Factors To Consider For Your Oral Health Care As it is important to take care of your physical health, and it is also very important to pay special attention to your oral health. Oral health affects the overall health of your body and so, you should not avoid it. You should follow basic care of your teeth by brushing a couple of times a day, flossing daily, and having regular dental checkups. There are so many things to be considered when it comes to your oral care, few of which are mentioned below. Stopping Bad Breath Some people have bad breath which can be caused by gum problems, cavities, mouth bacteria and other issues. This has to be prevented to stop the further spread of oral diseases. You should drink a lot of water which will remove the bacteria from your mouth as well as try to avoid onions, garlic, and spicy food. Chewing gum can also add to bad breath and oral problems. Avoiding Tooth Decay Tooth decay progresses with cavities in the mouth. Cavities are the most common dental problems which can then cause other oral problems. The plaque gives birth to the cavities in the mouth and can further cause other problems. To avoid tooth decay, brush and floss teeth and also get regular checkups. Avoiding Gum Disease Strong gums are the base of a healthy mouth and should be kept in the best of health. Gum disease is the root cause of the loss of teeth in adults who are 30 years or older. There are two types of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontitis which are normally caused by carelessness when it comes to your mouth. Smoking and genetics also play a large factor. Bleeding gums, constant bad breath, sensitive gums, swelling, and tooth pain are the signs of gum disease. Checking On Oral Cancer Oral cancer can be fatal if it is not detected in the early stages. Fortunately, it is also curable if it is detected in its initial stages. You can avoid oral cancer by quitting smoking if you do, and reducing the alcohol consumption. Avoiding Mouth Sores The most common mouth sores that are caused commonly in a majority of the people are canker sores, cold sores, fever blisters, and ulcers. You should seriously see a dentist if your mouth sore lasts for more than two weeks. The mouth sores can be prevented by using a mouthwash, having healthy foods, and avoiding those foods that irritate your mouth.
Preventing Tooth Erosion Tooth erosion is normally caused by cracking and chipping of the teeth and is caused by the same acid that causes cavities. To prevent tooth erosion, you should cut down on acid drinks, rinse your mouth after having acidic drinks and foods, chewing sugar-free gum, and drinking more water. Dealing With Sensitive Teeth Tooth sensitivity is the most common problem found in thousands of people. It results in pain when you have anything too cold like an ice cream, or having any hot drink, or eating sweets. The exposed root surfaces are one of the causes for sensitive teeth. To avoid this, you can use a sensitivity toothpaste, and using a softer toothbrush. Preventing Toothache Toothaches cause horrible severe pain and can keep you from eating or drinking anything. Usually, toothaches happen when the cavities have reached the root level of the tooth. To prevent this you should see your dentist on a regular basis and get your teeth checked. You should avoid eating sugary foods and use a toothpaste with fluoride. Overall bodily health starts with strong oral health. Source: http://www.openarticles.com/article.php?title=Factors-To-Consider-For-Your-O ral-Health-Care-By-Andrew-Crosby&article=460743