10 Forbidden Places that Government Doesn’t Want You to Know 402
By Mayank Tripathi - September 13, 2016
There is a common phrase “ The world is your oyster”, however, today we are going to prove you that this phrase might not be entirely true. There are certain places around the world where you are not allowed to visit. Some places were initially unknown, while some are prohibited for people to visit. These places which are shut down or are not talked about due to “national security” have been quite mysterious for common people. You cannot visit these places, but there is not a restriction on talking about them. Therefore we present to you the list of 10 such places which are not open for you to visit. 1.
Gruinard Island, Scotland
During the year 1942 amid Second World War, this location present in the country of Scotland was utilized by the British Scientists as a place for biological weapon test. During the high time of war, the scientists decided to test their weapon loaded with Anthrax bacteria and this weapon was exploded near a group of 80 sheep. Sheep became infected with these bacteria and were soon dead. However, later Whole Island was contaminated with this bacteria and this place was shut down and was declared unfit for habitation.
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