Florida Trapshooters Association 2025 Hall of Fame Program
Hall of Fame Committee
• Skipper Wright
• Henry Robertson
• Joe Loitz
• Diane Foster
• Kim Wright
Tournament Committee
• Thomas Harrington
• Scot Lauderback
• Bill Miller (Club Rep)
Shoot-Off Committee
• Diane Foster
• Volunteers
Program Committee
• Thomas Harrington
• Scarlett Ehlers
• Bill Miller (Club Rep)
Safety & Line Committee
• Mike Reynolds
• Bill Miller (Club Rep)
Trophy Committee
• Thomas Harrington
• Scarlett Ehlers
Target Setting Committee
• Bill Miller (Club Rep)
• Mike Reynolds
• Bill Brooks
Classification Committee
• Mike Reynolds
• Alternate Delegates
Cashiering Committee
• The singing ladies behind the counter!
Games and Entertainment Committee
• Scot Lauderback
• Brent Miller
Contract Committee
• Thomas Harrington
• Scot Lauderback
AIM Director
• Don Kerce
President Thomas Harrington
Vice President Scot Lauderback
Secretary - Treasurer
Scarlett Ehlers
North Western Zone Directors Gary Rickard
Scarlett Ehlers
Northern Zone Directors
Central Zone Directors
Jeff Taylor (To Be Elected)
Brent Miller
Bill Brooks
Southern Zone Directors Joe Loitz
Donald Keith
ATA Delegate Mike Reynolds
Alternate ATA Delegate Dax DeMena
Second Alt. ATA Delegate Sarah Jacobs
Tournament Authorization
This certifies that Silver Dollar Shooters Club is authorized to hold this tournament. All trap machines will have factory mechanical interrupters installed and will be in strict compliance with the A.T.A. unknown angle rule.
24th Annual Hall of Fame Shoot
You are invited to the 24thAnnualFTAHallofFameShoot , in honor of the induction, of Jack Schumpert, into the FTA Hall of Fame at the Silver Dollar Shooters Club in Odessa, FL January 31st - February 2nd, 2025!
Be sure to congratulate Jack when you see him around!
Join us on the golf side the evening of Saturday, February 1st for the FTA Hall of Fame Banquet. Cocktail hour will begin at 5:00 PM and the banquet will commence at 6:00 PM, to celebrate Jack’s accomplishments, and if history repeats itself, poke fun at him for just about everything else! Chef Rob is making a return once again to take us on a culinary adventure. Its sure to be a fun filled evening that you won’t want to miss!
I hope to see you there!
Thomas Harrington F.T.A. President
On behalf of myself and the staff, we would like to welcome new and returning shooters to the Silver Dollar Shooters Club. Thanks to your support, Silver Dollar continues to be the best shooting facility in the Southeast!
I hope you enjoy your stay. If you require any assistance while here, please see myself or any of the staff here at Silver Dollar. Good luck to all and hope to see you at future Shoots
Bill Miller Club Manager
Tournament Rules
1. A.T.A. rules will govern this tournament and all scores will be entered in the A.T.A. official records. By entering these events, shooters agree to accept official decisions and abide by the rules. Violation of A.T.A or host club safety rules may be cause for disqualification and removal from the grounds. The Tournament Officials reserve the right to reject or to disqualify any person who interferes with the harmony of this tournament.
2. Residents: Resident trophies are for FLORIDA residents only. Florida residents must present their paid A.T.A. Average Card with a valid Florida address to be eligible for resident titles, trophies, added money, and awards. Adult Florida residents must also show their valid Florida driver’s license or their valid Florida voter registration card as proof of residency. No individual may compete for Florida resident awards unless for the immediate preceding six (6) months, he or she has been a bona fide resident of the state of Florida and a member in good standing with the F.T.A. In the case of a dispute with respect to the residency of any shooter entering this tournament, the Classification Committee shall rule on a shooter’s right to compete as a Florida resident and any ruling of the committee shall be final. Any complaint must be filed within 30 days of the last day of the shoot.
3. Non Residents: Non-Resident trophies are for individuals who do not qualify as Florida residents. All FTA added money is guaranteed and will be awarded with the trophy and title! Please collect your trophies and have your photo taken for the Trap & Field magazine article prior to the tournaments conclusion. The FTA will not ship or mail your trophies!
4. Classification: All shooters must provide their paid A.T.A. Average Card with all scores posted and averaged prior to being classified. Trap shooters must shoot their assigned Handicap Yardage or be disqualified Previous and current averages plus “known ability” will determine A.T.A. classification as follows:
A.T.A. Five Class System
Class Singles Doubles
AA 97% and up 93% and up
A 94% and under 97% 89% and under 93%
B 91% and under 94%
and under 89% C 88% and under 91%
Target Requirements: Shooters failing to meet the minimum target requirements will be penalized according to the statements below. If a shooter meets the minimum target requirements prior to Friday, January 31st, they may report for reclassification.
Singles Penalty: Shooters with less than 1,000 Singles in the current and previous year must shoot in “Class A” or higher.
Doubles Penalty: Shooters with less than 500 Doubles in the current and previous year must shoot in “Class A” or higher.
Handicap Penalty: Shooters with less than 1,000 handicap targets in the current and previous years must shoot on the “23 yard line” or the current handicap yardage, whichever is greater, unless they shoot “Targets Only”. Handicap target requirements are waived for shooters age 70 and older, making them eligible for trophies and monies (Precedence established by ATA rule XI, A.).
Targets Only: Shooters who have been classified for “Targets Only” in Handicap events cannot play purses, options, or special events; and they are not eligible for trophies, titles, or added money!
Tournament Rules
5. Categories: It is the shooter’s responsibility to declare an A.T.A. special category during classification. Shooters must verify their category prior to firing their first shot. Failure to do so will result in the shooter being ineligible from competing in their category. The special categories for this tournament are as follows:
• Sub Junior (a shooter who has not reached his/her 15th birthday)
• Junior (a shooter who is 15 but has not reached his/her 18th birthday)
• Jr. Gold (a shooter who is 18 but has not reached his/her 23rd birthday)
• Lady I (a Female shooter who has not reached her 55th birthday)
• Lady II (a Female shooter who has reached her 55th birthday)
• Sub-Veteran (a shooter who is 55 but has not reached his/her 65th birthday)
• Veteran (a shooter who is 65 but has not reached his/her 70th birthday)
• Sr. Veteran (a shooter who is 70 or older; no minimum target penalty)
6. Fall Back: Shooters are limited to winning one trophy per event. Any category shooter who is tied for event Champion may shoot-off/carry-over for the Championship trophy. If a shooter fails in the Championship shoot-off or carry-over and has declared a category at the time of classification, the shooter can fall back to the declared category.
Any shooter who has declared a special category at the time of classification and whose score qualifies for any trophy in his/her declared category, will compete for the category trophy and not for place, class or yardage group. Any special category shooter, whose score does not qualify for a trophy in his/her category, may compete for place, class or yardage group trophies.
Once a category declaration has been made, either by the shooter or by shoot management, the declaration is final and cannot be changed. There shall be no exceptions to this rule.
7. Carry Overs and Shoot-offs: Ties in preliminary singles and doubles events will be carried over to the next like event. Ties in preliminary handicap events must be resolved daily by shooting off or by flipping a coin (if all shooters involved agree). Ties in championship events will be resolved by shooting-off or by flipping a coin (if all shooters involved agree). Each shooter will be called for a shoot-off three (3) times. If a shooter does not report for a shoot-off, he or she will forfeit all claims to prizes/titles for that event. If shoot-offs are not be completed by 7:45 PM, shoot management will determine the tie breaking protocol to be used.
8. Class Advance: High scores for each class in Event 1 will advance one class.
9. Tournament Fees: In addition to the entry fee, all shooters must pay the daily ATA ($4.00) and the FTA ($3.00) fees. A Florida Hall of Fame Fee ($.50) will be collected from all shooters when they enter the HandicapChampionship . Only U.S. currency will be accepted! Entry fees cannot be refunded unless an event is canceled by Tournament Officials and/or the Host Club’s Shoot Management! Entries will be closed when the last squad takes the line.
Tournament Rules
10. Options: Options and purses are not compulsory and may be played at the time of entry only! Changes or cancellations will not be allowed after your entry has been paid. Pay-off sheets will be posted for all events by the Host Club, who cannot be responsible for errors in your scores after the pay-off sheets are posted. Please check your scores after each event!
11. Purse Calculations: All Lewis Purses will be paid based on three (3) classes 60/40% and ties will divide. If there are less than 9 entries for any option, it will be eliminated and refunded.
12. Trap Loads: Only regulation ATA trap loads may be shot! Factory shells and reloads may be used; however, suspect shells will be subject to challenge by Tournament Officials. All violators will be disqualified. Keep your gun unloaded until you are on the line and it is safe to shoot! Test shots will not be permitted
13. Shooters Responsibility: In addition to the items outlined previously, shooters should make every attempt to prevent program delays by arriving at the correct trap in a timely manner. Squads cannot wait for late squad members to arrive and should take the firing line within 3 minutes of the prior squad departing. Shooters may make up one sub-event on the practice trap. Shooters missing more than one sub-event may be re-squadded by shoot management and are subject to a $10.00 re-squad/makeup fee! A shooter cannot re-squad by joining another squad on the line that has an open position.
14. Achievements: Shooters breaking 100 Straight or 200 Straight without carry over will be awarded a Florida 100 Straight Pin or 200 Straight Pin by the ATA Delegate or FTA Secretary.
15. Program Changes: Tournament Officials reserve the right to change the Official Program for this tournament. The Host Club and Tournament Officials reserves the right to reject, refund or disqualify anyone who interferes with the harmony, conduct , safety, or sportsmanship of the tournament.
Florida Youth Target Program
Florida Resident Junior and Sub-Junior shooters may elect to take advantage of the FTAYouth TargetProgram . This program reimburses the target fees for eligible events, upon submission of valid shoot receipts to the FTA Secretary at the conclusion of the tournament.
Eligibility / Restrictions:
• Program applies to championship targets only (200 singles, 100 doubles, 100 handicap).
• Must be a Florida Resident in accordance with Article V. Section 2 of the FTA Bylaws.
• Must declare and classify as a Junior or Sub-Junior.
• May not participate in any options or “Special Events”.
• Shooters are responsible for paying full price upon event registration (daily fees, target fee, and HOF fee if applicable). Valid receipts must be submitted within two weeks of the tournaments conclusion to the Secretary for reimbursement. Reimbursement checks will be mailed.
Sponsored By The Florida Trapshooters’ Association
Sunshine State Team Races
1. Only Florida Residents who meet the requirements of Article V. Section 2, of the FTA Bylaws, may enter the Sunshine State Team Races.
2. Sunshine State Team Race entry forms may be obtained through the FTA Secretary. Entry forms MUST be submitted prior to the start of the Singles Championship.
3. The SunshineStateGunClubTeamRacewill run concurrently with the Singles Championship. Shooters must coordinate their own teams and be able to prove they are members of the FTA Gun Club for which they are entering. FTA Gun Clubs may enter as many teams as desired, but shooters are limited to only one Gun Club Team! Team composition may be any class shooter and the advantage point system will apply. The Gun Club Team posting the highest total score (200 targets per shooter) will receive individual awards.
4. The SunshineStateChallengeTeamRacewill run concurrently with the Singles Championship. Shooters must coordinate their own teams. Each shooter is limited to one Challenge Team! Team composition may be any class shooter and the advantage point system will apply. The Challenge Team posting the highest combined scores (200 targets per shooter) will receive individual awards.
5. The SunshineStateHusbandandWifeTeamRacewill run concurrently with the Singles Championship. Team composition may be any class shooter and the advantage point system will apply. The Husband and Wife Team posting the highest combined score (200 targets per shooter) will receive individual awards.
6. The SunshineStateParentandChildTeamRacewill run concurrently with the Singles Championship. Grandparents and grandchildren may also enter as a team. In the event a parent/ grandparent has multiple children/grandchildren, they may enter the Parent and Child Team Race with each child/grandchild individually. Team composition may be any class shooter and the advantage point system will apply. The Team posting the highest combined score (200 targets per shooter) will receive individual awards.