10 Hobbies that will Make you Smart 395
By Pooja Pushpan - November 9, 2016
10 Hobbies that will Make you Smarter Most people think that intelligence is something that is gifted by God, and there isn’t much that you can change in it. However, this is something that isn’t completely true. While in some cases there are conditions which prevent intelligence levels from developing, however, there are certain cases which there are a lot of things that can be done to increase the intelligence quotient. Also, we all are known to have some hobbies which we enjoy doing in our free time. They are fun as well as help in lifting up our mood a little. Below we have mentioned 10 hobbies which would help in increasing your overall intelligence levels.
Play an Instrument
According to Confucius, music is something that can produce a pleasure which humans would find hard to resist. Music tends to improve the functioning of your brain which has even been proved by numerous researchers. Music is something that can actually bring out your true emotions as well as help your mind reach a state of peace. According to a number of researchers it has been found that music increases the overall memory capacity and is hence good for your brain. Playing any musical instrument has been known to teach patience as well as persistence as it is something which you require while learning any instrument.
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