Top 10 Excuses for Not Donating Blood 398
By Deepali - July 4, 2016
Do you know that 14th June is celebrated as WORLD BLOOD DONATION DAY? Have you donated blood this time? Have you given blood ever in your entire life? If not, then my dear friends you are either not eligible to donate blood or you are a coward. You haven’t done anything for such a big social cause then you should sit and think – Are you a Human? Blood donation is carried out only by those who are selfless and think about others’ welfare. If you are not donating blood then you should start doing it right away. It is very astonishing to see people running away from donating blood as if a dog is chasing them with full speed. It is very selfish of people to turn a blind eye to the posters of Blood donation camps and just neglecting its significance in the life of a needy. You know guys, there are many people who are just waiting for someone to knock their doors and present them this precious fluid of life. And we, here, are not bothered to listen to their appeals and letting them die due to lack of availability of blood on time. If you are one of those who have not experienced blood donation ever, then don’t worry you are not alone there are many others like you in this world. Here are some of the hilarious excuses that people most often use to get away from blood donation. Just have a look at them and see which one of these you have already used and which ones would you prefer to save for the future.
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