WA Soroptimist Issue 99

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Western Australia Issue Number 99

December 2011

Tel: +61 8 9454 7541


PO Box 8169 Perth Business Centre Western Australia 6849

President’s Message …

T h e WA S o r o p t i m i s t

Victoria. She took time out to tell what’s happening in her Region and to attend SI Helena’s business meeting, which she found quite different from her own club of SI Geelong.


his issue of our Region magazine will be a double as our new editor Denise has been very busy since the arrival of Amelia Ina Rose Congratulations to Denise, Neil and Georgia. Since our March issue, there have been some highlights for me starting with an invitation to meet the members of the Board of the newly re-named UN Women (originally UNIFEM). This was an excellent opportunity to meet many other women’s groups who come under the umbrella of the UN. My next official attendance was at the launch of the 'Place of Reflection' in Kings Park, at which SI South Perth members served as “meeters and greeters” to those invited. SI South Perth were very involved in this project, having initiated the idea for somewhere on the foreshore of South Perth and then having it grow exponentially to result in a most amazing area of Kings Park. I recommend you visit this part of the park whenever you are in the vicinity, for its serenity, architecture and amazing panorama. Later that same day, Robyn Cain and I hosted the visiting Region Programme/UN Convenor for

Just prior to Easter I represented SIWA at the launch of the National Council of Women WA’s celebration of 100 years in this state, hosted by Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi. Again, there were many women from across all walks of WA organizations and a few men in attendance. It was very interesting to hear just how different life was for the women in Perth 100 years ago and the progress made on their behalf due to advocacy by members of NCW(WA). I flew to Adelaide in April to attend the National AGM for SI Australia. Five of us from WA held proxies for most of our clubs, and we welcomed the new National Rep Elect Annette Korczeba. Members of Adelaide clubs provided delicious food on the day and SI Barossa Valley hosted our trip around their beautiful area on the cool but sunny Sunday. Since taking office as Member Development Convenor Jennie Van Driel has done a huge amount of work on a new Region training booklet and sending out regular 'Training Tips' to clubs, focussing initially on Position Statements for club officers. She and I drove to Albany in May to attend their business meeting where she presented a little training session on accessing the website. We both attended their Programme meeting and heard just how much they are doing locally, and were able to answer questions form members. Our Region Mini-Conference held in Carnarvon in early June was a great success and many thanks to all Carnarvon members for giving

us all the ‘royal’ treatment. Thank you also to the members from Perth area for making the trip. It gave Carnarvon ladies a chance to talk to Soroptimists from a variety of clubs and backgrounds and without you all, it would have been a very scant meeting! Jennie and Bobbi Buckle (Extension) both gave a power point presentation, and after lunch we heard from local speakers. We launched Jennie’s new Booklet and also our new Region Brochure at the meeting. Thank you to Naomi for her hours spent on that. Luckily the very wet and blowy Saturday was followed by a sunny warm Sunday for our bus tour of the area. Our next big event was EveryWoman EXPO. Our stall looked excellent and many more people this year knew who we were! We collected a lot of signatures for the Bone Density Petition, and Bobbi is following up on women interested in the organization. A special thank you to Publicity Convenor Naomi for heading this committee and organizing new ‘give-away’ pens showing our website. Thank you to all those who helped set up, dismantle, and who rostered and attended the stall. July was a quiet month with at least 14 members from WA attending the International Convention in Montreal. This is a great number, only beaten by NSW as far as I know. Meanwhile Naomi was busy organizing four new banners for our display on Adelaide Terrace to coincide with our Stella Giles Award Lunch after the August Region meeting. The City of Perth changed their rules and we have had to make changes to the banners accordingly. Continued page 3 1

A Global Voice for Women

Apology Please accept my apologies for the delay in receiving the WA Soroptimist regularly this year. I totally underestimated just how much time another baby takes, as well as running my own business. But I am on track now and looking forward to providing an informative magazine. This edition is an eclectic mix of events from throughout the year. Denise Smithson WA Soroptimist Editor

Diary Dates 2011-2012 10 Dec

Human Rights day and International President’s Appeal Day – Birthing in the Pacific (BIP)

11 Dec

SI On The Terrace Movie Fundraiser


3:30pm – 4pm @ Windsor Cinema, Nedlands; Cost $16 ; wine

"One person can make a difference, and every person must try," - John F. Kennedy

and nibbles; Contact: Janice on 9381 5909

In this edition: 1

President’s Message


Diary Dates 2011-2012


SI Cambridge


SI Fremantle

30 Apr

SI Albany Pre Birthday Dinner Celebration

4-6 May

Conference of Clubs – Christchurch/Greymouth - New Zealand

15 May

International Day of Families

29 May

International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers

5 Jun

World Environment Day

20 Jun

World Refugee Day

SI Geraldton 5

SI Albany

6 SIWA SI Cambridge 7

SI Helena SI Perth


29 Jun -1 Jul EveryWoman Expo @ PCEC

SI Carnarvon SI Maylands Peninsula


SI Joondalup

10 SIWA Margaret River

28 July

Region Meeting in Albany

19 Aug

World Humanitarian Day

16 Oct

World Food Day

11 SI Rockingham 12 SI Riverside

President: President Elect: Secretary: Treasurer: Member Development: Programme/UN Liaison: Extension & Membership: Public Relations: 2

The WA  S oroptimist

SIWA Executive Berenice Ritchie Naomi Allan Katherine Griffin Merle Thomson Marilyn Fowler Merle Thomson Bobbi Buckle Naomi Allan

(08) 9454 7541 (08) 9371 3379 (08) 9527 7037 (08) 9341 7461 (08) 9457 9504 (08) 9341 7461 (08) 9562 3283 (08) 9371 3379

Deadline for the next issue of The WA Soroptimist is 1 March 2012. Articles to: PO Box 5377 Albany WA 6332 Ph: 9842 9841 Fax: 9842 9843 Mob: 0419 923 071 email: denises@smithsonmedia.com.au

A Global Voice for Women

From page 1 Our August Region meeting and presentation of the Stella Giles Award to Theresa Hillhouse, a student Paramedic from Karratha, was held at the Goodearth Hotel in the city, and Professor Lynne Hunt entertained us with her talk about the 'Power of Gossip'. Thank you to Naomi and her committee for the work done on choosing the award winner. Federation President Yvonne Simpson visited our Region in October and was able to meet many metropolitan club members at a Cocktail evening put on by SI Fremantle. We drove to Geraldton, giving her some idea of distances involved in WA, and then flew to Port Hedland to attend their 40th Birthday event. Finally, she was

able to meet a few more members at a lunch hosted by SI Helena. A big thank you to all these clubs for their contribution to making her visit such a success. We were delighted to hear that Past International President Margaret Lobo and current Federation Programme Director Robyn Cain had been chosen to attend the People’s Forum and People’s place, events held parallel to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting held in late October. Since March this year, Extension Convenor Bobbi Buckle and I have been actively working on starting a new club in Margaret River, but out of the blue an earnest request came from Mandurah to start one there. This has

been very successful and already we have 10 names and commitment from three women to be office bearers, and one as publicity convenor. Meanwhile, Margaret River is moving forward very slowly. Holding the most recent Region meeting there on 5th November seems to have injected some enthusiasm and brought a few new, interested women to our afternoon session on club projects. This will be the last magazine for 2011 and so I wish you all a very safe and happy Christmas, and look forward to seeing you in 2012. Yours in Soroptimism Berenice Ritchie President, SIWA

SI Cambridge President Maxine Kaempf during her visit to Bhutan to deliver beanies and scarves.

Bhutan Visit to Deliver Beanies


rom November 5-19, I travelled to Bhutan and thus continued the good work commenced by Pamela Fruin (Publicity Officer SI Cambridge) in 2010. Our group of nine included guide Sonam and driver Tsering, delivered 370 beanies and scarves to three nunneries, Zilukha Nunnery, Byedzur Nunnery, Sangchen Dorji, Lhuendup Nunnery, and the shelter for homeless women run by RENEW in Timphu, Bhutan.

After visiting Buddhist temples and listening to the nun’s chanting during traditional Buddhist ceremonies, the nuns were presented with their beanies. The nuns were very enthusiastic about their beanies and scarves, and selected the most appealing, trying them on and not objecting to their pictures being taken. They further entertained their Australian guests with a cup of tea and blessings. Bhutan is the most unique country and you fly into what seems like an unspoiled ancient empire. Surrounded by the snow-capped Himalayas,

Bhutan has wonderful scenery which becomes more beautiful every day that you are there. Bhutan is very concerned to have its own identity and the Bhutanese wear traditional dress, and this includes even tiny school kids. We found the Bhutanese to be very helpful, elegant and friendly. Lovely memories of a delightful country. The nuns asked us to convey their many thanks to WA SI clubs who knitted and made beanies and scarves. Maxine Kaempf, President, SI Cambridge

The WA  S oroptimist


A Global Voice for Women

SI Fremantle Celebrate


I Fremantle hosted a cocktail supper to celebrate Friendship Day and also to welcome the SISWP President Yvonne Simpson. What a great night we all enjoyed. There were many members from the various clubs throughout WA as well as our special guest from NZ.

We heard Yvonne talk about what it means to her to be a Soroptimist and why we should all get involved in visiting projects. Faye Alford from Foster Carers also came to talk about our quilt project and how it is putting a smile on the faces of many foster children. Our quilt raffle was drawn and we all lit a candle for friendship day. SI Fremantle

Soroptimists Judge Local Art Works


I Fremantle were requested to provide two members to be judges of the ‘Open Minds Open Doors’ Art Exhibition at the Princess of Wales Wing at Fremantle Hospital on October 6 prior to the Official Opening of the exhibition on October 7 to celebrate Mental Health Week WA. President Lynne Jones and myself were privileged to be there and peruse some very significant art pieces. Works included multi-media, ceramics, fabric, photography, as well as more traditional canvas works.

SISWP President Visits Geraldton SISWP Federation President Yvonne Simpson and SIWA President Berenice Ritchie visited Geraldton in October. It was a quick visit to meet the members, unfortunately some were away, but we had a nice evening with bring and share dinner by the members. President Yvonne was asked to present our newest member Roni Davies with her new badge. Roni was a previous member of Port Hedland, but now lives at Drummonds Cove just north of Geraldton. We believe that Roni will become a valuable member of our club. Soroptimist International members of SI Geraldton hosted a Melbourne Cup luncheon and Fashion parade again 4

The WA  S oroptimist

SISWP President Yvonne Simpson with SI Fremantle member Beatrice Hitt.

All the pieces for consideration were produced by patients experiencing mental health issues, with more than 120 items to be considered. Fellow judges included local artists, psychiatric staff and Peter Lowe from the State Art Gallery Perth Education Office. An enjoyable time was had by all concerned with much discussion regarding the chosen exhibits. Refreshments were provided throughout the evening to keep us enthused. The artist chosen for the Soroptimist Fremantle Award was Teresa Rocchi and the painting was called 'Joy' (not the one pictured). for 2011. We had 150 people sit down to a great meal, watch the cup run and then a Fashion Parade supported each year by Pazellies Fashion House. This year part of the profits will be going to Camp Quality for their 2012 April camp in Kalbarri. Everyone joined in the fun and most people went home with a goose raffle prize, door prize or a prize for having the best outfit for the ladies, best hat, and for the guys the best dressed man. A very big thank you must also go to the support from local businesses, and to our members for their kind donations for raffles and decorated the Kuta Room. The Geraldton Guardian newspaper this year came out and we ended up with a full spread of photos. Our final event for the year will be our

SI Fremantle President Lynne Jones and Annie Carswell judge art in the 'Open Minds Open Doors' exhibition.

Annie Carswell Secretary, SI Fremantle Christmas dinner. Instead of giving presents to each other, we now make up a huge bag of gifts for children, and give it to the Lighthouse Church for distribution. Florence Brennan IPP SI Geraldton. Hon. Secretary.

L-R: SI Geraldton President Fiona Robinson, new club member Roni Davies and SISWP president Yvonne Simpson.

A Global Voice for Women

SI Albany in the pink for McGrath Foundation


lbany’s October meeting, the annual Pink Ribbon Dinner, was well attended by members, guests and past members. Members listened to a talk by Jacky Jones from the McGrath Foundation where she outlined her role in the community assisting women and men with their cancer journey. Along with the usual formalities, members and guests vied for awards for the best pink outfit. In particular, SI Albany members Trudy Powell, Lorraine Scott and Ilona Diessner impressed the crowd. All proceeds from the evening went to the McGrath Foundation. Members also brought a grocery contribution for Foodbank at its October meeting. Our donations went towards assisting Foodbank put together food hampers that will help those in need over Christmas.

Ilona Diessner and Lorraine Scott got right into the spirit of the occasion and looked fabulous in their pink outfits.

An informal Friendship Day function for members and guests was held on October 2 at the Albany Entertainment Centre. The group enjoyed high tea overlooking Princess Royal Harbour in good company. The club is currently helping to sell Rotary Christmas Raffle tickets. Other activities the club has been involved include more contributions to children's comfort bags for the women's refuge and fundraising through selling tickets to a Spectrum Theatre performance.

Annette Grant and Deborah Symes donned their best pink accessories. Trudy Powell and Gillian Robertson enjoyed themselves.

SI Albany members also paid tribute to President Geri Pegler who received the Boronia Award for her outstanding service to Guides Australia. Well done Geri! The club is already looking forward to the new year with three new members to be inducted in January. Planning is also under way for SI Albany's 30th birthday in 2012. Denise Smithson Publicity Officer, SI Albany

Jacky Jones from the McGrath Foundation was guest speaker in October - she is seen here with SI Albany President Geri Pegler.

Having a good time at SI Albany's October meeting were Josey Hurley and Trish Travers. The WA  S oroptimist


A Global Voice for Women

Region Recognised for Increasing Membership at SI Australia AGM


ack in May, about 80 members from across Australia gathered in the Alzheimer’s Headquarters in Adelaide for the SI Australia AGM. Of the 83 clubs in Australia, 78 were represented by delegates or proxies, which was a great turnout. Good Shepherd storeman Mike and coordinator Teresa Shoebridge receive the supplies from SI Cambridge member Barbara Davidson.

SI Cambridge Help Fill Food Parcels


n November, SI Cambridge members collected groceries for the Good Shepherd Centre, Anglicare in Balga. The centre distributes food parcels to needy families as emergency relief whilst connecting them to relevant welfare agencies. There is a huge need for emergency supplies in the weeks leading up to Christmas and during the school holidays.

National Representative (NR) Catherine Evans chaired the meeting, which included her committee of Region Presidents from all but Victoria, who was unable to attend due to family ill health. The NR reported on her activities for the past 12 months and the importance of her attendance at Alliance meetings where SI joins other women’s NGOs in order to have a stronger voice. She reported that common projects across all Australian clubs would seem to be those focussing IWD and White Ribbon Day. Continuing to liaise with groups arranging these events is encouraged. Incoming NR-Elect Annette Korzeba was introduced to those present and

she expressed her intention to have good two-way communication with Regions when she takes office in May 2012. An exciting moment was when Western Australia was presented with a Region Extension Certificate for raising our overall membership within the Region. All clubs will be encouraged to participate in an Australia-wide project advocating for free Bone Densitometry to be available to all women at Menopause should they wish it. With a new petition coming out very soon, regions were asked to appoint a “leader” to coordinate collecting this as well as lobbying of local Federal Politicians. As with all Soroptimist meetings, there is always good company, good food and good fun. This meeting was no exception and so after some hard wordsmithing all day on Saturday, 66 people went to dinner at Glenelg that night, and more than 40 travelled to the Barossa on Sunday to sample the delights of the wineries there. Berenice Ritchie President, Region of Western Australia 20 May 2011

Coordinator Teresa Shoebridge and storeman, Mike gratefully received the extra supplies from SI Cambridge member Barbara Davidson. Barbara Davidson SI Cambridge

Words of Wisdom SI On The Terrace sold a couple of raffle books for SI Fremantle. Who won? One of their members of course! Then Fremantle SI sold a couple of OTT's raffle books and who won? One of their friends of course. Moral of the story support each other's fundraising efforts and have fun at the same time. Sue Eagleton 6

The WA  S oroptimist

Attendees at the SI Australia AGM.

A Global Voice for Women

SI Perth member Jeanette Rodda at work on the baskets.

SI Perth Prepare Baskets for Refuge

Over the day she worked to put together the first 12 baskets to be given to the Stirling Refuge.

eanette Rodda went to the SI Perth clubrooms recently to get items in order for the packing of household goods in plastic bowls.

The bags Anne Bellamy had been given for the club some time ago have proved marvellous to load the baskets in and could be useful as a

SI Helena Promotes Soroptimism

Currently, Mundaring has not been exposed to the Soroptimists and we were eager to make the community aware of our objectives, so on November 13 we set up our stall surrounded by craft and artifact stalls.

volunteered for the day and enjoyed the interaction with the community and were able to provide information while at the same time collected donations for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

The weather was rather unpredictable but the customers were extremely interested in our projects, advocacy and action. We handed out brochures and encouraged people to be on our mailing list to learn more.

Vivien Kamen, SI Helena



undaring Community Financial Services Ltd provides a market stall at the Rotary Club of Mundaring’s Mundaring Sunday Market on the second Sunday of each month for not-for-profit community groups connected with the Bendigo Bank. A marquee was provided free and we were able to provide our promotional photos and literature to interest the public.

laundry bag. Thanks Jeanette. It is very worthwhile project and the club is planning to deliver 40 baskets over the next 12 months. Stirling Refuge staff were impressed with what SI Perth had done. SI Perth

Soroptimist Helena members Kerry Bastian, Glenys Liddelow, Vivien Kamen and President Rosalie Gordon

Kerry, Barbara and Val at the Mundaring Sunday Market.

Rosalie Gordon and Kerry Bastian.

SI Helena President Rosalie Gordon and Vivien Kamen. The WA  S oroptimist


A Global Voice for Women

SI Carnarvon Peace Dinner


I Carnarvon organised a Peace Dinner which was catered for by the students from the Carnarvon Senior High School under the guidance of Deb Cowan (who was a guest speaker at the Region Meeting in Carnarvon). The dinner was held in September and was a buffet dinner for 39 guests made up of Soroptimists, Lions, Rotary, Red Cross, CWA members, with representatives from the Shire, Carnarvon Family Services and local churches. The students gave their time and $1175 was raised for the high school. SI Rockingham donated $500 to SI Carnarvon, and along with money from Zonta and Mrs Eivers donated after the floods, SI Carnarvon made up 50 ladies toilet bags for the Rotary flood boxes. Kate Sutcliffe and myself helped Rotary pack the 50 boxes. Nola Wakeham President SI Carnarvon

SI Carnarvon organised a successful Peace Dinner at Carnarvon Senior High School.

Past president's special Visit to Bali Birthing Centre


ane Prendergast (our immediate past president) and her husband visited the Bumi Sehat Birthing Centre in Bali last month. Jane took along items donated by members of our club including cotton and muslin baby wraps, baby clothes and footwear, soft toys, toiletries, soothing creams, antiseptic and baby wipes, paw paw ointment and baby powder. On arrival they met Liz who is from US and currently employed as a fundraiser, and Ayu Pancadewi, administration officer. Liz took Jane on a tour of the birthing centre. She explained that women come from all over to Bali to attend pre-natal and ante-natal clinics and to give birth at the centre. The women pay whatever they can but if they cannot pay anything at all they are not turned away. Staff at the centre also support schools with education materials, provide sex education and HIV prevention strategies (which is not on the school curriculum) and computer training. They also fund midwifery scholarships 8

The WA  S oroptimist

Jane Prendergast from SI Maylands Peninsula being given a tour of Bumi Sehat Birthing Centre by Liz.

and train women in outlying villages to assist women in delivering their babies if they cannot get to the birthing centre. Packs are made up and given to the new mothers (who have very little money) when they leave the birthing centre; this is how most of the items we

donated will be utilised. The staff at Bumi Sehat were very grateful for our donations and would appreciate any future support we can provide. Jill Jenkins SI Maylands Peninsula

A Global Voice for Women

Soroptimists unite for Annual Silent Domestic Violence Memorial March


embers for Soroptimist International of Cambridge, Helena, Fremantle, Riverside, and South Perth gathered together to present a united force at the 21st Annual Silent Domestic Violence Memorial March to remember and honour all those who have lost their lives as a result of domestic and family violence. Participants in the march met at Stirling Gardens where the proceedings were opened by MC Verity James. Welcome to country presented by Walter and Doolann Eatts was a wonderful tribute to our aboriginal countrymen. Walter spoke of his life growing up in a home damaged by domestic violence but also of his ability to see the hurt caused by such violence and not perpetrate the same situation in his married life. Gina Williams sang two beautiful songs. Guest speakers included the Honorable Robyn McSweeney MLC, Diana Warnock, patron of the Women’s Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services (WA). The most moving speaker was Angela Rosso who is a survivor of domestic violence.

SI members joined forces for the Annual Silent Domestic Violence Memorial March.

Angela has moved from being a victim to a victor and is a Funds for Freedom, community campaigner. Donations to this campaign will be used to assist women who need to set up a new home, away from domestic violence, to buy whitegoods and general household goods, as many leave with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. Angela Hartwig, Chief Executive Officer of the Women’s Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services (WA) read the names of the nine people killed since the last march. Roses were placed on coffins by family

and friends of the victims, one victim being a one -year-old child. The effect of the “Silent March” was evident as we moved through the streets of Perth. Placards were carried by some of the marchers and the people in Perth showed great respect towards the marchers. It was truly a moving experience. Let us hope that some good comes from this public display of support for the victims of domestic violence and the need to raise community awareness that there is help for both the victims and the perpetrators. Marilyn Fowler SI Riverside

SI Joondalup Sort Uniforms


he uniforms were piling high in the linen room at Osborne Park Hospital when Bee Bee Sullivan received an email wondering if members of SI Joondalup could help once again by sorting them into sizes suitable for use in Third World countries. The task was soon completed on a fun-filled Sunday afternoon by four members. Now all that remains to be done is to get them shipped out in the next container to a needy country. Getting sponsorship for the containers takes a lot longer than previously. Goodies sent on the last container to East Timor eventually arrived at their destination a long time after they were boxed up. Bee Bee Sullivan SI Joondalup

SI Joondalup members Kate Haydock, Maxine Saunders and Sylvia Takiari tackling the pile of uniforms. The WA  S oroptimist


A Global Voice for Women

Successful region meeting inspires Margaret River


ur recent Region meeting in Margaret River was a great success and ignited renewed enthusiasm among those visitors to our afternoon session on club projects, for the possibility of a future club in that area.

(L-R) Deborah Symes, Ilona Diessner and Trish Travers from SI Albany.

The weather was kind to us and we had a really good number of city members, as well as three from Albany travel there for the meeting. Dinner was excellent at the Waves Seafood restaurant at the top of the town, and Karen Nash, a volunteer fire fighter who was born and brought up in Margaret River, gave us a short talk about fire fighting and the status of women within the brigade.

(L-R) SIWA IPP Julie Ham, SI South Perth President Jane Jones, Rosalie Gordon and Delores Caboche. SIWA president Berenice Ritchie and SI Port Hedland President Lisa Bowen.

She and her sister are currently the only two fully qualified female fire front fighters. If you know of anyone in Margaret River area who may be interested in helping to form a club, please let our Extension Convenor Bobbi Buckle (08 9562 3283) know the contact details.

(L-R) SIWA Archivist Jeanette Brown and SISWP Zone Programme Coordinator Florence Brennan, and SIWA Member Development Convenor Jennie van Driel.

Soroptimist Convention 2011

loud a tie or laughing too much. A concert was held in the beautiful Notre Dame Cathedral featuring six tenors and a Gala Dinner was held on the final night when president Hanne Jensbo from Demark handed over the Presidency of Soroptimist International to Alice Wells of America.


he 2011 Soroptimist Convention held in Montreal, Canada, in July had the theme “Women: Leaders in Civil Society”. This beautiful French-inspired city hosted 1200 Soroptimists from 60 countries. The Convention had many facets; six leading women in Canada showcased their talent and leadership as keynote speakers; reports were received from the four Federations, Great Britain and Ireland, The Americas, Europe and South West Pacific; a variety of workshops were available for members to choose from and a sparkling social programme was included. The Convention was held over five days in the Palais de Congres, and accommodation was arranged in 10

The WA  S oroptimist

nearby hotels. Montreal has a wonderful system of underground passages so that members could travel comfortably from one venue to another no matter what the weather in the streets outside. The social program began with a “Friendship Night”, a great opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. The theme was Canadian with a variety of typical Canadian snacks throughout the evening. There was even a couple of “Mounties” who were arresting the guests for such crimes as having on too

A final word from The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, former Governor General of Canada, who came to Canada as a young immigrant from Hong Kong (she is part Chinese). She said she knows what it is like to be an “outsider” and it made her strong. Through education she has made great accomplishments and is recognised for her outstanding contribution to Canadian society. She said “Education is the greatest thing.” Jennie van Driel SIWA Regional Training Director

A Global Voice for Women

SI Carnarvon hosts Region Meeting


arlier this year we were very warmly welcomed by everyone in SI Carnarvon for the Carnarvon Region meeting. Thank you, President Nola and ladies, your hard work was much appreciated. A great deal of thought and effort was put into our activities over the weekend. From our speakers, we learnt about how the flood affected the lives of many in Carnarvon, and how they survived it. We were taken on a tour to see first hand some of the damage done.

SI Carnarvon members. Bobbi Buckle SIWA Extension Convenor with the certificate recognising SIWA for the most increase in membership in Australia.

We learnt all about bananas, how they grow, why they bend upwards (you had to be there!), and why we should eat Carnarvon bananas in preference to others. We also learnt about how the Gascoyne River is an “upside down“ river system, and how important that is to the water supplies of the town. In fact, we had an incredible learning experience. Carnarvon is so much more than you would ever think. Next time you drive up North, please don’t pass by, drive in, you’ll be very glad you did.Of course, no trip is complete without food! On the Saturday evening we enjoyed a lovely

SI Rockingham sizzling success


I Rockingham members cooked up a storm at their Sausage Sizzle in October at Bunnings, Rockingham. One of two sausage sizzles held each year to raise funds for ongoing projects to support women and girls internationally, locally and nationally, all members embrace the day enthusiastically. While some

catch up with old friends, and find out what we’re all doing as Soroptimists in our various clubs. buffet meal at the Fascine Lodge, and on Sunday we lunched at River Gums, on the bank of the river, and finished off the day with sunset drinks and a lovely meal at the Carnarvon Hotel. We were serenaded at dinner! Oh, and did I mention that we had a whole lot of fun? These weekends are invaluable for our Region as we all get to know each other a little more, make new friends,

There is also the business side, of course, but you’ve received your reports on that, so we won’t mention it here. If you haven’t been to a Region meeting yet, I can thoroughly recommend it. Make the effort, expand your horizons; it’s only five times per year, and you might even enjoy yourself! Bobbi Buckle SIWA Extension Convenor

ladies are not able to work on the day, they are behind the scenes chopping the onions – a very smelly job. What a great crew! After 850 sausages and buns, 50 kilograms of onions and nearly 350 drinks, the ladies were all cooked out. With a grand profit of $1800 earned for the last sizzle of the year, at the end of the day it makes all the hard work and laughter worthwhile. SI Rockingham

SI Rockingham members Linda Punter, Maureen Butts, Pam Moore, Jenny Norris and Helen Makeham take a break from the sausage sizzle. The WA  S oroptimist


A Global Voice for Women

Thirteen members of SI Riverside travelled to the Burni Sehat

Foundation Birthing Clinic in September.

SI Riverside members visit Bumi Sehat Birthing Clinic

along with two blood pressure monitors. Unfortunately, Robin Lim, the founder of the clinic, had to make an urgent trip to Dempasar and we were unable to meet her.

Thirteen members of SI Riverside flew to Bali in September, each carrying 5kg of bunny rugs, teddy bears and blankets in their luggage.

Mary Hayes, our Treasurer, regularly visits the clinic and delivers items to assist them in providing for the new born babies. While there, we were received very warmly and shown around the clinic, inspected the equipment and delivery rooms and had the opportunity to meet two new mothers with their one day old babies.

Travelling to Ubud by taxi the members visited the Burni Sehat Foundation Birthing Clinic and presented these items to the staff running the Clinic

Mary was then presented with a carved Soroptimist emblem. A gift package was presented to each of the new mums and we then watched a video on the work the clinic does in the area. It was most gratifying to actually see the facility SI Riverside supports and meet the people running it. Five days of leisure followed the visit staying in two villas in the Seminyak area. Joyce Scammell Publicity Officer, SI Riverside

UN Women Unveil Policy Agenda to End Violence against Women


n her first message for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, since UN Women became operational earlier this year, UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet outlined a comprehensive policy agenda to end violence against women globally. Violence against women is pandemic but there has been progress. Today 125 countries have specific laws that penalize domestic violence, a remarkable gain from just a decade ago, and equality between women and men is guaranteed in 139 countries and territories. But women continue to be subjected to violence. Estimates indicate, up to six in 10 women have suffered physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime, a majority from their husbands or partners. Focusing on the three critical pillars of prevention, protection and 12

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men and boys and youth, and bringing perpetrators to justice.

provision of services, Ms. Bachelet’s call for action urges world leaders to mobilise political will and investment to ensure that women can live a life without violence. In acknowledgement of the 16 Days of Activism, which is kicked off globally on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women by thousands of grassroots activists worldwide, Ms. Bachelet outlines 16 concrete policy actions to end violence against women, including: ratifying treaties and revising laws, providing universal access to emergency services for survivors of violence, mobilizing communities through public education and advocacy, engaging

“Although equality between women and men is guaranteed in the Constitutions of 139 countries and territories, all too often women are denied justice and protection from violence. This failure does not stem from a lack of knowledge but rather a lack of investment and political will to meet women’s needs and protect their fundamental rights. It is time for governments to take responsibility. Let us move forward. I propose a policy agenda of 16 concrete steps for decisive action to prevent, protect and provide essential services to end violence against women,” Ms. Bachelet said. United Nations, New York, November 22, 2011 The 16 Steps Policy Agenda can be viewed at http://www.unwomen.org/ infocus/16-steps-policy-agenda/

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