SMSU Equality Policy 2015

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SMSU Equality Policy 1. INTRODUCTION St Mary’s Students’ Union (SMSU) is committed to equality of opportunity for all. SMSU will demonstrate this by taking a pro-active and inclusive approach to equality, recognising, supporting and encouraging all under-represented groups, and promoting an inclusive culture which values diversity. SMSU is committed to providing an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone is treated equally and with respect. SMSU is committed to promoting equal opportunities as a representative and campaigning body, and as a provider of services. We will not tolerate any form of discrimination including harassment and bullying based on one or more of the following grounds or any other irrelevant distinction: Age, ability or disability, caring or parental responsibilities, gender or transgender, HIV status, marital status, nationality, religion or belief, physical appearance, race, sexual orientation, spent or irrelevant criminal convictions, trade union affiliation, employment status, socio-economic background, medical condition, full or part time student status, mental health status or other irrelevant distinction. This list is not exhaustive but illustrates SMSU’s commitment in regarding such discrimination as unacceptable.

1.1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES This policy exists to: 1. Ensure that SMSU carries out its activities within a framework that respects and promotes equal opportunities, and alongside legislative requirements. 2. Ensure that SMSU is pro-active in promoting equality of opportunity. 3. Make explicit the rights and responsibilities of all members. 4. Commit SMSU to monitoring the implementation of this policy and the evaluation of its effectiveness.

1.2 SMSU’S COMMITMENT 1. SMSU will work proactively to involve students in its activities who are typically underrepresented or marginalised. 2. SMSU is committed to providing a working and learning environment in compliance with all relevant legislation. This policy will be amended as appropriate to meet the demands of

SMSU Equality Policy future legislation. This policy is guided by all current and relevant legislation. (See appendix for details of relevant legislation.) 3. SMSU will work with the University and other relevant bodies to promote its equal opportunities policy, and to ensure that both the Students’ Union and the University are actively working to comply with policy on equal opportunities. 4. Any groups or individuals contravening this equality policy will be subject to disciplinary procedures. 5. SMSU will regularly monitor practices to ensure that it meets its commitment to equality of opportunity. 6. SMSU procedures will apply to all aspects of SMSU activity, including advertising and media and all forms of documentation. It will apply to all those involved in SMSU, including students, staff, visitors, clients, contractors, consultants and customers. 7. SMSU makes a commitment to promoting equality on campus and hopes to aid the expulsion of negative behaviours (for example Homophobia) across the university community. Any student found to have caused harassment or harm to any other student based on hate or prejudice will be subject to both Students’ Union and University disciplinary procedures.

2. POLICY IMPLEMENTATION 2.1 RESPONSIBILITY 1. Overall responsibility for implementation of this policy lies with the SU President and CEO. 2. All elected officers and members of SMSU staff are responsible for their own behaviour and should strive to ensure equal opportunities practise within their remit. They may be held personally accountable should any complaint arise against them. 3. All elected officers and members of SMSU staff are responsible for ensuring that personal harassment of another member of staff or a student does not occur. 4. All SMSU members (i.e.: students) are responsible for their own behaviour and should strive to respect and demonstrate equal opportunities principles.

2.2 PROVISION 1. SMSU understands that the needs of different groups vary and will therefore strive to provide according to need, which in some cases will result in different provisions.

SMSU Equality Policy 2. SMSU recognises the need for liberation groups (Black and Minority Ethnic, Women and LGBT+ students for example) to have a ‘safe space’. 3. SMSU is committed to making our service provision accessible to all students. Where offices are inaccessible, staff and elected officers will endeavour to find alternative space for meetings and events in order not to exclude any interested party. Any alterations to and/or development of the ‘J’ building (Students’ Union occupied spaces only) shall occur with improving access as a priority.

2.3. ELECTIONS 1. SMSU commits itself to becoming an equal opportunities democratic body. It will eliminate unfair discrimination at each stage of the recruitment/election process and throughout an individual’s period of employment/term of office. SMSU will also comply with all the University’s policies.

2.4 TRAINING 1. All permanent staff and full-time elected officers will attend the Equality and Diversity training provided by the University. Part-time elected officers will receive equal opportunities training alongside or integrated into other SMSU training programmes. 2. All staff and elected officers must be fully aware of the equality policy.

3. MONITORING AND REVIEW 1. The full time officers and CEO will be responsible for monitoring the day-to-day implementation of the policy, and reviewing the methods of training in equal opportunities. 2. The Executive Committee will assess and assist with implementation of the policy and act as advisors to any review. The Executive Committee will also be responsible for instigating the reviewing of the policy in view of future legislative change. The Executive Committee will contact relevant people and organisations to ascertain their comments on Students’ Union policy and practice and how SMSU members and staff from under represented and marginalised groups: 1. Could participate more fully in the policy making and activities of the Students’ Union 2. Would want to see Students’ Union services improved. 3. The SU Council will be responsible for organising any review of the policy, its implementation and effect. The annual review will report on the development and implementation of the policy.

SMSU Equality Policy

4. PROMOTION AND PUBLICITY 1. SMSU will ensure that all members and staff, whether paid or unpaid are aware of the Union’s commitment to equal opportunities and that they are expected to promote its objectives. 2. This policy shall be made available to all members, staff, sports clubs and societies as a requirement that they actively counter prejudice and discrimination and demonstrate their commitment to equal opportunities policies and practice.

5. COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE 1. If any (potential or existing) member or employee of SMSU feels they have been treated in a manner not in accordance with this policy, they have the right to make a complaint free of retribution. 2. All complaints will be handled with consideration to both sides and with the utmost confidentiality. 3. Complaints can be made through the SMSU complaints procedure, which can be found via the SMSU website.

APPENDIX Relevant legislation - This policy is guided by: St Mary’s Equality Policy and Code of Practice St Mary’s Racial Equality Policy St Mary’s Dignity at Work Policy Equality Act (2010) EU Equal Treatment Framework Directive (2007/08) Relevant web links

SMSU Equality Policy

Document Record Document title:

SMSU Equality Policy



Department responsible

Students’ Union



Document date

July 2014

Date last amended

August 2015

Effective from

01 September 2014

Review date

01 June 2017

Impact Assessment Date


History (where discussed / who circulated to / committees considered

Draft circulated to SU President, AU President and Executive Committee for comment. 28/07/2014 SMSU Trustee Board: 09/09/2014 SU Council: 16/09/2014 St Mary’s University Equality and Diversity Committee: 04/11/2014 Student Experience Committee: 04/11/2014

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