic Collision - No Injuries City Prop Involved 1000Blk Pico Blvd 4:16 p.m. Valet Zone Violation 1300Blk 2nd St 5:09 p.m. Bike Theft 1500Blk Pacific Coast Hwy 5:15 p.m. Threats Report/Investigations 900Blk Euclid St 5:32 Drinkingp.m.In Public 1800Blk 9th St 5:36 p.m. Violation Of Posted Sign 200Blk California Ave 5:41 Audiblep.m.Burglar Alarm 900Blk 26th St 6:02 p.m. Bike Theft 2800Blk The Beach 6:04 p.m. Traffic Collision With Injuries 10th St / Wilshire Blvd 6:04 p.m. Burglary 900Blk 26th St 6:05 p.m. Hit And Run Misdemeanor Investigation Euclid St / Pico Blvd 6:07 p.m. Valet Zone Violation 1800Blk Ocean Ave 6:18 p.m. Threats Report/Investigations 2400Blk Lincoln Blvd 6:41 p.m. Auto Burglary 200Blk Alta Ave 6:44 p.m. Encampment 17th St / Olympic Blvd 6:53 p.m. Hit And Run Misdemeanor Investigation 1600Blk Appian Way 6:57 p.m. Vehicle Parked In Alley 3100Blk 4th St 7:08 p.m. Grand Theft 1900Blk Wilshire Blvd 7:17 p.m. Audible Burglar Alarm 1500Blk 7th St 7:20 p.m. Encampment 200Blk The Beach 7:38 p.m. Encampment 800Blk Ozone Ave 7:38 p.m. Vehicle Blocking Driveway 200Blk Bicknell Ave 7:48 p.m. Auto Burglary 2700Blk 3rd St 7:53 p.m. Loud Music 1900Blk 17th St 8:17 p.m. Traffic/Vehicle Stop Appian Way / Arcadia Ter 8:37 Loudp.m.Music 1900Blk 17th St 8:46 p.m. Domestic Violence 2300Blk Pearl St 8:47 p.m. Found Person 1500Blk Ocean Ave 8:49 p.m. Illegal Weapon 2000Blk Ocean Ave 8:59 p.m. Drunk Driving Investigation 26th St / Pico Blvd 9:19 Assaultp.m.W/Deadly Weapon 2000Blk Delaware Ave 9:20 Traffic/Vehiclep.m. Stop Eb I 10 Robertson 9:29 p.m. Oversize Vehicle Violation 500Blk 4th St 9:32 Redp.m. Zone Violation Appian Way / Seaside Ter 9:57 Burglaryp.m.2900Blk Pennsylvania Ave 10:09 p.m. Assistance Call 100Blk Wilshire Blvd 11:17 p.m. Traffic/Vehicle Stop 1300Blk 2nd St 12:03 p.m. 72 Hour Psychiatric Hold 300Blk Olympic Dr 12:08 p.m. Mark & Tag Abandoned Vehicle 1200Blk 4th St 12:26 Checkp.m.Temporary No Parking Signs 800Blk Yale St 12:47 p.m. Vehicle Parked In Alley 2100Blk Yorkshire Ave 12:48 Audiblep.m.Burglar Alarm 200Blk 19th St 12:56 p.m. EMS 1900Blk Main St 12:38 a.m. Carbon Monoxide Alarm 800Blk 4th St 1:53 a.m. Traffic Collision With Injury 800Blk Broadway 2:16 Automatica.m. Alarm 300Blk Idaho Ave 5:44 a.m. Automatic Alarm 2000Blk Main St 6:28 a.m. Automatic Alarm 2000Blk Main St 6:48 a.m. EMS 1300Blk 17th St 6:52 a.m. EMS 700Blk Strand St 7:02 a.m. EMS 1000Blk 11th St 7:06 a.m. EMS 1500Blk Ocean Ave 9:00 a.m. Traffic Collision With Injury 3rd St / Strand St 9:09 EMSa.m. 1800Blk Ocean Ave 9:53 a.m. EMS 1300Blk 7th St 10:41 a.m. EMS 1000Blk 17th St 10:42 a.m. EMS 1300Blk 15th St 11:09 a.m. EMS 1700Blk Pico Blvd 11:18 a.m. EMS 11th St / Interstate 10 11:57 a.m.
OPINIONS EXPRESSED are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of the Santa Monica Daily Press staff. Guest editorials from residents are encouraged, as are letters to the editor. Letters to the Editor can be submitted to letters@smdp.com. Receipt of a letter does not guarantee publication and all content is published at the discretion of the paper. All letters and guest editorials are subject to editing for space and content. All submissions must include the author’s name, address and phone number for the purposes of verification. 1640 5th Street, Suite 218 Santa Monica, CA 90401 OFFICE (310) 458-PRESS (7737) FAX (310) 576-9913
DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING Cindy cindy@smdp.comMoreno
The Santa Monica Daily Press publishes Monday - Saturday with a circulation of 8,200 on weekdays and 8,000 on the weekend. The Daily Press is adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation in the County of Los Angeles and covers news relevant to the City of Santa Monica. The Daily Press is a member of the California Newspaper Publisher’s Association, the National Newspaper Association and the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce. The paper you’re reading this on is composed of 100% post consumer content and the ink used to print these words is soy based. We are proud recipients of multiple honors for outstanding news coverage from the California Newspaper Publishers Association as well as a Santa Monica Sustainable Quality Award.
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Dina dina@smdp.comAraniva PRODUCTION Estebanproduction@smdp.comInchausteguiJulioDavalosjulio@smdp.com
Traffic/Vehicle Stop PCH / Entrada 2:07 a.m. Traffic Collision With Injuries 800Blk Broadway 2:16 a.m. Auto Burglary 1400Blk Harvard St 4:01 a.m. Mark & Tag Abandoned Vehicle 1600Blk Appian Way 4:39 Encampmenta.m.1200Blk
WINNERAWARD WINNERAWARD WINNER PUBLISHER Rossross@smdp.comFurukawa PARTNER Todd todd@smdp.comJames EDITOR IN CHIEF Matthew matt@smdp.comHall
Disabilities Commission:
The Beach 6:19 a.m. Traffic Collision - No Injuries City Prop Involved 300Blk Santa Monica Pier 6:29 a.m. Grand Theft Auto 1000Blk Grant St 6:34 a.m. Assault W/Deadly Weapon 26th St / Montana Ave 6:36 Founda.m.Property 2000Blk Oak St 6:53 a.m.
STAFF WRITERS Emily Graceemily@smdp.comSawickiInezAdamsgrace@smdp.com
Check Temporary No Parking Signs 1600Blk Euclid St 7:19 a.m. Handicap Zone Violation 1300Blk 16th St 7:21 a.m. Burglary 2900Blk 3rd St 7:59 a.m. General Parking Problem 2400Blk Virginia Ave 8:05 Violationa.m.Of Temporary No Parking Signs 100Blk San Vicente Blvd 8:07 a.m. Battery 2300Blk Main St 8:17 a.m. Bike Theft 1000Blk 20th St 8:36 a.m. Grand Theft 1600Blk Wilshire Blvd 8:41 a.m. Threats Report/Investigations 2400Blk Lincoln Blvd 8:56 a.m. Violation Of Temporary No Parking Signs 2500Blk Kansas Ave 8:58 a.m. Traffic Collision With Injuries 3rd St / Strand St 9:09 Checka.m.Temporary No Parking Signs 1100Blk 18th St 9:16 Extortiona.m.Investigation 1600Blk 12th St 9:41 a.m. Audible Burglar Alarm 1100Blk 3rd St 9:48 a.m. Burglary 2100Blk Ocean Park Blvd 9:57 a.m. Hit And Run Misdemeanor Investigation Yale St / Santa Monica Blvd 10:05 a.m. Violation Of Preferential Parking Zone 3300Blk Barnard Way 10:15 a.m. Mark & Tag Abandoned Vehicle 1100Blk Idaho Ave 10:17 Attempta.m.Auto Theft 900Blk 19th St 10:22 a.m. Traffic/Vehicle Stop 1100Blk 7th St 10:35 a.m. Vehicle Blocking Driveway 2000Blk Olympic Blvd 10:57 Violationa.m.Of Temporary No Parking Signs 900Blk 16th St 10:58 a.m. Loud Music 1300Blk 20th St 10:59 a.m. Hit And Run Misdemeanor Investigation 1100Blk Lincoln Blvd 11:03 a.m. Encampment 1700Blk 14th St 11:08 a.m. Overdose 1700Blk Pico Blvd 11:18 a.m. Traffic/Vehicle Stop 14th St / San Vicente Blvd 11:33 Traffica.m.Collision With Injuries 2300Blk Pearl St 1:04 Trafficp.m.Control Request - Level 1 2300Blk Pearl St 1:13 Trafficp.m.Collision - Unknown Injuries 1900Blk Santa Monica Blvd 1:25 p.m. Traffic Collision - No Injuries 26th St / Idaho Ave 1:33 p.m. Hit And Run Misdemeanor Investigation 25th St / Wilshire Blvd 1:44 p.m. Check Temporary No Parking Signs 1000Blk Grant St 1:49 p.m. Failure To Pay Parking Fee 2000Blk Ocean Ave 1:50 Violationp.m. Of Temporary No Parking Signs 1000Blk 19th St 1:56 Encampmentp.m.200Blk
No Santa Monica City Employee may serve as a member of any Board or Commission.
All appointments are conditional on providing evidence of COVID-19 vaccination. Applications are available on-line at: www.smgov.net/boards
PUBLISHED BY NEWLON ROUGE, LLC © 2019 Newlon Rouge, LLC, all rights reserved.
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Charles Andrews, Jack DavidNeworth,Pisarra. CIRCULATION Guadalupeross@smdp.comross@smdp.comNavarroKeithWyatt
The State Political Reform Act requires certain o ceholders to disclose their interest and income which may be materially a ected by their o cial action. The applicants appointed to serve in these positions will be required to file a Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700) upon assuming o ce, and annually thereafter.
EMS 1100Blk 5th St 12:14 p.m. Haz Mat - Level 1 1800Blk 7th St 12:38 p.m. EMS 900Blk 9th St 12:40 p.m. EMS 1900Blk 20th St 1:02 p.m. EMS 1400Blk 5th St 1:10 p.m. Automatic Alarm 500Blk Arizona Ave 1:54 p.m. Flooded Condition 1600Blk Wilshire Blvd 2:45 p.m. EMS 2900Blk Pennsylvania Ave 3:20 p.m. EMS 700Blk Raymond Ave 3:21 p.m. EMS 500Blk Bay St 5:32 p.m. Traffic Collision With Injury 10th St / Wilshire Blvd 6:04 p.m. Odor Of Natural Gas 00Blk Village Pkwy 6:49 p.m. EMS 2200Blk Colorado Ave 8:01 p.m. EMS 700Blk Strand St 8:36 p.m. EMS 1200Blk 9th St 8:57 p.m. EMS 1900Blk Pico Blvd 9:04 p.m. EMS 1200Blk 16th St 9:05 p.m. EMS 2000Blk Delaware Ave 9:21 p.m.
One seat available for a term ending June 30, 2025. Applicant must be a Santa Monica resident. Applications due by noon, Tuesday, October 4, 2022. Appointments to be made by City Council, Tuesday, October 11, 2022.
All current applications on file will be considered. Disabilityrelatedassistanceandalternateformatsofthisdocumentareavailableuponrequestbycalling(310)458-8211.

Applications are due in the Rent Control Board o ce by 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 1, 2022. Applicants will be invited to make a presentation of up to 3-minutes to the Rent Control Board at a public meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 8, 2022. The Rent Control Board will appoint a new commissioner that evening.
The State Political Reform Act requires certain o ceholders to disclose their interest and income which may be materially a ected by their o cial action. The applicant appointed to serve in this position will be required to file a Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700) upon assuming o ce, and annually thereafter. ln addition, this position is required to complete two hours of Ethics Training (AB1234) biennially.
The following is a summary of Ordinance Number 2711 (CCS) prepared by the O ce of the City Attorney: In May 2022, City Council directed sta to amend existing pedicab regulations to allow nonelectric pedicabs to operate on the Beach Bike-Path. Pedicabs serve as a transportation option for short trips and as a tourist attraction. State law grants municipalities authority to regulate pedicab operations. Santa Monica created regulations in 2013 which prohibited pedicabs on the Beach Bike-Path over concerns about congestion on the path. With the widening of the Beach Bike-Path completed in 2020 and City Council support, the Ordinance amends Section 3.12.600 to allow non-electric pedicabs to operate on the Beach Bike-Path, and to define Beach Bike-Path and Beach Promenade. To address congestion and other safety concerns, sta will amend the pedicab administrative regulations to incorporate specific pick-up and drop-o zones accessible from the Beach Bike-Path. Pedicab Beach Bike-Path operators will be chosen by lottery. The Ordinance also recodifies the prohibition of vehicle driving and parking on sidewalks and parkways, as this code section was inadvertently removed from the City’s online Municipal Code Thewebsite.Ordinance
takes e ect 30 days after adoption.
All interested parties please send applications and/or letters of interest to: Alvin Ho, Board Secretary City 1685HallMain Street, Room 202 Santa Monica, CA Alvin.Ho@santamonica.gov90401
Fri, Aug 19 M 47 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia Sat, Aug 20 M 36 Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol Sat, Aug 20 F 29 Joyriding Sat, Aug 20 M 53 Assault with a Deadly Weapon Sat, Aug 20 M 42 Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol Sat, Aug 20 M 49 Resisting Arrest Sat, Aug 20 M 38 Drunk in PublicSMPD
Applications and information on Board duties are available from the Rent Control Board O ce, City Hall, 1685 Main Street, Room 202, by phone at (310) 458-8750 or online at Disabilitywww.santamonica.gov/rentcontrolrelatedassistanceand alternate formats of this document are available upon requestbycalling(310)458-8751.
Applications and letters of interest are invited to fill one unscheduled vacancy on the Santa Monica Rent Control Board for a partial term ending November 2022. The person appointed will serve until the next general election in November 2022.
Date Sex Age Primary Charge Sun, Aug 14 F 36 Resisting Arrest Sun, Aug 14 F 32 Corporal Injury To Spouse Sun, Aug 14 M 31 Corporal Injury To Spouse Sun, Aug 14 M 27 Drunk in Public Sun, Aug 14 M 44 Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol Sun, Aug 14 F 26 Public Nudity Sun, Aug 14 M 37 Drunk in Public Sun, Aug 14 M 42 Resisting Arrest Sun, Aug 14 F 41 Public Nudity Sun, Aug 14 M 36 Possession of Methamphetamines Sun, Aug 14 M 53 Drunk in Public Sun, Aug 14 M 43 Possession of Methamphetamines Mon, Aug 15 M 20 Possession of Burglary Tools Mon, Aug 15 M 35 Drunk in Public Mon, Aug 15 M 46 Resisting Arrest Mon, Aug 15 M 59 Trespassing Mon, Aug 15 M 25 Jaywalking Mon, Aug 15 M 28 Burglary Mon, Aug 15 M 38 Shoplifting Mon, Aug 15 M 46 Vandalism Mon, Aug 15 F 20 Animal Abuse Mon, Aug 15 M 43 Possession of Methamphetamines Mon, Aug 15 M 34 Larceny Tue, Aug 16 F 65 Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol Tue, Aug 16 F 26 Obstructing a Business Establishment Tue, Aug 16 M 47 Parole Violation Tue, Aug 16 M 32 Lewd or Lascivious Acts with a Child Who is 14 or 15 yrs Old Tue, Aug 16 M 40 Drunk in Public Tue, Aug 16 M 44 Robbery Tue, Aug 16 M 27 Resisting Arrest Tue, Aug 16 F 24 Assault with a Deadly Weapon Wed, Aug 17 M 42 Vandalism Wed, Aug 17 M 31 Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance Wed, Aug 17 M 27 Tampering with a Vehicle Wed, Aug 17 M 52 Assault with a Deadly Weapon Wed, Aug 17 F 40 Grand Theft Wed, Aug 17 M 51 Drunk in Public Wed, Aug 17 M 33 Assault & Battery Thu, Aug 18 M 39 Assault & Battery Thu, Aug 18 M 31 Assault with a Deadly Weapon Thu, Aug 18 M 41 Fugitive Thu, Aug 18 M 49 Illegal Riding on Sidewalk Thu, Aug 18 M 60 Possession of Methamphetamines Thu, Aug 18 M 58 Obstructing Sidewalk on Promenade Thu, Aug 18 M 38 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia Thu, Aug 18 M 68 Interference with collection Thu, Aug 18 M 48 Jaywalking Thu, Aug 18 M 37 Drinking upon Public Property Thu, Aug 18 M 42 Failure to Register as a Sex Offender Thu, Aug 18 M 49 Obstructing Sidewalk on Promenade Thu, Aug 18 M 50 Battery on a Peace Officer Thu, Aug 18 M 28 Possession of open container of alcohol in public place Thu, Aug 18 M 14 Juvenile Ward of Court Thu, Aug 18 F 40 Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance Thu, Aug 18 M 41 Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance Thu, Aug 18 M 35 Contempt of Court Thu, Aug 18 M 73 Sexual Battery Thu, Aug 18 M 36 Resisting Arrest Thu, Aug 18 M 54 Illegal Solicitation
All persons are invited to apply regardless of race, sex, age, disability, religion, marital status, national origin, sexual preference, or ancestry. Applicants must be residents and registered voters in the City of Santa Monica. No Santa Monica City employee may serve as a member of any Board or Commission.
Fri, Aug 19 M 29 Resisting Arrest Fri, Aug 19 M 50 Carrying A Concealed Dirk Or Dagger Fri, Aug 19 M 41 Obstructing Sidewalk on Promenade Fri, Aug 19 M 32 Obstructing a Public Right of Way Fri, Aug 19 M 33 Possession of a Controlled Substance
Thu, Aug 18 M 39 Obstructing Sidewalk on Promenade Thu, Aug 18 M 62 Obstructing Sidewalk on Promenade Fri, Aug 19 M 42 Vandalism Fri, Aug 19 M 31 Possession of Burglary Tools Fri, Aug 19 F 28 Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol Fri, Aug 19 M 31 Jaywalking Fri, Aug 19 M 28 Possession of Methamphetamines Fri, Aug 19 M 48 Possession of Methamphetamines
The full text of the above Ordinance is available upon request from the o ce of the City Clerk, located at 1685 Main Street, Room 102, Santa Monica. Phone: (310) 458-8211. City of Santa Monica Ordinance Number 2711 (CCS) (City Council Series)

California lawmakers reach housing
While lawmakers have overcome labor union opposition, they could still face resistance from local governments, who argue it’s not fair to disregard community decisions about land use. A spokesperson for the League of California Cities said Thursday the group was still reviewing the proposals and could not comment.
production bills
deal on
5WEEKEND EDITION, AUGUST 27 - AUGUST 28, 2022NEWS 5K, 10K & KIDS RUN SEPTEMBERREGISTERNOW 11 Ifyoudon’tlikewhatwehavetosaywewillgiveyouacopyofyourx-raysatnochargeYOURCHOICE FINDINGANEW DENTISTIS TOUGH!!! (BUTWE MAKEITEASY!!!) SANTAMONICAFAMILYDENTISTRY 126015thST.SUITE#703DR.ALANRUBENSTEIN (310)736-2589 WWW.ALANRUB ENST E INDD S.COM ANDOFCOURSEWEDO • In visalign •Peri odontis ton Staf f • Or al Surgeo non Sta ff •Cosmetics an dImpl ant s • Zoo mbl eac hing • an dmore OR TRY $99EXAM AND CLEANING ForNewPatients INCLUDESFULLXRAYS TRYOURNOOBLIGATION $20EXAM INCLUDES FULLXRAYS ARIZONAAVE. WILSHIREBLVD. 14THST. 15THST.★ DENTA LCARE WIT HOU TJUDGE ME NT! WEOFFERUN IQU E SERVIC ES *Ni trou sOxideavailable *N o interes t paymen tplans *E m ergen cies ca nbe see n tod ay * Ou r den ti st s an d staf fm embe rs ar e eas ytotalkto *Offer to non insured patients *Offer to non insured OURNOOBLIGATIONpatients BACK TAXES?orUNFILED (310)SAMUEL395-9922B.MOSES,CPA 100 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1800 Santa Monica 90401 ALL FORMS • ALL TYPES • ALL STATES
ADAM BEAM Associated Press
California’s top legislative leaders, Senate President Pro Tempore Toni Atkins and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, both praised the legislation, with Atkins calling it a “monumental legislative achievement.” “We didn’t go into this to have one side win at the expense of another. As a result, we have a housing victory that checks off a lot of the boxes – affordability, mixeduse, transit accessibility and labor security,” Rendon said.
Facing a housing shortage in the nation’s most populous state, California’s legislative leaders on Thursday backed a pair of bills that would open up much of the state’s commercial land for residential development, bypassing some local zoning laws to replace shuttered shops with affordableCaliforniaapartments.doesn’t have enough places for people to live. It’s among the reasons why rents are high, homes often cost more than $800,000 and on any given night more than 100,000 people are sleeping on the streets.Tomake up the shortfall, state officials say California needs to build about 310,000 new housing units per year over the next eight years — more than two-and-a-half times the number the state normally builds eachOneyear.popular idea is to build housing on commercial land, especially since lots of retailers have closed in recent years as shoppers moved their purchases online while some office buildings sit empty after companies adopted work-from-home schedules during the pandemic. But to do that, developers first need permission from local governments. Local leaders often don’t want to let housing be built on land that’s been set aside for commercial use because they get more money in property taxes from stores than homes. When a store closes, some local governments are content to leave the land idle, sometimes for decades, hoping another retailer will replace it. On Thursday, state lawmakers and labor leaders announced they would back two bills to change that. One bill would let homebuilders bypass the local approval process and build housing on some commercial land if a certain percentage of the homes they build are affordable. A separate bill would let developers build market-rate housing on commercial land, but remain subject to a local approval process.Assemblymember Buffy Wicks, a Democrat who authored the affordable housing bill, said the two bills would create “millions” of units of new housing. “I think these two bills, taken together, represent transformative housing policy in California,” Wicks said. The biggest obstacles for the bills has been figuring out who would build the housing. Labor unions, powerful supporters of the Democrats who dominate the state Legislature, have been pushing for legislation to require a “skilled and trained” workforce, meaning a certain percentage of laborers have taken a state-approved apprenticeship program. But affordable housing developers say there often aren’t enough workers available to meet that standard, which makes projects difficult to complete.Thesolution was to give homebuilders a choice. The bill that requires affordable housing does not require a skilled and trained workforce, while the bill that does not require affordable housing does require it. Ray Pearl, executive director of the California Housing Consortium, called it “the first legislation in years that has brought together affordable housing providers and “Everybodylabor.”wanted their way or the highway,” said state Sen. Anna Caballero, a Democrat and author of the marketrate housing bill. “We were able to craft a solution where there is something for somebody in one of the two bills.”

grace@smdp.com CIOP FROM PAGE 1 LOSTCAT "CHUCKY" WENEEDYOURHELP REWARD$500 ThankyoutotheWILMONTcommunity! Andalsotofriends,family&SMDP. Yougaveushope,offeredresources& keptusgoing. FOUND! FOUND!
On August 24 at approximately 4:35 p.m. Officers contacted an individual riding a bicycle on the sidewalk in the path of approaching pedestrians. When questioned, the individual stated he was in possession of drug paraphernalia. During the subsequent search, officers also located various tools believed to be used to commit burglary. Antonio Powell, 41, originally from the Los Angeles area, was booked for possession of burglary tools, riding his bike on the sidewalk and drug paraphernalia.
“We’re interested in the architecture, we’re interested in the progressive philosophy and we hope, in a tiny way, this program will bring attention to the church and its campaign to restore the ceiling,” Motika said. Motika will facilitate Sunday’s event, which will include a presentation on the history of the church from Conservancy board member Nina Fresco and a panel discussion between pastor McKeithen, Roger Gawne, a former leader of the church’s LGBTQIA+ programs, and Julie Ginsberg, a parent involved in the Rockstar Kids program, which has been among the most impacted by the lack of a physical place to meet. Admission money from the event will go to the Conservancy, but McKeithen hopes attendees will become more inclined to donate to the church’s ceiling repair fund.
The Church in Ocean Park was founded in the Methodist tradition in 1875 but has evolved to be the pluralistic and inclusive organization it is today. “The Church in Ocean Park is a hybrid creature,” said Janet Gollery McKeithen. “It is a multi-faith community which means that we are Muslim, Jewish, Wiccan, Christian, Buddhist, Atheist, Hindu, Indigenous Religious Expressions and combinations of all of these. We believe that all people are of sacred worth.”
FROM PAGE 1 pieces- these communities- make up what we call the mosaic, which is Santa Monica.”
The event will take place Sunday, Aug. 28 at 5 p.m. over Zoom. Tickets for the general public cost $10 and can be purchased through the Santa Monica Conservancy website forspirit-the-church-in-ocean-park.smconservancy.org/event/an-enduring-www.AdmissionConservancymembersisfree.
McReynolds,FrancisH.91,a 62-year resident of Santa Monica, passed away peacefully on Saturday July 23rd. Mac, thats what he liked to be called, was born on December 22nd 1930. He joined the Air Force where he met his wife Estelle and served during the Korean War. In 1960 he moved his family to Santa Monica California where he opened his first business McReynolds Donuts! You might recognize it now as Noma Sushi. He then went on to own three successful Kentucky Fried Chicken Franchises. He loved his work and retired at the young age of 81. He absolutely loved this home here and he spent much time in his later years enjoying the view of the beautiful Pacific Ocean. Francis, Mac, was a kind, honest and generous man. A devoted husband and loving and wonderful father. He is survived by his two daughters Lana Bennett and Kelly McReynolds and his four grandchildren Amy, Gregory, Ethan and Hayley. He is forever loved and is dearly Gravesidemissed. service with Military Honors was held in his home town of Kirksville, Missouri beside parents Foster and Elsie on August 14th.
In addition to Sunday services, the Church in Ocean Park is also home to a diverse array of programs including an annual Queer Prom, female empowerment group, Girl Central and Rockstar Kids, a program for kids with disabilities and their parents to form connections.TheConservancy chose the Church in Ocean Park as the focal point of this next event due to its long-standing presence in the community and focus on social justice. While not explicitly a fundraiser, the event will also raise awareness of the church’s efforts to raise money to repair its damaged ceiling, which has rendered the building unusable for the past 10 months.
Francis H. McReynolds
“I hope they will understand that the community is lacking an important asset as long as the building is closed,” McKeithen said. “I hope that they will do what they can to help the Church in Ocean Park open the doors to the community again.”
December 22 nd, 1930 - July 23 rd, 2022 our school community takes pride in the multiple physical education opportunities provided to our students and this is just the beginning of what will become a sports and physical education complex on the Samohi campus.” TheExploration building is intended to be a multi-purpose, flexible-use space and will host facilities for project-based learning programs, as well as visual and media arts studios. “The new and improved facilities will give our students state-of-the-art spaces that allow them to fully grow and embrace their health, body and mind,” said Carey Upton, Chief Operations Officer for SMMUSD, in the same press release. “The design continues our transition from prior buildings featuring boxed-in learning spaces that restrict student creativity to flexible collaborative spaces that adapt to changing teaching and learning methods. This form of innovational design will have open air elements to maximize the use of outdoor space and take advantage of our year-round coastal climate.” The new buildings are part of phase three of Samohi’s Campus Plan. This phase is estimated to cost 120 million dollars. The money for the project comes from Measure SMS, which was approved by voters in 2018 and allocated a total of 485 million dollars to improve Santa Monica School facilities. Tours of the recently constructed Discovery building will also be available to attendees at the groundbreaking. The Discovery building opened in 2021 and features 28 classrooms, close to 300 parking spaces, an Olympic-size pool and an outdoor cafeteria. The groundbreaking ceremony will take place Monday Aug. 29 at 3:45 p.m. at the Samohi campus. Those who would like to attend can RSVP here: shoesrefreshmentsly/SamohiExplore082922Invite.https://bit.Lightwillbeservedandclose-toedarerecommended.
Crime Watch is culled from reports provided by the Santa Monica Police Department. These are arrests only. All parties are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

comes after another incumbent, Malibu’s Craig Foster, also announced he would not be seeking re-election. Foster, who pulled nomination paperwork but did not submit it, will not appear on the ballot. The departure of both Foster and Coleman from the race have opened up two of four seats up for grabs in November. Incumbents Laurie Lieberman and Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein will be campaigning to retain their positions on the board, with five additional candidates in the running: parent/business owner Angela DiGaetano, conflict specialist/director of operation Stacy Rouse, Businesswoman/ SMMUSD mom Alicia Mignano, parent/ educational volunteer Esther Hickman and parent/business owner Miles Warner. “It has been an honor to serve on the School Board and to help move the needle for a more equitable and inclusive school environment,” Coleman wrote in his email announcing his withdrawal from the School Board race. “I will serve out the remainder of my term and hope eventually to have the capacity to become involved again in our wonderful school community.” emily@smdp.com LOS FirstANGELESHuman
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) has confirmed the first cases of human West Nile virus (WNV) infection in Los Angeles County for the 2022 season (excluding Long Beach and Pasadena as cases identified in those cities are reported by their local health departments). A total of six cases have been identified, most of whom were hospitalized for their illness in late July and early August. The cases reside in the Antelope Valley, San Fernando Valley, and San Gabriel Valley and all are recovering.
“Mosquitos thrive in hot weather and residents should follow simple steps to reduce their risk of exposure to mosquito-borne diseases, such as West Nile virus,” said Muntu Davis, MD, MPH, Los Angeles County Health Officer. “Simple measures can reduce mosquitos and mosquito bites, like protecting yourself and your family with insect repellent and removing standing water outside your home. West Nile virus can lead to hospitalization or death, and, by taking preventative steps now, residents can better protect themselves against infection and the serious neuro-invasive disease caused by this virus.” West Nile virus (WNV) is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. Symptoms may include fever, headache, nausea, body aches, and a mild skin rash. WNV can affect the brain and spinal cord and result in meningitis, encephalitis, paralysis and even death. There is no vaccine for WNV and no treatment to cure the illness once an individual becomes sick. Adults over the age of 50 years and those with chronic health problems are at higher risk of severe illness if infected. While not all mosquitoes carry this virus, the type of mosquito that spreads this virus is found throughout Los Angeles County. Public Health recommends the following actions to reduce the risk of West Nile virus infection: Avoid mosquito-infested areas at dawn and dusk. Use insect repellent. Use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)registered repellents containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE), para-menthane-diol (PMD), or 2-undecanone. When used as directed, EPA-registered insect repellents are proven safe and effective, even for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Find the right insect repellent for you by using EPA’s search tool. Cover up. Consider wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants when you are outdoors, particularly at dawn and dusk in areas where more mosquitoes are present. Take steps to control mosquitoes indoors and outdoors. Use screens on windows and doors. Check for and repair holes in screens to keep mosquitoes outdoors. Stop mosquitoes from laying eggs in or near water. Once a week, empty and scrub, turn over, cover, or throw out items that hold water, such as tires, buckets, planters, toys, pet bowls, flowerpot saucers, rain barrels, or other containers. These are breeding grounds for mosquitos where they lay their eggs. Empty and wash birdbaths and wading pools weekly. Clean and chlorinate swimming pools; drain water from pool covers. Stock garden ponds with mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), goldfish, Koi or other mosquito-eating fish. These feed on mosquito eggs and larvae. Public Health continues to document human cases of WNV every year in LA County, at an average of 91 cases per year during the last 5 years. However, the total number of people infected with WNV each year in LA County is much higher as most infected persons do not experience any illness or only mild illness. These cases are neither reported nor recognized as WNV. About three-quarters of reported cases have had severe disease and approximately 9% of patients with severe WNV die from complications. Public Health collaborates with local vector control agencies to target areas for mosquito control activities as well as educate people about how to protect themselves. Reduction of mosquito breeding sources and protection from mosquito bites are the best ways to prevent WNV infection. “This is a reminder that West Nile Virus is active in Los Angeles County every year and mosquito control is a shared responsibility,” says Leann Verdick, District Manager of the Antelope Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District. “While our technicians check and treat mosquito breeding in public water sources, residents are urged to eliminate standing water on their property and use EPA-registered repellents when mosquitoes are Foractive.”more information on West Nile virus, visit publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/westnile. To find a local vector control district, visit http://www.socalmosquito.org. Stagnant swimming pools or “green pools” should be reported to the Public Health Environmental Health Bureau at (626) 430-5200, or to a local vector control agency. Dead birds may be reported by calling (877) 968-2473 or online: https://westnile.ca.gov/report.php
7WEEKEND EDITION, AUGUST 27 - AUGUST 28, 2022NEWS 1847 14th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404 ▪ (310) 458 -8717 (on-call - 24/7) woodlawn.cemetery@santamonica.gov ▪ www.woodlawnsm.com City of Santa WOODLAWNMonicaCemeteryMausoleumMortuary FD #2101 ● Traditional Burial ● Green/Natural Burial ● Cremation ● Funeral Planning & Mortuary Services ALL IN ONE LOCATION Helping families honor, remember, and celebrate life. Bourget Bros. Building Materials 1636 - 11th Street Santa Monica, CA 90404 (310) 450-6556 bourgetbros.com
Cases of West Nile Virus Reported in Los Angeles County for 2022

The FBI submitted the affidavit, or sworn statement, to a judge so it could obtain the warrant to search Trump’s property. Affidavits typically contain vital information about an investigation, with agents spelling out the justification for why they want to search a particular property and why they believe they’re likely to find evidence of a potential crimeAffidavitsthere. routinely remain sealed during pending investigations. But in an acknowledgment of the extraordinary public interest in the investigation, U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart on Thursday ordered the department by Friday to make public a redacted version of the affidavit. In a separate document unsealed Friday, Justice Department officials explained that it was necessary to redact some information to “protect the safety and privacy of a significant number of civilian witnesses, in addition to law enforcement personnel, as well as to protect the integrity of the ongoing investigation.”Thesecond half of the affidavit is almost entirely redacted, making it impossible to discern the scope of the investigation or where it might be headed. It does not identify by name any people who may be subjects of the investigation and it does not answer core questions, such as why top secret documents were taken to Mar-a-Lago at the end of the president’s term even though the government regards them as presidential records that belong to the National Archives and require special storage. It also does not include details about the interactions between Trump representatives and the Justice Department in the months leading up to the search, including a subpoena in May for records and a visit to the property in June by the department’s top counterintelligence official. The backand-forth culminated in the Aug. 8 search in which agents retrieved the 11 sets of classified records.Still, the document unsealed Friday does offer insight into arguments the Trump legal team is expected to make as the case moves forward. It includes a letter from Trump lawyer M. Evan Corcoran in which he asserts that a president has “absolute authority” to declassify documents and that “presidential actions involving classified documents are not subject to criminal sanction.” Mark Zaid, a longtime national security lawyer who has criticized Trump for his handling of classified information, said the letter was “blatantly wrong” to assert Trump could declassify “anything and everything.”
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“There are some legal, technical defenses as to certain provisions of the espionage act whether it would apply to the president,” Zaid said. “But some of those provisions make no distinction that would raise a defense.”
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SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). A conflict between your head and your heart can be mediated by the imaginary judge of your conscience. Set the stage for a negotiation in your mind. Introduce the topic, then sit back and observe the discussion that follows.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You have ideas and the guts to be a leader as well. Speak up and you’ll gain support. Your exceptional intuition about people will be tested. It is possible that the one who is charming and flattering is also sincere at heart.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Things are done a certain way, but the norms go out the window when someone special contributes. You’ll be that special person today and the rules will bend to accommodate your ideas and fresh take.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’re so busy trying to serve everyone else that you just may forget all about what you want out of the situation. Take a breather to think about it, and possibly even write a list so you don’t accidentally leave yourself out.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Success is simple. You determine the goal then do the work. You may be worried about doing things right, but there is no right way, only a wrong way: going in circles. Consistently move in one direction and you’ll get there.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Education doesn’t happen overnight. It may feel like you’ll never learn enough to do a job easily, or that you just can’t satisfy your curiosity. But finding out where the holes in your knowledge are is essential to filling them in.
SOLUTIONS TO YESTERDAY’S SUDOKU CROSSWORD Sudoku Fill in the blank cells using numbers 1 to 9. Each num ber can appear only once in each row, col umn, and 3x3 block. Use logic and pro cess of elimination to solve the puzzle.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You will choose colleagues for their ability, honesty and loyalty. But when it comes to friendship, you’ll go for the ones who make you laugh and feel. You’ll let someone into your heart, though you fully realize it will change you.
Share the way you see the world and what you want it to look like too, and people will help fulfill the vision. The more specific you are about how you want to spend your time, the more fun you’ll have. More highlights: you’ll get your way in a dispute and be rewarded with what you ask for. A long shot will come through, also romantic travel. Sagittarius and Pisces adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 1, 3, 33, 26 and 9.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). When others worry, you can clearly see how unnecessary it is, but of course it’s difficult to have objectivity with your own worries, which seem somehow much more valid. Choose optimism.PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). It’s not your style to make many demands, so when you do make requests, people really listen to you. You’re not just thinking about you. You’re thinking about the bigger picture and what might be helpful for all going forward.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Instead of waiting around to be invited, assigned or permitted, you’ll just make the move. It’s risky, and not always the most effective way to go about things, but it will work great for you GEMINItoday.(May 21-June 21). A clash of personalities may have you feeling edgy and out of sorts. As inconvenient and uncomfortable as this may be, there are benefits to the relationship that are not yet apparent. Your soul is evolving through these lessons.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Talented people cannot always bridge the social gap in a way that lets them share their talents. You will use your social gifts to help someone connect and navigate a world that would be very difficult for them, if not for your guidance.

CONVERSATION, HIGH Santa Monica Public Library hosts an ongoing series of English as a Second Language (ESL) classes taught by Adult Education Center instructors. Classes are free and students must be 18 years or older to attend. Community parents and SMMUSD parents have priority enrollment. Learn more about California adult education at caladulted.org. Enrollment is through the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Adult Education Center, located at 2510 Lincoln Blvd., Room 203, Santa Monica, CA, 90405. Contact Olga Saucedo at (310) 6646222, ext.76203 or osaucedo@smmusd.org to enroll. Pico Branch Library. 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
THURSGAYS THURSGAYS is the hottest LGBTQ event on the Westside! Every Thursday starting at 8 p.m. join for Queen Bingo with special guest hosts each week. From 10 p.m. till close, the lights go down and the music turns up with a live DJ spinning classic disco/house/90’s hip hop. Admission is free and bingo cards available for purchase at the door. The Room Santa Monica, 1325 Santa Monica Blvd. thursgays-tickets-336831531177.https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ Draw Date: 8/24 6 24 35 37 44 Power#: 22 Jackpot: 115 M Draw Date: 8/23 3 5 47 48 67 Mega#: Jackpot:7135 M Draw Date: 8/24 7 10 15 40 44 Mega#: Jackpot:519 M Draw Date: 8/25 3 10 15 16 19 Draw Date: 8/25 EVENING: 7 6 8 Draw Date: 8/25 MIDDAY: 2 1 7 Draw Date: 8/25 1st: 03 - Hot Shot 2nd: 06 - Whirl Win 3rd: 10 - Solid Gold Race Time: 1:44.28
COFFEE WITH A COP Want to support the Santa Monica Animal Shelter Foundation , but adopting a pet is not in the cards for you? No worries. Stop by @gnarwhalcoffeeco on Main Street on August 30th between 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. for a #CoffeeWithACop event. A portion of the proceeds will be donated directly to the Shelter.
The Annenberg Community Beach House gated area, including the courtyard and splash pad, are open to the public daily. Check the Beach House website calendar or call 310-458-4904 to confirm. Annenberg Community Beach House, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
FLOATING FITNESS WORKOUT $20/class, pre-register online through Reserve Santa Monica. Floating Fitness Workouts with BOGAFiT builds strength, deepens flexibility, and improves balance and coordination. Wear a bathing suit or workout clothes. Be ready to get wet -- you may fall into the pool. Annenberg Community Beach House. 8:30-9:30 a.m.
CLEAR THE SHELTER The Santa Monica Animal Shelter will join forces with NBC Universal and Telemundo broadcasting stations to find loving homes for homeless pets through the annual “Clear The Shelters” pet adoption campaign. From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m, pet adoptions will be $20.
The Housing Commission works to improve the quality of life of residents and the City by supporting and helping to guide the production and preservation of affordable housing. 6 p.m. commission.https://www.santamonica.gov/housing-
The pool is open daily from through Monday, September 5. Pool hours: Monday through Thursday 12-6 p.m. Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Pool passes go on sale one hour before pool opening at the Guest Services window. Passes are sold on a first-come, firstserved basis, no reservations. For more on the pool, visit pool.aspx.annenbergbeachhouse.com/activities/AnnenbergCommunityBeachHouse.
Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the winning number information, mis takes can occur. In the event of any discrepancies, California State laws and California Lottery regulations will prevail. Complete game information and prize claiming instructions are available at California Lottery retailers. Visit the California State Lottery web site at http://www.calottery.com
The Annenberg Community Beach House gated area, including the courtyard and splash pad, are open to the public daily. Check the Beach House website calendar or call 310-458-4904 to confirm. Annenberg Community Beach House. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Saturday: Patchy fog before 11am. Otherwise, mostly sunny, with a high near 69. Saturday Night: Patchy fog after 11pm. Otherwise, mostly cloudy, with a low around 62. Sunday: Patchy fog before 11am. Otherwise, mostly sunny, with a high near 68. Sunday Night: Patchy fog after 11pm. Otherwise, mostly cloudy, with a low around 60. 2022/08/27Sat 04:21 AM -0.13 L 2022/08/27Sat 10:38 AM 4.50 H 2022/08/27Sat 3:55 PM 1.79 L 2022/08/27Sat 9:59 PM 5.94 H 2022/08/28Sun 04:45 AM 0.03 L 2022/08/28Sun 11:01 AM 4.67 H 2022/08/28Sun 4:32 PM 1.64 L 2022/08/28Sun 10:32 PM 5.66 H 2022/08/29Mon 05:10 AM 0.29 L 2022/08/29Mon 11:27 AM 4.84 H 2022/08/29Mon 5:12 PM 1.52 L 2022/08/29Mon 11:09 PM 5.22 H 2022/08/30 Tue 05:34 AM 0.67 L 2022/08/30 Tue 11:54 AM 5.00 H 2022/08/30 Tue 5:58 PM 1.44 L 2022/08/30 Tue 11:51 PM 4.66 H 2022/08/31 Wed 05:59 AM 1.14 L 2022/08/31 Wed 12:25 PM 5.12 H Date Day Time (LST/LDT) Predicted (ft)High/Low New, longer period SSW swell tops out with just modest NW swell mix blending in. Nice tide push for the early morning, cleanest then too. Mind the deep high tide late morning. A day to target. Longer period SSW swell lingers with modest NW swell mix blending in. Another nice tide push to start the day. Cleanest early. A day to target. SATURDAY SURF: FAIR 4-6ft Chest to overhead
For help submitting an event, contact us at 310-458-7737 or submit to events@smdp.com
Westside What’s Up out and about in Santa Monica
Enjoy one of Santa Monica’s farmers markets, widely considered to be among the best on the west coast and featuring field-fresh produce, hundreds of kinds of vegetables, brilliant cut flowers, breads, cheeses, delicious foods, live music and more. Arizona Avenue (between 4th & Ocean).
CITIZENSHIP CLASSES An ongoing series of citizenship classes taught by Adult Education Center instructors. Classes are free and students must be 18 years or older to attend. Community parents and SMMUSD parents have priority enrollment. The classes help students complete and submit their U.S. citizenship applications, and prepare them for the official review. Enrollment is through the SMMUSD Adult Education Center (310) 6646222, ext. 76203 or osaucedo@smmusd.org. Pico Branch Library. 12:45 - 3:15 p.m.

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