• Open hear t and hear t valve surger y in 1982
• TAVR (transcatheter aor tic valve replacement) procedures
• Device implants for stroke prevention for patients with AFib (atrial f ibrillation) patients
• LVAD (lef t ventricular assist device) implants
• Complex hear t ablation procedures
• Cardiac cath and PCI (percutaneous coronar y inter vention) in 1978
• EVAR (endovascular aor tic repair) and TEVAR (thoracic endovascular aor tic repair) procedures
• Complex A A A (abdominal aor tic aneur ysm), including FEVAR (fenestrated endovascular aor tic repair) procedures
Largest c ardiac and vascular team in the region, available 24/ 7/365. We are involved in research studies that are answering questions about future patient c are advancements.
Dedic ated operating rooms (ORs) for hear t and vascular procedures. Our t wo hybrid ORs are the only ones of their kind in the region.
Dedic ated c ardiac, vascular and thoracic surger y intensive c are units for post-surger y c are.
We’re the most experienced option for your c are, per forming the most c ardiac & vascular procedures in Southwest Virginia. Looking to the future, we’re building our dedic ated Cardiovascular Institute to continue as your comprehensive hear t c are center.
READER s : s HOw us YO u R
Creative Designer
Vicki Gardner, Reed Dillon, Jason Dunovant
c O n TRI bu TI ng PHOTO g RAPHER s/ARTI s T s
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540-981-3262, office 540-797-4444, mobile March/April 2023 C o VER in G L i FE AT SM i T h M oun TA in LAKE , V i RG ini A , & S u RR oun D in G L o CAL i T i ES EDITORIAL AD v ERTI s I ng
Laker Magazine welcomes story ideas, photos for our Travelers and Lake Views sections, calendar items and creative works (essays, poems, paintings and photography) by local artists. For time-sensitive content, including calendar items or local events coverage, the deadline is the first of the month preceding the desired issue. (Example: April 1 for the May/June issue.)
Submissions must include your name and telephone number. Contact for more information.
Dunovant, Scott P. Yates c O n TRI bu TI ng w RITER s HO w TO sub MIT PI c K u P YO u R FREE c OPY O n THE c O v ER
The Fisher family renovated their 1980s vacation home so that future generations could keep enjoying the lakeside retreat. Page 29
Scott P. Yates
©2023 The Roanoke Times. s mith Mountain Laker Magazine is a community publication solely owned by The Roanoke Times. It is published for the residents of s mith Mountain Lake and is subject to The Roanoke Times’ editorial policies. The views and opinions are those of the authors. The opinions expressed, unless otherwise noted, should not be construed to be those of The Roanoke Times or its affiliates. Lists are for reference only and do not necessarily imply approbation. p aid advertising does not represent an endorsement by this publication. c ontent cannot be reproduced without written consent from The Roanoke Times. a ll rights reserved. Real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing act of 1968.
Nestled on a private lake lot with beautiful V iews, Entr y level offer s a Primar y Bedroom Suite plus two additional guest rooms, Great room with Lots of Glass over looking the lake, Lower Level Family room with 2nd Kitchen, Screen Porch and Concrete car t path to dock. MLS 893620
Commercial building zoned PCD, four covered boat docks, great location in high traffic area. Two separate offices with separate meters. Could be conver ted to shor t term rental. Contact Glenda for more information. MLS 891474
Spacious Home with 4 Car Garage $418,500
Nestled privately on 1.7 Acres with 260 ft of shoreline, Large Covered boatdock Custom Kitchen with Large Island, Huge Great Room with Fireplace, Spacious Primar y Suite Lots of guest rooms for family and friends. 2nd Kitchen in the large family room, Sunroom MLS 895587
Plenty of room for family and friends with this 3500 sq ft home nestled on a gentle lot. Covered porch, living room, family room on entr y level workshop and attached carpor t. Great location for a home/office business. MLS 890639
one fact was obvious in mid-February, as Laker Magazine was nearing publication — spring is coming.
On much of Feb. 14 (happy belated Valentine’s Day, lakers), it was bright and warm outside. As sundown drew closer, clouds were gathering and the temperature was cooling. It’s all part of the dance that late winter does with early spring. The mind surveyed the past and wondered: Will there be any snow? Are more Arctic-style cold snaps in the future? Can the cold rains just please take a break for a few more weeks?
All along, though, an overriding thought soothed the soul — spring is coming.
Who has it better around these parts than Smith Mountain Lake residents, as the weather warms and the sun fills more of their days? The water will still be a bit nippy for swimming (polar plungers might find it balmy), but boating is a perennial pleasure that is never as fun as when it’s warm outside, before summer’s more oppressive heat. Fire pits can light shorelines while radiating away some of early spring’s nighttime chills. Day drinking at lakeside bars feels almost regenerative (don’t forget to have a designated driver, or boat pilot).
I won’t complain about where I am, right by the Roanoke River Greenway and well above flood level, with a dog ready to head that way at the sight of his harness. But you lakers have something special, and the weather was getting just right for it as we were putting this issue to bed. Maybe the most special thing you have going out that way is a stock of gorgeous homes with Smith Mountain Lake views in wide variety. We’re going to take a look at a bunch of them in this, Laker Magazine’s spring issue.
Rob Fisher, a home builder in Vienna, has what he called a “funky” house in Scruggs. He intended to spruce it up, then recognized that he could expand it instead and make it a retreat for his growing family of adult children, their spouses and children. Working with a lake area general contractor, Fisher has created a livable heirloom. Writer Reed Dillon and photographer Scott Yates visited and told the story.
The annual Smith Mountain Lake Charity Home Tour wrapped another successful edition in early October 2022, and almost immediately, organizers set about making plans for the next one. Liz Harrison, the tour’s second-year executive director, spoke with us about how the process works (note: it requires a lot of people; and she’d like it if you considered helping), and the tour’s publicity chair, Jessica Byrd, shared photos of the October 2023 tour’s homes, all accessible via car or boat. Byrd shared a passel of design ideas with us, too, looks that visitors can take on as inspiration for their own homes, regardless of whether they are by the water.
ta D D ickens EditorMore folks are making their homes at SML, Jason Dunovant reports, and he talked with local leaders to show us why that is happening. One result of that growth is that a popular restaurant, Mango’s Bar & Grill, has added winter hours to its schedule, and folks are showing up to the Bridgewater Plaza business in sufficient numbers to ensure that Mango’s will become a year-round spot.
Elsewhere in this issue, we have updated home and garden business listings, which we hope will help you on the path to making your abode as nice as you like for the season. Our calendar of events is refreshed, too, helpful as you venture outdoors with the warming temps.
Put it all together, and this month’s Laker reinforces a positive development — spring is coming.
vA n E ss A s wA ns O n caught this flock catching some rays on top of a boathouse near Indian Pointe Marina and marker R37.
I n w IRTZ (A b O v E)
sus A n E ng LI s H caught the early morning fog rising over Gills Creek. Smith Mountain is in the background.
I n MO n ETA (RI g HT)
F RA n K bAR b IERO snapped this scene at his home looking downstream across from channel marker R22.
h ave a photo of our stunning scenery that you’d like to share? We’d love to showcase your landscape and wildlife photos in our next issue. p hotos can be of anywhere around the lake (not just the water) and must include your name, the location of the photo and a short description. e mail them to .
New Mexico
P ETER A n D Ann cORIA sc O , of Moneta, cruised Antarctica, South Georgia Island and the Falkland Islands. This photo, taken in South Georgia, found them surrounded by a more than 500,000-strong King Penguin colony. Other wildlife sightings during the 19-day cruise included whales, elephant and leopard seals, emperor, macaroni and Magellanic penguins and a great variety of Antarctic birds.
SHOW US YOUR TRAVELS! take Laker Magazine with you on your next adventure! e mail your photo with a famous landmark or stunning scenery to s ubmissions must include where you went on your trip, the names of everyone in the photo and where you live.
locals are finding themselves with an influx of new neighbors as the lake’s popularity — and population — soars.
story by Jason D unoVantsmith Mountain Lake has seen surprising growth in the past three years. A global pandemic that some feared would be a deathknell for the community has turned out to be a boon that has ushered in a significant increase in not only tourism, but new full-time residents.
In March 2020 President Donald Trump declared COVID-19 a national emergency which ushered in a slew of shutdowns across the country. At Smith Mountain Lake, businesses preparing for the upcoming tourist season braced for the worst.
It was only a few weeks later that those fears turned into elation for area businesses as visitors flocked to Smith Mountain Lake for a socially distanced vacation that wasn’t an option at many of the other crowded tourist spots across the country. That year several local businesses reported their most profitable summers ever.
waterfront home sales at the lake hit an alltime high in 2020, only dipping recently due to a lack of availability.
As Smith Mountain Lake enters 2023 and COVID-19 fears finally begin to die down, the business community is still riding a wave of popularity and profitability. Some businesses are even seeing those profits creep into the normally quiet winter months with more full-time residents moving to the area.
Andy Bruns, executive director of the Smith Mountain Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce, said he sees more frequently that people coming into the Smith Mountain Lake Visitors Center have either recently moved or are thinking of moving to the area.
“We are not just a visitors center, we have become a relocation center,” Bruns said.
The chamber even created a brochure with helpful information for people who are considering moving to the area.
While there are no official borders around the Smith Mountain Lake community, four of the largest districts that encompass the lake in Bedford and Franklin counties have seen substantial growth in the past three years. Those districts are
the Union Hall and Gills Creek districts in Franklin County and Districts 1 and 2 in Bedford County.
According to GIS data from both counties, the four districts recorded 2,108 property transfers in 2019 before COVID-19 and the nationwide surge in home sales (the data in each district includes some sales for $0, which is often due to a sale between family members). In 2020, that number jumped to 2,416 property transfers.
In 2021, transfers increased significantly to 3,363 in the four districts before falling slightly last year to 2,893.
While some of the home sales are likely due to people moving within the four districts or people buying second homes, Bruns said the influx of new residents has become more and more noticeable.
“I don’t think there is any doubt that we have more full-time residents than we did two years ago,” Bruns said.
While home sales may have slowed slightly around the lake last year, it may not be due to waning interest. Tom Fansler, Realtor for Berkshire Hathaway Home Services, said demand is still high, but there are now fewer homes available on the market.
Waterfront home sales at Smith Mountain Lake hit a 20-year peak in 2020 with 431 homes sold, according to a report provided by Fansler. That number dropped to 327 in 2021 and 232 in 2022.
“It wasn’t because the demand went down,” Fansler said of the reduction in home sales. “Demand is still there.”
Fansler said the number of homes for sale on the market has dropped significantly. As this article was written, only 23 lakefront homes are available for sale. Prior to 2020, the lake would have ten times that amount available, he said.
Factors such as increasing interest rates, which may have slowed some home buying elsewhere, don’t have as much of an impact in lake sales. Fansler said a majority of the people who purchase lakefront properties pay in cash with no need for a mortgage loan.
Fansler expects interest in Smith Mountain Lake to continue for the foreseeable future. He said people have finally found out how special it is.
According to Bruns, all it takes is one visit to Smith Mountain Lake. He said that traditionally, first time visitors will come to the lake and often become annual vacationers. Many of those annual vacationers eventually become full-time residents, he said.
“That’s been the model for Smith Mountain Lake for 55 years,” Bruns said.
When the pandemic hit in 2020, Bruns said that model was supercharged with a major influx of new vacationers — many eager to move out of the larger cities into a quiet area.
Employees being able to work from home also helped in people deciding to move to the area. Bruns said recent upgrades to internet service around the lake helped some in deciding to move here and work from the lake.
Bruns has seen how the increase in year-round residents is helping many local businesses. The traditional model for lake businesses is busy summer months followed by winters with few customers.
While some lake businesses chose to close the doors or greatly reduce hours during the winter months, signs in recent years show that businesses may have the customer base to keep them going. Bruns said businesses may be reaching a point where it is more profitable to keep the doors open.
Mango’s Bar and Grill in Moneta is one business that decided to keep its doors open this winter. The restaurant traditionally closes after Thanksgiving and doesn’t reopen until March.
Jason Hodnett, general manager at Mango’s, said he saw about 10% growth in sales at the restaurant in 2020 and 2021. He said some of that increase was due to new residents to the area. It was a significant enough increase they decided to try staying open year-round.
Each month has gotten busier during the winter as more and more people learn they are open, Hodnett said. Live music has continued during the winter to bring in customers, and trivia nights help, too.
Being open during winter has helped to pay rent for the space during the winter as well as keep staff employed, but it hasn’t resulted in any significant profit, Hodnett said. Even so, he said it is successful enough to continue next winter as long as lake residents, both longtimers and new ones, continue to show their support.
the calendar might say spring, but striped bass are still living in winter conditions. h ere’s how to use the cold to your advantage.
by guest columnist cha D G ilmorewinter at SML. It’s cold, it’s peaceful and it’s a great time to catch striped bass, if you know their habits. Even as spring approaches, we could still be in for some cold, at least according to Punxsutawney Phil. Assuming the groundhog was correct, those stripers might still feel it below the waterline for a couple more weeks, so let’s talk about how to bring them to the surface. But first, no winter fishing article, even a late-winter one, would be complete without this admonition: “Please wear a life jacket!” When we dress for cold weather, we
In the sonar image above, yellow “clouds” of bait fish are fed upon by striped bass (represented by streaky arches) between 40 and 60 feet below the surface of the lake. In winter, bait fish head for those depths looking for water with a little more oxygen, and striped bass follow.
typically have heavy shoes and several layers of clothing. Between the shock of the water temperature and the weight of the wet clothing, a life jacket gives us the best opportunity to get out of the water safely so that we can fish another day.
Now, where do you locate these beautiful, nomadic fish this time of year? There are several helpful hints we will cover that will help you locate potential fishing areas. Once you have located these spots, we will address some basic fishing techniques that don’t require catching bait and using a full spread of fishing rods.
In the winter, striped bass tend to prefer deeper water. Why is that? Their forage base (blueback herring, alewives, gizzard shad and threadfin shad) resides where they can find a thermal refuge. In the winter, there is a layer of slightly warmer water that is well oxygenated. Using your electronics, you will typically find the bait holding in the main lake channel or main creek channels. The first photo in this column (at left) shows a great example of the “bait ribbon” and how striped bass relate to it.
The photo was taken during some main channel fishing. The depth is 100 feet, and the bait is holding between 40- and 60-feet deep. The cloud-like images on the sonar represent the baitfish. Striped bass are represented by the arches and the streaky arches within the bait “clouds.” This scenario shows several bass in “feeding mode” and several others in “cruising mode.” Catching fish that deep is a challenge, but it isn’t impossible.
The second photo (page 24) shows a slightly different scene. It appears the bass have broken up the school of bait and are actively feeding on individual baits. There isn’t a “bait cloud” in the picture but there is noticeable bait in that same 40–60-foot depth range.
F&S BUILDING INNOVATIONS has over 40 years of experience and southwest Virginia. We’re a Class A contractor, which means we can facilitate your project from design to completion. And we have designers on-staff to guide you every step of the way.
In the winter, striped bass tend to prefer deeper water. Why is that? Their forage base (blueback herring, alewives, gizzard shad and threadfin shad) resides where they can find a thermal refuge. In the winter, there is a layer of slightly warmer water that is well oxygenated. Using your electronics, you will typically find the bait holding in the main lake channel or main creek channels.
How do you catch fish that deep?
If you want to put bait down, you certainly can. Smith Mountain Lake has submerged trees, so you will need to pay careful attention to your electronics to ensure that you are avoiding them in the main channel.
Another way is by vertical jigging. It is a very simple set-up that requires minimal tackle. Starting with the rod and reel set-up, I use a 7-foot medium-heavy rod with a 7.2:1 baitcasting reel. The reel is spooled with braided line — 20# test or 30# test is sufficient. At the end of the braid is a fluorocarbon leader. The leader is 12# test or 15# test and 6-to-10 feet in length. In order to quickly descend to 50-feet deep, a Swamp Monkey ¾-ounce jig head is preferred. The bait used on the jig head mimics the striped bass forage.
Popular baits are Zoom flukes and Bass Assassin vapor shad. A split ring and barrel swivel are used to eliminate line twist while vertical jigging. The combinations are limitless. Be creative with your jig head color and your fluke color. You will be surprised what colors catch fish.
This simple set-up will allow you to present your bait at the exact depth the striper are feeding. The presentation is typically very subtle; using small twitches of your rod tip will make this bait dance just like the live bait that SML striped bass chase. This is a proven technique that most fishing guides use during the winter. Get out there and catch fish like the pros do!
c had g ilmore is the president of t he s mith m ountain s triper c lub.
t he s mith m ountain s triper c lub holds regular meetings featuring guest speakers who explore fishing strategies, equipment, conservation, biology and more. m ore information can be found at or by joining the club. m embership information is available on the website.
Five on suite B edrooms and 1/2 bath beauty. One level living. Gentle slope to lake and two slip boat dock with covered sitting area . Granite, custom cabinets, wood floors, crown and chair rail. Awesome office with handcrafted ceiling. Three Car garage. So much room and so well laid out . Custom ever y thing. Home theatre room, storage. Great neig hborhood. Selling fur nished. Home Inspection has been done and items are being cor rected. Inter ior painting being completed. E x ter ior was fully painted in 2021.
$1,790,000.00 • ML S# 893958
there was a time when I used to plead, “OMG, come on spring already!” Every year at this time, I would look to the sky and say, “Just pop up a few daffodils and tulips as lagniappe of a promise for warm weather.”
Once again, we are in our annual dilemma, with one foot in winter and the other in a sputtering spring onset. A vision is all I ask to reinforce my faith in Mother Nature. I have been diligent in getting her birds (well, actually the squirrels) fed through winter. In any case, the effort was put forth to keep some of our little creatures from starving. I have found that outsmarting foraging squirrels is beyond human capabilities. They are crafty little creatures. These tree rats with designer tails trick us into thinking they are cute, thus I feed them bird food. I digress …
Over the past few years, I’ve noticed my usual indicators of spring declining. Tulip bulbs, hundreds of them, planted in the fall, year after year for decades, have slowly become no-shows. Why, even my treasured iris plants, harvested in bundles years ago, have become disappointing at best! What the heck? It appears that I am a Gardner in name only.
According to such experts as the “Grumpy Gardener,” I have a full-blown case of voles. These furry little creatures have built in bulb and root detectors. They scurry around finding all of your carefully placed bulbs, then desecrate them. Oh, I have tried planting with hot pepper flakes and wrapping the bulbs in plastic net, to no avail. Many years ago, when my spring bulbs flourished, we had a vole patrol cat named ‘Kitty.’ I stood determined in my belief that you don’t name a cat that you are not going to keep. She stayed with us for twenty-three years. The voles likely celebrated her demise and soon came back to my garden of milk and honey.
Just a side note: Kitty was replaced with a delightful King Charles spaniel named Buddy. After his acquisition, we learned that Buddy’s champion pedigreed mom had a one-night stand with a ‘chiweenie’ (cross between a chow and a weenier dog). He can be described as, ‘a full dog long and half a dog tall’ with the perfect face of a King Charles spaniel. One would think that he was born low to the ground to terrorize voles and squirrels. As it turned out, he thinks his role is to chase deer. All twenty-five pounds of him. Quite possibly, he thinks he is saving my hostas and other
plants from the herds of deer in our neighborhood.
OK, so I’m not planning to plant spring bulbs or hosta plants ever again. Another cat is completely out of the question. No matter, this is the time to look up from the soil and make a change. Yes, look up. When the dogwoods, weeping cherry trees and forsythias begin to blossom, I know that warm weather will surely follow. Yes, I recall that spring arrives with an endless coating of pollen, wood-boring bees and mowing the lawn. Bring it on! They are “small potatoes” in the scheme of nature. We will soon be opening our doors to outdoor gatherings, visits from family and, most important, the grandkids!
Reflecting on the changing seasons of nature … and ourselves, I’m relieved that years-old (and timeconsuming) traditions can be adjusted in our favor. As it says in the ’60s song by the Byrds, “To everything turn, turn, turn; there is a season turn, turn, turn.” I’m just saying that my “season” now revolts when I am on my hands and knees in the soil. I’m finding there is no longer an easy way to get to the ground and virtually impossible to get back up with dignity. It’s a blessing, as the energy not expended on grueling yard work is now put to other creative things, like plein-air painting, fishing and deck gardening. My plea for warm weather is as strong as ever. Just as the sun (wherever it is hiding) comes up every morning, spring will arrive on time, with or without my discussions with Mother Nature.
Tulip bulbs, hundreds of them, have slowly become no-shows. Iris plants, harvested in bundles years ago, have become disappointing. It appears that I am a Gardner in name only.Vicki Gardner has served as coo of inspecx inspection services since 2019. previously she was executive director of the smith mountain lake regional chamber of commerce from 2002 to 2019 and has held several other leadership positions in the region. Vicki and her husband, tim, have been smith mountain lake residents since 1986. she has two daughters and six grandchildren. in her personal time, Vicki enjoys boating, all water activities, writing and painting.
The Mc avoy home in Moneta — which features this postcard-worthy view of smith Mountain — is among the can’t-miss homes featured in this fall’s smith Mountain Lake charity Home Tour.
a few upgrades turned into a full renovation as the Fisher family expanded their 1980s retreat for the next generation by ree D D i LL on main
a big part of Rob Fisher’s renovation of his family’s lake house in s cruggs was to make the lake more of a focal point. “My goal was to bring the lake inside the house,” Fisher said, as evidenced by the expansive views in this ground floor living space. “The lake, not the house, is really the star of the show.”
Fisher, who is a licensed Class A builder and owner of Fisher Custom Homes, in Vienna, Virginia, originally had hired Aspire, a local residential construction renovation company, to replace the windows in the home last February. However, in the middle of that project, he had an epiphany.
Thinking about his now grown children, who had families of their own, Fisher knew they all loved being at the lake and had made many fond memories here.
He could expand and update the home so they would have a place to enjoy with their families.
Fisher’s relatively simple window replacement project morphed into a 2,700-square-foot expansion. Built in 1984, the modest home, situated on 1.2 acres with 425 feet of shoreline, was begging for an upgrade.
Clear-headed about the impending task, Fisher set out to transform what he called his “funky little house” into a place that his family could enjoy for years to come.
Fisher, based nearly five hours away in Northern Virginia, said he knew he couldn’t handle a project of that scale remotely. He hired Aspire to act as the general contractor, and while the enormity of this job was outside its scope, Aspire rose to the challenge.
Rob Fisher’s growing family: (from left) m ichael wentworth and Fisher’s daughter, Emily Fisher; son-in-law Lucas Busch, daughter Erin Busch and grandson Banks Busch; Fisher; daughter-in-law Tricia Fisher, son Adam Fisher and granddaughter Lily Kate Fisher.
Rob Fisher had originally planned to make small modifications to his Smith Mountain Lake home in the Scruggs community. But those minor changes turned into a major, eight-month renovation.
Rob Fisher’s plan to replace the windows in his family’s “funky little house” turned into a 2,700-square-foot expansion. Fisher wanted to grow the space so the next generations of his family could return for years to come.
Guests are greeted by views of the lake seemingly everywhere in the Fisher home — even in the stairwell. The open-concept home features two living areas on both the main (above) and lower levels. a n awe-inspiring timber-framed staircase with open risers connects all three levels.
Dark blues mix with warm tans, browns and golds throughout the Fisher home to create a soothing atmosphere reminiscent of coastal vacation homes. A substantial dining room table is offset by light woven chairs, while brass lamps seem to float above a gallery wall behind a navy sofa.
The idea began to come to life when Aspire took Fisher’s paper drawing and transformed it into a 3D floor plan and workable CAD construction drawings.
The home’s design is what can be called a hybrid craftsman-style vacation home with ample communal space and lots of windows to allow the outdoors to come inside.
“My goal was to bring the lake inside the house,” Fisher explained. “The lake, not the house, is really the star of the show.”
And that’s exactly what visitors see as they enter the home, where expansive windows flanking the rear of the home to showcase sweeping lake views. Six of the home’s seven bedrooms also face the lake.
To accommodate his growing clan, Fisher doubled the number of bathrooms from the original two baths to four full baths and added two half-baths, all connected or conveniently located to the bedrooms. The open-concept home features two living areas on both the main and lower levels. An aweinspiring timber-framed staircase with open risers connects all three levels of the home.
One of Aspire’s biggest challenges with this renovation was ensuring the new exterior roof complemented the original structure’s existing roof pitch. Other challenges for the contractor were configuring the necessary engineered beams and constructing that incredible staircase.
On the main level, sliding glass doors open to a 46-foot-by-16-foot composite planked deck that overlooks the main channel. The property also includes docks for the necessary water toys and a sandy beach for the grandchildren.
Fisher’s company practices sustainable building, so he used some of the same features in his construction projects in his home’s renovation. That includes 2-foot-by-6-foot framing to accommodate more wall insulation, sprayed foam cell insulation in the floor system and around exterior openings to guard against air infiltration. Fisher also had premium, low-energy, argon gas-filled Anderson 400 series windows, along with two tankless gas water heaters and a five-zone electronic damper-controlled heating and cooling system to achieve maximum energy efficiency.
Building high-end custom homes is what Fisher has spent his life doing in Vienna, so he knew quality workmanship when he saw it. Aspire, the company he hired to be his general contractor, didn’t disappoint.
“I was tickled on how it came out,” Fisher said. “They did some things a little differently than how I would have done it, but that doesn’t make it wrong. It was just a different way to accomplish the same result.”
Knowing Fisher’s background, Bradley Peters of Aspire said his team was “a little self-conscious going into it. This kind of work was more in his
wheelhouse than ours.”
Aspire’s typical projects consist of deck construction, bathroom remodels and general renovation projects. The Fisher home was the biggest the company has taken on; however, Peters and his crew readily accepted the challenge.
In the end, Peters deemed the project “a super good experience.”
Now that it’s complete, Fisher’s newly updated and expanded home has become a place of solace and relaxation, where even more happy memories will be made and cherished.
the Smith Mountain Lake Charity Home Tour has side benefits for folks who visit: Once inside, they can see some of the best interior designs around, organizers said.
And you don’t have to be loaded with cash to get inspired and put some new ideas to work, said the tour’s executive director, Liz Harrison. During a January interview, she remembered a home from a few years ago, when she volunteered for one of the participating charities. The ranch-style house where she was volunteering was a smaller, more modest residence than a lot of the big-time tour dwellings.
“But in that house, I thought [it] was very cool … They had taken the carport and closed it and made it into a master bedroom, and kind of moved the front door and turned it into this cute little lake house … a summer lake house,” Harrison said. “It was not where they lived full-time. But they had the cutest furnishings. They had a bunk room downstairs where you could pile the kids in. It was just very well done. And the rooms were modestly sized. It was a typical rancher house. But it was great because it was like, you don’t have to live in a $1.4 million house to get great ideas about what you can do to maybe make your
house a little fresher or a little more.”
Visitors who are renovating, buying or building can huddle with interior designers such as Jessica Byrd, the home tour’s public relations chair, to build on the ideas they pick up on the tour, Harrison said. Other designers and remodelers, including Roanoke’s Wyndrose Boutique; F&S Building Innovations Inc. of Roanoke; Wirtz’s Comprehensive Home Design Inc.; and Rocky Mount’s Liberty Cabinets have been sponsors in past home tours.
“You can go on the tour and say, what’s trending? What’s up? What’s new? What’s cool?” Harrison said.
Byrd has a blog associated with her business, By Design Interiors, where she covers new trends and mentions a couple of things that she says might not be as popular as before.
“I try to steer away from saying what is ‘out’ so as not to offend anyone that may have just built a home or remodeled their existing home and happened to have used one of those ‘out’ trends,” Byrd wrote in an email exchange with Laker Magazine. “Besides, it’s their home and they are the ones using it and paying for it, so who am I to say what is out?”
Byrd’s post on 2023 design trends (found
Looking for a new way to add visual variety to your home? c eilings are the ultimate blank canvas. a painted, tongue-and-groove ceiling such as this one in a lake area home provides contrast, warmth and elegance. The color is an example of another recent trend, the black accent.
at f/2023-design-trends) has earth tones, particularly browns and pinks, at No. 1. “Colors of the year are Sherwin Williams
SW 9081 Redend Point and Benjamin Moore 2008-30 Raspberry Blush proving that earth tones and pops of color are back!” she wrote on the blog. “Also deep blues and greens are great for accent walls, [and] throw pillows and accessories … add in a little color to a neutral background.”
Highlights from her list are:
• c losed floor plans’ comeback, providing more privacy and more wall space for art and furniture, while allowing for “individual specialty rooms.”
• Elevated modern farmhouse designs, which haven’t usurped the modern farmhouse style in lake and coastal communities but allow for more elegant elements including European/ Scandinavian characteristics — light floors, clean lines and a minimalist approach.
• Tongue-and-groove and/or painted ceilings, which add warmth and elegance, along with insulation and extra soundproofing for high ceilings.
• Pet-focused designs that include flooring, pet showers and built-in food and water dishes, along with designated crate and bed spaces. Byrd wrote: “our pets have become a major factor in
some of our decision making.”
Charity home tour fans must wait till Oct. 6-8 to see what’s inside those residences, but Byrd said that her company’s involvement plays a part in ensuring a variety of looks.
“It’s always interesting to see the homeowners’ different styles and what their main design elements are,” Byrd wrote in the email exchange. “For any homes that we have on the tour, we always help them in preparing so that we can present a final finished look for the visitors to see. We always aim to make sure that a home portrays the homeowner’s lifestyle and functions accordingly.”
Think of it as a chic approach to the farmhouse trend of recent years that allows for more elegant elements including european/s candinavian characteristics — light floors, clean lines and a minimalist approach. Dark french doors (left) and the chandelier above make for simple but arresting details
Architects at Work Inc.
286 Brooks Point Lane, Union Hall,
CIRCLE Design Studio
Roanoke: 2840 Electric Road SW, Suite 100 Richmond: PO Box 9032
Conway Design 607 Camellia Place, Moneta
CS Custom Structures Inc.
1934 Graves Mill Road, Lynchburg,
Design & Drafting Solutions
575 Smith Paradise Lane, Union Hall, On Facebook
Erler Design 109 Bay Terrace, Huddleston
540-576-1110 1982
540-245-0269 (Roanoke) 804-255-9355 (Richmond) 2005
540-420-0494 1986
Architectural consultation and design for clients considering changing their home or building new.
Licensed architect, certified interior designers, class A contractor, remodels, renovations, new construction, specializing in modern design
Registered architect, new homes, alterations, additions, light commercial, consultations
434-832-0040 2003 Architecture, construction, design and build, general contractors
540-420-4108 2006 Architectural designer of homes, additions, remodeling, renovations and garages; consulting and project management
434-953-6747 2007
Truist Westlake 37 Village Springs Drive, Hardy
Carter Bank & Trust 135 Scruggs Road, Moneta
Embrace Home Loans 95 Westlake Road, Suite 107, Hardy
Farm Credit of the Virginias 670 Old Franklin Tpke., Rocky Mount
First Bank & Trust Company 740 Old Franklin Tpke., #4, Rocky Mount
Member One Federal Credit Union 12975 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Hardy
Movement Mortgage 16440 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Moneta,
Design of craftsman-style homes, plans, services, full design of new homes, renovations
Acquisition Title & Settlement
Agency 12925 Booker T. Washington Hwy., #103, Hardy,
Anchor Title SML LLC 130 Scruggs Road, Suite 202, Moneta,
Gentry Locke 10 Franklin Road SE, Suite 900, Roanoke,
Gilbert, Bird, Sharpes & Robinson 13595 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Moneta,
Lindsey A. Coley, Attorney at Law, PLLC 16440 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Suite 304B, Bridgewater Plaza, Moneta,
Rhodes, Ferguson & Stone, Attorneys
305 S. Main St., Rocky Mount
The Stanley Law Group
13508 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Moneta,
Virginia Title Center 270 S. Main St., Suite 201, Rocky Mount,
Vogel & Cromwell LLC
13245 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Hardy
540-721-8600 1993
Real estate closings, new construction loan closings, coordinate 1031 tax deferred exchange, title insurance, witness closings
540-597-7998 Real estate settlements on both residential and commercial purchases, refinances, 1031 exchanges and more
866-983-0866 1924
540-721-5110 1997
540-407-9858 2007
Representing buyers, sellers, developers, investors, landlords and tenants
Real estate, family law, estate planning, personal injury; offices in Roanoke and Lynchburg
A small law firm with a passion for people, specializing in estate planning, probate, guardianship, conservatorships, employment law, business law and longterm care planning.
540-352-4824 Areas of practice include real property law, business law, estate planning, administration and probate
540-721-6028 Representing commercial developers, financial institutions, property owners, buyers, sellers, investors, landlords and tenants in all aspects of real estate transactions
540-772-0585 1989
540-721-3988 1922
Full-service title and settlement agency
Residential and commercial real estate, estate planning, contract law, commercial litigation, mechanic's lean disputes
B A nks / m ortg A ge l en D ers
Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group
12925 Booker T. Washington Hwy. #101, Hardy,
American National Bank
12930 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Hardy 400 Old Franklin Tpke., Rocky Mount
540-721-0126 1997 Complete home mortgage needs, construction loans, refinancing
540-721-1600: Hardy 540-489-3400: Rocky Mount 1909
Small business, construction, conforming mortgages
540-721-3311 1872
Mortgage loans, business loans, home equity loans, construction loans, purchases, refinances
540-721-5200 Mortgage loans, full banking services, free checking, savings accounts
540-375-3190 Mortgage services, lending
540-483-4572 1916
Mortgage services, lending
540-744-0269 1980 Mortgage services, lending
800-666-8811 Mortgage, home equity; refinancing, auto loan, credit card, checking
540-400-2800 Mortgage services
SWBC Mortgage 3825 Electric Road, Suite B, Roanoke
Union Bank & Trust 14739 Moneta Road, Moneta
ValleyStar Credit Union 1080 Old Franklin Tpke., Rocky Mount
Virginia Mountain Mortage (A division of Bank of Botetourt) 51 FirstWatch Drive, Moneta
540-562-8100 Full-service mortgage banking firm
540-297-1233 1905
800-475-6328 1953
Lots/consumer lending, in-house mortgages, secondary mortgages
Residential mortgage lending
540-591-5087 1899 Mortgage loans, construction loans, financial services
A Level Above Construction 890 Long Island Drive, Moneta
Arant Enterprises 631 Greenhouse Road, Glade Hill
Aspire 363 Farmington Rd, Hardy, 24101
BDC P.O. Box 478, Moneta
Brockworks Inc. P.O. Box 873, Hardy
Consolidated Construction Services 103 8th St., SE, Roanoke
Cooper Contractors Inc. 260 Four Branch Drive, Hardy
Craftsman Custom Home Builders 66 Builders Pride Drive, Hardy
CS Custom Structures Inc. 1934 Graves Mill Road, Lynchburg
Dale E. Angle Custom Builder 1116 Iron Ridge Road, Rocky Mount
540-816-0338 Kitchens, bathrooms, remodeling, renovations, decks and docks
540-483-9130 Custom homes, remodels, additions, decks/docks; licensed and insured
(540) 9120104 Kitchens, bathrooms, remodeling, renovations, decks and porches
813-613-1547 Custom homes, remodeling, custom docks, commercial projects
540-721-4346 1994 Custom-built homes with unique features, 3-D design services, custom home design, remodeling
540-725-3900 1999 Providing restoration services, including fire, water, storm and wind damage, mold remediation and remodeling
540-721-4600 1991 Custom homes, docks, renovations and additions
540-912-0112 Stick-built custom homes from the low 200s; build from your plans or ours; complete showroom for interior and exterior selections
434-832-0040 2003 Architecture, construction, design and build, general contractors
540-483-2585 1972 Custom building, additions and renovations, repairs
F&S Building Innovations Inc. 2944 Orange Ave. NE, Roanoke
Ferguson Construction & Supply Inc. 1530 Bethesda Drive, Huddleston
Floyd Enterprises 11616 Smith Mountain Lake Pkwy., Suite C, Huddleston
Homestead Custom Builders Inc. 410 Saddlewood Drive, Wirtz On Facebook
James Corvin Inc. 65 Harbor Landing Drive, Moneta On Facebook
JTC Inc. 2065 Meadors Spur Road, Moneta
KEBO Construction 250 Energy Blvd., Rocky Mount
Keith Caron Construction Co. LLC
Ken Brodin Builder Inc. 2159 Isle of Pines Drive, Moneta
LakeCare Construction P.O. Box 959, Hardy
Larry Chattin & Sons Inc.
P.O. Box 424, Goodview On Facebook
18013 Forest Road, Suite E06, Forest
540-985-9160 1987 Residential construction, decks, sunrooms; renovations; commercial new construction and renovations
540-297-1653 1985 Post frame buildings and supplies. Post, lumber, metal roofing, siding, windows and doors.
540-297-7900 1979
Builders/contractors, architectural design services, remodeling
540-537-6125 2002 Class A contractor, new construction, remodel, large or small jobs; decks, kitchens, baths
540-871-0681 1987 Framing, decks, sunrooms, siding, interior trim, exterior buildings
540-537-3679 1990 Custom home building
540-238-2114 1999 Custom home building and design with attention to detail; additions and remodels
540-871-0935 2002 Custom residential, small business, remodeling
540-297-7189 1987 Custom homes, renovations
540-420-4115 1985 Innovative remodeling, elegant new homes, decks and Underdeck Drainage Systems
540-890-2305 Family owned. Builder of farm and agricultural buildings and all types of farm fencing
800-767-4916 2001
Log Homes of the Blue Ridge 1631 Headens Bridge Road, Bedford,
M.H. Eades Inc. 14114 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Moneta,
Milstead Construction LLC 3 Marvin Gardens Drive, Moneta
Noonkester Construction Inc. 105 Lemon Lane, Hardy
Right Angle Carpentry LLC Roanoke, SML, Lynchburg, Forest
Roanoke River Valley Log Homes LLC 350 Egret Drive, Union Hall
Robert R. Bauer Building Contractors Inc. 3335 White House Road, Moneta
Southern Heritage Homes Inc. 275 Corporate Drive, Rocky Mount
TBS Construction LLC 4752 Scruggs Road, Moneta
Tectonics II Ltd. On Facebook and Houzz
Timber Ridge Craftsmen Inc. 1403 Hales Ford Road, Moneta
Timothy P. Arner & Sons Inc. 2837 McDaniel Road, Bedford
540-297-8991 1994
Local, independent representative for Appalachian Log Structures Inc. Borate pressure-treated and warranted log homes, cabins, additions, garages. Full log or log siding available; design, sales, construction
540-719-4306 2001
540-879-2673 1987
540-353-4009 540-890-5212 1998
540-352-4302 434-238-5408
540-420-0338 540-420-8326 2005
540-296-2242 1982
540-489-7700 1995
New construction, remodeling, additions, docks, log and timber frame homes
Custom home builder, class A contractor, licensed and insured, 30-plus years experience, A+ BBB rating
New homes, additions, renovations, commercial, remodels, historic renovation
Residential and commercial construction and remodeling; class A contractor
Custom floor plans include blueprints, changes at no additional charge, choice of four log profiles
Custom home building, remodeling and renovation, light construction
Modular housing, building contractor, general contractor, personalized home packages
540-484-4752 2003 Builders/contractors, dock and deck contractors, remodeling
434-361-2525 1981 Design-build, custom homes, NAHB Certified Green Professional Dealers, Lindal Green Coast to Coast
540-797-3059 2006 Custom design builds
540-493-2510 540-493-2511 1996
Custom homes, renovations, additions, Bobcat work
Buil D ing s upplies
Material packages for log homes, timber frame homes, hybrid homes, recreational cabins; repairs, additions, garages
Capps Home Building Center 13700 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Moneta
540-297-4369 1973 Ready-mixed concrete, landscaping block, architectural blocks
540-721-2276 1978 Composite decking, windows and doors, custom cabinets, dock supplies, lumber, paint, hardware, tools, lawn and garden, patio furniture, plumbing and electric Chandler Concrete Company 14418 Moneta Road, Moneta
City Electric Supply 70 First Watch Drive, Moneta
Designer Solutions 13699 Booker T. Washinton Hwy., #200, Moneta,
Ideal Building Supply 1195 North Main St., Rocky Mount
Kent’s Insulating 5454 Aerospace Road, Roanoke
540-719-2155 2008 Electrical equipment supplier, commercial and residential
540-719-1266 2003 Plumbing and electrical fixtures, parts and supplies
540-483-5511 1949 Full-service lumber yard supplying materials for residential and commercial construction projects
540-427-3223 1972 Bathroom hardware, insulation, gutters, mirrors, shower enclosures, fireplaces, garage doors, shelving and storage systems
Marshall Stone Inc. 19730 Virgil H. Goode Hwy., Rocky Mount
Moneta Farm & Home Center 11739 Moneta Road, Moneta
Smith Mountain Building Supply 13080 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Hardy
540-483-2737 2006 Natural stone, concrete hardscapes, aggregates and landscape supplies
540-297-5558 1973 Hardware, home lawn and garden, farm, ranch and power equipment
540-721-3453 1986 Complete supplier of home building materials, contractor and retail; cabinets and windows
Enirtep Inc. 1027 Waterwheel Drive, Suite 200, Moneta
Floyd Enterprises Inc. 11616 Smith Mountain Lake Pkwy., Suite C, Huddleston
NBI Development P.O. Box 88, Moneta
PFJ Construction 400 Scruggs Road #100, Moneta
The Plyler Group 13697 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Suite 105 A, Moneta
The Willard Companies Inc. 75 Builders Pride Drive, #200, Hardy
Smith Mountain Lake Land, Greg Venning Developers
540-297-4055 1982 Bel Lago, Windward at Point Chelis, Belden Woods
540-297-7900 1979 Custom home building, remodeling
540-297-7777 1999 Residential and commercial development Downtown Moneta, Mayberry Hills
540-721-7969 1983
Custom residential, real estate development, commercial and residential
540-721-8362 1974 Residential and commercial development, including The Forum, Sanctuary Bay and The Retreat; boat dock construction; home construction
540-721-5288 1973 Westlake Towne Center, Westlake Professional Park, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Smith Mountain Lake
540-420-5573 1988 Licensed class A contracting business offering development planning and construction
Docks & D ecks
Acorn Renovations & Docks, Inc. 190 Lakewood Forest Road, Wirtz
The Dock and Deck Doc Smith Mountain Lake Tom Arsenault
Dock Solutions Inc. 6553 Scruggs Road, Moneta
Inland Shores Dock Construction 45 Lookout Point Drive, Moneta
James Corvin Inc. 65 Harbor Landing Drive, Moneta On Facebook
Lakeside Marina and Construction 629 Lakeside Road, Penhook On Facebook
Dillon Docks Inc.
6051 Burnt Chimney Road, Wirtz
M.H. Eades Inc.
14114 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Moneta,
Plyler Homes & Docks
13697 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Suite 109A, Moneta
Smith Construction Co. 165 Smithview Drive, Glade Hill
540-537-5596 Contractors, building
540-420-4155 Repairs, cleaning and staining
540-721-5501 1999
Custom docks, boat and personal watercraft, lifts, ladders, maintenance
540-580-4822 1987 Pile driving, rip rap, custom docks, shoreline stabilization
540-871-0681 1987 Framing, decks, sunrooms, siding, interior trim, exterior buildings
434-927-5380 540-871-5040 1969 Rip rap, dredging, boathouse and dock piling
540-721-1699 1992 New docks, dock design, remodeling, pile driving, class A contractor
540-719-4306 2001 Docks, new construction, remodeling, additions, log and timber frame homes, class A contractor
540-721-8362 1974 Dock construction, personal watercraft and boat lifts; licensed and insured; deck and home construction
540-483-7408 1986 Boathouse and floating dock construction and installation: rip rap, lake debris cleanup
TBS Construction 4752 Scruggs Road, Moneta
Turner’s Building Inc. 12125 Old Franklin Tpke., Union Hall
W.E. Shoreline Construction, LLC P.O. Box 133, Moneta
540-484-4752 2003 Builders/contractors, dock and deck contractors, remodeling
540-576-2678 1976 New boathouses, dock and deck modifications, boat and PWC lifts; lift modifications, lift remote controls; dock repairs
540-493-9283 2001 Dock building, pile driving and boathouses, repair contractor
AA&W Plumbing and Electric 4170 Edwardsville Road, Hardy
J.M. Blair Company Inc. P.O. Box 257, Huddleston
Lietz Electrical LLC Moneta
Moser Electric LLC 310 Oakbark Drive, Moneta
Naz Electric 10 Softwind Drive, Moneta On Facebook
Ronald Young Electric Glade Hill
Southern Trust Home Services 5205 Starkey Road, Unit B, Roanoke
Wooldridge Heating, Air & Electrical 14179 Wards Road, Lynchburg
540-493-2389 1978 Home wiring, docks, underground wiring, pump back, general plumbing services
540-537-5172 2005 New home wiring, remodel and upgrades, dock wiring
540-719-0097 Home and business wiring, electrical repairs and maintenance, landscape lighting, pole lights and other miscellaneous electrical needs
540-814-0152 2013 Commercial, residential, industrial and marine electrical services; engineering services; class A electrical contractor
540-719-1922 New construction, renovations, docks, service upgrades, class A contractor, licensed and fully insured, more than 20 years in the trade
540-483-1405 Family-owned and operated, serving Franklin County and surrounding areas for more than 40 years
540-721-4348 1995
Electrical, plumbing; water heater repairs/replacements, water treatment systems, whole house generators, heating and air systems serviced/ installed
434-239-0371 1975 Heating, air and electrical installation and service, generators
Excavating & Earth-Moving
A.C. Shoreline Services 1249 Difficult Creek Road, Bedford On Facebook
Clifton Byrd & Sons Inc P.O. Box 1038, Moneta
Crawford Excavating Inc. 185 Parford Lane, Moneta
Mayhew’s Farm and Landscaping 1371 Dozer Lane, Bedford On Facebook
Randy Hodges Excavating Inc. P.O. Box 967, Wirtz
Rodney Cundiff & Sons Bulldozing 2465 Jacks Mountain Road, Glade Hill
Simmons Excavating Inc. 9276 Brooks Mill Road, Wirtz
Bug Man Exterminating Inc. Roanoke and surrounding areas
540-947-5611 540-875-9991
Complete shoreline management; rip rap, dredging, excavation, beach sand, tree removal; AEP permitting
540-537-6209 1981 Excavating, shoreline stabilization, specializing in rip rap by water
540-721-2153 1970 Excavating, septic installation, roads and driveways, site grading, water hauling
540-537-2584 1985 Excavating and landscaping, nursery, plants, lawn maintenance
540-580-5116 1987 Residential/commercial, site work, septic systems; hauling, demolition; class A licensed, insured, RLD, DEQ erosion certified
540-576-2702 1973 Clearing and grading, driveways, rip rap, excavating, pond construction
540-721-3674 1983 Excavating, grading, rip rap, foundations, hauling and septic, road building, hydroseeding; class A licensed, insured
540-252-0126 1994 Green pre-treatments, termite control, pest control, mosquito reduction
Dodson Pest Control 3714 Campbell Ave., Lynchburg
M & L Pest Control 730 Farm View Road, Glade Hill On Facebook
Smith Mountain Pest Solutions 665 Black Rock Road, Rocky Mount On Facebook
Star City Pest Control & Wildlife 1921 Power St. SE, Roanoke
540-586-8709 1944 Pest, termite, bed bug, bird and moisture control, exclusion and fumigations, insulation
540-493-7182 2014 Pest control: termites, roaches, ants, spiders, stink bugs, bats and rodents
540-493-8605 2013 Termite and pest control; residential and commercial; real estate inspections
540-339-7888 Pest control, termite control and prevention, wildlife management services
fencing / W e l D ing
Funk’s LLC SML, Bedford and surrounding area
Larry Chattin & Sons Inc. 1241 Goodview Town Road, Goodview On Facebook
B&B Flooring
441 Lakewood Forest Drive, Moneta On Facebook
540-309-9110 2012 Design build gates, fences, railings and more; spray-on protective coatings and mobile welding
540-890-2305 1953 Family owned. Builder of farm and agricultural buildings and all types of farm fencing
f looring
540-719-0260 Contractors, carpets, hardwood, laminate and vinyl
MJL Design 13161 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Hardy
Smith Flooring Co. 1867 Tolers Ferry Road, Huddleston
The Carpet Cleaning Crew Moneta
The Floor Source 13352 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Suite A2, Moneta On Facebook
540-721-8354 Offering a wide variety of custom floor treatments for homes and businesses; professional installation
540-537-3508 1996 Installing all hardwood floors, finishing all hardwood floors. Certified craftsmen
434-489-1122 Residential and commercial carpet and tile cleaning using a unique green process that begins wet and finishes dry
540-855-7604 Full-service flooring company that services Smith Mountain Lake and surrounding area with hardwood flooring, carpet, tile and LVP
hA n D ym A n s ervice s
SML Caretaker LLC 1268 Rosewood Lane, Huddleston
UpKeep P.O. Box 817, Hardy
540-676-1368 2013 Minor home repairs; caretaker for owners living away from their property
540-524-2180 Painting, handyman services, maintenance contracts, light remodeling, cleaning, rental turnover
h e A ting & Air c on D itioning
Affordable Heating & Air Conditioning LLC 1238 Cochese Drive, Moneta
Air-Pro Heating and Air 5595 Pleasant Hill Road, Rocky Mount
Ashman-Gordon Heating, Air and Electrical 804 E. Main St., Bedford On Facebook
Bower Heating and Air Conditioning 13455 Booker T. Washington Hwy. #101, Moneta On Facebook
Carter’s Heating and Cooling Inc. 14662 Moneta Road, Suite C, Moneta On Facebook
Cundiff Heating & Air Conditioning Inc.
11795 Old Franklin Tpke., Union Hall
Davis Heating & Air 2081 South Main St., Rocky Mount
540-297-2765 2009 Installation, repair and maintenance of heat pumps, A/C, heating, refrigeration, ventilation, hot water heaters, and backyard wood-fired boilers
540-483-8958 Repairs, installation and maintenance air conditioning; furnace repair, replacement, preventive maintenance; new water heaters installed; digital thermostats, indoor air quality solutions, energy saving tips
540-297-4945 2007 Service all brands and types of oil and gas furnaces, boilers, heat pumps, air conditioners, electric heat and air purification systems
540-4835605, 540297-5605 1947
Full-service residential and light commercial heating and A/C; installation and service on furnaces, air conditioners, heat pumps, boilers
Installation, sales and service on all heating and cooling systems and outdoor wood burners geo-thermal heating systems, generators
Installation of heat pumps, gas furnaces, A/C and Daikin and Carrier mini-split products, duct cleaning, duct sealing
Heating and A/C service, installation, geo-thermal installation, solar energy, standby generators, indoor air quality, attic insulation, duct cleaning
By Design Interiors 12925 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Suite 102, Hardy
Designer Solutions Inc.
13699 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Suite 200, Moneta
Envisions Flooring & Interiors
7195 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Wirtz On Facebook
Floors by Dennis P.O. Box 214, Sterling On Facebook
540-719-1431 Residential and commercial interior design firm offering flooring, cabinetry, countertops, lighting, furniture, window treatments, design consultations, builder rebate programs
540-719-1266 Flooring, cabinetry, countertops, lighting, sinks, paint color selection, furniture, window treatments, rugs and accessories
540-719-1500 2005 Flooring and tile, specialty shower tile and kitchen backsplash design, custom window treatments and blinds, upholstery, custom area rug sizing, lighting, furniture
Dustless floor finishing, installation, deep wood floor cleaning, custom borders and inlays
HTF Mechanical Services Inc. 1026 White House Road, Moneta
Johnston Cooling & Heating 902 Westchester St., Bedford
McDaniel Service, Inc. Senior Technician John Smith:
Moneta Heating & Air P.O. Box 678, Vinton
Outside Heating Inc. 19870 Virgil H. Goode Hwy, Rocky Mount
540-297-9818 1990
Commercial HVAC, crane service
540-728-1518 2010 Service, repair and install all makes and models of residential and commercial heating and cooling, refrigeration equipment, duct cleaning
540-890COOL Heating and air conditioning; annual maintenance and inspection agreements available
540-890-4337 Specializing in sales and installation, repair of all brands, makes and models; HVAC; Heil dealer
540-483-1505 2008 Sales and service of outside wood furnaces
Tilley’s Heating/Cooling 352 Hillendale Drive, Troutville
Westlake Heating & Air Conditioning
1627 Scruggs Road, Moneta
Wooldridge Heating, Air & Electrical 14179 Wards Road, Lynchburg
540-312-2282 Specializing in cooling/heating systems installation and service, commercial refrigeration, ductless systems
540-721-9117 2004 Installation, service, maintenance agreements
434-239-0371 1975 Heating, air and electrical installation and service, generators
Inspecx LLC, Home Inspection Services
P.O. Box 395, Moneta
National Property Inspections 149 Longview Lane, Boones Mill
Pillar to Post Home Inspectors 3840 Green Level Road, Rocky Mount
Smith Home Inspections LLC 101 Pointe O Woods Drive, Huddleston
Trained Home Inspections Keith M. Mitchell
Westlake Home Inspections Inc. 150 Woodland Cove Drive, Moneta
540-798-1388 1993 Thermographic, pre-listing and construction phase inspections, radon and mold testing, energy audits
540-334-2700 2004 Virginia and NRSB-certified, residential and commercial purchase pre-listing inspections; radon testing and water testing
540-493-0007 Professional home inspection services for Roanoke, Franklin, Bedford, Botetourt and Craig counties
540-525-5165 Pre-listing home inspections, prepurchase home inspections and multiunit inspections; serving Roanoke, SML, Bedford, Lynchburg, Blacksburg and surrounding areas
540-529-1575 AHIT certified and Virginia licensed, serving home buyers, sellers, realtors or anyone who needs assistance with home inspections
540-493-5690 2011 Specializing in home inspections, radon testing
Allstate Gillespie Agency 160 Franklin St., Suite A, Rocky Mount
Burton & Co. 300 Pell Ave., Rocky Mount
Dominion Risk Advisors 28A Kirk Ave., Roanoke
Don Evans, State Farm 13699 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Suite 209B, Hardy
Eades & Lower Insurance 1234 Maple Ave., Roanoke
Exposure Consultants 93 Peninsula Point Drive #B5, Moneta
Fieldale Insurance Agency 16 Starling Ave., Martinsville
Hogue Insurance 13605 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Moneta
Holley Insurance Serving SML, Boones Mill, Roanoke
540-352-4901 Auto, home, renters, business, life and boat insurance
540-483-5934 Since 1891, helping secure affordable insurance for individuals, families and businesses
540-366-7475 Homeowners insurance, personal auto insurance, personal umbrella, excess liability, personal articles, antique autos and classic vehicles, watercraft
540-719-0885 Auto, home, life and business insurance, wealth and retirement planning
540-981-1124 Independent insurance agency providing home, auto, business, life and health insurance and financial planning
540-352-4032 Full-service agency assisting with personal and commercial insurance needs
276-632-3451 1928 Personal and business insurance, life and health insurance
540-483-5121 1974 Auto, home, business, life
Lockman and Associates Inc. 133 East Market St., Martinsville
McCall Insurance Agency Inc. 835 Tanyard Road, Rocky Mount
Phil Hager Insurance Agency 13840 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Moneta
Ryan Harris Insurance & Financial Services 40 Claiborne Ave., Rocky Mount
Simmons Insurance Agency Inc. –Rockingham Group Debbie Simmons, Agent 1170 Celebration Ave., Moneta
State Farm Insurance - Jeff Persinger P.O. Box 687, Bedford
State Farm Insurance, Debbie Robbins, Agent 740 Old Franklin Tpke., #1 Rocky Mount;
The Conner Group 131 E. Lee Ave., Vinton
The Thomas Agency, Allstate 12925 Booker T. Washington Hwy. #100, Hardy
Tripp Godsey Agency/Farmers Insurance
13105 Booker T. Washington Hwy. #B2, Hardy tripp-godsey
Wheelers Advisory Services 13840 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Moneta
Willard Insurance Agency Inc. 544 Pell Ave., Rocky Mount
276-6327569, 866-2299894
540-721-8822 1984
Auto, home, life and business insurance
Full-service, general insurance agency providing home, auto, business, recreational and watercraft insurance
Home, life, health, auto, business and boat insurance
540-483-5648 1999 Personal, business, life, auto insurance
540-297-2886 Moneta office 2012
540-343-1796 Vinton office
Home, farm, auto, mobile home, renters, rental property, small business, life
540-586-0811 Auto, home, property insurance
540-4839267, 866483-1440 1994
Homeowners, business, banking, homes under construction, auto, life, commercial and boat insurance
540-767-6669 Life, long-term care, retirement, investments, individual and group health insurance
540-719-3000 1984 Auto, home, life, business, boat, specialty line, renters and landlord policies, umbrella
540-719-5433 2004 Auto, home, life, commercial, business, boat, farm, renters, restaurants; financial services
540-230-9708 Specializing in Medicare and senior insurance products
540-483-2715 Auto, home, business, life
540-3344225, 888899-1229 2000
Auto, boat, home, business, life and renters
A Shade Brighter and Affordable Home Outlet
1123 Celebration Ave. #105, Moneta On Facebook
Antique Mall at Mayberry 1170 Celebration Ave., Moneta On Facebook
Artfully Framed at the Lake The Forum at Westlake 13699 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Suite 202, Moneta
Blinds & Beyond Inc.
13860 Booker T. Washington Hwy. #102, Moneta,
Budget Blinds of Roanoke 542 Pell Ave., Rocky Mount
540-297-6440 2006 Lamps, tables, art, dishes, vanities, rugs, home accessories and gifts
540-297-7770 2010 Antiques, collectibles, architectural salvage, primitives, vintage, outdoor furniture; shipping available
540-721-1218 2004 Custom picture framing (shadow boxes, needlework, original art), gallery featuring local artists
540-721-1880 Window treatments; blinds, shades, shutters, solar panels, solar film and fabric creations
540-489-4897 2002 Blinds, shutters, shades, drapes, window coverings, solar film and more
By Design Interiors
12925 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Suite 102, Hardy
CIRCLE Design Studio 2840 Electric Road SW, Suite 100A, Roanoke
Designer Solutions Inc. 13699 Booker T. Washington Hwy., #200, Moneta
Emerson Creek Pottery 1068 Pottery Lane, Bedford
Envisions Flooring & Interiors
7195 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Wirtz On Facebook
Fabulous Finds 361 Scruggs Road, Moneta On Facebook
Gifts Ahoy Bridgewater Plaza 16430 Booker T. Washington Hwy, Moneta
MJL Design 13161 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Hardy
Mattress by Appointment 6732 White House Road, Huddleston mattressbyappointmentsml
Organize to Realize Smith Mountain Lake
540-719-1431 Residential and commercial interior design firm offering flooring, cabinetry, countertops, lighting, furniture, window treatments, design consultations, builder rebate programs
540-245-0269 2005 Full-service interior design firm offering custom solutions for commercial and residential interiors
540-719-1266 2003 Furniture, window treatments, cabinets, area rugs, tile, carpet, hardwood, vinyl, sinks, lighting, countertops, commercial and residential
540-297-7884 1977 Factory outlet offering handmade, handpainted ceramic pottery made in the USA; personalization available
540-719-1500 2005 Flooring and tile, specialty shower tile and kitchen backsplash design, custom window treatments and blinds, upholstery, custom area rug sizing, lighting, furniture
540-719-0670 Vintage, antique and eclectic items
540-721-5303 1998 Pillows, decorative accessories, lamps, candles, outdoor mats, lake-themed decor and fudge
540-721-8354 Complete interior design services, including floor coverings and window treatments; high-end furniture lines and accessories, outdoor furniture
540-583-6339 2017 King mattress sets, queen mattress sets, full mattress sets, twin mattress sets
P.A.C. Interiors & Floor Fashions Inc. 56 FirstWatch Drive, Moneta
Queen Bee Consignments 12126 Old Franklin Tpke., Union Hall On Facebook
Reclaimed 14176 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Moneta On Facebook
SleepSafe Beds LLC 3629 Reed Creek Drive, Bassett
The Cottage Gate 84 Westlake Road, Hardy On Facebook
The Woodshop/J.Clark Bestwick Construction 8243 Smith Mountain Lake Pkwy., Huddleston
Wood Grains American Furniture & Gifts 455 Franklin St., Rocky Mount
540-719-0001 1998 Flooring, upholstery/fabric, furniture granite, lighting gallery, stonework; fullservice interior design
540-576-1568 A 9,000-square-foot home decor store offering upscale resale furniture and accessories.
540-719-1670 2016 Specializing in new, vintage and repurposed decor, furniture and gifts; consigned items
866-852-2337 2000 Provides safe and functional beds for special needs, custom adjustable beds
540-721-5622 2004 Home decor and furniture, seasonal and holiday items, specialty foods, boutique and baby areas, children’s area
540-296-0517 1989 Furniture restoration, cabinetry, craftsman and shaker-style custom woodworking
540-483-0627 All-American hardwood furniture, home decor, art and gifts
A Level Above Construction 890 Long Island Drive, Moneta
Appliance Studio 1948 Franklin Road, Roanoke
Bath Fitter 1358 Roanoke Blvd., Salem
Better Bathrooms & Kitchens Inc. 30 W. Main St., Salem
Blue Ridge Mountain Cabinets 1101 Franklin St., Rocky Mount
Capps Home Building Center 13700 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Moneta
DeNeal’s Cabinets 400 Scruggs Road, #600, Moneta
Doors and More 1326 Peters Pike Road, Wirtz,
Elegant Woodworks Inc. 4131 Franklin St., Rocky Mount
Glenn’s Appliance Repair 1326 Longwood Ave., Bedford On Facebook
Kemmerer Cabinet Company LLC 729 Boxwood Green Drive, Wirtz
Lakeys Custom Woodwork 1785 Silas Dodd Lane, Dry Fork
540-816-0338 Kitchens, bathrooms, remodeling, renovations, decks and docks
540-719-1131 2008 Installation, repair and maintenance of all major kitchen, dock and laundry appliances, parts and supplies
540-387-3060 Customized bathroom renovation products and services
540-387-2223 1995 Remodel baths and kitchens, flooring, sinks, lighting; licensed and insured. Class A contractor; BBB member
540-489-1000 1989 Cabinets, woodworking, home improvements, manufacturing facility
540-721-2276 1978 Custom cabinets for kitchen, bath, office; granite and solid surface countertops
540-721-1752 1984 Custom cabinets, kitchens, granite, refacing, countertops, residential and commercial
540-721-1066 1985 Custom cabinet doors, hardwood moldings, hardwood lumber, dovetail drawer boxes
540-483-5800 1999 Residential and commercial cabinetry, class A contractor
540-524-0320 2015 Installation and repair of major appliances, including refrigerator, freezer, stove, microwave, water heater and more
540-676-7356 1949 Design, custom fabricate and install handcrafted cabinetry and built-ins, in all wood species and finishes. Granite, quartz, solid surface, cultured marble or laminate tops are installed along with cabinetry for efficient installation
Internal and external carpentry, handmade furniture, kitchens, custom closets, custom carpentry
434-338-9647 2008 Feng Shui organizing, creating space, clearing spaces — garages, attics, closets, docks, etc.
Newbilt Construction 105 Darlington Drive, Rocky Mount On Facebook
540-556-0458 Specializing in remodeling of kitchens, bathrooms and basements
AAA Tree-Works 5689 Bethany Road, Boones Mill
Augusta Co-Op – Bedford 1078 Custer Lane, Bedford
Bailey’s Pro Landscaping Serving Smith Mountain Lake
Bartlett Tree Experts 2810 Roanoke Ave., Roanoke
Blackwater Nursery & Landscaping 21367 Virgil H. Goode Hwy., Rocky Mount
Brown’s Landscaping & Tree Service Smith Mountain Lake On Facebook
Creative Curbs Inc. 765 Webster Road, Glade Hill
Dominion Tree Care Specialists 1833 Joco Lane, Moneta
D&P Landscaping Inc.
8437 Grassland Drive, Sandy Level
Diamond Hill Garden Center 1017 Diamond Hill Road Moneta
Gonzalez Landscaping
4984 Burnt Chimney Road, Wirtz On Facebook
Hardbower Tree Service LLC Boones Mill
Hoppe’s Tree Service Inc.
14572 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Moneta
L & L Lawncare LLC 170 Cambridge Court, Hardy
Lakescapes Nursery Ltd.
11509 Old Franklin Tpke., Union Hall
Landscape Solutions
Va. 122 and 40 Enterprise Lane, Hardy
540-529-2714 1989 Consultation to conserve trees, aesthetic view-shed pruning, nutritional care for trees and shrubs, comprehensive arborist services
540-297-4988 Farm, fertilizer and home supplies
540-492-2706 Specializing in the design, installation and removal of landscaping, hardscaping, water features and more
540-343-9376 1907 Scientifically based tree and shrub care from certified arborists
540-334-3415 540-814-1457 1978
Nursery and garden center, hardscape and landscape services, water gardens, patio pavers, rock boulders and more
540-420-5847 Mulching, seeding, bush hogging, mowing, aerating, leaf and snow removal, pavers, stump grinding, lawn maintenance, tree work, retaining walls, pressure washing and more
540-529-2872 2001 Custom concrete and curb landscape design, stamped concrete specialist
540-328-9953 Fully equipped, trained and certified tree service technicians
540-484-2706 540-420-3728 2006
Landscaping, full-service lawn care and maintenance, landscape design, hardscapes, full-service landscaping and maintenance, snow removal
540-297-7009 1999 AEP-approved trees, shrubs, annuals and perennials; hardscape supplies, decorative stone, mulch; fountains
540-352-4141 2010 Design and install hardscape driveways, walkways, retaining walls, fireplaces, firepits, outdoor kitchens; lawn care; tree trimming and removal
540-520-8087 Certified aborists; specializing in spikeless tree pruning, stump removal, tree cabling and bracing, light land clearing and firewood services
540-576-2781 2003
540-5265296, 540397-7645 1999
LawnWorx Outdoor Solutions 251 Rakes Road, Rocky Mount
Marshall Stone Inc./SiteOne Landscape Supply LLC
19730 Virgil H. Goode Hwy., Rocky Mount
Mayhew’s Farm & Landscaping 1371 Dozer Lane, Bedford On Facebook
McKinney Landscaping 1811 Red Valley Road, Boones Mill
Mulch-n-More 4927 Starkey Road, Roanoke
Parkway Nursery and Landscapes 2952 Dundee Road, Huddleston
R.G. Lucas Hauling & Lawn Care 9550 Goodview Road, Goodview
Ronnie Mitchell & Son 223 Miracle Road, Rocky Mount
Ruggieri Lawns LLC P.O. Box 759, Moneta
Seven Oaks Landscape/ Hardscape Inc. 529 Redwood Road, Glade Hill
Southern Landscape Group Inc. PO Box 397, Evington
Specialized Mowing 1081 Circle Road, Bedford
The Growing Place, Rachel Bayer 8747 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Wirtz
540-493-7286 Land management, forestry mulching, general land clean-up, ATV and horse riding trails, lawn mowing, core aeration and overseeding, landscape design, new yard installation
540-483-2737 2006 Natural stone, concrete hardscapes, aggregates and landscape supplies
540-537-2584 2008 Excavating and landscaping, nursery, plants, lawn maintenance, mulch supplier
540-420-4969 1994 Professional landscaping and lawn services, including lawn care, maintenance, landscaping, lighting, irrigation and hardscaping; fully licensed and insured
540-776-8718 Mulch, sands, wood carpet, hardwood, top soil, pea gravel, castle sand, brick nugget, cedar, driveway stone, gray sand
540-765-8733 1986 Deer resistant landscapes, terracing/ retaining walls, paver or flagstone patios/ walks; tree removal; water features
540-314-8121 2000 Hauling, seeding, grading, rip rap, landscaping
540-397-3775 1991 Landscapes, hardscape, seeding and sod, firepits
540-721-0098 1978 Lawn maintenance, home putting greens, landscaping
540-489-3715 1991 Landscape and hardscape design and installation, landscape maintenance
434-821-6004 1998
540-875-6559 2018
Outdoor living design/build; AEP shoreline management; landscape care and maintenance
Veteran owned and family operated, offering safe, cost-effective vegetation management
540-721-2117 1982 Open March through early November: Over 60 varieties of perennial flowers; also annuals, herbs, vegetable plants and hanging baskets
Arborist and tree services, stump grinding, tree assessment
Lawn care, landscaping, mulching, trimming, basic lawn work
Design/build outdoor environments hardscape and landscape, property management, best pottery source in the area, unique and inspiring retail garden center
Mulch blowing/application, complete lawn care service, erosion control/topsoil application
Top Notch Lawn Care LLC Smith Mountain Lake
Trez R Us Smith Mountain Lake
UpKeep P.O. Box 817, Hardy
Varsity Landscaping and Grounds 5125 Starkey Lane, Roanoke
Water Garden Designs by Tharpe Landscaping 6707-B Wards Road, Rustburg
540-580-0830 2001 Grounds maintenance, turf management, mulching
540-493-1444 2001 Specialize in keeping trees healthy; properly prune trees, remove dead or dying trees from residential or commercial properties; emergency removal
540-524-2180 Lawn care, mulch, painting, pressure washing, dock maintenance, handyman services, maintenance contracts
540-774-8289 Full-service landscaping company specializing in landscape design, outdoor lighting, outdoor living spaces and other services
434-821-8619 1924 Design, installation and maintenance of water gardens as well as outdoor living areas, stone walls, waterfalls, kitchens, fire pits and more
Automatic Boat Covers of VA & NC LLC
535 Cedar Ridge Road, Union Hall
Aztec Rental Services 14070 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Moneta
Bays Trash Removal/Portable Restrooms 2432 Headens Bridge Road, Bedford
Blossman Gas & Appliances 1088 Moneta Road, Bedford
Enagic Lynchburg
Foster Fuels P.O. Box 190, Brookneal
home & garden 2023
540-488-8030 2004 Touchless Boat Covers, minor dock and boat lift modifications, marine equipment
540-721-4070 1964 Equipment rentals, party/wedding rentals
540-297-6397 1965 Waste and trash removal and portable toilets
540-728-0887 Propane-powered generators, tankless water heaters, fire logs/direct vent fireplaces
434-660-2848 1974 Interior design, health and wellness, kitchen and bath, miscellaneous
800-344-6457 1921 Heating oil, propane, kerosene, hearth and home store
WDR Land Designs 921 Three Oaks Road, Wirtz
Westlake Turf, Irrigation and Outdoor Lighting 186 Lakewood Forest Road, Moneta
Willow Tree Nursery Inc. 300 Old Mountain Road, Penhook
Woody’s Tree Service
6500 Virgil H. Goode Hwy., Rocky Mount
Outdoor Lighting Expressions 130 Scruggs Road, Suite 212, Moneta
Westlake Turf, Irrigation and Outdoor Lighting 186 Lakewood Forest Road, Moneta
540-814-2766 Specializing in all landscaping and hardscaping needs, including design, installation, retaining walls, patios, driveways, lawn seeding and more
540-721-1833 1972 Pump stations, irrigation, sod, seeding, outdoor lighting
540-576-3031 1988 Specializing in annual, perennials, herbs, landscape shrubs and unusual accent plants
540-488-9663 2007 Tree removal, land management, landscaping
540-761-9985 2002 Architectural accent lighting, landscape lighting sales, installation and maintenance; commercial lighting and lighting automation controls
540-721-1833 1972 Pump stations, irrigation, sod, seeding, outdoor lighting
Kraven Solutions Inc. 7007 Booker T. Washington Hwy., Wirtz
Mid-Atlantic Data & Communications LLC 80 Sontag Road, Rocky Mount
Securitas 2840 Electric Road, Suite 203, Roanoke
SSI Security Services Inc. 7490 Old Franklin Tpke., Glade Hill
2Js LLC Moneta On Facebook
540-483-5364 2003 Security systems and cameras, networking and Wifi, audio/video systems
540-483-7770 2005 Networking, consulting, PC repair and data backup and recovery
540-562-2910 Offering security solutions, including on-site guarding, electronic security, fire and safety services, corporate risk management
540-576-1382 1965
Security and fire systems, whole-house music and surround sound, structured wiring, home theaters
540-875-6347 2010 Offering services such as grocery shopping and delivery, running errands, organizing, appointment setting, seasonal arrival preparation, house checks and more
Hodges Appraisal Services Moneta
JES Basement Systems 456 Old Courthouse Road, Appomattox
Monica’s House Keepn & Cleaning Services 1322 Three Oaks Road, Wirtz On Facebook
Morton Buildings 7432 McConnell Road, Roanoke
Premier Appraisals 3810 Bluewater Drive, Moneta
Pro-Line Trailers 74 Taylors Road, Boones Mill
ServPro of Lynchburg, Bedford & Campbell Counties 2664 E. Lynchburg Tpke., Bedford servprolynchburg
Smith Mountain Lake Appraisals LLC 6728 Whitehouse Road, Huddleston
The Trailer Connection LLC 9150 Virgil H. Goode Hwy.
We Got You Covered & Maid for You Smith Mountain Lake
540-420-1415 Residential real estate appraiser
855-773-7404 1986 Basement waterproofing, crawl space repair, mold problems
540-397-9574 2005 Cleaning services for residential, commercial and new construction
540-366-3705 Offering buildings for residential, farm and agriculture, equestrian, commercial and community purposes
540-312-9958 2001 Full-service real estate appraisal company
540-334-4182 A full line of enclosed trailers, cargo trailers, motorcycle trailers, race car trailers, custom and open trailers
540-586-1579 2000 Fire and water clean up and restoration – 24 hours/7 days a week. Fire, smoke smoot, water removal, dehumidification, mold mitigation and restoration, biohazard, crime scene, vandalism and deodorization
540-297-1824 1986 Residential and commercial appraising
540-483-9170 1993 Landscape/utility, gooseneck, hydraulic dump, equipment and enclosed trailers; trailer parts, accessories, towing
540-875-7618 Delivery and set-up of bed linens and towels, residential cleaning, light commercial cleaning
All-Size Storage LLC 13000 Moneta Road, Moneta On Facebook
Crowning Touch Senior Moving Services 6704 Williamson Road NW, Roanoke
540-296-0500 1998 Regular and climate-controlled storage, 24-hour access, packing and moving supplies, UPS shipping, oversized storage for boats and RVs
540-982-5800 Full-service moving company, consignment shop, auction house and real estate division
Lakewood Mini-Storage 325 Lakewood Forest Road, Moneta
Smith Mountain Lake Storage 230 Lakewood Forest Road, Moneta
SML Mini Warehouses 340 Scruggs Road, Moneta
Virginia’s All American Movers 1123 Florida St., Salem
540-719-3200 Self-storage; climate-controlled; 24-hour video surveillance
540-719-1516 540-912-4003 First-floor drive-up storage; roll-up door; U-Haul dealer
540-721-7060 Mini storage warehouses
540-521-8091 Local and long distance moves, residential and commercial moves, packages customized for individual relocation needs, on-site personalized consultation, boxes, moving supplies and packing services available, locally owned and operated
Joey Hodges Painting & Pressure Washing 333 Doe Run Road, Rocky Mount On Facebook
JM East Painting Inc. 1169 Friendly Drive, Penhook On Facebook
JM Painting Doe Run Road, Rocky Mount On Facebook
The HouseBath 12801 Moneta Road, Suite A, Moneta On Facebook
Premier Painting 1811 Isle of Pines Drive, Moneta
SML Pressure Cleaning 1788 Rakes Road, Rocky Mount
Smith Mountain Wash Pros 1113 Gander Lane, Bedford
Softwash Systems Safe & Professional Roof & Exterior Cleaning 330 Lakewood Forest Road, Moneta
Westlake Wash LLC 631 Greenhouse Road, Glade Hill
Gus Wells Paving 2583 Stone Mountain Road, Bedford
Patterson Brothers Paving Inc. 1011 Monroe St., Bedford On Facebook
Archie’s Plumbing LLC
326 Fair Oaks Lane, Glade Hill
On Facebook
CMC Supply Inc.
1120 Moneta Road, Bedford 1796 W. Franklin St., Rocky Mount
540-493-9433 2000 Decks, docks, pressure washing, painting
434-927-4161 2003 Interior and exterior painting, staining, power washing, deck repair, log homes, docks
540-420-4601 Interior and exterior painting services, pressure washing
540-293-3699 2003 Pressure cleaning, window cleaning; wood staining, painting
540-537-5168 2005 Interior/exterior painting, power washing/staining
540-537-1258 1997 Pressure washing of wood, vinyl, concrete, fully insured
540-312-2041 Pressure washing, soft washing, window cleaning, fleet washing and most other exterior cleaning services
540-721-1329 2013
Down Home Plumbing and Repair LLC 1776 Lonely Hollow Road, Huddleston
Falwell Corporation 3900 Campbell Ave., Lynchburg
Johnny on the Spot Plumbing Bedford
Layman’s Contracting Inc. 947 Bonbrook Road, Wirtz
L.D. Ellis Plumbing and Septic Tank Cleaning 55 Becky’s Mill Road, Moneta
Moser Electric LLC Moneta
Southern Trust Home Services 5205 Starkey Road, Unit B, Roanoke
Smith Mountain Lake Plumbing 450 Holyfield Lane, Moneta
Tuck’s Plumbing and Heating Inc. 5580 Tolers Ferry Road, Huddleston
Wisler Plumbing 405 Industry Blvd., Rocky Mount
540-875-7645 Plumbing, sewer lines, bathroom remodeling and bathroom waterproofing
434-846-2737 Interior waste and vent piping, interior water piping, domestic water piping insulation, LP and natural gas piping, commercial water heaters, commercial water circulating pumps
540-871-0058 2014
Well and pump service, new installations, repair of existing plumbing, plumbing fixtures, leaks, water lines and sewage lines, water quality tests, appliance connections and water heaters
540-334-5395 Full-service plumbing, new and remodel construction, water heaters and pumps, water treatment, 24-hour service and welding
540-483-9837 540-493-2019 1969
Water treatment, custom design bathrooms, plumbing; septic tank cleaning, pumping, inspection, installation and repair
540-814-0152 2013 Class A plumbing contractor specializing in residential and commercial projects
540-685-0106 1995 Electrical, plumbing, water treatment systems, whole house generators
540-721-2300 General plumbing services
540-537-3667 Full residential and commercial plumbing service, remodeling and new construction, licensed pipe fitter; installation of gas lines
540-483-9382 1986 Professional plumbing services, bathroom remodeling, water treatment
Roof, decks and exterior cleaning
540-797-9117 2001 Staining, painting, refinishing — decks/ docks/homes, vinyl, concrete and more. Licensed and insured
540-296-0966 540-699-0167 Residential and commercial asphalt, seal coating, tar and gravel and excavating
540-586-1497 1981 Paving of driveways, private roads, parking lots, tennis courts and more
p lum B ing
540-355-1023 Offering full residential and commercial plumbing service, remodeling and new construction; licensed and insured
540-5861520, Bedford
540-4835208, Rocky Mount
Full-service plumbing and electrical supplier, wholesale and retail
AquaPros Pools and Spas Inc. 839 Ole Turnpike Drive, Bedford
Crawford Water Hauling Inc. 185 Parford Lane, Moneta
National Pools 3112 Melrose Ave., Roanoke
Perry Pools & Spas 6000 Fort Ave., Lynchburg
A Level Above Construction 890 Long Island Drive, Moneta
Bath Fitter 1358 Roanoke Blvd., Salem
Lakeys Custom Woodwork 1785 Silas Dodd Lane, Dry Fork
p ools
540-586-8364 1984 In-ground and above-ground swimming pools; spas, saunas; wood, gas and pellet stoves, gas fireplaces/logs and more
540-721-2153 1998 Potable water for pools and water systems, excavating
540-345-7665 Design, build, maintain pools and spas. Supplies, seating groups, dining sets, barstools, fire pits, umbrellas, chaise lounges and more
434-239-9650 1972 In-ground, on-ground and above-ground pools; spas, billiards, outdoor furniture
540-816-0338 Kitchens, bathrooms, remodeling, renovations, decks and docks
800-892-2847 Bathroom and bathtub remodeling
434-250-0053 Kitchen and bathroom remodeling, commercial projects, handmade furniture
Newbilt Construction 105 Darlington Drive, Rocky Mount On Facebook
Phil’s Home Improvements
R&K Home Builder & Remodeler Franklin County On Facebook
Riddick Home Services Inc. 330-C Lakewood Forest Road, Moneta
540-556-0458 Specializing in remodeling of kitchens, bathrooms and basements
540-493-7941 2004 Tile and hardwood flooring, general home improvements
540-352-2936 Class A contractor offering experience in siding, roofing, framing, tile, decks, finish carpentry, hardwood floors and more
540-721-1329 1974 Decking, siding, small renovations
Southern VA Construction 7350 Old Franklin Tpke., Unit A, Glade Hill
TBS Construction LLC 4752 Scruggs Road, Moneta
The Grout Doctor Roanoke, SML, Bedford, Lynchburg
Walker Construction Inc. 95 Luck Lane, Moneta
Cook Siding and Window Co. Inc. 301 Kessler Mill Road, Salem
Dillon Roofing 380 Tall Tree Road, Wirtz
Moyer’s Guttering Inc. 631 Greenhouse Road, Glade Hill
Perimeter Roofing 4847 Fort Ave., Lynchburg
Reliant Roofing & Restoration 1156 Waterwheel Drive, Moneta
Riddick Home Services Inc. 330 Lakewood Forest Road, Moneta
540-576-3846 2007 Residential and commercial; home and office improvements, BBB member, member of Roanoke Regional Homebuilders Association
540-484-4752 2003 Residential construction and remodeling
540-283-0031 2016 Regrouting, recaulking, recoloring, tile and grout repair, natural stone cleaning and sealing, commercial floor sealing
540-721-1979 2001 Repairs, remodel, replace doors, windows, siding
r oofing
540-389-6104 Roofing, windows, siding, leaf slugger gutters, sunrooms, doors, awnings, vinyl fencing and railing and more
540-721-4446 1994
Roofing and remodeling
540-483-9130 1984 Roofing, siding, windows, guttering. Licensed and insured
434-515-2868 Residential and commercial roofing; gutters, windows, siding
540-529-2453 2013 Residential and commercial roofing; siding and gutters; and restoration
540-721-1329 1974 All types of residential roofing and repairs; new construction and replacement roofs; roof, decks and exterior cleaning and remodeling
stone m A sonry
U.S. Stone Corporation 27 Brookledge Lane, Rocky Mount
540-537-9343 1983 Sell and install real rock, manmade rock, flagstone and slate; licensed and insured
W A ter t re A tment / Well Drilling
Bedford Well Drilling Inc. 701 Industrial Ave., Bedford
Catron’s Pump Sales & Service Inc. 11209 Stewartsville Road, Vinton
Falwell Corporation 3900 Campbell Ave., Lynchburg
Quality Water Systems / Kinetico 1171 Cheatham Park Drive, Bedford
Shells Pump Sales & Service Inc. 147 Shell Drive, Hardy
Simmons Well Drilling Company 60 Drill Rig Drive, Buchanan
Southern Trust Home Services 5205 Starkey Road, Unit B, Roanoke
Southern Well Drilling 836 Greenway Road, Glade Hill On Facebook
540-586-1449 1983 Water well drilling and pump service; environmental services
540-890-3848 1972 Well drilling and service
434-846-2737 1937 Well drilling, water and sewage systems
540-721-6025 2003 Water treatment and analysis
540-890-4446 Well services and water filtration
540-254-2289 1969 Providing drilling services for geothermal, environmental, irrigation, water well, quarry, mining and construction projects
540-721-4348 1995 Water treatment systems
540-483-7595 1989 Well drilling
e aster events, a celtic festival and the return of the popular kids Fishing Day in april has us excited for warmer days ahead.
compiledby christina koomen
n ote: t he events listed here were scheduled when this issue went to press. h owever, it is best to confirm the date and time of these events with the specific venues before venturing out.
3-5 | Friday-Sunday
“12 Angry Men”: classic legal drama in which the jury in a murder trial deliberates the verdict, only to have one juror cast doubt on the case. little town players, 931 a shland ave., Bedford. 7:30 p.m. price tBa
8 | Wednesday
Texas Hold’em Poker n ights: Join us every Wednesday night for two games of texas h old’em. the restaurant and bar will remain open for general customers on poker nights. Beacon s eafood p ub, 3619 a irport road, m oneta. 6 and 8 p.m. Free to play. stacy Bresson, 540-297-7399,
9 | Thursday
Thursday n ight Texas Hold’em
Poker: Fun, easy, no-threat poker games every thursday. all skill levels welcome — we will help you learn. two games per night. please arrive early. h ot s hots Family restaurant, 13360 Booker t. Washington h ighway, m oneta. 6 and 8 p.m. Free. r ichard m illar,, text 703819-0157
11 | Saturday
Homegrown Music s eries: a community event for all ages! o pen jam 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Band plays 7 to 9 p.m. Food truck available. (n o alcohol.) rocky m ount Depot, 52 Franklin st., rocky m ount. Free for jam; $5 band admission. depot@, 540-489-0948
13 | Monday
s ML n ewcomers Meeting: Featuring an informative presentation from cora physical therapy. complimentary
refreshments. all are welcome! trinity ecumenical parish, 40 l akemount Drive, m oneta. 10:30 a.m. to noon. Free.
16 | Thursday
Teen Art n ight: Friendship Bracelet. teens ages 12 and up are invited to this monthly craft night. For m arch, participants will get to create their own woven friendship bracelet. m aterials provided. Bedford central library, 231 n . Bridge st., Bedford. 6 to 7:30 p.m. Free. 540-425-7002
s pring is in the Air Floral Design class: registration deadline m arch 9! come get creative with florals as we make a floral design to have during the spring season. ages 8 and up. e ssig recreation center, 295 technology Drive, rocky m ount. 5:30 p.m. $40.
17 | Friday
Riders in the s ky: What began as a celebration of classic Western music and an evening of hilarity has become a legend in its own time! Doors open 7 p.m. h arvester performance center, 450 Franklin st., rocky m ount. 8 p.m. $37-$57.
18 | Saturday
Opening weekend Trail Hike: Join Dr. e ric proebsting, director of archaeology and landscapes, for an afternoon trek through the woodlands and meadows of thomas Jefferson’s poplar Forest. (h istorical site reopens for guided tours on m arch 15.) reservations suggested. 1776 poplar Forest parkway. 1 p.m. $10.
celtic Festival & Highland g ames: Featuring traditional athletic contests, whisky tastings, sheepdog herding exhibition, pipes and drums and much more. Gates open 11 a.m. s edalia center, 1108 s edalia s chool road, Big i sland. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. $15 in advance.
26 | Sunday
g ood Times s hort Track MTb Race: combining Waid park’s toughest climb and fastest descent, this 2.3-mile loop will not disappoint. there will be prizes and a cash payout. Waid park, 701 Waid park road, rocky m ount. 1 p.m. $15-$20. register at good-times-short-track-at-waid
storywalk: the Franklin county p ublic library’s storyWalk at s ummit View is an outdoor trail open every day. stories change seasonally. pleasant Breeze Drive, off u s . 220 s outh, rocky m ount. available daily, weather permitting. Free. 540-483-3098, opt. 1
5 | Wednesday
Texas Hold’em Poker n ights: Join us every Wednesday night for two games of texas h old’em. the restaurant and bar will remain open for general customers on poker nights. Beacon s eafood p ub, 3619 a irport road, m oneta. 6 and 8 p.m. Free to play. stacy Bresson, 540-297-7399,
6 | Thursday
Michigan Rattlers: this folk-rock band tours relentlessly, bringing their honest songwriting and high energy music to stages across the u s . and c anada. Doors open at 7 p.m. h arvester performance center, 450 Franklin st., rocky m ount. 8 p.m. $27 to $37.
Thursday n ight Texas Hold’em
Poker: Fun, easy, no-threat poker games every thursday. all skill levels welcome; we will help you learn. two games per night. please arrive early. h ot s hots Family restaurant, 13360 Booker t. Washington h wy., m oneta. 6 and 8 p.m. Free. r ichard m illar,, text 703-8190157
8 | Saturday
Easter Egg Hunt: event includes food, music, games, inflatables, rides and a beautiful outdoor experience. For children ages 12 and under. m ore than 25,000 eggs will be hidden. come early, as this event draws more than 800 kids annually. Waid park, 701 Waid park road, rocky m ount. 2 p.m. Free.
Easter Extravaganza: Bring your own basket and hop on down to the Discovery center for an egg hunt, fun crafts and hay wagon rides. s mith m ountain l ake state park. 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Daily parking fee. 540-2976066,
Homegrown Music s eries: a community event for all ages! o pen jam 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Band plays 7 to 9 p.m. Food truck available. (n o alcohol.) rocky m ount Depot, 52 Franklin st., rocky m ount. Free for jam; $5 band admission. depot@, 540-489-0948
13 | Thursday
Job Fair: Forest public library, 15583 Forest road. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
15 | Saturday
Kids Fishing Day: Back by popular demand is this DG i F youth-only stocked trout pond and fishing competition. pack a lunch, grab your tackle box and fishing rod and see if you can win the trophy for the largest or smallest fish of the day! For ages 15 and under. Franklin county recreation park, 2150 s ontag road, rocky m ount. 10 a.m. Free.
The Del Mc coury b and: this bluegrass legend is a multipleGrammy award winner who has been performing for more than 50 years. Doors open at 7 p.m. h arvester performance center, 450 Franklin st., rocky m ount. 8 p.m. $67 to $87.
19 | Wednesday
Langhorne s lim & John craigie: i ndie/folk singer-songwriters who share a personal musical experience with audiences. Doors open at 7 p.m. h arvester performance center, 450 Franklin st., rocky m ount. 8 p.m. $37 to $57.
20 | Thursday
The Robert cray b and: this five-time Grammy winner has been touring and recording unique soul, r&B, gospel, blues and rock grooves since 1974. Doors open at 7 p.m. h arvester performance center, 450 Franklin st., rocky m ount. 8 p.m. $47 to $77.
Teen Art n ight: Easter Eggs: teens 12-older are invited to this monthly craft night. Did you know there are plastic e aster eggs that can be dyed just like the hardboiled kind? come create your own. m aterials provided. Bedford central library, 231 n . Bridge st., Bedford. 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Free. 540-425-7002
21-22 | Fri.-Sat.
Terrapin Mountain Earth Festival: Featuring amazing music and earthfriendly education. Gates open 11 a.m. s edalia center, 1108 s edalia s chool road, Big i sland. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. $10$25.
a P r IL 8 : Find egg-hunting action, along with rides, music, games and more at two big celebrations: at waids Park in Rocky m ount and Smith m ountain Lake State Park in Huddleston.
Friends of b ooker T. washington n ational Monument Legacy Dinner: come hear keynote speaker Dr. Joy kinard, plus music by rev. cora armstrong, and a silent auction. W. e . s kelton 4- h center, 775 h ermitage road, Wirtz. 5 to 8 p.m. $30 Friends members, $35 nonmembers.,
Earth Day at the Park: Bring the kids to the Discovery center and learn how to help keep the environment clean, as well as help our local wildlife. s mith m ountain l ake state park. 1 to 3 p.m. Daily parking fee. 540-297-6066,
The wailin’ Jennys: this trio of singer/songwriters continues to create some of the most exciting music on
the folk-roots scene. Gates open 5 p.m. the coves a mphitheater, 301 ivy l ane, u nion h all. 7 p.m. $47.50 to $145, plus fees. (click on amphitheater)
n orth Mississippi Allstars: roots music that displays remarkable variety. Doors open at 7 p.m. h arvester performance center, 450 Franklin st., rocky m ount. 8 p.m. $37 to $47.
Poplar Forest 40th Anniversary celebration: m arking the formation of the organization that saved poplar Forest for the public, and the completion of the interior restoration. a variety of activities are planned. 1776 poplar Forest parkway,
lynchburg. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. regular admission applies. 434-525-1806,
John Faber Memorial Photography contest and s how: this popular annual s mith m ountain arts council event draws casual, amateur and professional photographers from a wide area surrounding s mith m ountain l ake. Bethlehem u nited m ethodist church, 13586 s o ld m oneta road, m oneta. t imes, admission tBa photo-show
storywalk: the Franklin county p ublic library’s storyWalk at s ummit View is an outdoor trail open every day. stories change seasonally. pleasant Breeze Drive, off u s . 220 s outh, rocky m ount. available daily, weather permitting. Free. 540-483-3098, opt. 1
s hake off winter’s chill by making plans for the warmer days ahead.
by columnist kim B erlY Dal F eresTake stock: To carefully think about something in order to make a decision about what to do next.
iT ’S HARD FOR ME TO LOVE THIS time of year, with its gray skies, chilly mornings, too-short days and football season ending. My first 30 years on this planet were spent in sunny Florida, where there was no need to adjust to an annual weatherinduced slowdown. My native state certainly has its shortcomings, but March and April are fabulous months to be a Floridian. All this said, I’ve come to recognize and even appreciate that there’s a silver lining to my seasonal Virginia malaise: introspection and planning reign supreme. This time of year does indeed present the ideal circumstances in which one can take stock.
My yard is currently under nature’s slumber spell. The landscape is pretty much nekkid, which allows me to see where I’ll need to focus my attention when the temperatures climb. I’ve begun planning for how I’ll plant the empty window boxes with fillers and spillers, and I wonder which colors I’ll
want to feature this coming spring and summer. I’ve made a mental note that the wax begonias performed beautifully last year, and I’ll want to showcase them again. In the sun garden I may need to rethink the lavender, dependent upon whether the fragrant spires survive our SML winter.
Standing in the yard in my heavy coat, I look back at the house and realize she won’t make it another year without a fresh paint job. She’s looking a bit tired and faded and the white trim is beginning to chip and crack. Now’s the time to get on the schedule of a good painter; I may already be too late as our lake painters are in high demand to help us stay ahead of the havoc the damp lake air plays on our house siding.
Inside my home I’ll also spend time this month dreaming and planning. That kitchen island needs to be updated and the tub in the guest bathroom needs to be replaced with a shower. I wonder if the painter knows a good carpenter, plumber, and tile guy?
This is also an excellent time to take stock of my personal health, since I’m arriving at my 60-year tune-up: time to
schedule eye exams and dental appointments and a mammogram. I’m overdue in seeing the dermatologist — a byproduct of that Florida upbringing I mentioned earlier.
Planning for this upcoming summer also makes me smile and lifts my spirits. The hubs and I will soon take out the calendar and start filling the dates with all the activities for summer 2023. There’s the new microbrewery in Rocky Mount to visit and the lineup at the Harvester to check out. Friends will join us from Texas, New York and Florida, and we need to purchase new rafts and ensure the bar is well stocked — we’re ready with some fun cocktail recipes we recently picked up in Mexico.
I almost forgot to mention one of the best qualities of the winter inertia: the beloved March nap. Make sure to include a little snoozing in your March plans.
Laker Magazine is a premier lifestyle publication covering Smith Mountain Lake and the surrounding counties. The magazine covers recreation, tourism, arts and culture and local events through orginial reporting, photography and columnists. Also included in this bimonthly publication is a map, calendar of events and newcomer information.
Laker Guide is a handy guide to shopping, dining, lodging and recreation at Smith Mountain Lake. Organized by category, the publication is essential for SML residents and tourists looking for a comprehensive guide to all the area has to offer. Also included in this annual publication is a map, calendar of events and newcomer information.
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Easily navigate Smith Mountain Lake on the water and off with the annual Laker Map. The print map designates channel markers, marinas, restaurants, communities, shopping centers and more. On the reverse side is information on the lake-area’s largest retail destinations along with detailed inset maps.
Laker Media can be found online at Log on to find content from all of our print products, plus recent headlines, photo galleries, weather, real estate listings and a business directory, as well as detailed information on lakearea shopping, dining, recreation, accommodations, events and more.
Smith Mountain Laker Magazine is produced six times per year by Laker Media, the premier publisher of print and digital products at SML. All Laker Media publications are free and available at business locations around the SML area. In addition, Laker Media products are available online by visiting
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* m ap i D corresponds to the map on the following pages, as well as the larger, more detailed l aker m ap produced each year by l aker m edia. Laker Map is available in racks around the region.
m ay/June 2023
the summer tourist season is in full swing at the lake starting l abor Day weekend and our m ay/ June issue covers warm-weather fun off and on the water.
Plus: profiles, l ake h istory, m ountain m use, community c alendar and more!
c all or email for rates, circulation and distribution information:
Barry wright
m arketing consultant 540-981-3262, 540-797-4444
c alendar of events submissions deadline: April 1.
e mail the date, location and a brief description including admission cost and contact information to