Significant tips to prevent enamel erosion

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Significant Tips To Prevent Enamel Erosion We all know that oral health is equally important as your physical and mental health. The oral hygiene, mainly comprises of taking care of your teeth and gums. Now, when we say that you need to take care of your teeth, the main component holding your teeth together is their enamel. The tooth enamel is the outer layer of your teeth that protects them from all kinds of bacteria and cavities. It is also said that enamel is the hardest substance in the body and provides a strong coating to your teeth. Having said this, it is also a fact that an enamel is the most fragile portion of your mouth. As the enamel of your teeth plays a crucial role in protecting your teeth from decay, it is very important to protect this strong shield from getting eroded. When you take care of your oral hygiene, it is significant that you take into account your tooth enamel while doing so. Here, we shall have a look at a few important tips or precautions that will help you protect your enamel from wearing off. Avoid Soda It is very refreshing to taste and have soda as it contains large amounts of sugar. But, it is very harmful to your tooth enamel. Sodas damage the enamel to a great extent and lead to tooth decay due to the bacteria produced by them. They are acidic in nature and so, they badly affect the coating of your teeth. It is not that you should completely ignore soda, you can have it once in a while. But, it is advisable that you find alternatives to it such as water, green tea or unsweetened tea. You can have healthy options to replace the sodas. Check Your Citrus Intake Though said healthy, the citrus fruits are acidic by nature. So, it is important that you check your intake of the same. Being acidic in nature, they harm your teeth’ enamel and enable it to wear off. Over-consumption of fruits like oranges, grapes, or beverages having lemon flavor is not good for your tooth enamel. They wash away the essential minerals from your enamel, making it weak and leading to tooth decay in the long run. So, it is important that you check your intake of the same. Moreover, whenever you take any kind of citrus fruits or beverages, your saliva rinses the bacteria away as soon as they build up. But it may not happen always, if you over-consume them. Include Dairy In Your Diet All dairy products are rich in calcium and protein, which are helpful in maintaining your oral hygiene. Milk, yogurt, cheese, and others are very much

rich in nutrients, helping in strengthening your tooth enamel, thereby keeping the oral health troubles at bay. Moreover, it is advisable that you chew a piece of cheese after your meals. It produces more saliva in your mouth, which washes away the bacteria formed by the food particles in your teeth and also remineralizes the enamel. Moderate Your Drinking Options By drinking options, we mean that whenever you drink beer or wine, it is important that you keep a check on your intake. It is because these drinks are not good for your teeth. For example, wine contains a large portion of acids in it, which is not at all good for your oral health. It wears away your tooth enamel in the long run if consumed frequently and in large amounts. The most acidic among all the wines is the red wine. Moreover, the alcoholic drinks are dehydrating, drying your mouth, which results in less production of saliva. So, it is advisable that whenever you consume any kind of alcoholic beverage, you may either dilute it or sip water alongside it. Brush And Floss At Twice a Day Brushing and flossing the teeth are things involved in taking care of your mouth, and you should follow it regularly. Yes, it means that these both activities play an important role in keeping the bacteria at bay, keeping your mouth healthy. However, it is crucial that you should not brush or floss the teeth immediately after taking meals or having any beverages because it may break down the enamel. When you take your meals, your enamel gets affected, which makes it fragile. So, do not brush or floss immediately after any kind of meals. Gentle Brushing Only brushing your teeth is not important, but also how you do it. Whenever you brush your teeth, it is crucial that you do not do it with more strength or you will wear out your enamel. Be gentle when brushing your teeth. Enamel is an important component of your mouth and so, it is crucial for you to prevent its erosion by taking care of your mouth in every possible way. Visit your dentist at regular intervals to avoid any kind of serious oral conditions. Article Provided By: Original Source URL:

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