Learn to Extract in Photoshop 3736
By Somil Bhargava - June 24, 2014
Hey guys I am Somil and today in this tutorial I am going to show how to use the Magic Extractor featre in Photoshop i.e. How to Extract in Photoshop CS6. We have already discussed aboutHow to Crop In Photoshop which is a must read tutorial if you would like to focus on specific areas of the image. In this tutorial we would be using a very simple technique to extract from images. We would be following the give process –> First we will use the quick selection tool –> Next is the refine edge technique–> Layer mask –> Lastly we will use the layer panel. The image we have chosen has a multicolored background since plain background are easier to extract. For a perfect selection you should use a pen tool available in Photoshop because of its flexibility, but since we would use the quick selection tool, we won’t have a perfect selection and extract. Stock image: http://elandria.deviantart.com/art/Rievaulx-Abbey-Ind-Red-20-32701549 Initial image
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