Things You Need To Know About Workers’ Compensation As A Business Being in a business, you may be knowing about workers’ compensation a few things. But, there are several other things that you may need to know about workers’ compensation which may be helpful to deal with your employees in times any accident or injury. Workers’ Compensation Has Become Mandatory Almost the entire US has made it compulsory for every business to provide an employees’ insurance policy. This also applies to businesses that only have part-time employees. Any business, big or small, has to purchase an insurance policy for their employees. Accordingly, you have to comply with the rules and regulations of the policy. Workers’ Compensation Costs Differ Widely Around The Country Every state decides the minimum amount of coverage that the employer has to carry and so the cost of workers’ compensation varies from one state to another depending on their rules and regulations. You Can Cut Off/Control Workers’ Compensation Costs By Classifying Your Workers No business wants to pay extra for workers’ compensation when they know that they can cut costs. The riskier job, the more cost it has to insure that particular professional. It is advisable that you classify your employees on the basis of these classification codes before you go on to insure them. Workplace Safety Affects Your Workers’ Compensation Premium Workers’ compensation premium depends on various factors like your payroll, the type of work your employees do, and your claims history. This is very important as it compares your actual losses to the expected losses for all the workers of your industry. To lower your claims, you need to keep your workplace safety on top priority. Train your employees properly about their work and the safety measures to be taken while doing their job if their job is riskier. This way, you can not only cut down your claims and compensation premiums but also, you can keep your employees safe from any injuries or accidents. Know Your Obligations As An Employer You should be aware of your obligation to an employee who was injured or hurt at your workplace while doing his job. Remember that the injured employee has the full right to claim their compensation and it is your obligation to provide him with a claim form after they have informed you about their injury.
Complete The Employer’s Report Of Accident You, as an employer are responsible for filling up the employer’s report of accident form to cover all the information and speak your side if there is any doubt about the validity of the employee’s claim. After you have signed the employer’s section, it should be handed to the administrator who will be handling the details of the workers’ compensation. Thus, as a business owner, it not only your right but also your responsibility to be completely aware of all the factors affecting the workers’ compensation insurance policy in order to be safe and successful in every sense. Source: usiness/