10 home remedies for cramps before period

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10 Home Remedies For Cramps Before Period  90

By Tanvi Sethia - November 3, 2016 


Menstruation is a natural part of a woman’s life. Sometimes these menstrual cramps become very painful and annoying for many women. These menstruation cramps can disturb your regular activities due to the pain. Cramping can cause a dull pain in the lower abdomen or, the lower back. It generally happens after the first two days of the period. Women suffer from menstrual cramps due to heavy bleeding during periods, smoking, alcohol and genetics. Here are some home remedies to ease the pain and discomfort caused by the cramps. These home remedies are effective or prevent the cramps.


Applying heat on the lower abdomen is a common way to reduce menstrual cramps. Heat relaxes the muscles in the uterus. Place a heating pad on your lower abdomen. Apply it until you feel comfortable. You can also soak a towel in hot water and place it on your lower abdomen. You will feel relaxed. Heat is a very effective remedy for reducing the cramping before period.


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