SU Council minutes - 24/01/14

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Minutes Meeting of the SU Council on Friday 24th January 2014 at 2pm in K21 1.

Welcome and Apologies: Apologies: Donna Harrison (SUGM), Mike Moody (VP Welfare), James Anderson (VP Representation).


Chair’s Announcements The Chair advised that RAG Week 2014 had been a success so far and is coming to an end. Upcoming RAG events include OAP and 80’s/90’s night and Hall-Stars. The financial target for this year is £4000.


SMSU Elections The Chair advised the Council that the 2014 Elections would take place 24-28 February 2014, A committee has been brought together to coordinate the Elections. Nominations open on 3 February and close on 14 February.


The National Student Survey The Chair notified the Council of the start of the 2014 NSS. The survey can be completed by final years only and can make change within the University. The survey is live now until end of April. A national comparison is done each year and results are published publicly.


Management Accounts Deferred to the agenda for next meeting due to the absence of the SUGM. The SU President explained that money received by the SU is recycled within the SU for student activity and support.


Upcoming SMSU Events The Chair advised the Council of the following upcoming events: Valentines Night – 14 February 2014 Elections – 24-28 February 2014 Varsity- 26 March 2014 Sports and Societies Dinner- 28 March 2014 SIMMStock – 5 April 2014 Summer Ball and Boat – 16/17 May 2014


Childcare on campus Deferred to next meeting due to absence of VP Welfare


Trackside House The announced that St Mary’s University has purchased a new building on Waldegrave Road which will hopefully become a library resource and lecture space. It is anticipated that it will be ready for use in September 2014. The Chair advised that the University is expanding and investing at the moment so it is an exciting time to be involved in the SU. Date and time of next meeting: 21/03/2014 2pm.

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