Minutes Executive Committee Friday 9 October 2015, 2pm, J123 1. Welcome and Apologies: In Attendance: Zander Lavall: SU President, Hester Benham: VP Sports and Societies, Ryan Dowsett: VP Community, Khalid Al-Abaidy: Entertainments Officer, Mary Southgate: Societies Chair, Laura Condon: School Rep (ETL), Laura Timmins: Sports Chair, Conal Baxter: Welfare Officer, Elizabeth Bees: School Rep (SHAS), Donna Smith: SU CEO, Note taker Apologies: Charlotte Maltby: School Rep (A&H), Lydia Birch: RAG Chair Declarations of Interest
Approve the minutes of the last meeting: 22/05/2015 The minutes were approved as a correct record by the committee.
Chairs announcements Terms of Reference: The Chair asked that the Committee consider and approve the Terms of Reference. The Committee agreed the approval of the Terms of Reference.
Executive Committee Activity Reports Welfare Officer: Street Pastor Initiative – the WO has been in contact with charities around Twickenham and had one response back of a charity that uses a similar initiative. The WO has been sent information from Halifax and is using the policy and procedures create a document for St Mary’s. The VPC asked if societies would be involved as volunteers and the WO advised that he had already approached Christian Union and Catholic Society. Sports Chair: The SpC advised that she had been meeting Clubs and looking at how she can aid their progress. The SpC had also been involved in the organisation of Varsity 2016.
Minutes Executive Committee Friday 9 October 2015, 2pm, J123 Societies Chair: The SoC advised that she had been introducing herself and her role to societies. School Rep (ETL): Has been discussing Programme Reps with the School managers, discussing NSS results with the School. There have been issues raised around engagement within the school has been discussed and that a lot of students aren’t on campus during the NSS. Has been attending meetings and has completed a blog for October. School Rep (SHAS): Has been engaging with reps within schools and is setting up a meeting with all Programme Reps. Entertainments Officer: Has been helping to coordinate and run Welcome fortnight, Christmas Community Festival and RAG Week. VPSS: Reported the success of the Sports and Societies Fair which was very busy with increased sign up numbers. There has been developments with Performance and Development Clubs such as employing professional coaches, S&C sessions and development plans. Ski Trip sign-ups are going well with 35 students so far paying deposits. Multi-Club Membership fund distribution has changed and the membership paid by students will be split more fairer by SMSU. Has held the first Careers mentoring workshop on Wednesday for Club and Society Presidents. Executive members who are Presidents expressed that the workshop was valuable. The scheme will continue with staff mentoring Presidents throughout the year. Meetings to plan Varsity have begun with the event being held on 9 March 2016. VPC: Has coordinated Welcome Fortnight; Friday Clubs have been organised for the rest of the term with a bigger club/society paired with a smaller one to split takings on the door. Is currently organising RAG and Christmas Community Festival. Looking into opening Dolche Vita later in the evening for non-drinking students. Introduced Home Comforts Café twice per month in the Dolche Vita. Monday Bus2Club need work as engagement isn’t as high as hoped. School Rep (MSS): Has attended a School VRC meeting and enjoyed it. Has been to TELG with SUP, and is looking at mentoring programme within MSS. The SR is currently looking at larger engagement with students for the Student Review. The SR is looking at organising a meeting with Reps from MSS to discuss school ideas and issues.
Minutes Executive Committee Friday 9 October 2015, 2pm, J123 SUP: Has implemented an improved sanitary service provision on campus, and is looking into a gender a neutral toilet for St Mary’s. Has spoken to SMT about the ‘Cut the Costs’ campaign and is working on welfare campaigns for the next term.
Upcoming Events The Chair advised that Mental Health Awareness Week had been a success and feedback given has been positive. The next campaign will be Domestic Violence Awareness Week. ‘No Means No’ campaign will feature within the week and it will be run in conjunction with the ‘White Ribbon Campaign’. LUSH Week will be in December. Programme Rep Training begins next week. The VPC advised that Friday Clubs are running well and sponsorships from suppliers are coming in. RAG Week is 18-22 January 2016 and Exec members asked about one of the charities being in memory of a student who died over summer. The VPC advised that the Christmas Community Festival begins on Wednesday 9th December with Drama Society’s’ Panto. Thursday 10th will be Christmas Acoustic; Friday 11th will be Carol Singing and Christmas Jumper Friday Club. Saturday 12th will be the Christmas Festival and lights switch on and Sunday 13th will be the special Mass and Nativity.
Sports and Societies Update New ratification procedures will be sent around to the Exec for comment. Four potential new societies will be going forward for ratification. Fixtures began this week. Some fixtures for next week will be played offsite due to the Rugby World Cup bookings.
Upcoming Meetings: The SU CEO reminded the Executive Committee of upcoming meetings that the committee may be members of. Meetings include:
Minutes Executive Committee Friday 9 October 2015, 2pm, J123
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Planning and Resources Committee 9:30am 21/10 Student Experience working Group 10am 27/10 Tim Cobbert (NUS) Visit 03/11 Validation and Review 04/11 9:30am Academic Board 04/11 2pm Student Experience Committee 10/11 3:30pm
NSS Campaign The Chair gave an overview of the NSS and explained the importance of Question 23. The Chair advised that SMSU were one of only 10 SU’s in the country to be awarded an NSS consultancy from NUS. The Chair advised that the University had created the ‘90+ Group’ to try to get satisfaction up to 90%. Incentives suggested to increase engagement include a ‘win your summer’ bundle and a ‘legacy fund’ to improve student facilities on campus. The Chair asked if this was a good idea.
Cut the Costs – Not Grants Campaign The Chair advised of the reasons that the NUS are running the campaign. The chair advised of the costings that an ‘average’ St Mary’s student would need to live is £1175 and without the grant, in 2016/17 a student would only get £8200 maximum. The Chair is leading on the campaign and is writing letters to key people in the public eye to ask for support. AOB: Molly’s Memorial: The SR (ETL) asked if the SU could show their support. This was agreed.
Date and time of next meeting: 20 November 2015 2pm, SU Lounge