Prof. Steven Booth
Tell us about yourself
I was born in Laconia, New Hampshire and have lived in this state most of my life. During my life, I have had many different jobs or careers that have allowed me to discuss different topics fromuniqueperspectivestothestudents.
I am happily married to my wife, Christine,andweliveinBelmont,NH.
What/who inspires me the most?
As stated earlier, I have had many differentjobsorcareerinspirations.Asa result, I have read or learned directly from many inspirational individuals such as Winston Churchill. As an attorney, I have learned tremendously fromAttorneyTonySoltani.Tonyhelped develop skills such as legal writing, legal debating, and arguing before the bench inacourtroom.
Why did I choose SNHU?
A colleague and associate asked if I would teach a few adjunct courses in his place around 1998. I taught the courses and enjoyed the experience, the students, and the colleagues here oncampus.Whentheopportunityfora position as Assistant Professor became available, I instantly applied for the position.
Prof. Steven Booth
What has been your favorite class to teach?
ObviouslyasaBusinessLawprofessor, myfavoriteclassisBusinessLawI.Itis an opportunity to introduce students to the actual legal environment, as it dealswithprimarilytheCommonLaw, the students enjoy learning about how the laws have impacted their lives, without many students realizing the effectsofthelawsupontheirlives.
BUSINESS (Concentration in BS)
Southern New Hampshire University’s Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Global Business provides you with the competences and knowledge to understand the challenges facing managers, and will help you operate successfully in the global environment. The campus-based global business concentration can help you prepare for the Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP) exam offered by NASBITE International(SNHU is a participant in the CGBP Student Pathway Program)
Courses may Include:
Importing/ExportinginInternationalTrade TradeFinance
Typical positions include: Typical positions include:
Economist Economist
Tips for Students
Beculturallysensitiveandovercome Beculturallysensitiveandovercome yourpersonalbarriers. yourpersonalbarriers. Focusoninternationalmarketing Focusoninternationalmarketing sstrategies. trategies.
Developnetworkingandcollaboration Developnetworkingandcollaboration sskillswithadaptivethinking. killswithadaptivethinking. Havinghighemotionalintelligenceand Havinghighemotionalintelligenceand rresilienceiscrucial. esilienceiscrucial.
Mostimportantly:Speakupandwithin! Mostimportantly:Speakupandwithin!
HumanResourceManager MHumanResourceManager
MarketingAnalyst arketingAnalyst
SupplyChainManager SupplyChainManager
InternationalTradeandCustoms EInternationalTradeandCustoms Executive xecutive
AtmosfyisseekingahighlymotivatedandproactiveAtmosfy InterntojointheAnalyticsteam.Thispositionwillassistin thecontinuingglobalgrowthoftheAtmosfyBrandglobally. Thisisapaidinternshipandisacompletelyremoteposition.
Participateindevelopingandmonitoringfinancial budgetsandprojections.Providesupportinsystem managementofcorporatefinancialandperformance reportingsystems.Assistinmaintainingand implementingtechnologysolutionsinsupportofFP&A businessprocesses.
On March 25 2023, the students: Isabella Andrade-Silva, Kyle Beck, Jenny Duong, Douglas Herling, Mina Houge, Jaelynn Lauenbach, and BismarkTanoundertheclassINT-335
Export and Import, supported by the course instructor Dr. Charlotte Broaden, published a research article that examines an innovative experiential learning project undertaken by the students during the Fall 2021 semester. The students worked closely with a product designed by entrepreneur Kristen Carter, owner of Carter Health & Lifestyle, and provided the company with valuable information about potential overseas markets to evaluate the export readiness of this product.Bytheendoftheproject,
students were able to apply the cocnepts learned in the classroom to real-world situations of the process of importing and exporting. As conclusion, the students expressed the following: "Experiential learning will continue to be a tool that shows multiple benefits on students and teachers, both inside and outside a classroom. As students, we were fortunate to be part of an institution that has developed opportunities for students to learn and grow in their educational programs through experientialprogramsandactivities"
On March 22, the International Honors Society in Business, Delta Mu Delta, organized a lunch event for all School of Business students to socialize and learn more about theorganization.
To be part of this chapter, you need to be in the 20% of students who have the highest GPA in the School ofBusiness.
Your Delta Mu Delta membership will convey academic excellence and a commitment to high principles and superior achievement throughout your lifetime. Truly, your Delta Mu Delta designation will set you apart from thecrowd.
For any questions, please contact Dr.DawnSime@D.Sime@snhu.edu D.sime@snhu , Delta Mu Delta Adviser.
On March 24th, the 2nd annual Internal SalesCompetitiontookplace.University sales competitions provide opportunities for all professional students to showcase their talents while networking with potential employers and students from other universities. In this event, students were able to participate in a role-play competition to demonstratetheirtalents,enhancetheir
communicationskillsandpracticetheir salestechniquesandseehowtheycan influence others in a professional environment while meeting potential employers.Aswellstudentswereableto bepartoftheelevatorpitchcompetition that happened on March 23th, which wasagreatopportunitytopreparefor upcominginterviewsbylearninghowto selltheirskillstoanemployer.
3-7 APR APR 7
This session is no cost. Portraits will be taken with business attire, cap & gown, academic attire will be provided. Click here to register.
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM | Student Center- Corcoran
Conference Room
School Of Business Dean's Office and International Student Association invite you to meet with Indian Ambassador Dr. Taranjit Singh Sandhu.
12:00 PM | Mara Auditorium, Webster Hall
LastVITA(VolunteerIncomeTax AssistanceProgram)
Receive free tax help with the SNHU VITA program, supported by our accounting faculty and students. Until April 7th
2:30 PM - 6:30 PM| Webster Hall 118 Sandbox
Come Donate at the Red Cross Blood Drive sponsored by IGC.
1&2 7
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM | Dining Center- Banquet Hall
Spring 2023 Program.
Any Questions Contact: Dr.Tej Dhakar | t.dhakar@snhu.edu 7 APR
APR HappinessTreeTabling 11
Let's share some happiness! Join the School of Business to create a positive impact. Students are encouraged to write on paper leaves what makes them happy!
8:00 AM - 10:45 AM |
Center - Hallway
APR 12
You are invited to Software Training for 'R' hosted by Dr. Tej Dhakar. Have a creative Friday afternoon.
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM | Webster- Room 211
StudentEmployeeoftheYear Celebration
Join the Student Financial Services for this celebration for the student employee of the year.
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM | Dining Center- Banquet Hall 1&2
APR 12
Join the Office of Student Involvement, enjoy some FREE hot breakfast, and participate in the different activities!
7:00 PM - 11:30 PM | Dining Center
Ready for finals? Join Radio SNHU at the pub for this study sesh while enjoying some free snacks and drinks and submitting music to play.
8:00PM - 9:00 PM | Student Center-Last Chapter Pub
APR 21
APR 21
Join the International Student Services for this event and ask questions about plans after graduation!
2:30PM - 4:30PM | Last Chapter Pub