Are Users Stupid

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An investigation into the theories behind semantics and to answer the question“Are users (of everyday products) stupid” INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to investigate the theories behind semantics and to answer the question “Are users (of everyday products) stupid” using research from various academic sources along with my own primary research through experiments conducted at University. The reason behind this report is to gain an understanding into the theory and practice behind semantics, aesthetic-usability and transferring this into good design. I will use the information I gain to better understand the subject matter. I will take this information and use it in my present and future projects. The question may seem simple enough, but with arguments from all sides, are users of everyday products and interfaces really stupid? All this stems from reading a book by Donald Norman entitled ‘The Design of Everyday Things.’ This was however previously entitled, ‘The Psychology of Everyday Things.’ The reason for the name change? He had “been guilty of the same shortsightedness that leads to all the unusable everyday things.” (Norman, 1988.) This being the immediate cognitive understanding from a products’ ‘persona.’ This can be linked to judging a book by its cover. During this report, the word product will mean the physical product, such as a DVD player and also the Human-Computer Interface (HCI) also known as Human-Technology Interaction A view on the meaning of semantics, is that it is, “an approach to developing a visual

vocabulary in products in order to give them an immediately identifiable set of mainly visual clues” (Demirbilek & Sener 2003) During this report I will cover product semantics (visceral, behavioral & reflective) ergonomics, cognitive understanding, aesthetic-usability, psychographics and semiotics. I will then bring in theories and argument from people such as D. Norman, Krippendorf and Gibson, and divulge results & information from researchers such as Berscheid & Walters, Taylor & Francis, Hassenzahl, plus others. PRODUCT SEMANTICS The phrase product ‘semantics’ was first coined by Klaus Krippendorf & Reinhardt Butter, who in the eighties defined semantics as the study of “symbolic qualities of man-made shape in the cognitive and social context of their use”. (Demirbilek & Sener 2003) This basically translates to the look and feel of a product, (the semiotics) and defines the users behavior towards that product (the cognitive response). GOOD SEMANTICS An example of good semantics, is that of the Sony Playstation controller (Fig 1.0). Here we see that the information presented within the semantics of the controller, allows it to be held in only one way if the user is to make full use of the buttons. This allows no confusion for the user and the cognitive power needed is very little as all the information needed is within the

Fig 1.0 products shape and size. TO PULL OR TO PUSH? This is covered throughout D. Normans book, that looks at the frustration created within the design of everyday objects. One of the biggest problems found was that of doors. “ ‘Doors?,’ I can hear the reader saying , “you have trouble opening doors?” (Norman, 1988.) Yes. I push doors that are meant to be pulled, pull doors that are meant to be pushed, and walk into doors that are meant to be slid.” Why did Norman have so much trouble with doors? Again this is all about the semantics of design, and the semiotics, that are used. Why when a door is meant to be pushed do designers insist on putting a handle on it that says to the users cognitive process ‘pull me’.

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