Executive Committee meeting - 6/12/13

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Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting Friday 6 December 2013 at 2pm, SU Hub


In Attendance: Aedan McDonagh (Chair, SU President), Pietro Palladino (AU President), Donna Harrison (General Manager, note taker), James Anderson (VP Representation), James Turnbull (VP Communications), Ryan Bing (VP Community), Laura-Jane Gravett (VP Fundraising) Apologies: Dan Smith (VP Entertainments), Mike Moody (Student Trustee)

2. Minutes of the last meeting: The SU President advised the committee that they had not been successful in being awarded funding for Student Led Teaching Awards, however the Vice Principal (Student Experience and External Relations) is looking into funding them internally. The committee confirmed that the minutes were an accurate recording of the last meeting. 3. Chair’s Announcements: The SU President said that he had received an email from Rachael Mattey (NUS) about the Quality Students’ Unions initiative. This is a resource centre for improving SU governance and operations. ACTION: SU President to circulate information to Executive members. The SU President advised the Executive Committee that HEFCE were cutting funding for the National Scholarship Programme nationally with a £300k cut for St Mary’s. The SU President has set up a meeting with the Vice Principal and the Director of Finance to discuss. ACTION: DH to circulate Access Agreement for 14/15. 4. SMSU Christmas Party – 13 December 2013 8pm The SU President reminded the Exec that the Christmas Party was on the 13 December. He asked for helpers to aid set up on Thursday and Friday and help on the door on the night. 5. Executive Committee Updates: VP Communication: Has been in dialogue with various staff about setting up an Enterprise Society – discussions are ongoing. Has also been looking at marketing for Varsity and has drafted a list of prices for potential sponsors.

ACTION: AU President and VP Communication to finalise and send to local companies – December 2013. VP Representation: Has had a meeting about the Programme Rep training. The SU are looking into collating a list of 2nd/3rd year reps before the end of the summer term. JA is still investigating the potential benefits/negatives of putting together a Facebook group for the reps. VP Fundraising: Extended a big Thank you to all of the Exec for their support in putting together the RAG Week timetable. After a little time away, LJG is back on campus full time and has attended the Disability Forum, been a panel member for the Walpole Learning and Teaching Awards and attended Student Experience Committee. 6. BOOM Ball Update DH advised that the risk plan had been completed and security/first aid had been booked. DH asked if anyone would be around to help with the Marshalling on the night. 7. SMSU Parents Group Following the Last Students’ Union Council Meeting, a Parents Group would be set up by SMSU. DH to send out information from January 2014. 8. Update on the Principal selection process The SU President commented on the tours provided to Principal candidates by the SU and AU Presidents. There were four candidates in total, all with very different ideas and backgrounds. Many asked about the Catholic Ethos and how much that mattered to St Mary’s. 9. SU Events AM advised the committee that the SU staff team were looking at ways to improve events including attendance and activities during the events themselves. The committee were asked to think of suggestions to improve events. 10. AOB SMSU Financial Management: The SU President commented that at the Board of Governors meeting it was noted that the Finance and Staffing Committee were very happy with the current financial management of the SU. LRC: Exec members brought up the issue of having to leave the LRC completely just before late night opening. The Exec visited the LRC to show the SUGM how the process currently works. It was recommended that this should be picked up at Student Experience Working Group, Student Experience Committee and Teaching and Learning Committee.

Date and time of next meeting: 07/02/2014 2pm Venue TBC

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