Rodent Control - Prevention or Cure? We’re all aware that pests whether they come in the form of vermin, birds or insects are deeply unpleasant, carry with them diseases, bacteria and germs and have the potential to destroy buildings and other environments. For this reason, the vast majority of people agree that measures such as a rodent control service are a necessary precaution against infestation. The question for many is how to go about pest control in homes and businesses. When it comes to pest control, many businesses and home owners tend to adopt a responsive action. What this means is that they do little or nothing to combat pests until they actually have a problem. In short, they cure the issue rather than preventing it.
Experts in pest control believe this is the wrong way to go about fixing the problem, and that there are many benefits to being pro-active.
Cost Ongoing pest control and maintenance is often seen as being something of an insurance policy. Many people resent paying an insurance premium as they see it as a wasted payment. However, in the face of a vehicle accident or a burglary at their home, they’re immediately gratified by the payments they made as they have adequate coverage to recoup their losses and minimise the damage. Infestation prevention works in a similar way: in that you might not always be able to see the benefits of the time and money spent on creating a no-go-zone for pests but in the face of an actual infestation, you’d be able to immediately see the benefits of your long term plan.
Consider that the cost of dealing with an actual infestation of pests could be quite sizable and that you could potentially have to close your business or accommodate your staff and customers elsewhere as a clean-up operation took place. Then consider that the alternative is an ongoing small scale operation (such as traps) with little of the same financial outlay and no disruption to your business, and it’s easy to see the better alternative.
Effect on Business In addition, the cost to your business could be far more than an invoice. Customers and clients tend to be very put off by a business with an infestation, even though we all understand that in many cases they’re simply not preventable. By failing to prevent an infestation, you could not only find your business disrupted but also see your customers finding an alternative to your services.
Damage Whatever form the infestation takes, it’s likely to cause damage. The urine and faeces from many animals is highly corrosive and could potentially destroy your stock or your building, whilst many pests also chew or eat their surroundings. Even with a fast resolution, you could be left with a large cleaning bill.
Author Bio Hayden Price has a keen interest in all aspects of rodent control. His articles on the subject inform readers about a variety of rodent control service options. Resource Link: