Shoot Benchmarking Survey 2014

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Shoot Benchmarking - data input form Compare your financial and management performance against similar shoots

2013-14 season

Do you want to understand your shoot’s performance better? Our benchmarking, which is free, allows shoots from small private shoots to large commercial ones, to compare their operations against similar shoots, aiding the identification of areas for improvement and refinement.

Key benchmarks from our last survey

Gamekeepers salary Cost per bird put down Price charged per pheasant

£16,414 + benefits £12.42 (excl VAT) £32 (excl VAT)

Each shoot that takes part receives a personalised report (see right) which compares their shoot with the benchmarks. To take part please complete and return this form by 25th April 2014. Your data will be treated in strict confidence and no shoot will be named in the results. Please answer as many questions as possible - including part answers - it all helps. We look forward to your return! The amount and quality of information which is included in this benchmarking survey is astonishing - Shooting Times (2010)

Roger Draycott, Head of Advisory Services Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust t 01440 821325 e David Steel, Head of Sporting Smiths Gore t 01200 411051 e

Please respond by 25th April

This survey will provide shoot owners and managers with a wide range of indicators to help compare and manage their shoots. Any information you provide will be treated in strict confidence. You and your shoot will not be identifiable in the survey results. Please fill in what you can - even if you can’t complete all sections. Your Details

Your name:

Shoot name:

Your email (in case we have data queries):

County the shoot is in:

Would you prefer your personalised report by post or email?

By post

By email



If by post, please write your postal address: Type of ground (select best description): Area of shoot (acres):

Bare land


Game crops

Woodland ac




For all shoots

Number of days shot in the season:

Private (family &

What was the average bag size per day?

Private (family &

friends only) friends only)

Syndicated days

Let days

Syndicated days

Let days

Number of birds put down:




Number of birds shot (including wild):




Private days

Syndicated days

Let days

Total number of birds shot (including wild) on: Returns (% of birds recovered):





None - all wild Total various



(NB Return is number of birds shot divided by the number of birds put down. Please only include released species in the number of birds shot figure)

What is the average cartridge : kill ratio for your shoot across the season? Do you give your guests... (tick relevant boxes)

Dressed birds

Birds in the feather

What proportion of game is sold? (%)


What proportion of game is given away? (%)


Average price dead game is sold for (per bird in feather) If any land is rented in, how much do you pay per acre? (£/acre) Do you adhere to the Code of Good Shooting Practice?

Pheasants £

Duck £

Partridge £

Bare land £/ac

ie. sporting rights



Game crops £/ac

(exc establishment costs)


Woodland £/ac

Average if can’t split £/ac


For All Shoots That Sell One Let Day or More (even if run on a partially commercial basis)

Total number of days let: before the start of the season

% of available let days sold…


Pheasants £

Price charged per bird (excluding VAT): Do you charge VAT?

by the end of the season



Duck £



No - below threshold

No - as a club

No overage

No overage & no underage

Charge per bird shot with no leeway

5% leeway allowed then charge

10% leeway allowed then charge


What is your policy on overages?

No - other

If other, please specify About Your Staff

Number of people employed on the shoot:

Full time

Part time

Pickers up (ave total per day)

Beaters (ave total per day)

Please make a copy of this sheet if you have more than four shoot employees

Please complete for each employee (full or part time only) Employee 1

Employee 2

Employee 3

Employee 4

Job title (head keeper, under keeper, other) Full or part time (write FT or PT) Salary (£ annual basic salary, before tax and NI)


Bonus payments (£ annual)


Provided with pension? (write Yes or No)







Provided with house? (Yes or No) If yes, does shoot pay utility bills? (Yes or No)

If yes, does shoot pay council tax? (Yes or No)

Provided with vehicle for business use? (Yes or No) Provided with vehicle for private use? (Yes or No) Provided with dog allowance? (Yes or No) Provided with clothing allowance? (Yes or No) Provided with mobile phone? (Yes or No) Allowed a ‘keeper’s day’? (Yes or No) Provided with other benefits? (Yes or No) If yes, please specify Rate paid per day for…

Pickers up £

Beaters £

About Your Shoot Budget

Price paid per poult / duckling:

Pheasants £

Partridge £

Duck £

Price paid per day old chick / duckling:

Pheasants £

Partridge £

Duck £

Price paid per egg:

Pheasants £

Partridge £

Duck £

What % of your birds are day olds, poults or do you hatch?

Day olds






(all species)


Are your birds are of UK or overseas origin?


UK & overseas

Don’t know

Income (£; total per season) Income from let days


Income from game sales


Income from syndicate guns


Income from hospitality / accommodation


Any other income to the shoot (please specify below)


Total income (£; total of five boxes)


Variable costs (£; total per season)

Fixed costs (£; total per season)



Staff salaries (including tax, NI and pensions) i.e. cost of staff to employer £

Fuel (for vehicles and brooders)


Management costs of operating the shoot


Birds (poults, day olds, eggs)


Housing - maintenance of housing


Vet and medical


Housing - income foregone as staff housing not let out


Seeds / fert / sprays for game crops


Housing - utility bills paid for staff, inc Council Tax


Professional advice


Housing - rent paid to 3rd parties for staff housing


Shoot equipment (pegs, radios etc)


Rent paid to 3rd parties for land or sporting rights




Dog allowances


Materials for pens


Clothing allowances


Beaters and pickers up pay


Mobile phones


Hospitality costs


Other staff benefits


Advertising and marketing costs


Vehicle and trailer costs


Any other variable costs e.g. shavings, water and electricity for rearing






Any other fixed costs (please specify)


Total fixed costs (£; total of above)


(please specify below)

Total variable costs (£; total of above)


About Habitat and Predator Management

Part of a paid agrienvironment habitat improvement scheme

Part of a voluntary habitat improvement scheme (e.g. CFE)

Self-funded to benefit the shoot

Not part of a scheme and no environmental management carried out

Buffer strips and / or field corners

Wild bird seed mix

Pollen and nectar mix

Conservation headlands

Has any woodland been managed to benefit the shoot in the last 10 years?





Has any woodland been planted in the last 10 years?





Do you feed your birds after the shooting season? (not including any additional feeding carried out under an agri-environment scheme)



If yes, do you feed them until “nature takes over and provides food”?



Have you taken up a supplementary feeding agri-environment scheme option (e.g. EF23)?



Is any of the land shot over in the following schemes… (please tick all that apply)

Have you established…

Undertaking voluntary feeding for songbirds

For All Shoots That Shoot Wild Birds (even if others are put down)

Do you have wild birds on your shoot? (please tick which species)


Partridge (red legged)

Partridge (grey)




Partridge (red legged)

Partridge (grey)



How has the wild population of each species changed over the last 3 years? (write increase, decrease or same for each species)

Which wild birds do you allow to be shot? (please tick which species)

Intentions for your shoot next season 2014/15 - for all shoots

How optimistic are you about your shoot compared with the 2013/14 season?

More optimistic

About the same

Less optimistic

More birds

About the same

Fewer birds

More bookings

About the same

Fewer bookings

Increase charges

Keep the same

Decrease charges

Reason Will you put down more or fewer birds for the coming season?


Are there any significant changes or risks that might affect your shoot? For shoots that sell one let day or more (even if run on a partially commercial basis)

Compared with this time last year, are your confirmed bookings more or fewer, or about the same? Reason With regard to charges per bird, compared with the 2013/14 season are you planning to… Reason

If you are planning to change how much you charge, how much per bird? (e.g., +£2 per pheasant or -£1 per partridge)

Thank you for providing your data. Please post it or email it to us at the address below by 25th April and we will send your bespoke report in the summer. Smiths Gore, 5 Church Street, Clitheroe, BB7 2DD or Additional copies of this form can be downloaded from

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