30 miles East of Austin 85 miles Northeast of San Antonio 105 miles Northwest of Houston 65 miles East of Bryan/College Station 190 miles South of Dallas/Ft. Worth
THE SMITHVILLE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE offers first-class visitor services. Our visitor center assists more than 10,000 visitors a year, in addition to thousands of visitor inquiries via phone, web, social media and email. While in Smithville, come by our Visitor Center for maps, directions, suggestions or tours, we are here to assist you. The Chamber is located at 106 NE 1st Street, nestled within our historic Central Business District.
VISITOR CENTER: Monday-Friday: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. | Saturday: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. | Closed Holidays The Chamber Visitor Center volunteers and staff also provide other information to visitors and the community at large, including:
• Environmental conditions
• Churches
• Other visitor services/chambers of commerce in the area, by way of brochures and pamphlets
• State parks, historical sites, municipal parks and outdoor attractions
Welcome to Smithville! We are proud of our town, and delight in sharing it with visitors. I am pleased to say that most of our visitors return, some even opting to join our community permanently! Our greatest asset is the spirit of friendliness and sense of community you will discover here. We are committed to maintaining this aspect of our small-town charm as we grow. Our railroad town history, our Cultural District and film-friendly designations, and our proximity to two state parks offer a diversity of entertainment options. Also, the shops, restaurants and music venues in our downtown area are enjoyed by visitors and residents alike. “Shop local” is important to us, and we welcome growth that enriches the lives of our current and prospective citizens with employment, housing and shopping choices. Come to visit, or come to stay, we will welcome you with all we have to offer!
Whether you are a resident, business owner, or visitor, we are glad you chose Smithville as your destination. Smithville offers a wide variety of local attractions and amenities with convenient access to the Colorado River. Our downtown historic district contains many eclectic shops and eateries for residents and visitors alike. We were the first Film Friendly Community designated by the Texas Film Commission and have a Cultural District
focusing on arts, entertainment (music and theater), and artisan crafts. Smithville boasts an airport, a recreation center, multiple city parks, and some of the friendliest people on the planet!
We have a rich music history with many legendary blues musicians (e.g., BB King, Etta James, T-Bone Walker, Sonny Rhodes) who played at West End Park -- one of the last standing venues on the Texas Chitlin’ Circuit. Satchel Paige of the Kansas City Monarchs pitched a baseball game at this historic site. Smithville is undergoing an economic resurgence and is poised for explosive growth. More and more people are buying property, renovating, and opening businesses within our downtown historic district.
On behalf of the City of Smithville and the Chamber of Commerce, we welcome you to our community!
Established in 1975, the museum is located in Downtown Smithville at 602 Main Street. The Society holds open houses at the museum for civic events such as Chamber of Commerce mixers and occasionally hosts local organizational meetings such as Daughters of the American Revolution. The Museum is open by appointment.
The Heritage Society Museum has an extensive archives section housing a treasure of historic documents, photographs, and other historic items. The Archives contain early Smithville newspapers, information about citizens, residences, businesses and local organizations. Files also include surrounding areas of Kovar, Cistern, West Point, Pin Oak and several other nearby communities.
Smithville's present site is on the original Mexican land grants given to Dr. Thomas J. Gazley and Louis Loomis. Dr. Gazley arrived in 1827, received his Mexican land grant in 1831 and settled here in 1837 following the Texas Revolution. He signed the Texas Declaration of Independence from Mexico. He became a judge, was elected to serve in the Republic of Texas Congress, and operated a store where 3rd Street meets Highway 95 until his death in 1853. Today, Independence Park is located at this site.
Dr. Gazley’s store and settlement anchored the development that occurred in these early years. The small community was called “Smithville” after another early settler, William Smith. Smith owned a store in the village centered along the Colorado River east of Gazley’s land. Life rocked along for the next 20-30 years for the seventeen families who comprised the original rural community. The first church was organized in 1871 and the Post Office was established on August 23, 1876, putting Smithville on the map!
Those original settlers were joined by successful entrepreneur John Fawcett and admired statesman Thomas Hardeman, both of whom lived just west of Smithville. Local businessmen and farmers established a ferry that crossed the Colorado River to help bring supplies to and from
The railroad merged with the Missouri, Kansas & Texas in 1891 and the M-K-T (also known as the “Katy” line), established its central shops in Smithville in 1894, bringing a work force of 500 men. Overnight the town’s population doubled. Construction of brick commercial structures and wooden residences began at a feverish pace. The number of new residents gave rise to churches, general stores, drugstores, hotels, markets, saloons, lumber and brick yards, and organizations such as the Masons and the Oddfellows.
When it became known that a railroad was to be laid through the area, Murray Burleson and his partners acquired land and formed the Smithville Town Company. Burleson donated land to the Taylor, Bastrop & Houston Railroad Company to encourage the establishment of a Terminus or depot facility at Smithville. On the 4th of July, 1886, the first passenger train blew its way into the little town!
One of the earliest “large” industries in town was a steam cotton gin and grist mill established by George Jones in 1890. When Smithville was the terminus of the T, B & H Railroad.
The City of Smithville was incorporated on March 30, 1895, with a population of approximately 2,500, and was followed shortly by the creation of the Smithville School District. The first bridge was built across the Colorado River at the north end of Main Street in 1900.
The city’s population reached a peak of 4,200 during World War II when many families of soldiers stationed at Camp Swift took room and board in Smithville homes. Smithville’s young people have contributed to both World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, Dessert Storm and more recent conflicts throughout the world.
These brave men and women are commemorated in the beautiful Smithville Veterans Park, dedicated in 2013.
During the 1970s, the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center established a Science Park in the piney woods just north of Smithville to conduct groundbreaking research of the highest quality in the search for cancer cures. The Smithville-Crawford Municipal Airport opened in 1971 and is continually being improved for airplanes and helicopters. In the 1990s, the motion picture industry discovered Smithville with the making of Hope Floats, and in 2008, Smithville became the very first “Film-Friendly Town” in Texas. Since then, many Hollywood and independent films have been made in and around Smithville.
Today, Smithville is a Preserve America Community, with both Commercial and Residential Historic Districts, named a Cultural District by the Texas Commission on the Arts, and boasts two museums. This small town is proud of our growing population and interested in protecting its historic hometown atmosphere and its peaceful, friendly way of life. See Visitsmithville.org for more info
• December 25, 1905 the 11-year-old depot burned
• In 1906 the replacement depot building opened
• A boiler explosion of February 8, 1911, killed ten people outright
• December 4, 1913 the largest flood on record took out the new bridge at Main Street.
• April 2, 1917, US enters World War I
• 1917 and 1918, Chicago White Sox play Smithville’s Katy team here
• 1929, a new roundhouse and car shops were built with hedges and flowers lining the walkways
• The Great Depression followed by World War II
• Freeways are built, roads improved.
• November 11, 1957, last passenger train passed through Smithville
• November 1967, the depot burned
• August 12, 1988, Union Pacific bought the Katy
• June 15, 1991, the first chamber of commerce building opened, partially to eliminate a problem area for the city and to anchor the business district
• January 19, 2019, the Chamber of Commerce and new Railroad Museum was dedicated
• 51 days later, March 24, 2019, the Chamber of Commerce, Railroad Museum burned by arsonist
• Sept. 2021, the newer, larger Chamber of Commerce, Railroad Museum was dedicated. (see cover)
student / teacher ratio 13.7 to 1
• District of Innovation
• Award winning & nationally recognized Child Nutrition Department
• ACE After-School Program serving K-5
• Google District
7 Pathways including: Animal Services, Computer Science (TEALS), Construction Technology, Culinary Arts, Marketing & Business, Health Sciences, and Welding
4 pathways including Flight & Space, Computer Science Innovators & Makers, Automation robotics, and Medical Detectives.
404 Fawcett Street | 512-237-1108 www.smithvilleworkforcetrainingcenter.com
address the needs and aspirations of the people who are central to building capacity in the workforce–the workers and the businesses that will employ them.
The Smithville Workforce Training Center provides highquality certification programs intended to build the capacity of the broader rural community, linking training to jobs that pay a living wage. Coordinators work with businesses to find out what kinds of skills and training they require of new hires, and speak with students and prospective adult trainees to find out what they want to learn to meet their life goals. This assures that the programs are co-created solutions that
We hope you enjoy your visit, and also hope you have a chance to visit the Smithville Public Library, where we’ll make you feel at home!
Located at the corner of Main and 6th Streets (507 Main Street), our local library offers so much more than just books. In addition to multiple public access computers, the library offers free wi-fi, a public printer, copier/scanner, and a ready and able staff to assist with your technology needs.
Children’s Storytime, aka Little Bookworms, meets every Wednesday at 1030 a.m. Older children might enjoy our After-School Book Club (first Thursday of each month) or our Teen Nights on the fourth Tuesday of each month (6 p.m.). If you are here in the summer, join us for weekly performing arts programs (musicians, magicians, storytellers, puppetry, plays, and FUN!) as part of our Summer Reading Club (Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m.).
...the library offers periodic programs such as book discussions, a monthly genealogy group meeting (second Saturdays), Tuesday morning dominoes games, and a Wednesday afternoon needlework group called the Fiber Addicts. As the cultural department in the City of Smithville, and an active partner in the Richard D. Latham Cultural District, we can point you in the right direction for arts and cultural activities while you are here!
Also known as Crawford Municipal Airport, the airport is located on Hwy 95 (Loop 230) near the intersection of Hwy 71 and is the only airport in Bastrop County. There is no local air traffic control. The airport is used mainly for private
planes. The airport has free Wireless Internet access and a desktop computer for checking email or weather conditions. The airport also provides a courtesy van & 2 courtesy cars for pilots (please just refill the gas tank!).
The Airport is home to our annual Smithville Airport Fly-In , always on the second Saturday in May. There you can climb in and sit in the cockpit while you explore the airplanes. Enjoy model airplane displays, helicopter rides, and a candy drop for the kiddos. Come out, spend the day and explore the ONLY airport in Bastrop County!
awhile and you will discover almost every month of the year Smithville has fun events to attend. Annually the Chamber hosts a wide variety of activities that will be sure to entertain. Several local groups host events as well that bring enjoyment to all. While exploring our town be sure to step into our many stores: Consuela’s, EH Mercantile, Smithville General Store, Golden Girls, Mosaic’s Art & Home and Bella’s Country Cottage Antiques, to name a few of our exciting shops .
A diverse mix of world-class cuisine and family-friendly environment make for the ultimate dining experience in Smithville, Texas. From upscale and trendy culinary choices to good old-fashioned comfort food, you can find all that and more at our many locally owned eateries.
Our culinary traditions blend new and home-grown talent that is served on a platter with local charm. Dining in Smithville offers more than a wide-selection of food choices, as many of our restaurants also feature specialty drinks, desserts and entertainment. See pages 32 & 48.
Smithville is full of unique shops that offer traditional and not-so-traditional art, clothing, antiques, personalized items and much more. With local gems around every corner, the beauty of shopping across our city is that you never know what you will discover!! From locally owned, unique boutiques to vintage stores and upscale favorites along with resale shops, we have it all and then some. Our shopping areas are sprinkled throughout the town and along the outskirts along Hwy 71. Be sure to check them all out as the “treasure” you find will be one to forever remember! See pages 37, 49, 50
2nd Saturday in May
The skies above Smithville are buzzing with activity at the annual Airport Fly-In at Smithville-Crawford Municipal Airport (84R). Pilots fly in from all over. Helicopter rides and a candy drop for the kids. You’re invited to explore the airport facilities, visit with pilots, browse the exhibits, and grab a bite to eat.
July 4th
Freedom Run, Patriotic Parade, Music, Food, Fireworks, & Fun! The Smithville Area Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the City of Smithville, Smithville VFW, First Baptist Church of Smithville and the Partners of the Smithville, TX
4th weekend in July
Join us for our annual Casino Night! Gaming, full meal, beer/ wine bar included with ticket price, great raffle prizes, 50/50 tickets, silent auction, live music and more await you at this fun annual event.
Last Saturday in September
The Annual Smithville Wingfest & Chili Cook-A-Roo in historic downtown Smithville is a great time to come out and cook up some wings, chili or home brew beer for our judges! Visit www.smithvillewingfest.com for details. Come enjoy tastings of wings and chili for People’s Choice! Wristbands are just $15 to taste all the wings and chili!
2nd Friday in October
Join us for this fund-raising event at ColoVista Golf Club with a shotgun start and pro clinic. Lunch, drink tickets, prizes and more!
1st Saturday in October
Join us for Smithville’s Community-Wide Garage Sale. Find your treasures at more than 60 garage sales all over Smithville and downtown. Free maps at the Chamber office downtown.
1st Saturday in October
Keep Smithville Beautiful presents the Smithville “Sustainable Home and Garden Show”. Join us to discover how you can invest in home and garden improvements that will also save you money and reduce your home’s impact on the planet. Learn more about xeriscaping, composting, and landscaping for habitat. Get the information you need about rain catchment systems and weatherizing your home. Vendors, speakers, and demonstration projects. Free to attend!
Smithville’s littlest ghouls and goblins come downtown on Halloween for candy, train rides, ghost tours and a haunted house. Businesses hand out candy and prizes, costume contests, bounce houses, zombie walk and more at this annual event. Join us from 5pm to 7:30pm.
2nd Saturday in November
Annual display of quilts in downtown Smithville as well as a tour of historic homes throughout town.
2nd Saturday in December
Join us for a fun Sip & Shop. Many of our downtown businesses will be partnering with local wineries to showcase their wine as you stroll and shop.
2nd Saturday in April
Join us for a fun Sip & Shop. Many of our downtown businesses will be partnering with local wineries to showcase their wine as you stroll and shop.
SMITHVILLE JAMBOREE * (Usually) Weekend after Easter
The Jamboree is an annual 4 day hometown celebration with a carnival, live music,contests, livestock show, parade and so much more. Go to www.jamboreesmithville.com for details.
1st Saturday in December
Every First Saturday in December, Main Street transforms
Visible from the north end of Main Street, the Colorado River cuts across Smithville and is used for boating, rafting, canoeing, swimming and fishing. Located on Hwy 71, Riverbend Park is the city’s finest outdoor recreational spot and borders the Colorado River. The park has a walking trail, fishing pier, barbecue pits and picnic tables near the river. Smithville is host to many parks that are owned and maintained by the City of Smithville Parks & Recreation Department.
The Smithville Recreation Center has so many fun things to do throughout the entire year. They offer youth leagues in basketball, volleyball and soccer. Other activities include their Fall Festival, 5k Fun Runs, sports clinics, summer camps and their after school program. “We try to make all of our events family oriented so there is something for the grown-ups as well as the kiddos,” explains Garrison. She added, “Our Skate Park and Disc Golf Course are open and free to use.” Located at 106 Royston Street, Smithville.
The Power Plaza Skate Park is concrete dreams come true for those who skateboard, skate, bike, and the Friends of the Skate Park who spent several years raisinge funds to build the outdoor park. Located at 350 NW 1ST Street behind the Smithville Rec Center. The skate park is open to the public during daylight hours. Protective gear is required at all times.
There are three public access sites to the Colorado River. The larger one accessible for boats is concrete to the water, under the bridge on Hwy 95/Loop 230 on the northeast side of Hwy 95. Exit at the American Legion Road north of the bridge, and head under the bridge. The second public access is near Riverbend Park, under the double Hwy 71 bridges in the highway right of way. Light watercraft and kayaks can access river. The third access is at Riverbend Park immediately north of the fishing pier. It’s rough dirt/ brush and walk in only, but canoes and kayaks can access to river. Kayak rentals are available by calling the Smithville REC Center at 512-237-2313 or contact Rising Phoenix Adventures at www.risingphoenixadventures.com.
If biking is more your style, a popular destination for bikers is the park roads of Buescher State Park. You can enjoy the winding, hilly 12-mile Park Road 1C with lots of trees for shade and a peaceful ride. Cost is the entrance fee of $4 per person. The Buescher State Park entrance is one mile north of Hwy 71 on FM 153. Find out more by visiting: www.tpwd.texas.gov/state-parks/buescher
Those who prefer more of a challenge look to Rocky Hill Ranch, three miles north of Smithville on FM 153. There are more than 30 miles of world class mountain biking trails on more than 1,000 acres. See more at www.rockyhillranch.com.
Riverbend Park is home to an 18 hole disc golf course. Bring the whole family to the park to enjoy one of the fastest growing sports in the country. All you need is a disc or you can rent one at the Rec Center by calling (512) 237-3282.
Smithville is proud to honor our Railroad history with the beautiful James H. Long Railroad Park & Museum. Located at the intersection of Main and 1st, the park features rail cars, a renovated depot building and a beautiful new museum. Open Mon – Fri 10 – 4 and Sat 10 – 2. Call 512-237-2313 for more info.
Smithville is teaming with local artists who continue to produce and create in many different artistic mediums. From visual to performing arts, live music, multi-media and beyond, Smithville has something for everyone!
Smithville is known as a “movie town” in the industry and among fans, and was named as the first film Friendly Town in Texas by the Texas Film Commission. Directors and producers love Smithville’s “can do” attitude.
With nearly 100 film productions in town (including the movie that started it all - “Hope Floats,”) the Cannes France Palm D’or winner, “Tree of Life,” “Beneath the Darkness” which utilized many students and our school system facilities, the quirky “Artois The Goat,” award winning “National Selection,” and the acclaimed series “Panic”.
The Chamber has created a full color 11” x 17” color-coded map of all the movie locations with briefs of some of the more well-known productions. Just ask for a copy at the Chamber or other locations around town to take your own self-paced tour or download at www.smithvilletx.org.
Please remember to be courteous at the private film locations.
Today Smithville has the Lost Pines Artisans Alliance which brings together artists of all sorts with an active LPAA Gallery at 206 Main Street. Playhouse Smithville celebrated their 12th Season at 110 Main Street in 2022. The Banners on Main Project along Main Street and MLK showcases the art of Smithville’s elementary school artists. The Sculpture on Main program showcases area artists work, and has new installations annually.
Live music can regularly be heard around Smithville’s many wonderful venues, especially in our historic downtown. Check out pg __ in this publication for a list of our many fantastic restaurants, bars and eateries and come out for a night on the town in Smithville. See page 35 for listings.
BASTROP COUNTY CHILD WELFARE BOARD (512) 581-4001 www.dfps.state.tx.us 804 Pecan St Bastrop, TX 78602
CEN-TEX FAMILY SERVICES, INC (512) 303-7737 www.ctfhs.org 2402 N Main St Bastrop, TX 78602
CHILDREN’S ADVOCACY CENTER (512) 321-6161 www.childrensadvocacycenter.org 59 Loop 150 W Bastrop, TX 78602
FAMILY CRISIS CENTER (512) 321-7760 www.family-crisis-center.org 431 Old Austin Hwy Bastrop, TX 78602
SGM COUNSELING (512) 720-9956 101 Easley Smithville, TX 78957
BASTROP TOWN AND COUNTRY MAGAZINE (512) 720-8920 www.bastropmagazine.com 1010 Chestnut St Bastrop, TX 78602
MEDIACHOICE, LLC (512) 693-9905 www.mediachoice.com 3701 Bee Caves Rd Ste 101 West Lake Hills, TX 78746
TEXAS DIGITAL NEWSBOARDS (361) 991-1306 www.texasdigitalnewsboards.com 4455 S Padre Island Dr Ste 21-0 Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Promotional Products
(512) 360-2866 www.centeximagedesigns.com Smithville, TX 78957
DV LASER WORKS CUSTOM LASER ENGRAVING (737) 881-9919 www.dvlaserworks.com 305 Park Horse Rd Bastrop, TX 78602
MAGNETIC MERCH (512) 920-2465 www.magneticmerch.com Bastrop, TX 78602
THE BRANDING SHOP (512) 321-4485 www.thebrandingshopbastrop.com 1810 Main St Bastrop, TX 78602
WE LOGO ANYTHING (512) 237-2227 www.welogoanything.com 115 Norma Jean Blvd Smithville, TX 78957
DEBBIE DENNY MEDIA SOLUTIONS (512) 844-3930 Bastrop, TX 78602
SUNDANCE EXPRESSIONS MARKETING, LLC. (512) 304-0933 www.sundanceexpressions.com PO Box 681 Smithville, TX 78957
VINTAGE EVENT PLANNING (512) 557-2400 Smithville, TX 78957
ADVERTISING : Graphic Design
DONNA’S BY DESIGN (512) 308-2018 www.donnas-by-design.com
SARAH DOS DESIGNS (512) 988-2950 FB: @sarahdosdesigns Bastrop, TX 78602
G&C PRINTING (512) 321-2948 www.gandcprinting.com 4125 FM 535 Bastrop, TX 78602
OCEAN GRAPHICS (512) 913-9840 661 Easley Rd Smithville, TX 78957
ZAPCO, INC. (512) 237-5521 www.zapcopaper.com 403 Zapalac Rd Smithville, TX 78957
BASTROP SIGNS AND BANNERS (512) 332-0803 www.bastropsigns.com 248 Hwy 304 Bastrop, TX 78602
SIGN AND BANNER TEXAS (512) 221-1117 www.signandbannertx.com 1103 Main St Bastrop, TX 78602
ADVERTISING : Social Media
MARKETING, LLC. (512) 304-0933 www.sundanceexpressions.com
PO Box 681 Smithville, TX 78957
UX WEB GUY, L.C. (737) 234-0096 www.uxwebguy.com PO Box 868 Bastrop, TX 78602
ALL ABOUT YOU HEATING AND AIR (512) 718-5731 www.allaboutyouheatingandair.com 413 Juniper St Bastrop, TX 78602
CENTEX MECHANICAL INC (512) 303-6060 www.centexmechanical.com 514 Old Austin Hwy Bastrop, TX 78602
CLARENCE’S REFRIGERATION & ELECTRIC (512) 360-2156 200 Olive St Smithville, TX 78957
PAROBEK PLUMBING & AIR CONDITIONING, LLC (512) 361-5440 www.parobekplumbing.com 329 Hoffman Rd Bastrop, TX 78602
SMITHVILLE HEATING AND AIR (512) 237-3320 208 Gazley Smithville, TX 78957
STAY COOL TEXASAIR CONDITIONING & HEATING (512) 718-8115 www.staycooltexas.com 980 Old Potato Rd Paige, TX 78659
ANIMAL SERVICES : Feed & Supplies
SMITH SUPPLY (512) 237-2201 www.smithsupplycompany.com 764 Loop 230W Smithville, TX 78957
BEST FRIENDS BOARDING KENNEL (830) 839-4581 www.bestfriendsboarding.com 2438A FM 535 Rosanky, TX 78953
SHELTER PETS SAFETY NET (512) 718-4250 www.shelterpetsafetynet.org 166 Alum Creek Rd Smithville, TX 78957
BELLA’S COTTAGE ANTIQUES (512) 237-2463 119 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
HERE WE GO AGAIN (512) 206-6137 205 NE Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
MOSAIC ART & HOME (512) 360-2531 www.mosaicartandhome.com 218 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
MURPHY’S VINTAGE (512) 575-3147 www.murphysvintage.com 306 Gresham Smithville, TX 78957
REACHABLE STARS RESALE (512) 237-1054 FB: @reachablestarsresale 203 Olive St Smithville, TX 78957
RICHTER TRADING POST (737) 230-2680 312 A-B Main St Smithville, TX 78957
AND MARKETPLACE (512) 237-1180 213 Main St Smithville, TX 78957 APARTMENTS
AT LAW (512) 303-6963 www.fohnlaw.com 807 Pecan St Bastrop, TX 78602
SAMES BASTROP (512) 303-3000 samesbastropchryslerdodgejeepram.com 1115 Hwy 71 W Bastrop, TX 78602
ROLLING RESCUE TIRE (512) 237-8383 1108 NE Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE AUTO PARTS (512) 237-4667 200 NE Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
LONE STAR MOBILE RV SERVICE (512) 545-4533 www.lonestarmobilerv.services 136 Peace Pipe Smithville, TX 78957
LOST PINES TRUCK AND DIESEL (512) 237-0822 2237 Hwy 304 Smithville, TX 78957
AUTOMOTIVE (512) 360-4708 408 NW 2nd St Smithville, TX 78957
(512) 529-9225 FB: courtneyscakestx
OLDE WORLD BAKERY (512) 237-5659 112 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
CISTERN COUNTRY STORE/BAR (361) 865-3655 www.cisternstore-bar.com 12604 Hwy 95N Cistern, TX 78941
FAT CAT LOUNGE AND CAFE (281) 236-8007 www.fatcatloungeandcafe.com 301 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
RIO SOCIAL HOUSE (512) 484-4691 501 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
RJ & RJ LLC DBA HUEBELS (512) 237-0918 207 NW 2nd St Smithville, TX 78957
THE BLAZER BAR & GRILL (512) 798-7100 303 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
THE FRONT ROOM WINE BAR (512) 237-3626 www.frontroomwinebar.com 116 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
MIXOLOGIE, LLC (866) 731-4169 www.mymixologie.com 660 NW Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
THE SKIN BOUTIQUE (512) 237-8589 www.theskinboutiquesmithville.com 1509 Dorothy Nichols Ln A-3 Smithville, TX 78957
BUDGET BLINDS (979) 542-0700 www.budgetblinds.com/giddings PO Box 687 Giddings, TX 78942
COMFORT QUE (512) 764-2055 www.comfortque.com 231 Sandy Creek Rd Dale, TX 78616
JOHN CHABOT ‘’THE CATERER’’ (512) 308-7131 www.cateringbychabot.com Smithville, TX 78957
SCHLOTZSKY’S OF BASTROP (512) 718-8204 492 Hwy 71 Bastrop, TX 78602
SERENITY STAR - COMFORT CAFÉ (512) 360-2100 www.serenitystar.org 111 NW 1st St Smithville, TX 78957
URBAN COWBOY CATERING (512) 229-5116 www.urbancowboyfood.com 1490 FM 2104 Smithville, TX 78957
FELLOWSHIP (800) 768-0447 www.bicfi.org 308 Whitehead Smithville, TX 78957
CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH (512) 303-1697 www.cbcbastrop.org 607 Loop 230 W Smithville, TX 78957
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (512) 237-2176 www.fbcsmithville.com 300 Hudgins Smithville, TX 78957
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (512) 237-4522 400 Burleson Smithville, TX 78957
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (512) 360-5231 www.fpcsmithville.org 300 Burleson Smithville, TX 78957
FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (512) 237-3325 www.smithville-umc.org 400 Olive St Smithville, TX 78957
GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH (512) 237-2108 www.glcs.org 308 Byrne St Smithville, TX 78957
MOUNT PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH (512) 360-2777 www.mtpilgrimsmvtx.org 409 Walker St Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST (512) 360-2550 www.smithvilletxchurch.org 1416 NE Whitehead St Smithville, TX 78957
ST PAUL’S CATHOLIC CHURCH (512) 237-3299 204 Mills St Smithville, TX 78957
CONSUELA (512) 237-1411 www.consuelastyle.com 110 NW 2nd St Smithville, TX 78957
GOLDEN GIRLS BOUTIQUE (512) 237-1104 www.ggbtx.square.site 114 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
HANDPICKED BOUTIQUE (832) 748-0097 320 NW Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
CMIT SOLUTIONS (512) 399-2982 www.cmitsolutions.com/austin-east 1604 Industry Dr Ste 105 Bastrop, TX 78602
BUTLER CONTRACTING (844) 628-8537 www.butler.contractors 123 Longhorn St Bastrop, TX 78602
CALBRI ROAD & BRIDGE LLC (512) 699-8597 301 NW Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
INNOSAW LLC (737) 444-8004 www.innosaw.com 105 Ramona St Smithville, TX 78957
KOVAR LAND SERVICES (512) 985-5741 www.kovarservices.com 158 Powder Horn Rd Bastrop, TX 78602
PAUL EVANS CONTRACTOR, INC. (512) 304-8305 217 Pathfinders Way Smithville, TX 78957
BUILDERS, L.P. (512) 237-3500 765 NW Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
R E S CONSTRUCTION (512) 376-8796 170 FM 86 Red Rock, TX 78662
RON SHEPPARD & CREW (432) 978-6036 506 Mills St Smithville, TX 78957
CONSTRUCTION : Engineering
HODGES CONSTRUCTION SERVICES (512) 332-1311 www.hodgesbuilt.com 217 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
SMITH SUPPLY (512) 237-2201 www.smithsupplycompany.com 764 Loop 230 W Smithville, TX 78957
J & S PAINTING AND PRESSURE WASHING SVCS. (512) 406-4045 537 Bunte Rd Unit C Smithville, TX 78957
ROOFING TURTLE (833) 688-7853 www.roofingturtle.com 123 Longhorn St Bastrop, TX 78602
SPADE ROOFING AND GUTTERS (512) 237-8620 www.spaderoofing.com 600 NE Loop 230 Ste A Smithville, TX 78957
SUNRISE ROOF & GUTTER (512) 303-4044 www.sunriseroofandgutter.com 116 Lakefront Dr Cedar Creek, TX 78612
VINCENT’S ROOFING INC. (979) 247-4587 www.vincentsroofing.com 7000 Hwy 77 S La Grange, TX 78945
MUNDO & ASSOCIATES, INC.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECALISTS (214) 773-0966 www.mundoandassociates.com 5542 Canada Ct Rockwall, TX 75032
7-11 (512) 360-3339 www.7-eleven.com 301 Short St Smithville, TX 78957
JIMMY’S FOOD N GAS (512) 237-2471 1501 NE Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
SMOOTH MOVES DANCE (512) 304-0699 www.smoothmovesdance.com 113 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
THE STUDIO (512) 565-1933 106 Gazley St Smithville, TX 78957
GRACE LUTHERAN LEARNING CENTER (512) 360-2800 www.glcs.org 401 Wilkes St Smithville, TX 78957
LOST PINES CLEANERS (512) 412-6381 www.lostpinescleaners.com 1404 NE Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
AUSTIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT (512) 223-7598 www.austincc.edu 5930 Middle Fiskville Rd Austin, TX 78752
TEXAS PUBLIC SERVICE TRAINING ACADEMY (737) 881-8045 www.pstatx.com 298 Industrial Blvd Bastrop, TX 78602
GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN SCHOOL (512) 988-1778 www.goodshepherdbastrop.org 202 Hwy 71 W Bastrop, TX 78602
HEARTS OF TEXAS HEAD START PROGRAM (800) 433-7570 www.heartsoftexasheadstart.org
SMITHVILLE ISD (512) 237-2487 www.smithvilleisd.org 901 NE 6th Smithville, TX 78957
A & S ELECTRIC (512) 360-4868 www.aandselectric.com PO Box 22 Smithville, TX 78957
CLARENCE’S REFRIGERATION & ELECTRIC (512) 360-2156 200 Olive St Smithville, TX 78957
SWEENEY ELECTRIC (512) 718-3187 PO Box 925 Smithville, TX 78957
PERSONNEL SERVICES (979) 743-2604 www.psstaffing.com 503 Lyons Ave Schulenburg, TX 78956
WORKFORCE SOLUTIONSRURAL CAPITAL AREA (512) 303-3916 www.workforcesolutionsrca.com 53 Loop 150 W Bastrop, TX 78602
BASTROP OPERA HOUSE (512) 200-3826 www.bastropoperahouse.org 711 Spring St Bastrop, TX 78602
FILM ALLEY BASTROP (512) 872-4249 www.filmalleybastrop.com 1600 Chestnut St Bastrop, TX 78602
LETHA MIGNON MUSIC (512) 360-7381 PO Box 576 Smithville, TX 78957
PLAYHOUSE SMITHVILLE (512) 360-7397 www.playhousesmithville.com 110 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
SONGS OF SMITHVILLE (512) 581-1763 www.willholcombauthor.com 1305 NE 8th St Smithville, TX 78957
SPIDERWOOD STUDIOS 969 (512) 332-0060 www.spiderwoodstudios969.com/ 140 Utley Rd Elgin, TX 78621
TEXAS HALLOWEEN HISTORY MUSEUM (512) 658-7986 www.texashalloweenmuseum.com 149 Split Rail Ln Smithville, TX 78957
Live Music
6TH ST BLUES (512) 633-9439 239 Barton Oaks Dr Smithville, TX 78957
BUCKSNORT BOOGIE BOYS (830) 839-4332 6620 Harold Rd Waelder, TX 78959
FAT CAT LOUNGE AND CAFE (281) 236-8007 www.fatcatloungeandcafe.com 301 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
BHG ESTATE SALES LLC (512) 748-7931 www.bhgestatesales.com PO Box 1443 Bastrop, TX 78602
RED, WHITE AND BLUE VETERANS OF BASTROP COUNTY (512) 629-6590 www.rwbveterans.com PO Box 1689 Bastrop, TX 78602
SMITHVILLE JAMBOREE (512) 237-3282 www.jamboreesmithville.com 317 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
A 1 PARTYTIME (512) 303-4292 www.A1partytime.com 284 Pecan Acres Rd Bastrop, TX 78602
CITY OF BASTROP CONVENTION CENTER (512) 332-8981 www.bastropconventioncenter.com 1408 Chestnut St Bastrop, TX 78602
(512) 790-4464 www.guapocigars.com 501 W Austin Giddings, TX 78942
LETHA MIGNON MUSIC (512) 360-7381 PO Box 576 Smithville, TX 78957
RISING SUN VINEYARD (512) 844-3699 www.risingsunvineyard.com 233 Edmonson Ranch Rd McDade, TX 78650
ROSANKY COMMUNITY CENTER (512) 718-1910 PO Box 141 Rosanky, TX 78953
STX GOLF CART CLUB (512) 550-6766 www.stxgolfcartclub.square.site. PO Box 931 Smithville, TX 78957
THE EAST 40 (512) 771-0370 www.theeast40.com 1699 Hwy 304 Bastrop, TX 78602
VINTAGE EVENT PLANNING (512) 557-2400 Smithville, TX 78957
AUDION, LLC (877) 976-8337 www.audionllc.com 1220 Colorado St Ste 240 Austin, TX 78701
PINES MEDIA (512) 772-5483 www.pines-media.com 1231-A FM 153 Smithville, TX 78957
KONA ICE OF BASTROP COUNTY (512) 563-2365 www.konaiceofbastropcounty.square.site 296 Amanda Cir Cedar Creek, TX 78612 THE ICE HUT (512) 718-4878 1003 Wilkes Cir Smithville, TX 78957
TJ’S FLAVORED ICE (MOBILE BUSINESS) (512) 577-0706 Smithville, TX 78957
PONDEROSA EVENTS AND URBAN COWBOY CATERING (512) 229-5116 www.urbancowboyfood.com 1490 FM 2104 Bastrop, TX 78602
RED RIDGE RECEPTIONS (512) 237-3589 www.redridgereceptions.com 306 KLBJ Rd Smithville, TX 78957
ROCKING M RANCH WEDDINGS, EVENTS AND LODGING (512) 420-6755 www.rockingmranchTX.com 418 Vyvjala Rd Smithville, TX 78957
A BUG GENIE PEST CONTROL (512) 644-3710 6 Seeliger Dr Uhland, TX 78640
HODGES PEST CONTROL (512) 303-6095 PO Box 77 Bastrop, TX 78602
FAMILY SERVICES : Addiction Recovery
THE LAST RESORT RECOVERY CENTER (512) 360-3600 www.lastresortrecovery.com 1620 FM 535 Smithville, TX 78957
FAMILY SERVICES : Food Assistance
SMITHVILLE FOOD PANTRY (512) 237-2322 Wed Mornings www.smithvillefoodpantry.com 301 Lee St Smithville, TX 78957
FAMILY SERVICES : Housing Search
SMITHVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY (512) 360-3286 100 Ken Blaschke Dr Smithville, TX 78957
COLORADO COUNTY OIL CO INC (979) 732-6870 www.coloradocountyoil.com 1348 BUSINESS 71 Columbus, TX 78934
DIAMOND Y FARM (512) 565-2341 1342 Hwy 95 S Smithville, TX 78957
SMITH SUPPLY (512) 237-2201 www.smithsupplycompany.com 764 Loop 230 W Smithville, TX 78957
A+ FEDERAL CREDIT UNION (512) 302-6800 www.aplusfcu.org 731 Hwy 71 W Bastrop, TX 78602
AUSTIN TELCO FCU (512) 302-5555 www.atfcu.org 530 Hwy 71 W Bastrop, TX 78602
B3 COMMERCIAL (512) 914-1615 www.b3cre.com 401 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
CLASSIC BANK, N.A. (512) 308-1882 www.classicbank.com 493 Hwy 71 W Bastrop, TX 78602
CURLEE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SEVICES (512) 629-6937 curleebusinessmanagementservices.com 406 Garwood Smithville, TX 78957
EDWARD JONES INVESTMENTSMICAH OLIVER, AAMS® (512) 237-3376 www.edwardjones.com/micah-oliver 301 Royston Smithville, TX 78957
ELITE FINANCING GROUP (512) 738-1970 www.annwaneck.floify.com 3415 Greystone Dr Ste 205 Austin, TX 78731
FIRST NATIONAL BANK (512) 237-2482 www.fnbbastrop.com 312 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
FRONTIER BANK OF TEXAS (512) 303-5000 www.frontierbankoftexas.com 1500 Chestnut St Bastrop, TX 78602
NEW YORK LIFE (830) 660-2976 8000 IH 10 W Ste 800 San Antonio, TX 78230
PROSPERITY BANK (512) 237-9649 www.prosperitybankusa.com 406 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
ROSCOE STATE BANK (512) 303-1800 www.rsb.bank 710 Hwy 71 W Bastrop, TX 78602
SBA LENDERS (502) 509-6204 www.sbalenders.com/top-sba-lenders-texas 601 North Shore Dr Ste 201 Jeffersonville, IN 47130
TAMARA BATOT, FINANCIAL SERVICES (512) 718-0808 115 Yellow Moon Bastrop, TX 78602
FINE ART RY AUGUSTINE BRAND (956) 572-4508 www.ryaugustine.com 907 Charleston Blvd Smithville, TX 78957
LOST PINES ARTISANS ALLIANCE (512) 798-3534 www.lostpinesartisansalliance.org 206 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
(512) 507-8199 www.lumberyard.studio 223 NE 1st St Smithville, TX 78957
(512) 581-1340 www.theirontigergym.com 316 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE RECREATION CENTER (512) 237-3282 www.ci.smithville.tx.us/pard.aspx 106 Royston Smithville, TX 78957
TRAIN STATION STX (512) 360-7551 www.trainstationstx.com 1638 NE Loop 230 Bldg 2 Ste 2 Smithville, TX 78957
BASTROP FLORIST (512) 321-2424 www.therealbastropflorist.com 806 Chestnut St Bastrop, TX 78602
SMITHVILLE FLORIST (512) 237-3940 www.smithvilleflorist.com 203 NW Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
GIPSON PENDERGRASS PEOPLE’S MORTUARY, LLC (512) 237-2365 www.pendergrasspeoplesmortuary.com 109 NW First St Smithville, TX 78957
ALL FAITHS OF THE PINES CHAPEL (512) 237-2425 www.dignitymemorial.com 104 Olive St Smithville, TX 78957
MILTON’S, INC. (512) 360-3262 www.miltonsfurniture.com 206 NW Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
LIVING ROOM BOOKS & GIFTS (512) 321-0909 www.livingroombookstore.com 301 Hwy 71 W Ste 100 Bastrop, TX 78602
SUGAR SHACK (512) 321-3777 www.sugarshackbastrop.com 114 Loop 150 W Bastrop, TX 78602
BASTROP CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT (512) 303-1930 www.bastropcad.org 212 Jackson St Bastrop, TX 78602
BASTROP COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY (512) 807-6233 www.bastropdemocrats.org 1009 Main St Bastrop, TX 78602
BASTROP COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY (512) 922-1385 www.bastropctygop.org 453 Hwy 71 W Bastrop, TX 78602
CITY OF BASTROP (512) 332-8800 www.cityofbastrop.org 1311 Chestnut St Bastrop, TX 78602
CITY OF SMITHVILLE (512) 237-3282 www.ci.smithville.tx.us 317 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE POLICE ASSOCIATION (512) 237-3228 105 NW 4th St Smithville, TX 78957
BASTROP 1832 FARMERS MARKET (512) 237-0553 www.bastrop1832farmersmarket.org 1302 Chestnut St Bastrop, TX 78602
BROOKSHIRE BROTHERS #55 (512) 237-4401 www.brookshirebrothers.com 501 NW Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
HANDPICKED HAIR STUDIO (512) 237-3004 1655 NE Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
LARRY’S BARBER SHOP (512) 545-4053
FB: @LarrysBarbershop.smithville 600 NE Loop 230 Ste B Smithville, TX 78957
LAYSHA VARGAS-HAIR STYLIST (254) 239-4318 312 Quail Run Smithville, TX 78957
REFLEXXION’S HAIR SALON (512) 237-4585 305 Cleveland Smithville, TX 78957
VANITY ROOM SALON & BARBERSHOP (979) 401-0071 www.vanityroomcuts.com 1638 NE Loop 230 Ste 2 Smithville, TX 78957
APPLE LUMBER (512) 237-2508 www.myapplelumber.com 1310 NE Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
SMITH SUPPLY (512) 237-2201 www.smithsupplycompany.com 764 Loop 230W Smithville, TX 78957
ACADIAN AMBULANCE SERVICE (512) 929-1665 www.acadian.com 4100 Ed BlueStein Blvd Ste 100 Austin, TX 78721
ASCENSION SETON SMITHVILLE HEALTHCARE CENTER (512) 360-5272 www.healthcare.ascension.org 1201-A Hill Rd Smithville, TX 78957
CALLAGHAN, INC. (661) 433-0308 Smithville, TX 78957
GOLD BEE CBD (877) 977-6789 www.goldbee.com 2831 St Rose Pkwy Ste 200 Henderson, NV 89052
LONE STAR CIRCLE OF CARE (512) 308-6894 www.lonestarcares.org 605 Old Bastrop Hwy Bastrop, TX 78602
RESOLUTIONS HOSPICE (512) 343-5555 www.resolutionshospice.com 507 Old Austin Hwy Bastrop, TX 78602
SERENITY HOSPICE (512) 985-6107 www.serenityhospice.com 701 Walnut St Bastrop, TX 78602
SMITHVILLE COMMUNITY CLINIC (512) 237-2772 www.smvcc.org 300 Lynch St Smithville, TX 78957
SUGAR CREEK PSYCHOTHERAPY (281) 494-9100 www.sugarcreekpsychotherapy 1303 NE 6th St Smithville, TX 78957
TEJAS HEALTH CARE (979) 968-2000 www.tejashealthcare.org 753 E Travis La Grange, TX 78945
WESLEY COMMUNITY NURSE (512) 237-2632 400 Olive St Smithville, TX 78957
CARE : Chiropractors
ADJUST CHIROPRACTIC (512) 321-9200 www.adjustchiro.com 301 Hwy 71 Ste 201 Bastrop, TX 78602
ATLAS PAIN INSTITUTE, LLC (512) 332-2777 www.atlaspaininstitute.com 1001 Chestnut St Ste C Bastrop, TX 78602
SMITHVILLE CHIROPRACTIC (512) 363-3624 www.smithvilletxchiropractic.com 104 NW 1st St Smithville, TX 78957
LISA DAVIS COUNSELING (512) 627-8776 www.psychologytoday.com 402 Hudgins Smithville, TX 78957
CARUS DENTAL (512) 237-2448 www.carussmithville.com 601 NE 9th St Smithville, TX 78957
TED CARNEY, D.D.S. (512) 237-4420 www.tedcarneydds.com 300 Olive St Smithville, TX 78957
HEALTH CARE : Home Health
ADVANCED HOME HEALTH (512) 308-9233 www.advancedhomehealthservices.com 105 Hasler Blvd Ste B Bastrop, TX 78602
EMERGENCY ROOM (512) 321-0911 www.allymedical.com/bastrop 512 Hwy 71W Bastrop, TX 78602
ASCENSION SETON SMITHVILLE (512) 237-5700 www.healthcare.ascension.org 1201 Hill Rd Smithville, TX 78957
FAYETTE MEDICAL SUPPLY (512) 332-0822 www.fayettemedicalsupply.com 123 Old Austin Hwy Bastrop, TX 78602
TOWERS NURSING HOME (512) 237-4606 www.rnct.com 372 Hill Rd Smithville, TX 78957
GARNER & RILEY PHYSICAL THERAPY (512) 321-9659 www.garnerrileypt.com 623 Hwy 71 W Ste 100 Bastrop, TX 78602
AUSTIN SKIN PHYSICIANS (737) 727-7546 www.austinskinphysicians.com 1501 B Dorothy Nichols Rd Smithville, TX 78957
DR. LINDA WILSON & DR. FRANK WILSON (512) 237-3989 2079 Park Rd 1C Smithville, TX 78957
PREMIER FAMILY PHYSICIANS BASTROP (512) 304-0300 www.pfpdocs.com 3101 Hwy 71 E Ste101 Bastrop, TX 78602
ROBERT DOUGHERTY MDPA & GENESIS FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE (512) 581-5016 www.robertdoughertymdpa.com 623 Hwy 71 W Ste 204 Bastrop, TX 78602
SOUTHERN DIRECT PRIMARY CARE, PLLC (833) 588-6967 www.southerndpc.com 1509-B Dorothy Nichols Ln Smithville, TX 78957
VITALOGY SKINCARE (512) 321-9400 www.vitalogyskincare.com 208 Hwy 71 W Bastrop, TX 78602
SHAKLEE REPRESENTATIVE, LINDA ALLEN (512) 417-4153 Smithville, TX 78957
ALL IN SERVICES (512) 988-0116 www.all-inservices.com 154 Shoreline Dr Bastrop, TX 78602
HANDY DAN (512) 966-4954 FB: @HandyDanBastrop Bastrop, TX 78602
SERVPRO OF BASTROP (210) 610-6800 www.servprobastroptx.com 1020 Hwy 71 West Point, TX 78963
PRESSURE WASHING (737) 414-2358 www.smithserviceswash.com Bastrop, TX 78602
STA GRANITE SOLUTIONS LLC (512) 575-7101 www.stagranitesolutions.com 301 Turney St Smithville, TX 78957
TEXAS CONCRETE AND FOUNDATION REPAIR (512) 820-1661 www.texascfr.com 1374 Hwy 95 N Smithville, TX 78957
JAMIES HOME HELP (979) 338-0893 FB: @jamieshomehelp 177 Big Bow Smithville, TX 78957
PEASE CUSTOM FLOORS (512) 360-5553 www.peasecustomfloors.com 301 Cleveland Smithville, TX 78957
CS GLASS SERVICES (512) 237-1213 www.csglasstx.com 701 Hwy 71 Ste B Smithville, TX 78957
DARICEK INSURANCE AGENCY (979) 968-8863 www.daricekinsurance.com 427 S Jefferson St La Grange, TX 78945
FARMERS INSURANCESCOTT SAUNDERS (512) 237-7875 www.farmersagent.com/ssaunders1 Smithville, TX 78957
GERMER INSURANCE (512) 303-5617 www.germerinsurance.com 799 Hwy 71W Bastrop, TX 78602
HIGGINBOTHAM INSURANCE (512) 583-1530 1221 S Mopac #160 Austin, TX 78746
LORI TUGGLE STATE FARM (512) 581-3939 www.lorituggleagency.com 815 Hwy 71 W Ste D Bastrop, TX 78602
PENROSE INSURANCE AGENCY INC. (512) 332-6850 www.penroseinsurance.com 1413 NE Whitehead St Smithville, TX 78957
STATE FARM INSURANCEPHILLIP ADAMCIK AGENT/OWNER (979) 968-3600 www.lagrangetxinsurance.com 420 W Travis St #102 La Grange, TX 78945
TEXAS ASSOCIATES INSURORS (512) 360-6005 www.txassoc.com 305 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
THE JAMESON AGENCY / MJ PREMIER INSURANCE GROUP, INC (512) 255-8808 www.agents.allstate.com/ mitchell-jameson-hutto-tx1.html 101 East St Hutto, TX 78634
THE NITSCHE GROUP, INSURANCE SERVICES (512) 321-2508 www.thenitschegroup.com 1017 Main St Bastrop, TX 78602
TRUEST INSURANCE GROUP (512) 321-9524 www.truestinsurancegroup.com 306 Cleveland St Smithville, TX 78957
WOODMENLIFE (979) 968-8600 www.woodmenlife.org 742 S Jefferson St La Grange, TX 78945
CG COMMUNICATIONS, INC (888) 221-6704 www.cgcomm.biz 871 Hwy 95 S Smithville, TX 78957
SCT BROADBAND (512) 360-4273 www.liveair.net 125 Kellar Rd Ste C2 Smithville, TX 78957
SPECTRUM BUSINESS CLASS (210) 582-9446 810 W Howard Ln Ste 100 Austin, TX 78753
KRAGH’S JEWELRY (512) 321-2351 www.kraghsjewelry.com 485 Hwy 71 W Bastrop, TX 78602
(512) 321-4937
LODGING Continued...
(512) 360-7525 605 Gresham St Smithville, TX 78957
DAVIS RANCH RETREAT (830) 839-4555 www.davisranchretreat.com 1110 Peach Creek Rd Waelder, TX 78959
ROCKING M RANCH WEDDINGS, EVENTS AND LODGING (512) 420-6755 www.rockingmranchtx.com 418 Vyvjala Rd Smithville, TX 78957
RUBY’S FOXCROFT COTTAGE (512) 413-5919 106 Cleveland St Smithville, TX 78957
SAVAGE RANCH & VINEYARD (512) 431-5737 www.savageranchtx.com 1163 Private Rd 6002 Giddings, TX 78942
THE COTTAGE AT FAYETTE ACRES (713) 817-7589 www.airbnb.com/rooms/52408220 16070 Hwy 95N Flatonia, TX 78941
THE COTTAGE ON MILLS (254) 340-4657 www.staysmithville.com 505 Mills St Smithville, TX 78957
KATY HOUSE BED & BREAKFAST (512) 237-4262 www.katyhouse.com 201 Ramona Smithville, TX 78957
LODGING : Cabins
9 E RANCH CABINS LOST PINES BASTROP (512) 497-9502 www.9eranch.com 2158 Hwy 304 Smithville, TX 78957
DAVIS RANCH RETREAT (830) 839-4555 www.davisranchretreat.com 1110 Peach Creek Rd Waelder, TX 78959
LODGING : Hotels & Motels
HAMPTON INN & SUITES (512) 321-2898 www.bastropsuites.hamptoninn.com 240 S Hasler Blvd Bastrop, TX 78602
HYATT REGENCY LOST PINES RESORT AND SPA (512) 308-1234 www.lostpineshyatt.com 575 Hyatt Lost Pines Rd Cedar Creek, TX 78612
KATY HOUSE BED & BREAKFAST (512) 237-4262 www.katyhouse.com 201 Ramona Smithville, TX 78957
PINE POINT INN & SUITES (512) 237-2040 1503 Dorothy Nichols Rd Smithville, TX 78957
AQUA JET, INC. (512) 247-6613 www.aquajetinc.com 2892 Hwy 71 W Bldg #7 Cedar Creek, TX 78612
SAMANTICS SQUARED (512) 796-3036 www.samantics2.com 206 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
SPIRADRILL (512) 237-4140 www.spiradrill.net 112 FM 153 Smithville, TX 78957
TEXAS RAIN (512) 629-1786 www.texas-rain.net 125 Kellar Rd Unit B-1 Smithville, TX 78957
COSMIC LOTUS MASSAGE (512) 649-4323 www.cosmiclotusmassage.com 1509 Dorothy Nichols Ln Ste A-3 Smithville, TX 78957
(512) 237-2438 305 Royston Smithville, TX 78957
ELGIN COURIER (512) 285-3333 www.elgincourier.com 105 N Main St Elgin, TX 78621
THE SMITHVILLE TIMES (512) 321-2557 www.smithvilletimes.com PO Box 859 Bastrop, TX 78602
145 American Legion Rd Smithville, TX 78957
AMERICAN LEGION POST 180 (512) 237-3173 www.txlegion180.org 145 American Legion Rd Smithville, TX 78957
ANGELS UNAWARE (512) 237-4748 503 Gazley Smithville, TX 78957
AUSTIN HABITAT FOR HUMANITY (512) 472-8788 www.austinhabitat.org 500 W Ben White Blvd Austin, TX 78704
BASTROP CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (512) 321-2419 www.bastropchamber.com 927 Main St Bastrop, TX 78602
BASTROP COMMUNITY SENIOR CENTER, INC. (512) 303-0072 www.bastropcommunityseniorcenter.com 1209-A Linden St Bastrop, TX 78602
BASTROP COUNTY CARES (512) 581-4013 www.bastropcares.org 804 Pecan Bastrop, TX 78602
BASTROP COUNTY LONG TERM RECOVERY TEAM (512) 321-2868 www.bcltrt.org PO Box 1975 Bastrop, TX 78602
BASTROP COUNTY MASTER GARDENER ASSOCIATION (512) 957-1443 www.txmg.org/bastropcounty 901 Pecan St Bastrop, TX 78602
BASTROP COUNTY TOURISM (512) 581-4011 www.explorebastropcounty.com 211 Jackson St Bastrop, TX 78602
BASTROP ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (512) 303-9700 www.bastropedc.org 301 Hwy 71 W Ste 214 Bastrop, TX 78602
BASTROP MUSEUM & VISITOR CENTER (512) 303-0057 www.bastropcountyhistoricalsociety.com 904 Main St Bastrop, TX 78602
BASTROP NOON LIONS CLUB (512) 788-7594 575 FM 2104 Smithville, TX 78957
BELIEVERS IN CHRIST FELLOWSHIP (800) 768-0447 www.bicfi.org 308 Whitehead Smithville, TX 78957
BORN AGAIN EMPORIUM (512) 237-2060 FB: @BornAgainEmporium 1642 NE Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
BSA CUB SCOUT PACK 183 (979) 255-2695 1405 NE 7th St Smithville, TX 78957
BUGLE BOY FOUNDATION (979) 968-9944 www.thebugleboy.org 1051 N Jefferson La Grange, TX 78945
BUILDING A DREAM (737) 348-5269 707 Hill St Smithville, TX 78957
CASA OF BASTROP, LEE & FAYETTE COUNTIES (512) 303-2272 www.casabfl.org 507 Water St Bastrop, TX 78602
COMBINED COMMUNITY ACTION (979) 540-2980 www.ccaction.com 165 West Austin Giddings, TX 78942
FEDERAL CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (512) 304-0202 www.bop.gov 1341 Hwy 95 N Bastrop, TX 78602
FEED THE NEED MISSIONS (888) 511-7173 www.feedtheneed.org 1067 Hwy 71 Bastrop, TX 78602
FRIENDS OF THE SMITHVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY (512) 237-3282 507 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
HEART OF THE PINES VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT (512) 718-8027 109 Green Acres Loop Bastrop, TX 78602
IN THE STREETS HANDS UP HIGH RESOURCE CENTER (888) 487-4846 www.itshuhcenter.org 300 Lynch St Smithville, TX 78957
J.E.U.D.S. JOSHUA EQUAL URBAN DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (512) 466-0679 www.jeuds.org Bastrop, TX 78602
KEEP BASTROP COUNTY BEAUTIFUL (512) 537-0068 www.keepbastropcountybeautiful.org PO Box 166 Bastrop, TX 78602
KIDS OUTDOOR ZONE, INC. (512) 292-1113 www.kidsoutdoorzone.com 404 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #4868 (512) 303-4375 106 Mills St Smithville, TX 78957
LOST PINES ARTISANS ALLIANCE (512) 798-3534 www.lostpinesartisansalliance.org 206 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
LOST PINES LEATHERNECKS MARINES DET. 1384 (512) 297-6800 www.lpl1384.org PO Box 366 Bastrop, TX 78602
LOST PINES REPUBLICAN WOMEN www.lostpinesrw.us 3000 Hwy 71 W Bastrop, TX 78602
PARTNERS OF THE SMITHVILLE TX MEMORIAL PARK (512) 360-2714 205 Yaeger St Smithville, TX 78957 RESTORATION RANCH (512) 321-3655 www.restorationranch.org 143 Mills Xing Bastrop, TX 78602
ROTARY CLUB OF BASTROP COUNTY (512) 985-5741 www.bastroprotary.com 158 Powderhorn Rd Bastrop, TX 78602
ROVING VOLUNTEERS IN CHRIST’S SERVICE (512) 237-1289 www.rvics.org 1800 SE 4th St Smithville, TX 78957
SAVE AN ANGEL (512) 999-7889 www.saveanangel.org 589 Cool Water Dr Bastrop, TX 78602
SERENITY STAR - COMFORT CAFÉ (512) 360-2100 www.serenitystar.org 111 NW 1st St Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (512) 237-2313 www.smithvilleTX.org 106 NE 1st St Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE COMMUNITY CLINIC (512) 237-2772 www.smvcc.org 300 Lynch St Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE COMMUNITY GARDENS (512) 237-0793 FB: @TheSmithvilleCommunityGardens 107 SW 2nd Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION (512) 789-3413 www.smithvilleeducation.org PO Box 227 Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE GARDEN CLUB (512) 575-0478 122 Dos Cortes Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE HERITAGE SOCIETY AND MUSEUM (830) 839-4080 602 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE HOSPITAL AUTHORITY (512) 360-3219 x 26243 1201 Hill Rd Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE NOON LIONS CLUB PO Box 696 Smithville, TX 78957
#180/ODD FELLOW LODGE #393 (512) 360-7171 406 Turney St Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE ROBOTICS BOOSTERS (512) 658-9783 285 Hwy 95 Smithville, TX 78957
QUILT GUILD (512) 913-8111 1416 E Whitehead St Smithville, TX 78957
FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC. (512) 237-2229 www.smithvillevfd.org 317 NW Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL (512) 718-2614 PO Box 688 Smithville, TX 78957
ALTAR SOCIETY (512) 360-4463 204 Mills St Smithville, TX 78957
(512) 615-4200 www.tsra.com 944 Hwy 71 E Bastrop, TX 78602
VFW POST 1309 (979) 702-9839 557 NW Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
W.J. NIXON MASONIC LODGE NO. 421 (512) 237-2443 100 Wilkes St Smithville, TX 78957
WOODMENLIFE (979) 968-8600 www.woodmenlife.org 742 S Jefferson St La Grange, TX 78945
CLEQ, LLC (832) 515-1992 701 Olive St Smithville, TX 78957
MILLSPAUGH HOLDINGS LLC (210) 240-0912 901 W 9th St Ste 210 Austin, TX 78703
BASTROP COPIER (512) 321-1010 www.bastropcopier.com 1002 Main St Bastrop, TX 78602
LITTLE SPOON VENDING (512) 431-0823 PO Box 188 Smithville, TX 78957
LOFTY PINES FARM (512) 221-0536 Smithville, TX 78957
QUEEN BEE HONEY (832) 326-9177
FB: Queen Bee Honey Remedies Smithville, TX 78957
(512) 237-4401 www.brookshirebrothers.com 501 NW Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE PHARMACY (512) 237-5216 www.smithvillepharmacy.com 1501 Dorothy Nichols Rd Unit A Smithville, TX 78957
LORI GOLA PHOTOGRAPHY (512) 633-9329 www.lorigolaphotography.com 217 Wrangler Ln Smithville, TX 78957
(512) 636-1111 1000 Charleston Smithville, TX 78957
(512) 689-0297 www.twssport.com 426 Kelley Rd Bastrop, TX 78602
DOUG’S PLUMBING COMPANY (512) 629-7408 www.dougsplumbingco.com/ 301 Bishop St Smithville, TX 78957
OSBORN PLUMBING, INC. (512) 321-6098 www.osbornplumbing.com 1812 Wilson St Bastrop, TX 78602
AIR CONDITIONING, LLC (512) 361-5440 www.parobekplumbing.com 329 Hoffman Rd Bastrop, TX 78602
HOWDY KAN (877) 894-6939 www.howdyenterprise.com 4256 Hwy 21 W Caldwell, TX 77836
JACKPOT PORTABLE TOILETS (512) 303-1466 184 Gonzales St Paige, TX 78659
BASTROP COUNTY BOARD OF REALTORS (512) 678-1131 www.bastroprealtors.org 371 Cedar Ln Cedar Creek, TX 78612
CHRIS GILBERT, REALTOR® (512) 237-0592 ChrisGilbert.kw.com 607 Gresham Smithville, TX 78957
DELIA SANTASIERI, REALTOR® COLDWELL BANKER GREEN-MILLS & ASSOCIATES (512) 545-2390 www.move2TX.com 108 Industry Dr Bastrop, TX 78602
GINA HIGHTOWERMIKE HIGHTOWER REALTY (512) 563-2997 www.mikehightowerrealty.com 505 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
JACKI SHORT, REALTOR® NIK SHEHU PROPERTY GROUP, ALL CITY REAL ESTATE (979) 702-2229 www.RealEstateBastrop.com 1007 Main St Bastrop, TX 78602
JANA HELLBUSCH, REALTOR® ALL CITY REAL ESTATE (512) 284-0220 www.janahellbuschrealtor.com 1109-A Main St Bastrop, TX 78602
INTERNATIONAL REALTY (512) 507-6988 www.janicehurstkuperrealty.com 604 Burleson St Smithville, TX 78957
INTERNATIONAL REALTY (512) 921-9134 www.janispenick.com Bastrop, TX 78602
RE/MAX BASTROP AREA FRANK RAINOSEK (512) 924-1901 www.bastroparea.com 807 Main St Bastrop, TX 78602
SCHULTZ TEXAS PROPERTIESLORI HUFFMAN (281) 236-8007 www.schultztexasproperties.com 301 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
THE RALPH-LAND GROUP AT ALL CITY REAL ESTATE (512) 237-1103 300 Short St Smithville, TX 78957
TOTALLY HOOKED REAL ESTATE TEAM - GWENDOLYN WATKINS (512) 332-6070 www.totallyhookedteam.com
REAL ESTATE : Appraisers
JTL APPRAISALS TX, LLC (970) 209-8400 507 Old Austin Hwy Unit D Bastrop, TX 78602
AJ COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE, INC. (512) 554-2106 www.ajcommercial.com 120 E Kikipua Ln Bastrop, TX 78602
CENTUM OAK REALTY (512) 829-3000 www.centumoak.com 1007 College St Ste 5 Bastrop, TX 78602 H2A CORP. (512) 914-4967 PO Box 12421 Austin, TX 78711
KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY (512) 678-1100 www.kw.com 711 Old Austin Hwy Ste 102 Bastrop, TX 78602
MIKE HIGHTOWER REALTY (512) 360-3866 www.mikehightowerrealty.com 505 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
MOLLY TODD, REALTOR (512) 237-4003 www.mollytoddrealtor.com 300 Ramona Smithville, TX 78957
OAK TREE REALTY (512) 575-0112 https://www.oaktreerealtygrouptexas.com 499 Hwy 71W Ste 102 Bastrop, TX 78602
RE/MAX BASTROP AREA (512) 303-4441 www.bastropforsale.com 807 Main St Bastrop, TX 78602
SMITHVILLE WEST BUSINESS PARK (512) 472-6201 www.harrisonpearson.com 125 Kellar Rd Smithville, TX 78957
STANBERRY & ASSOCIATES (512) 303-5065 www.seeaustinareahouses.com 111 N Hasler Blvd Ste 101 Bastrop, TX 78602
REAL ESTATE, LLC (512) 913-9463 www.snrealestate.com 115 Loop 150 W Bastrop, TX 78602
SWS LAND HOLDINGS (512) 422-6058 PO Box 94 Smithville, TX 78957
TAMBLE REALTY, LLC (512) 567-3635 www.tamblerealty.com 201 Live Oak Smithville, TX 78957
VAN ZANDT PROPERTIES (512) 412-6207 www.vanzandtproperties.com 304 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
REAL ESTATE : Title Companies
AUSTIN TITLE (512) 303-9633 www.austintitle.com 815 Hwy 71 W Bldg 1Ste 1100 Bastrop, TX 78602
INDEPENDENCE TITLE COMPANY (512) 303-2567 www.independencetitle.com 301 Hwy 71 W Ste 106 Bastrop, TX 78602
CAPITAL OF TEXAS ZOO (512) 657-2682 www.capitaloftexaszoo.org 376 Jenkins Rd Cedar Creek, TX 78612
GOOD BULL GOLF CARTS (512) 412-6224 www.goodbullgolfcarts.com 1270 Hwy 71 W Ste 200 Bastrop, TX 78602
HILL COUNTRY FLYFISHERS (512) 589-3474 www.hillcountryflyfishers.com 115 Norma Jean Blvd Smithville, TX 78957
HYATT REGENCY LOST PINES RESORT AND SPA (512) 308-1234 www.lostpineshyatt.com 575 Hyatt Lost Pines Rd Cedar Creek, TX 78612
Molly Todd, Broker
Heather Olvera, Realtor
Over 47 years, Oldest Real Estate Agency in the area “We know Smithville!” Residential, Commercial, Farm & Ranch Land, Property Management 300 Ramona | Smithville, TX 78957 Office 512-237-4003 | Mobile 512-921-9927 www.mollytoddtx.com
(512) 677-2305 www.risingphoenixadventures.com 1409 Chestnut St Bastrop, TX 78602
SMITHVILLE RECREATION CENTER (512) 237-3282 www.ci.smithville.tx.ux/pard.aspx 106 Royston Smithville, TX 78957
TEXAS ACES TUMBLING AND CHEER (512) 581-8042 www.texasacescheer.com 1638 NE Loop 230 Bldg. 1Ste 3 Smithville, TX 78957
COLOVISTA GOLF CLUB (512) 629-4585 www.colovistagolf.com 100 County Club Dr Bastrop, TX 78602
HYATT REGENCY WOLFDANCER GOLF (512) 308-1234 www.lostpineshyatt.com 575 Hyatt Lost Pines Rd Cedar Creek, TX 78612
BUESCHER STATE PARK (512) 237-2241 www.tpwd.state.tx.us 100 Park Rd 1-C Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY (512) 237-3282 www.smithvillepubliclibrary.org 507 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB (830) 538-4372 PO Box 1238 Smithville, TX 78957
BORN AGAIN EMPORIUM (512) 237-2060 FB: @BornAgainEmporium 1642 NE Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
HERE WE GO AGAIN (512) 206-6137 205 NE Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
IT’S A GOODE THING (512) 351-0776 www.goodething.com 209 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
REACHABLE STARS RESALE (512) 237-1054 FB: @reachablestarsresale 203 Olive St Smithville, TX 78957
BACK DOOR CAFE (512) 237-3128 117 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
BASSANO ITALIAN RESTAURANT & PIZZERIA (512) 321-3393 www.bassanoitalianrestaurant.com 57 Loop 150 W Bastrop, TX 78602
BISTRO 71 (512) 237-5766
FB: @eatatbistro71 1201 Hill Rd Smithville, TX 78957
CARNE LENTA - TACO FLATS (512) 237-1422 www.tacoflats.com 114 NE 2nd St Smithville, TX 78957
EL MEXICANO GRILL (512) 237-2226 1307 NE Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
FAT CAT LOUNGE AND CAFE (281) 236-8007 www.fatcatloungeandcafe.com 301 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
HYATT REGENCY LOST PINES RESORT AND SPA (512) 308-1234 www.lostpineshyatt.com 575 Hyatt Lost Pines Rd Cedar Creek, TX 78612
KATHY’S KOUNTRY KITCHEN (512) 297-4274 408 Gazley St Smithville, TX 78957
MAXINE’S ON MAIN (512) 303-0919 www.maxinesonmain.com 905 Main St Bastrop, TX 78602
MURPHY’S STEAKHOUSE (979) 242-3433 www.eatatmurphys.com 204 Thomas St Winchester, TX 78945
OLDE WORLD BAKERY (512) 237-5659 112 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
POCKET’S GRILLE (512) 237-5572 www.pocketsgrille.com 205 Fawcett Smithville, TX 78957
RED CLAW SEAFOOD (512) 360-7460 115 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
RISING SUN VINEYARD (512) 844-3699 www.risingsunvineyard.com 233 Edmonson Ranch Rd McDade, TX 78650
ROADHOUSE BASTROP (512) 321-1803 www.Roadhousebastrop.com 2804 Hwy 21 E Bastrop, TX 78602
ROADHOUSE PAIGE (512) 253-3939 www.Roadhousepaige.com 147 Old Hwy 20 E Paige, TX 78659
SCHLOTZSKY’S OF BASTROP (512) 718-8204 492 Hwy 71 Bastrop, TX 78602
SERENITY STAR - COMFORT CAFE (512) 360-2100 www.serenitystar.org 111 NW 1st St Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE CHEVRON NEU HUB #3 (512) 798-7015 709 Hwy 71 W Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE FOOD COURT 301 NW Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
SUBWAY (512) 237-5200 www.subway.com 1509 Dorothy Nichols Ln Smithville, TX 78957
THE BLAZER BAR & GRILL (512) 798-7100 303 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
THE EAST 40 (512) 771-0370 www.theeast40.com 1699 Hwy 304 Bastrop, TX 78602
THE FRONT ROOM WINE BAR (512) 237-3626 www.frontroomwinebar.com 116 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
THE GRACE MILLER / ‘’GRACIE’S’’ (512) 332-2991 www.thegracemiller.com 706 Pine St Bastrop, TX 78602 YOUR MOM’S SCRATCH KITCHEN (512) 575-3585 www.eatatyourmoms.com 109 NW 2nd St Smithville, TX 78957
(512) 581-8426 www.etsy.com/shop/mockingbirdandfoxus 1413a NE 7th St Smithville, TX 78957
LADD’S GOLD EXCHANGE (512) 321-4937 www.laddsgoldexchange.com 485 B Hwy 71 W Bastrop, TX 78602
SMITHVILLE GENERAL STORE (512) 237-1064 www.smithvillegeneralstore.com 108 2nd NE St Smithville, TX 78957
SMITHVILLE GENERAL STORE- HOME (512) 237-1064 www.smithvillegeneralstore.com 200 Main St Smithville, TX 78957
A PLACE FOR YOUR STUFF (512) 237-2275 www.aplaceforyourstuff.com 114 Way Station Trail Smithville, TX 78957
CALBRI LOGISTICS LLC (512) 699-8597 301 NW Loop 230 Smithville, TX 78957
CARTS (512) 985-5697 www.ridecarts.com 5300 Tucker Hill Ln Cedar Creek, TX 78612
IT’S 5 OCLOCK SOMEWHERE FUN (512) 332-4382 evotravelagent.com/Its5oclocksome wherefun 537 Bunte Rd Smithville, TX 78957
AQUA WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION (512) 581-0705 www.aquawsc.com 415 Old Austin Hwy Bastrop, TX 78602
BLUEBONNET ELECTRIC CO-OP (512) 332-7839 www.bluebonnetelectric.coop 690 Hwy 71 W Bldg 1 Bastrop, TX 78602
Absher, Danne
Adkins, Barbara
Beckett, Jim & Clara Bettes, Tom & Judy Binyon, Bryan & Trina Blalock, Sallie Blaschke, Renee Brayley, Rita Bunte, Mark & Becky Burns, Stewart & Cheryl Catherman, Nancy Chronis-Bayer, Gary & Gina Cook, Maurice Diltz, Charles Duggan, Judge Chris Etheredge, Tom & Debi Foerster, John & Sharon Gerdes, Stan Gordon, William Haner, Pat Herrington, David Hess, Doug
Hewitt, Emily Hrna, Daniel Hurta, Brook Janecek, Nancy Jensen, Denise Kahanek, Mike & Liz Kennedy, Lou & Charles Koch, Dennis & Beth Koch, Elizabeth Latham, Pamela Lee, Cyndy Lewis, Warren & Adena Martin, Ron & Susan McClure, Tom & Marcia McMahan, George McNamara, Frank Milner, Joe Mitchell, Jim & Melissa Morgan, Mike & Joanna Nelson, Lyle Noll, Bernadette Noya, Caroline
194 W State Hwy 21 Cedar Creek ,TX 78612
O'Brien, Sarah Pape, Paul Poss, Monica Richards, Dorothy Richards, Larry & Carole Riewe, Brian & Catherine Miller Rooks, Linda & Bennie Rose, Lou Seidel, Elaine Sewart, Debbie Shade, Grover & Sue Shell, Mike & Roxanne Smith, Kimberly R Snyder, Dennis & Carol Strackman, Billy & Paige Tamble, Robert & Sheila Vanoni, Rainer Walborg, Mary Ann Wilkey, Cinda Williams, Cynthia Williamson, Blair
6th St Blues 35
9 E Ranch Cabins Lost Pines Bastrop 41, 42
A & S Electric 34, 27
A 1 PartyTime 35
A Bug Genie Pest Control 36
A Place For Your Stuff 50
A+ Federal Credit Union 37, 35
Acadian Ambulance Service 39
Adjust Chiropractic 39
Advanced Home Health 39
AJ Commercial Real Estate, Inc. 47
All About You Heating and Air 31
All In Services 41
All Out Construction & Land Clearing 33
Ally Medical Emergency Room 40, 28, 29
American Legion Ladies Auxiliary #180 42
American Legion Post 180 42
Angels Unaware 42
Apple Lumber 39
Aqua Jet, Inc. 42,50
Aqua Water Supply Corporation 50, 45
Arnold Custom Builders 33
Ascension Seton Smithville 40
Ascension Seton Smithville Healthcare Ctr 39
Atlas Pain Institute, LLC 39
Audion, LLC 36
Austin Community College District 34
Austin Habitat for Humanity 42
Austin Skin Physicians 40, 18
Austin Telco FCU 37
Austin Title 47
B.I.T. Construction Services 33
B3 Commercial 37
Back Door Café 48, 43
Bassano Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria 48
Bastrop 1832 Farmers Market 38
Bastrop Central Appraisal District 38
Bastrop Chamber of Commerce 42
Bastrop Community Senior Center, Inc. 42
Bastrop Copier 45
Bastrop Cnty. Board of Realtors 46
Bastrop Cnty. Cares 42
Bastrop Cnty. Child Welfare Board 30
Bastrop Cnty. Democratic Party 38
Bastrop Cnty. Long Term Recovery Team 42
Bastrop Cnty. Master Gardener Association 43
Bastrop Cnty. Republican Party 38
Bastrop Cnty. Tourism 43
Bastrop Eco. Dev. Corporation 43
Bastrop Florist 38, 43
Bastrop Museum & Visitor Center 43
Bastrop Noon Lions Club 43
Bastrop Opera House 34, 11
Bastrop Signs and Banners 30
Bastrop Town and Country Magazine 30
Believers in Christ Fellowship 32, 37
Bella's Cottage Antiques 31
Best Friends Boarding Kennel 31
BHG Estate Sales LLC 35
Bistro 71 48
Bluebonnet Electric Co-op 50
Born Again Emporium 43, 48
Brookshire Bros #55 38, 46
BSA Cub Scout Pack 183 43
Bucksnort Boogie Boys 35
Budget Blinds 32
Buescher State Park 48
Bugle Boy Foundation
Building A Dream 43
Butler Contracting 33, 40
Calbri Logistics LLC 33
Calbri Road & Bridge LLC 50
Callaghan, Inc. 39
Calvary Baptist Church 32
Capital of Texas Zoo 47
Carne Lenta-Taco Flats 48
Carus Dental 39
CASA of Bastrop, Lee & Fayette Counties 43
Cen-Tex Family Services, Inc 30
Center Point Energy 50
Centex Image Designs 30
Centex Mechanical Inc 31
Centum Oak Realty 47
CG Communications, Inc 41, 47
Children's Advocacy Center 30
Chris Gilbert Realtor 46, 36
Cistern Country Store/Bar 32
City of Bastrop 38
City of Bastrop Convention Center 35
City of Smithville 38, 7
Clarence's Refrigeration & Electric 31, 34
Classic Bank, N.A. 37
Clint's Liquor 41
CMIT Solutions 33
Colonels Quarters 42, 33
Colorado County Oil Co Inc 36
ColoVista Golf Club 48
Combined Community Action 43 Comfort Que 32
Consuela 33
Cosmic Lotus Massage 42
Courtney's Cakes 32
Covert Chevrolet-Buick-GMC 31
CS Glass Services 41
Curlee Business Management Sevices 37
Daricek Insurance Agency 41
Davis Ranch Retreat 42
Debbie Denny Media Solutions 30
Delia Santasieri, Realtor, Coldwell Banker Green-Mills & Associates 46
Diamond Y Farm 36
Donna's By Design 30
Doug's Plumbing Company 46, 27
Dr. Linda Wilson and Dr. Frank Wilson 40
DV Laser Works Custom Laser Engraving 30
E.H. Mercantile 49
Edward Jones InvestmentsMicah Oliver, AAMS® 37
El Mexicano Grill 48
Elaine Seidel, Realtor, Ralph-Land Group at All
City Real Estate 46
Elgin Courier 42
Elite Financing Group 37
Family Crisis Center 30
Farmers Insurance - Scott Saunders 41
Fat Cat Lounge and Cafe 32, 35, 48, 16
Fayette Medical Supply 40
Federal Correctional Institution 43
Feed the Need Missions 43
Film Alley Bastrop 34, 40
First Baptist Church 33, 50
First Christian Church 33
First National Bank 37, 21
First Presbyterian Church 33, 31
First United Methodist Church 33
Friends of the Smithville Public Library 43
Frontier Bank of Texas 37, 49
G&C Printing 30
Garner & Riley Physical Therapy 40
Germer Insurance 41, 46
Gina Hightower-Mike Hightower Realty 46, 31
Gipson Pendergrass People's Mortuary, LLC 38
Gold Bee CBD 39
Golden Girls Boutique 33
Good Bull Golf Carts 47, 50
Good Shepherd Lutheran School 34
Grace Lutheran Church 33
Grace Lutheran Learning Center 34
Grandma's House Nursery 41
Guapo Cigars 36
H2A Corp. 47
Hampton Inn & Suites 42
Handpicked Boutique 33
Handpicked Hair Studio 38
Handy Dan 41
Hearts of Texas Head Start Program 34, 52
Heart of the Pines Volunteer Fire Dept 43 Here We Go Again 31, 48
Higginbotham Insurance 41
Hill Country Flyfishers 47
Historic Smithville Preserve & Build, LLC 33
Hodges Construction Services 34
Hodges Pest Control 36
Howdy Kan 46
Hyatt Regency Lost Pines
Resort & Spa 42, 47, 48
In The Streets Hands Up High Resource Center 44
Independence Title Company 47
Innosaw LLC 33
Iron Tiger Gym 38
It's 5 Oclock Somewhere Fun 50
It's A Goode Thing 48
J & S Painting and Pressure
Washing Svcs. 34
Joshua Equal Urban Development Svcs 44
Jacki Short, Realtor, Nik Shehu
Property Group, All City Real Estate 46
Jackpot Portable Toilets 46
Jamies Home Help 41
Jana Hellbusch, All City Real Estate 46, 2
Janice Hurst, Kuper
Sotheby's Int. Realty 46, 15
Janis Penick, Kuper
Sotheby’s Int. Realty 46, 15
Jimmy's Food N Gas 34
John Chabot ''The Caterer'' 32
JTL Appraisals TX, LLC 47
Justin M. Fohn - Attorney at Law 31
Kathy's Kountry Kitchen 48
Katy House Bed & Breakfast 42
Keep Bastrop County Beautiful 44
Keller Williams Realty 47, 51
Kids Outdoor Zone, Inc. 44
Knights of Columbus #4868 44
KONA Ice of Bastrop County 36
Kovar Land Services 33
Kragh's Jewelry 41
Ladd's Gold Exchange 41, 50
Larry's Barber Shop 39
Laysha Vargas-Hair Stylist 39
Letha Mignon Music 35, 36
Liquor Depot 41
Lisa Davis Counseling 39
Little Spoon Vending 45
Living Room Books & Gifts 38
Lofty Pines Farm 45
Lone Star Circle of Care 39
Lone Star Mobile RV Service 32
Lori Gola Photography 46
Lori Tuggle State Farm 41
Lost Pines Artisans Alliance 37, 44
Lost Pines Cleaners 34
Lost Pines Leathernecks
Marines Det. 1384 44
Lost Pines Republican Women 44
Lost Pines Toyota 31
Lost Pines Truck and Diesel 32
Lower Colorado River Authority 50
Lumberyard Studio 38
Magnetic Merch 30
Marcellina Kampa 46
Marrs-Jones Funeral Home All Faiths of the Pines Chapel 38, 44
Maxine's on Main 48
MediaChoice, LLC 30
Meyerson Custom Builders, L.P. 34
Mike Hightower Realty 47, 31
Millspaugh Holdings LLC 45
Milton's, Inc. 38, 17
Mixologie, LLC 32
Mockingbird and Fox 50
Molly Todd, Realtor 47, 48
Mosaic Art & Home 31, 3
Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church 33
Mundo & Associates, Inc. 34
Murphy's Steakhouse 48
Murphy's Vintage 31
New York Life 37
Oak Tree Realty 47
Ocean Graphics 30
Olde World Bakery 32, 48, 24
Osborn Plumbing, Inc. 46
Parobek Plumbing & Air Cond., LLC 31, 46, 32
Partners of The Smithville TX Memorial Park 44
Paul Evans Contractor, Inc. 33
Pease Custom Floors 41, 51
PenRose Insurance Agency Inc. 41
Personnel Services 34
Pine Point Inn & Suites 42
Pines Media 36
Playhouse Smithville 35
Pocket's Grille 49
Polaris Fun Center of Bastrop 31
Ponderosa Events & Urban Cowboy Catering 36
Premier Family Physicians Bastrop 40
Prosperity Bank 37, 50
Queen Bee Honey 45
R E S Construction 34
RE/MAX Bastrop Area 47
RE/MAX Bastrop Area Frank Rainosek 46
Reachable Stars Resale 31
Red Claw Seafood 48
Red Ridge Receptions 36
Red, White and Blue Veterans of Bastrop County 35
Reflexxion's Hair Salon 39
Resolutions Hospice 39
Restoration Ranch 44
Richter Trading Post 31, 26
Rio Social House 32
Rising Phoenix Adventures Tours & Events 48
Rising Sun Vineyard 36, 49, 50
RJ & RJ LLC dba Huebels 32
Roadhouse Bastrop 49, 56
Roadhouse Paige 49, 56
Robert Dougherty MDPA and Genesis
Functional Medicine 40, 55
Rocking M Ranch Weddings, Events and Lodging 36, 42
Rogers Custom Automotive 32
Rolling Rescue Tire 32
Ron Sheppard & Crew 34
Roofing Turtle 34
Rosanky Community Center 36
Roscoe State Bank 37
Rotary Club of Bastrop County 44
Roving Volunteers in Christ's Service 44
Ruby's Foxcroft Cottage 42
Ry Augustine Brand 37
Samantics Squared 42
Sames Bastrop 32
Savage Ranch & Vineyard 42, 24
Save An Angel 44
SBA Lenders 37
Schlotzsky's of Bastrop 32, 49
Schroeder Mowing and Outdoor Services 41
Schultz Texas Properties-Lori Huffman 46
SCT BRdband 41
Serenity Hospice 39
Serenity Star - Comfort Café 32, 44, 49
Servpro of Bastrop 41
Seven Eleven 34
SGM Counseling 30
Shaklee Representative, Linda Allen 40
Shangri La Sewing Studio
Kathy O'Tierney 50
Shelter Pets Safety Net 31
Sign and Banner Texas 30
Smith Services Pressure Washing 41
Smith Supply 31, 34, 36, 39
Smithville Area Chamber of Commerce 44
Smithville Athletic Booster Club 48
Smithville Auto Parts 32
Smithville Chevron Neu Hub #3 49
Smithville Chiropractic 39
Smithville Church of Christ 33 Smithville Community Clinic 39, 40 Smithville Community Gardens 44
Smithville Education Foundation 44
Smithville Florist 38
Smithville Food Court 49
Smithville Food Lockers 42
Smithville Food Pantry 36
Smithville Garden Club 44
Smithville General Store 50
Smithville General Store Home 50
Smithville Heating and Air 31
Smithville Heritage Society and Museum 44
Smithville High School Project Graduation 44
Smithville Hospital Authority 44
Smithville Housing Authority 36
Smithville ISD 34
Smithville Jamboree 35, 24
Smithville Noon Lions Club 44
Smithville Pharmacy 46
Smithville Police Association 38
Smithville Public Library 48, 7
Smithville Rebekah Lodge #180
Odd Fellow Lodge #393 45
Smithville Recreation Center 38, 48, 7
Smithville Robotics Boosters 45
Smithville Stichers Quilt Guild 45
Smithville Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. 45
Smithville West Business Park 47
Smooth Moves Dance 34
Society of St Vincent de Paul 45
Songs of Smithville 35
Southern Direct Primary Care, PLLC 40
Spade Roofing and Gutters 34
Spectrum Business Class 41
Spiderwood Studios 969 35
Spiradrill 42
St Paul's Catholic Church 33
St Paul's Ladies Altar Society 45
STA Granite Solutions LLC 41
Stanberry & Associates 47
State Farm InsurancePhillip Adamcik Agent/Owner 41
Stay Cool Texas - Air Cond. & Heating 31
String Prairie Millworks 33
STX Golf Cart Club 36
Subway 49
Sugar Creek Psychotherapy 39
Sugar Shack 38
Sundance Expressions Marketing, LLC. 30
Sunrise Roof & Gutter 34
Susan Nogues Real Estate, LLC 47
Sweeney Electric 34
SWS Land Holdings 47
Tamara Batot, Financial Services 39
Tamble Realty, LLC 47
TechSys Security Integration LLC 49, 35
Ted Carney, D.D.S. 39
Tejas Health Care 39
Texas Aces Tumbling and Cheer 48
Texas Associates Insurors 41
Texas Concrete and Foundation Repair 41
Texas Digital Newsboards 30
Texas Halloween History Museum 35
Texas Public Service Training Academy 34
Texas Rain 42
Texas State Rifle Association 45, 38
Texas Trails Antiques and Marketplace 31
The Blazer Bar & Grill 32
The Branding Shop 30
The Cottage at Fayette Acres 42
The Cottage on Mills 42
The East 40 36, 49
The Front Room Wine Bar 32, 39
The Grace Miller / ''Gracie's'' 49
The Ice Hut 36
The Jameson Agency / MJ Premier Insurance Group, Inc 41, 54
The Last Resort Recovery Center 36
The Lodge at Lost Pines Apartment 31, 48
The Nitsche Group, Insurance Services 41
The Ralph-Land Group at All City Real Estate 47, 11
The Skin Boutique 32
The Smithville Times 42
The Studio 34
The Winning Shot Photography 46
TJ's Flavored Ice (Mobile Business) 36
Totally Hooked Real Estate Team- Gwendolyn Watkins 47, 24
Towers Nursing Home 40, 13
Train Station STX 38
Truest Insurance Group 41, 50
Tuck Law Group, PLLC/ Chicago Title Company 31, 38
Union Pacific RailRd 50
Urban Cowboy Catering 32
UX Web Guy, L.C. 30, 50
Van Zandt Properties 47
Vanity Room Salon & Barbershop 39 VFW Post 1309 45
Vincent's Roofing Inc 34
Vintage Event Planning 30, 36
Vitalogy Skincare 40
W.J. Nixon Masonic Lodge No. 421 45
We Logo Anything 30, 27
Wesley Community Nurse 39
WJC Constructors, LLC 33
Wood Wise Custom Construction 33, 37
WoodmenLife 41, 45
Workforce Solutions - Rural Capital Area 34
Your Mom's Scratch Kitchen 49
Zapco, Inc. 30