10 Best Way To Quit Smoking 100
By Pooja Pushpan - September 30, 2016
10 Things to do if you want to quit smoking Do you want know the best way to quit smoking? If yes, you will have to make small changes in your life that will help you resist the temptation of smoking. For some people, quitting isn’t easy, but we all know we have all the good reasons to stop smoking. Be thorough, even if things keep getting discouraging, and you feel like giving up. Don’t take a deep breath and start it all over again. It can be a long process but staying smoking-free is the longest and the most significant commitment. Each day when you stop smoking will be a small victory. So start it for all the right reasons. Here is a list of things you should do if you want to quit smoking.
Bring positivity to your life
You might have tried to stop smoking multiple numbers of times and still failed at it but don’t let it go down. You will face failures if you are trying to do something good. Stay confident about this task you are working on. Look back at your past experiences and think how you can manage to do this one and stay positive. Surround yourself with positive vibes and people who manage to motivate you.
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Some new non-smoking friends
Another best way to quit smoking is to go out to parties or hang out with people, start spending time with the ones who do not smoke. When you look at people smoking, you tend to do the same. So make some new friends who do not smoke and build a control. After you have control over yourself on not smoking, you can go back to your friends who smoke and see the miracle happen. You will have the confidence and faith that no matter how many smokers you are surrounded by, you still won’t smoke.
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List the reasons
You know that you want to quit smoking for all the right reasons. So make a list of all those reasons and keep reminding yourself why you are trying to stay away from cigarettes. Whenever you feel like smoking, think of all these reasons. Slowly, you will have control over yourself, and you will gradually stop smoking.
Make a plan
You know you are working on something you are addicted to. So planning is a best way to quit smoking. Plan your life accordingly and in the absence of cigarettes. Follow up the program every day and soon you will be proud of yourself about quitting it. Think of all the situations where smoking cigars may arise and plan your actions and escape routes in advance. So that you become totally prepared for the circumstances you are about to face soon.
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Change your diet
Start finding snacks which can substitute cigarettes is another best way to quit smoking. In place of cigarettes try having sugar free lollipops or gum. Start keeping your mouth busy so that you don’t miss smoking. You can also switch your smoking habit for a nut habit and start eating nuts. It is an easy way of keeping your hands and your mouth busy and getting the same physical and oral sensations you get from smoking. Try it out. It might help you for your good.
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Smoke-free zones
Whenever you go out somewhere think that particular place as a smoke-free zone. It will prevent you from smoking and will help you in quitting smoking quickly. Don’t allow yourself to smoke in your home, car or even while you are sitting idle somewhere. If you can imagine the signs, then start making actual signs and hang them around.
Take extra care of yourself
Drink well, eat well and sleep well. When you are on the path of quitting smoking, then you should start taking an extra care of yourself. If you don’t care about your habits, then you might want to smoke again. If you miss having something in your mouth, try eating something, and you will not miss the cigars. Taking extra care of yourself might help you having more energy to handle the stress.
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Change is inevitable
Get ready to face the change. You will have many future situations where you would want to smoke, prepare yourself to be strong enough to avoid them all. Start thinking of the things that are important to you and why are you trying to quit smoking. To remind yourself, put a picture of people who are important to you or keep them on your phone. You will have to build yourself active so that you can face the future situations with a brave heart. Quitting smoking is hard, so keep preparing yourself for the battle you’ll be fighting.
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Change your drinking pattern
Studies say that drinks like alcohol, cola, tea fizzy drinks, and coffee all these drinks make cigarettes taste better. So, whenever you are out somewhere, drink more water and juice. Changing your drinking pattern can also be a hard thing to do but if you want to quit drinking you will have to take the right path. Changing the drinking pattern will affect the need for smoking, and you will find yourself having a good control.
Surround yourself with supporting people
Last on the list of best way to quit smoking is to surround yourself with positive people. When you surround people with the same thoughts as yours, you will not want to smoke. When people support you, you get the courage to complete what you started, and you will win in this strange war of quitting smoking. Just remember whenever you feel like smoking go to converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
you started, and you will win in this strange war of quitting smoking. Just remember whenever you feel like smoking go to your family and friends and tell them how you are feeling. They will help you out.
There is no single best way to quit smoking. It takes a lot of effort and time but at the end it will be worth it.
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