Hustler 234

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H234 Spring 2014


Suzuki Owners Club Suite 240 Divo House 29 Belmont Road Uxbridge UB8 1QS

Cover Photo supplied by AlanH Northeast camping rideout to the Scottish borders

Editor’s Report I once again must thank all of the members that sit with fingers on keyboards creating the articles that you see before you without them this magazine would not be possible to put together. I am standing for the job of editor again as your Hustler is not where I want it to be as I still have some hurdles to clear with it. I will take submissions at any time the sooner the better, text as word type files with separate jpg photos please. Articles can be on any subject, club or member related. Email me if you have any questions or ideas, or chat with me at the AGM / Invader. Be carefull Ed Alan H

Membership Renewals Online By Post

Last submission date is Issue 235 30th September

Credit or Debit card via the clubs Secure Server at Or Paypal to

Cheque or postal order with your membership Number to Suzuki owners Club,Suite 240,Divo house, 29 Belmont road, Uxbridge, UB8 1QS

Please help us keep in contact with you. If your details change contact either by post, online pm or email to including your membership number

Neither the Suzuki Owners Club nor its National Committee are necessarily in agreement with the opinions, views or suggestions expressed in this magazine. Any such opinions, views or suggestions are entirely the author’s and publishing them does not imply the endorsement of the Suzuki Owners Club Copyright Suzuki Owners Club 2007. All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without permission of the Suzuki Owners Club.


SENIOR TT PODIUM FOR MARTIN & TYCO SUZUKI Guy Martin’s Senior TT podium was the third of the week for Tyco Suzuki rounding out a more than satisfactory TT fortnight for the Moneymore based team. Race week started with a TT Superbike podium for Guy in second place with William sixth – also recording his fastest ever lap around the TT at over 130mph – followed by William’s Supersport Race 2 third place and the aforementioned Senior TT placing for Guy yesterday. Following his Supersport race podium on Wednesday, the in-form William Dunlop enjoyed an early charge with laps of 130.466mph and 130.853mph [his new TT best] to lead the blue riband Senior TT race in the opening stages, but a highspeed crash at the Les Graham Memorial on lap three ended his challenge. Typically, a tough as nails road racer, William was back in the paddock within a few hours still smiling, despite being on crutches with two clean breaks to his left Fibula. Guy was certainly ‘on the money’ throughout, with three laps in excess of 130mph and another 129mph effort on his way to third place. Guy said afterwards: “The bike was just mint and the boys have done a great job again today. We rode a good race, which you can see by the lap times, but we have to take our hat off to Michael he’s riding well this week and that’s why he has won four. That’s probably the best Superbike set-up I’ve ever ridden around here, so yeah, we’ll have to come back next year and try again won’t we.” William Dunlop said from his home in Ballymoney this morning: “I had been suffering a bit of arm pump all week and I think with the extra tension with leading and then being in contention for the win made it a little worse. I could hardly feel the bars, but when you are getting P1 and P2 signals there’s no way you are going to back off. I think I’ve just run into Graham Memorial with a little bit of throttle still on and the rest well…” He added: “It’s just the small bone in my leg I’ve broken and I’m a little battered and bruised but I hope to be ready to ride in four weeks.” Team Manager Philip Neill concluded “Overall it was a pleasing team effort for TT2014 and both our GSX-R machinery and Metzeler tyres worked exceptionally well. Thanks once again to all our sponsors for their support and well done to the TT organisers on another great event.” Text and picture copied from Suzuki Bulletin

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From The Chair Hi Folks. As I am sitting here writing this and looking out of the window. We are well into the biking season and so far this summer most of you have had some decent weather for you to be out and about on your bikes. This is my last report as the club chairman as my tenure is up in July. I have had 17 months at the helm because of taking over after the EGM in February 2013 but it is not how long you are in the role but what you achieve while you are there. Well I am proud to say that since that EGM, a working NC structure has been put in place that has more transparency. Necessary savings identified as the club was haemorrhaging money. A new cost effective club website built and operational in a very short time because the old one was costly and was being closed down on us imminently. Closer relationships being built within the biking fraternity. (SGB etc). NC meetings being taken around the country so members can see who the NC are, attend the meetings ask questions and air their views etc. I saw my role as being in the background and the club needing a quieter time, stability, free from any turmoil and just being what our club is and that is 'A bike club' but a club that appeals to any biker no matter who you are or what you ride. That message is being conveyed at the bike shows the club stand is in attendance at throughout the show season. We have had a lot of ex-members as well as new members join the club since the EGM. Long standing members have asked do we operate within the constitution? I have only ever seen a set of old rules on a website so at the last AGM it was suggested a sub committee (not the NC) be formed from members to re-write the clubs constitution. That has been done and will be presented at the AGM to be voted on. I can say the club is in a better all round position than when I took the helm and I have enjoyed being your Chairman. Here's to the continuing good work from the NC and thank you, the members for your support. BanditAnt.


Local Centres Cumbria Sec: Ron Crawford st Centre meet: 1 Sunday of the month, 12.00 1 Yeathouse Road Frizington CA26 3PX Yorkshire Sec: Dave Hebblethwaite nd Centre meet: 2 Wednesday of every month from 8.30pm New Inn 419 Denby Dale Road East Durkar Wakefield West Yorkshire WF4 3AX

East Midlands (Nott’s, Derby, Leic’s, Rutland) Sec: Alby White th Centre meet: 4 Thursday of the month The Crown Croft Crescent Awsworth NG16 2QY

North East (EG. Durham, Northumberland) Sec: George Frater/Kevin Close st Centre meet: 1 Sunday from 7:30pm The Heather Lad Quarrington Hill South Coast Sec: Laura Dyer Centre meet: Loomies Cafe A272 (West Meon Hut) Hampshire GU32 1JX First Sunday of every month Meeting time - 10-12 Staffordshire Sec: Gordon Thompson Centre meet: 3rd Sunday of the month from 12 midday excluding bank holiday weekends then 2nd Sunday. The George Inn Castle St Eccleshall Staffordshire ST21 6DF

Peaks, Pennine & Northwest Sec: Martin Bennett Eastern (Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex) Sec: Philip Jackman Centre meet: 2nd Sunday of the month at approx 10:00 at D's Diner just off the Southbound A12 on the Hatfield Peveral North exit.

London Sec: John Carr Centre Meet: 2nd Sunday of every month at 11.30 The Botwell Inn 25-29 Coldharbour Lane Hayes Middlesex UB3 3EB

Czech Republic Mr. Ivo Lauer, Havlíčkova 505 679 32 SVITÁVKA, Česká Republika E-mail

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Kent Sec : Paul Deval Centre meet: 2nd Sunday of the month at 10am The Blue & White Cafe Hythe Road (A20) Smeeth

Western Scotland Sec: Joyce Stewart

Tech Officer Hello to all. Its been a very busy few weeks since my last report. A lot of people have been after dating certificates. Quite a few members but most of them have been non members, there seems to be a run on the TS series and the RM's. Most of them I would say have been off road bikes that people now want on the road. So things are picking up, lets hope this keeps on going. Since my last report the numbers have gone from 50 up to 76, with 10 in the pipeline most of them I'm just waiting for the photographs of the frame and engine numbers. These MUST be included in the information you send me or I can't do them, just in case the DVLA ask for proof of the bike. So please be aware that the V765 must be stamped by the Suzuki Owners Club to make it valid. Till the next time Please All Ride Safe. John

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Public Relations At last the warmer weather is here, which means long lighter evenings for ride outs, and a full summer show schedule in which to promote the Club and its many activities, keep an eye on the web site and events list to see where Alby, myself and the rest of the shows team will be turning up, hopefully at a venue near you!. July will soon be upon us which means the 2014 Invader Rally, which a hope many of you will be able too attend. As always I request if you have a local Motorbike publication unique to your location forward me the details so I can continue promoting your club in your local area. I hope to meet up with many of you throughout the rest of the year, till next time ride safe, have an enjoyable summer and keep it rubber side down. Bugman


Membership Hello everyone, Not a lot to report in this issue. We have had a couple of good months for membership numbers and a couple not so good. But overall we are ticking over nicely. We did take the club stand to a couple of shows (Thundersprint and BMF Peterborough) from which we picked up 4 new members and a couple of renewals. A lot of membership forms were given out so hopefully we will get some of these returned. As you know the AGM is fast approaching and my role is up for re-election, and I have reapplied. Being a retired old git I have plenty of time on my hands to do the job and I actually enjoy doing it. Since I have taken on the role I have had to correct a number of mistakes and answer a few queries. It is great to receive an e-mail saying thanks as it makes me feel the job is worthwhile. I do like a quick turnaround with membership packs and cards as I think it is in the club’s interest to do this. Should I be re-elected I look forward to continue working with the club. Ride safe Keith.

London Centre Hi to all out there in bike land, hope every one is managing to get out, as you can see us Guys at the London Centre have been on a few ride outs, some were nice and dry while couple of others were wet. Dunstable downs started off dry but by the time we got up to the Downs it was raining, we stopped for a cuppa in the national trust restaurant then set off again. We had a good ride out that day, must have been at least 3 to 4 hours going though some nice country lanes. Then there was our last 1 the Pirbright bends with the Devils punch bowl, 10 am start meeting at the Crane, the weather started overcast but by the time we went about 15 miles the sun came out and it got very warm, Peter ( bugman ) picked some great roads to go around and most of them were nice and quiet. By the time we stopped for a cuppa and food the weather got even better, then we went to the Devils Punch Bowl and boy did we hit some narrow roads, still full of leaves and crap from the rains they were no more than 20 to 25 mph. We got free of them and again back onto some great biking roads, up to the bowl stopped there for a cuppa outside in the sun. Then set off towards home all in all we must have been out a good 6 to 7 hours, now looking forward to the weather getting better and the next ride out. So to all stay safe and ride safe. John Carr. Centre Sec.


Treasurer As you can see the club is getting better with the finances we are just need to keeping going to keep the costs down. Things are getting better as we've had a lot of new members joining and there has been at least 25 dating certificates since my last report. We still need to keep a tight rein on how we spend the money we have left, things like the shows. We all know we've got to tighten our belts so if any one can think of how we can make some type of savings pleases let us all know or to bring extra money into the club coffers. Monies in PayPal is ÂŁ2614.55 and in the bank account there is ÂŁ539.78, money will be moved around to accommodate the payments. Account is static around ÂŁ5604.49. The club is starting to improve and the future is looking brighter, lets all hope we all can have a good year and all of us getting out there to ride our bikes. John Carr

Merchandise A very warm hello to all the members and I would just like to say its good to have my old job back again. Unfortunately we have not been able to plough ahead with the new online SOC shop idea as quickly as we would have liked. As with all website moves other things take priority and something's get pushed down the list, the shop unfortunately was one of them for now. However I am glad to say I am at last getting new pin badges in and re stocking on roundel stickers and lots of the other small bits we all like. I am also pleased to say that I have sourced the short sleeve navy blue shirts with the 3D stitching that some of you will have seen worn by past NC at shows but where never able to get them yourselves. I am currently working out the prices for minimum orders of 10 and will post this very soon on the Forum. As with all stock it would be nice to just thumb through a brochure and pick up the phone and order stock but we are working to a tight budget still but there is light at the end of the tunnel thankfully. Ride safe and please email me with any items you think are worth looking at. James W (Rock Hopper)


National Secretary Hello and welcome to some wonderful biking weather and sunny days ahead! Now that the weather is getting better all our thoughts are turning to getting the bikes out, finding good biking roads and a summer holiday, well, some do! For us in the SOC summer is the time for our Invader Rally and AGM. This will be the clubs 41st AGM and we are looking forward to seeing everyone there to bring in new proposals and for the members to build the foundations for the club moving forward. The main proposal will be the findings of the subcommittee, formed at the last AGM to look at the constitution and bring it up to date, the initial draft has been done and is being reviewed by the National Committee prior to being distributed, details will be available in this Hustler, for members to read and give feedback to us prior to ratifying at the AGM. There will be a number of proposals and the AGM agenda will be available for everyone very shortly. We are looking to the future and making small changes which will enable the club to grow and flourish. We are looking for members help in lots of ways, there is always help needed with shows and events, if you would like to help out or have local shows that may be of interest please contact Alby White, Shows Coordinator. Maybe you would like to help proof read the Hustler or you have a little time on your hands and could help out with some marketing or talking to potential advertisers or discount opportunities. If you would be interested in helping out then please let me know. I really would like to encourage members to help out, participate and attend the Invader Rally and AGM, this is your club so come along, if you are unable to attend then put pen to paper, email, call or send by pigeon post, but however you do it, have your say! Take care and ride safe Sue

Don't forget to Register on our web site

Sue Carr National Secretary


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Riders Rights Michael Griffiths – Riders rights nominee In all posts I believe communication is very important, using a positive attitude and above all honesty. To delegate is a strength and to get people to be creative is important. It has always been said I lead from the rear, getting people to do things they have only thought about before. Steer them where they want to go and find solutions rather than confrontations. Use the simple solution is my ideal.....I will bring all this to the role of riders rights and keep all members updated in every respect. Michael Griffiths

Born again Rider Reading your article last month about a 30 year break from motor cycling I could not help myself from replying. I too had a very similar biking career as Rob. Starting at 16 on a Yamaha 125, then Suzuki Hustler 250, GT250,GT550, and a kettle, GT750. I then progressed to another make which, dare I mention in this mag, Z900 and then Z1000. I then broke away from bikes. Wife and children, you understand, until now. A break just like Rob of nearly 30 years. In between I fulfilled my ego with a 5.7ltr Corvette Stingray!! And then boring company car’s. After obtaining permission from my lovely wife to buy a small bike again, I looked hard and quickly decided on a bandit. Only a 1200 K3. A lovely bike. I took to it like a duck to water. I am now also a proud owner of a GSX1400. Happy days and happy riding Graeme Young (Oxfordshire)



Writing something for the Hustler comes round all to quickly. Last time I wrote we had just finished dodging the showers and gales of January. We went to the Excel bike show in London. An average show not that many small stalls. Alas no Suzuki presence. None the less it seems there is a great variety of new bikes coming onto the market. We could definitely tell things were on the turn when a dozen members arrived at loomies. To enjoy sitting out in the sun waiting for the yell of “get your hairy a**e in here number 42, your bacon butties getting cold”. Enjoying time to chat to friends and listen to what life has been throwing at everyone. Needing new roofs, new bikes wanted, decorating to do. Gardens to get together, holidays and families. Bike problems and giving everything in the car park a general once over. Its always nice to see those that can make it and great to hear from those that couldn't, its good to know how you all are. Loomies is our monthly meet 10-12 every first Sunday. March's lunch was to the Departure Lounge café in Alton. Close to some of our members and coming highly recommended. The café has the front end of an aircraft in the garden and the lounge out the back. We rode up with 5 members, avoiding some long standing floods and following diversions through quiet back road, arriving on time at the café to be met by another handful of members and more trickling in as we got settled. A lovely lunch, a catch up. Selling some club merchandise and plugging the lucky squares with just enough time for those that couldn't help themselves to jump on the mini roundabout before we left. April’s Pioneer run started at the Chalet café being close to our south eastern members we decided to all meet there. Watching the pre WW1 bikes pass, some plodding, some whizzing. A great selection of bikes and all riders proud of the bikes they have restored and are riding. We followed them down to Brighton seafront, having fish and chips and a look at the vehicles. We joined the club annual trip to Belgium on Easter weekend was in Kortrijk. Those from the south coast centre all reported that they had a great time and were up for going in 2015 within days of getting back. May was a busy month we went to Gurston Down for a Hill Climb event held just outside Salisbury. It was a damp and muddy day, none the less we were not to be put off. A good selection of everything going up the hill. Motorbikes sports and side car. 4 wheeled vehicles of every shape and size. A good event to have gone to and watched. Also in May we made arrangements for those from the south coast wanting to do the North East camping weekend to meet up along the way and ride together. A fantastic weekend was had by all. One that I would recommend to any member for a great time and good ride outs. We also went for a great ride out to Haynes Motorcycle Museum.


We also went for a great ride out to Haynes Motorcycle Museum. A fantastic historical collection of the story of motor vehicles. From the bizarre to the supreme. All with a story to tell. A museum that is well worth a visit. June saw the south coast crew hold a camping weekend, the first in a few years. With the free venue of the fox and goose we had our plans in place. We provided breakfast, tea and coffee, so that was the members sorted for getting up and out. A mother of all thunder storms and rain came down on us on Saturday morning but did pass by 11am, so a little later than scheduled we were off to Southsea for the D-day celebrations, through the back roads of Meon and Portsmouth, up over Portsdown hill for a quick break and then down to the sea front. A wander round and then back up the hill for a last minute wander round Fort Nelson. A really good ride out for the day. Thank-you Alan for organising the day. Food in the pub for all then a get together in the marque kindly provided by PK. A short weekend but a really good one. Thanks to those that came and supported us and especially to the south coast crew that were there on hand to help and providing everything we needed to make the weekend a good one. Check out the events page to see what the south coast crew have coming up soon. Laura d The winners of the Haynes museum Laura Dyer tickets were;Alan Everest Pete Dibble Andrew Smith Keith Ferris Congratulations to the lucky winners. Those who didn't visit with us have had their tickets sent to them directly from the museum. Our thanks to Clair and her staff for the kind donation of the tickets and the warm welcome we received during our visit.


Shows Report Well the shows have been good for the Suzuki Owners Club, we have been out and done well in collecting new members and meeting up with some old members. I would like to thank Frank Melling for letting us have a free stand at the Thundersprint, in a prime spot, the members that stood on the stand really enjoyed it shame about the weather, but you cant help that. B.M.F. Show Peterborough where we had a free stand at this event, didn’t seem to be as busy at this show but all members that went had a good time, as I have put in the mag before if you want to put your bike on the stand please get in touch all I ask is if you can spend a few hours on the stand and talk to the public and tell them what the club is all about, please check the events list for the shows, and I hope to meet you at one of the shows or events, thanks Alby white,


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Staffordshire Centre What a start to the day glorious sunshine and warm for time of year. Just about to set off and received a call from Linda saying that Dave had to turn back home as got a puncture in their brand new tyre, what a bummer. So wife and me, set off to the meeting place at Eccleshall to let Ian know. Got there at 10 am and Ian was in car park on his own, asked him to call Linda. The reply was they had managed to fix the puncture and were on their way, 3 more bikes. Waited till 10.40 and still not there so me the wife and Ian had to set off as we needed to meet up with the East Mid’s group in market place in Ashbourne, got there 10 minutes late, never mind, good turn out, Lainy, Alby, Pete, Andrew and several others. Ian called Linda, Dave, Jim and Tink to see where they were and had gone to the Markeaton services, so was agreed we got going and would meet up at the Via Gellia café just before Cromford. Ashbourne market was totally full of bikes, all got the same idea, a bit of sun and away we go. We set off and rode out north on the A515 to Newhaven then right onto A5012, which takes us straight through for Cromford. Just before Cromford is a roadside café so we stopped there for refreshments and another call to Linda to ask where they were, at Matlock Bath was the reply, oh well we will be there shortly. This was where the group split up, some went back the way we had ridden and the rest of us headed for Matlock Bath. Oh how frustrating it was the short distance from the traffic lights at Cromford to Matlock Bath, it was heaving bumper-to-bumper traffic at walking pace or less. Finally got there and guess what, yes so many there it was a struggle to find a spot to park. Once parked and free to wander did the obligatory chippy order then some had ice creams and then the street walk admiring the hoards of different bikes there. There was one vehicle that pulled the crowds when it turned up, the easiest way to describe it was a car where the back end boot section was still in place, doors taken off front axle removed and set of forks of bike in front of an enormous V8 may have even been a V12 engine, it did look nice, loads of chrome and finished off very nicely. Then 5 bikes of the Staff’s lot set off south on the A6 to Derby picked up the A38 and had another stop at the American Diner café for more refreshments, very nice banana milk shake was had by me and Dave, mind you at £3.95 I would expect the best. We set off again and this is where we split up and went our own way home. Couldn’t have asked for better weather, glorious sun all day, warm at 16c and good crowd of people.


Situation Vacant With the club approaching its 41st Anniversary it has become apparent that there is a need for a club archivist. This role would be a National role but not a National committee role. The club Archivist or Heritage officer would be responsible for creating and updating the clubs history, by contacting members for information and any items of memorabilia that they have in their possession with the intention of obtaining these items or copies of them to enrich the club archive. The Archivist will report to the NC regarding their progress they will also have a budget to spend on purchasing items to swell the clubs collection of memorabilia. They will need to keep records of their budget and purchases. They will also be responsible for submitting a regular article for the Hustler either about their searches or to pass on stories gleaned from the members. As this an national role but not a full National Committee role there is no commitment to attend NC Meetings nor does it carry any of the NC decision making responsibilities. This role will is renewable annually at the AGM. So how about it, do you fancy helping to build the clubs history into a great and rich archive. Please contact the National Secretary about taking on this important role. Do you have any items from the clubs past that would like to donate to the archive to help this new role off to a good start. Items like old Hustlers or even the newsletter that predated it. Old invader badges or similar, we would be grateful for these items or copies of them. Please get in touch for the time being with the National Secretary


Easter in Belgium 2014 City of Kortrijk. The planning for the 2014 Easter in Belgium trip started in June 2013. A slightly more southerly destination than in previous years. With a bit of deliberation, a large and fairly priced hotel was found in Kortrijk and by the middle of July there was over 20 takers. With members from the South Coast, London, Stafford, East Mids and North East booked, it was looking like a good multi centre trip. Most crossing about mid morning it was looking like we would all be in the bar by 6. 'Regalia' I heard someone cry. This was quickly met by Gordon (Barmy Burger) providing a picture of the City of Kortrijk Coat of Arm. After a little sniggering at the design everyone going was on board with the design. Gordon stepped up to organise t shirts and fleeces through our club print and clothing supplier. Everyone's journey over was different, some stopped in Dunkirk for lunch, some went through to Adinkirke for duty free and others stopped at war cemeteries on the way through. At night the City of Kortrijk was lit up by the Bank Holiday weekend fun fair which over the weekend some members had crazy moments and had a go on some of those stomach churning rides. Saturday saw a group talk tour for those that wanted to go along in the cities museum. Pretty much everyone made it to the museum for a WW11 slide show of the town German occupation during the war and the museum itself had the towns history back to its medieval roots. From there and indeed over the weekend everyone made their own mind up as to where they were going. Choosing to go with a group of others or off on their own. A wander round the town, a charity ride, some went to Ypres for the last post at the Menin gate and a ride out to Waterloo. In the evening people met in the hotel lobby to arrange where they were going to go for the evenings. Another wander round different parts of the city, a few drinks and a meal. All left safely on the Monday and arrived home safe and well , apart from Gary Brown (rxdc) who went on to ride around Europe for a month with the promise of keeping us appraised of his adventures on the forum. Easter in Belgium 2015 is booking up already all the info is on the SOC forum. Friday April 3rd – Monday April 6th City of Charleroi, Best Western Leonardo, 1A Boulevard Pierre Mayence.


East Mids Centre The east mids centre, have been on some ride outs since the last mag, we did the puttie run from the Cat and fiddle down into Matlock bath, we also did the Bottesford egg run, also the Sheffield egg run where James Toseland takes the run from the police HQ at Catcliffe, to the childrens hospital we went to the Thundersprint at Darley moor, the B.M.F. Show Peterborough and we went to Loppem, where the club came 3rd for attendance, as the east mids are a small centre. We are still getting out on our bikes, if any new members want to meet up feel free to get in touch or pop along to the Crown inn at Awsworth on the 4th Thursday of the month and tell us where and what you would like to do or have a ride out, I would like to say sorry for not sending in a report for the last mag. Thanks Alby my contact details are or 07762242309


Yorkshire Centre This is the first report for this year as, up to now, the weather has not been the best for long ride outs. The centre is still meeting on the 2nd Wednesday in the month and as of May this year we will be having a ride out on every 4th Thursday weather permitting. So just to remind you of our meeting place it is at the New Inn, Wakefield, just off J39 M1 South bound, north bound just turn right under the motorway, keep in right hand lane and you will see the pub on your right. Meeting start at 8:30 pm every 2nd Wednesday. For the ride outs on the 4th Thursday of every month until September, meet at the Old Post Office pub, just off J38, M1. North bound riders will see the pub to your left as you are on the slip road off the M1. South bound riders leave M1 at J38 turn right under motorway and take the first left, you will see pub on your left. Meet in car park 7:30 pm for a 8:00 pm start to the ride out. All ride outs are mystery tours. As usual, we are having a weekend away on August Bank Holiday. This is only open to members who attend the meetings as we have to book accommodation well in advance and is not applicable for attendance points. We have organised 4 runs during the summer months. You will find these in the events pages and on the web site. Details will be included in the events guide. Well that's all for now. Contact me on if you want information about the centre or any other aspects of the club. Suzuki Owners Club Suite 240 Divo House 29 Belmont Road Uxbridge UB8 1QS

David Hebblethwaite Secretary.



Events 2014

20 Staffordshire Centre Meet : 3rd Sunday of the month from midday Venue: The George Inn, Castle St, Eccleshall, Staffordshire ST21 6DF 12.00 till 14.00

24 East Midlands Centre Meet : 4th Thurs of the month 20.00 till 22.00 :Venue Crown Inn, Awsworth NG16 2QY :

25 Invader Rally: Annual national rally. Venue : Brownlow Arms, High Marnham, / Notts : There will be evening entertainment both nights and a ride out on 27 Saturday More details see flyer center pages 27 Suzuki Owners Club AGM: Venue The Brownlow Arms as above Time 11.00am: Entry to the AGM is strictly for members only please bring your Membership card for entry.

August South Coast Centre Monthly Meeting: 1st Sunday of the Month: Venue: Loomies 3 Cafewhich is located on the A272, A32 crossroads. There is ample parking and a


goodmenu of well cooked fare, available all day. from 10 till 12 noon. North East Centre pre-meeting ride out: Heather Lad, Cassop DH6 4QD: The Aug ride out followed by meeting of the North East Centre at the Heather Lad, Quarrington Hill Durham.Ride out somewhere local for fish & chips: Leave Heather Lad at 4pm Meeting starts 7-30pm, Kevin Close: 07949035419 :

10 Eastern Centre Monthly Meeting: D's Diner off A12 nr Hatfield Peverel CM3 2EJ: Meet around 10:00 at D's Diner, just off A12. 2nd Sunday of the month. More info from Phil Jackman 07725 329062

10 East Coast run. Meet at Jet petrol station, Stourton, Leeds for 10 am start or meet at the cafĂŠ under the Humber Bridge at 12 noon. Contact Dave at:

10 The monthly London Massive Centre Venue: The Botwell Inn, 25-29 Coldharbour Lane, Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 3EB time 11:30am Everyone is welcome Additional information: Ride out to be confirmed , Contact John Carr - 07768797125

13 Yorkshire Centre Meeting : 2nd Wednesday of the month Venue: New Inn,

419 Denby Dale Rd East, Dunkar, Wakefield WF4 3AX : Meet at 20:30. Dave Hebblethwaite

15 French Weekend Away : Weekend in France staying at lesballastieres st pol sur


terniose. it's about an hour from Calais ferry around ÂŁ60 return, plenty to see and

17 do, to contact hotel phone 0033 (0) 321047216. For further details please contact Mark on: 07914758734


Events 2014 17 NE Centre Ride Out to Bikers Cafe, Keighley, North Yorks. Meet at Durham Services Bowburn DH6 5NP from 9:30 for 10:00 start. For more information contact Kev Close (07949 035419)

17 Kent Centre Monthly Meeting: : Blue & White Cafe, Hythe Road, Smeeth, Ashford TN25 6SP. Meet @ 11:00 Near Jn 10 M20 Ashford. Paul Devall 07092 263119

17 Staffordshire Centre Meeting: 3rd Sunday of the month from midday Venue: The George Inn, Castle St, Eccleshall, Staffordshire ST21 6DF

22 London Massive Camping Weekend : Englands Rose, London Road, Postcombe, Oxfordshire OX9 7DP. One of the big camping weekends of the club year. August Bank Holiday Weekend. More details of ride outs to follow. Contact: John Carr 07768 797125

28 East Midlands Centre Meeting: Crown Inn, Awsworth NG16 2QY: Crown Inn, Awsworth NG16 2QY :-) 4th Thurs of the month. 20:00 till 22:00

30 Shoreham Airshow: . Check out the website

for more details.A great day out, everybody welcome. Meeting @ 9am '@ Farlington Services, Shell Garage Portsmouth just off A27 Near Hilton Hotel PO6 1UN For further details please contact Laura:

September 7 South Coast Centre Monthly Meeting: 1st Sunday of the Month: Venue: Loomies Cafewhich is located on the A272, A32 crossroads. There is ample parking and a goodmenu of well cooked fare, available all day. from 10 till 12 noon.

7 North East Centre pre-meeting ride out: Heather Lad, Cassop DH6 4QD: The Sept ride out followed by meeting of the North East Centre at the Heather Lad, Quarrington Hill Durham.Ride out somewhere local for fish & chips: Leave Heather Lad at 4pm Meeting starts 7-30pm, Kevin Close: 07949035419 :

7 North East Centre Annual & Presentation evening: Heather Lad,

Cassop DH6 4QD: Meeting starts 7-30pm, Kevin Close: 07949035419

10 Yorkshire Centre Meeting : 2nd Wednesday of the month Venue: New Inn, 419 Denby Dale Rd East, Dunkar, Wakefield WF4 3AX :Meet at 20:30. Dave Hebblethwaite or

14 NE Centre Ride Out to Olivers Mount Gold Cup Races (Note: Early start) Meet at Durham Services Bowburn DH6 5NP from 8:30 for 9:00 start. For more information contact Kev Close (07949 035419)


Events 2014 14 Ride Out to 21st Annual Brighton Burn Up! Meet at Petersfield services on the A3 at 10am for a 10.15am leave down to Brighton for the Burn Up. Hundreds of bike congregating on the sea front at Madeira Drive. sign in at the seagull chippy, Madeira Drive, at 1pm for those of you who don't ride down with us. For further details please contact Laura:

14 Eastern Centre Monthly Meeting: D's Diner off A12 nr Hatfield Peverel CM3 2EJ: Meet around 10:00 at D's Diner, just off A12. 2nd Sunday of the month. More info from Phil Jackman 07725 329062

14 Yorkshire Centre ride out to Whitley Bay : A day run to Whitley Bay. Meet at the Jet petrol station, Stourton, Leeds for a 10 am start. Contact Dave at:

14 London Centre Monthly Meeting: Botwell Inn UB3 3EB : Details as August. 21 Kent Centre Monthly Meeting: :Details as August. 21 Staffordshire Centre Meeting: Details as August. 25 East Midlands Centre Meeting: Details as August 28 London Centre ride out to Imperial War Museum Duxford, Cambs. Meet at The Crane Pub, Hayes UB3 4QS at 10:00 leave around 10:30 John Carr 07768 797125

October 5 South Coast Centre Monthly Meeting: Details as August. 5 North East Centre pre-meeting ride out (Last one for 2014) : Details as August. 5 North East Centre Monthly Meeting: Details as August. 8 Yorkshire Centre Meeting : Details as August. 12 Eastern Centre Monthly Meeting: D's Diner off A12 nr Hatfield Peverel CM3 2EJ: Details as Above.

12 London Centre Monthly Meeting: Botwell Inn UB3 3EB : Details as August. 19 Wings Museum - South Coast Ride Out : http://www.wings

Meet at Farlington Services, Shell Garage just infront of the Hilton Hotel PO6 1UN 9.15 am for a 9.30am leave. Arriving at the museum for 10.30am for those wanting to go direct Unit 1, Bucklands Farm, Brantridge lane nr Balcom west Sussex. Museum Addmission Prices: Adults £8, Over 60's £7, Children 5-15 years £4, Family Ticket (2 Adults and up to 3 Children) £22, Children under 5 FREE - Cash only no cards

19 Kent Centre Monthly Meeting: :Details as August. 19 Staffordshire Centre Meeting: Details as August. 23 North East Centre Monthly Meeting: Details as August. 23

Events 2014 26 NE Centre Ride Out to Whitby (Last NE Centre ride out for 2014) : Meet at Durham Services from 9:30 for 10:00 start. For more information contact Kev Close (07949 035419)

November 2 South Coast Centre Monthly Meeting: Details as August. 2 North East Centre Monthly Meeting: Details as August. 19.30 start. 9 Eastern Centre Monthly Meeting: D's Diner off A12 nr Hatfield Peverel CM3 2EJ: Details as August. London Centre Monthly Meeting: Botwell Inn UB3 3EB : Details as August.

9 12 Yorkshire Centre Meeting : Details as August. 16 Kent Centre Monthly Meeting: :Details as August. 16 Staffordshire Centre Meeting: Details as August. 27 East Midlands Centre Meeting: Details as August

April 2015 11th Annual Belgium for Easter 2015 City of Charleroi :

3 / 6

This year we are travelling further south to the beautiful city of Charleroi. Staying in the Best Western Leonardo hotel. 1A Boulevard Pierre Mayence 6000 Charleroi. Plenty to do and see we are possibly riding out to Luxembourg on Sunday. Please book early to get the best prices on accommodation and crossings. Anyone who has a bike that they would like to display on the club stand at shows and would be willing to spend a few hours each day talking to people about the benefits of joining the club would be made very welcome. In return we will arrange for you to have entry passes if available. If you could be available from around lunch time of Fridays to help set up the stand, or stay until Sunday evening to help pack up, it would be particularly good to hear from you. Alby.


Kent Centre Since the last magazine things have been ticking over quite nicely at the Kent Centre. As well as a few runs publicised in Hustler, the Whitstable Egg Run was one, we continue to use the Facebook page to organise ad-hoc runs most weekends, At our April meeting, before the Egg Run we had a visit from the National Committee to come and chat with the membership to see how they could help us grow and keep going. On June 14th Kent hosted the NC meeting as part of the scheme to take the NC around the country. I was the only Kent member that attended. It was quite eye opening to see the extent or depth the club fell too over a number of years. The current committee are working hard to get us back where we used to be as a major player. There were two revelations that interested me. Sue Carr, the Nat Sec, said that in replies to an email out to ex-members that there was a suggestion that the Kent Centre didn’t do anything or contradictory, that we had too many ad-hoc meetings. Strange as we have had a regular monthly meeting for the best part of 12 years….. And I have organised about 45 nationally publicised events in the last decade. The other was that there are 197 ex-members on the database and 14 currently paid up in the Kent post codes areas of BR, CT, DA, ME & TN. That list appears not to have me on it. So that’s 15. The following day was the Kent Pet Food Run, and to say that the tumbleweed was blowing across the street as far as the SOC was concerned wouldn’t be stretching the tale. Claire and I were the only Kent members that attended, as the run leader. The Kent Riders partner club managed seven! In the end we scored a third with Anthony Malkin meeting us at the Last Chance after a ride on his Inazuma from Surrey. Am I disappointed? Of course. The event was in the diary from before Christmas! There are a number of events coming up over the next few weeks before this edition lands on the doormats and so it’s not much point going over them now; AMRR & the Somme Weekend to name two. Events after the magazine comes out? The annual trip to the Bikers Loft is in September, dates to be confirmed, but check the Hustler/SOC diary. And of course, our annual runs out to the St Nicks and to the Whitstable Toy Run in December. Just in case I will mention the Centre AGM at the Blue & White Café on Sunday July 13th starting at 10.00. A full agenda including the search for a new Chairman and possible Secretary and Treasurer. Email out. Of the aforementioned 14 members there are a number with email addresses and by now, everyone will have had an email from the Centre Sec to tell them that we do exist and are active…. If you are one of the 14, then you have access to the SOC Forum on the Internet. Although we use the Facebook page a lot, we also post important information on the Forum as well. That’s all for now.


Laverty Just Misses Laguna Podium Eugene Laverty just missed out on the podium at Laguna Seca and round nine of the World Superbike Championship, finishing fourth in a chaotic race two in California. Laverty found himself battling for fourth place in the opening encounter too, however a technical issue unfortunately ended his race early. The second race looked set to provide more promising results, with Laverty challenging the leading three throughout the race, however a red flag for an incident involving his teammate Alex Lowes at the Corkscrew stopped the race. The following 7-lap sprint was also red-flagged and restarted, which saw Laverty drop to seventh place early on, but he fought hard and came through to take fourth place. He said, “We have put in a lot of good work all weekend but race one was over before it started; we had a technical problem and managed a few laps hanging in there. “In race two I managed to hang in with the front guys even when our bike isn’t as strong with a full fuel tank and new tyres. Then the GSX-R started to feel really good and I knew I could come towards them but the red flag came out. “The restarted seven lap sprints don’t really suit us as we are always better at the end of the races. We as a team had the potential for podiums today, the guys worked so hard this weekend so we all deserved it before the summer break – fourth was not really the reward we were looking for.” Teammate Alex Lowes had a difficult weekend in California despite the promise he showed in practice. Lowes crashed heavily in morning warm-up, but managed to finish eighth in race one before a huge crash entering the corkscrew ended his raceHe commented, “It’s been a difficult, painful day and I’m disappointed with its conclusion. I got a good feeling and understanding with the GSX-R today and my team has done a great job this weekend so it’s a shame we couldn’t come away with more. “I’m looking forward to the summer break; it will give me the time to recover and continue my training so we can come back strong and ready to fight in Jerez.”.


2014 INVADER RALLY & AGM Come along and join Suzuki Owners Club at their flagship event. This years nominations Chair– Pete Dibble Membership--Keith Ferris Editor– Alan Hancock Riders Rights– Michael Griffiths For the new club constitution and proposal’s ask your centre sec or the club national secretary To be held at The Brownlow Arms High Marnham Newark on Trent NG23 6SG Friday 25th July to Sunday 27th. £5 per pitch per night to members and forum members. Evenings Friday and Saturday entertainment. Prize raffle. Great company. Saturday Ride out tbc. Sunday Agm at 11am no entry without your membership card.



Gt250 X7 Added To Vintage Parts Programme Suzuki GB has announced another new addition to the hugely popular Vintage Parts Programme, with the iconic GT250 X7 following the recent inclusion of the original GSX-R750 ‘Slabby’. The GT series, first launched in Europe in 1973, quickly developed a cult following. Widely heralded as the first 250 to achieve a genuine 100mph, the now-sought after GT250 X7 made its debut in 1978. Today, nearly 850 parts are still available for the classic two-stroke parallel-twin. Tim Davies, Suzuki GB Aftersales Marketing Co-ordinator, said, “Our Vintage Parts Programme continues to grow with this recent addition, with the GT250 X7 joining the RGV250, GT750 and the original GSX-R750. “We recognise the fact that a lot of people are restoring and riding older machines from Suzuki’s history, and hopefully the Vintage Parts Programme makes doing so easier. We’re delighted to be able to announce the inclusion of another model to the programme, and look forward to seeing some of the projects uploaded to the site, too.” With a bespoke area of the website dedicated to the programme, Suzuki GB has produced an extensive list of all of the parts still available for the X7 from the factory in Japan, as well as other downloads including service manuals, parts booklets and brochures. There is also an area for users to show off their own projects by uploading their images.


The adventures of Carpetbagger and Cookie (Paul and Allayne Roper) Finale Crevellente We went to Crevellente for business, where the temperature went up to 38 degrees as we were in the desert area and the heat was intense. We were glad after business to get back into the car and head back to Alicante and the beach! Castle Alicante Whenever we travel around, I always think what it would be like to be on the bike and I know both of us miss it very much but due to my cancer they will not permit it for now. But we shall see. Whether in bike gear, or travelling by car guys, this is how you should wear your shoes please, no socks whatsoever. Styled here by Carpetbagger!


We went to visit the Castle in Alicante one morning. You get up to it via a lift along a cool dark corridor. Views from the Castle were amazing, you must see it for yourself. We stopped for coffee in the bar and then took in the views. Although it wasn't that wheelchair friendly but we did enjoy it nonetheless. There were sadly a number of things we could not enjoy due to my cancer and limitations in getting about, but we did manage to relax and enjoy the beach and nightlife and food of Alicante. On our way out of Alicante, we were met again along the roadside by "ladies" of the night. This two together sitting off the road under a parasol. The road was in the middle of nowhere to me and yet here they were plying their trade! Bilingual Pooch - Montferrer After leaving Alicante, we drove along the coast past Valencia and Barcelona, and stopped the night near Tarragona. Our next port of call was with our friends Graham who has a holiday gite complex in Montferrer ( 700mt up in the


Southern Pyreneese The view down into the valley towards the Mediterranean and Perpignan was awesome and kept changing during the day. On a clear day you could see the sea and at night, the lights shone as far as the eye could see. One evening there was a firework display and looking down into the valley, it looked awesome. The roads up to the gite were not for the feint hearted and wound its way up the mountain and on coming drivers took no prisoners either. The views driving up were amazing and although we were in a car, we thought of how you guys would enjoy riding up here on your bikes. Unlike us, you could stop anytime and in take in the views with ease, we could not always do so. The place where we stayed was called Mas Can Ripes, not well known but does well in its own right nonetheless as a B&B with pool, a great host and great food to boot. At breakfast, although continental, you wanted for nothing. Graham has a black crossbreed Labrador, Lula. She will either love you or hate you: she loved us and would often come running up to us when she saw us for breakfast each morning as we would eat it outside on the veranda. Lula had been with Graham since she was a puppy and so understood French and English commands. I tried it on her a few times and sure enough she responded but you needed to follow with certain hand actions to back it up. She was a super dog and knew her place. She never begged for food at the table, she never entered the guests' rooms and stayed close to Graham during the day when he was out and about tending his land. We gave Lula a treat one day, a doggie treat I might add and she seemed over whelmed with it, not quite sure what to do with it and then when she knew it was genuine, she took it to her blanket and munched on it with great relish. Many I know may not like having animals around them, if you are like that, then B&B's with dogs, cats or whatever are not for you. We missed Lula on leaving as we got use to having her around and watching her take care of the cat of Graham's tenant. She was so gentle and the cat had no fear of Lula either, it was enchanting to see. If you are an animal lover and in the area of Arles in the Pyrenees, then look up Mas Can Ripe and enjoy the peace and hospitality of Graham and Lula. Bon Appetite. Carcassonne After leaving Grahams we headed towards Carcassonne and spent a few hours looking round the medieval walled city. The city is very interesting and has a lot to offer although it is very commercialised from a shopping point of view. Most of the outlets being gift shops or cafes. We stayed the night a few miles outside of Carcassonne at a wonderful B&B which doubled as a pottery studio which if we had more time would have been interesting to have a go at. This accommodation we found through which is a fabulous site for finding accommodation throughout the world be it a small B&B to a large 31 chateaux.

Riding in the Clouds - The Millau Viaduct What do you think when you see such a heading? Well for us, it was driving along the Millau Viaduct. This was a site that Paul has wanted to see for a long time and we did have to go a little out of way to see it on our return journey, but well worth it. You have to see it to appreciate its beauty, structurally and set above a gorge which holds the village of Millau. On the vast hill tops above Millau men and women are soaring the air in micro lights, or flying the thermals with parachutes. The views down for them must be amazing. Our first view of the viaduct was from the main road the D809 which takes you into Millau itself and you therefore see the viaduct as a side view and it is just stunning. We spent the night in a small gite just outside Millau, again via Tourist Information and the next day after breakfast, we drove across the viaduct both ways, and to see the views as you drive across, is well worth it. The toll was about 8 Euros each way.

Mind, many say that riding the viaduct on a cloudy day as shown in the picture is very surreal as you feel you are up with the Gods, amongst the clouds and have to see it to understand it. There is a museum and information centre for the bridge and this is well worth a visit as well. The bridge was designed by the French structural engineer Michel Virlogeux and British architect Normal Foster, the viaduct is they say the tallest bridge in the world. The viaduct was formally inaugurated on 14 December 2004, and opened to traffic on 16 December. The bridge has been consistently ranked as one of the great engineering achievements of all time. If you ever are in the area, please take a moment out and visit this amazing bridge in all its glory. Limoges Our way back was via Limoges and we stopped at the Tourist Information Office for assistance, and again they were most helpful in giving us hotel suggestions and what to see if we were going to stay longer. We stayed two days in Limoges in a hotel on the outskirts of the town, where there was a string of restaurants and other budget hotels to choose from. Ours was an Ibis, as we know they have the basic B&B needs that we like. The hotel had a number of offers going on at the local restaurants in the road where we were staying and Paul and I decided to dine next door. The food was good and the waiters and waitresses attentive.


The following day we ventured into Limoges where we visited the Benardaud factory (where they make the famous Limoges china). It was fascinating to see the vast array of items laid out in front of us. We bought a few Christmas presents as we knew that this would be something you could rarely get and the prices were reasonable too! After that we ventured into the one way system in town and parked up to view the Cathedral of Limoges. The day was a scorcher again and Paul wheeled me around the cool dark Cathedral and we soaked up the atmosphere. After there we went into the museum where we knew a young jazz lady was performing a recital and we trundled off. It was an unusual performance I have to admit but to be sitting amongst priceless artefacts was something in its self. Unfortunately we couldn't find a coffee shop to stop at being a Sunday, so went back to relax in the hotel where we dined on cheese, meat and a beer which we had in our hamper of food that we had acquired each day if needed. After a second night in Limoges we ventured forth to home. Abbeville We must have ventured the furthest this day being over 400 miles as the roads were so good and we just wanted to keep going as things were so good. We stopped as usual for the coffee and convenience breaks but then were on the road again. We saw signs to a hotel called Mercure which we tried to find but then the signs stopped which was the norm at times. So Paul decided he would follow his nose and we did and ended up outside the hotel we had been looking for. It was right it seemed in the heart of Abbeville. We parked outside in the disabled area and went inside. We were greeted by a receptionist who did not seem to have too much of a sense of humour but was polite and obliging. Paul saw behind her the room rates and that for 10 euros more we could get a suite with a Jacuzzi and we thought, well why not, we deserved it a little indulgence so we went for it. When we opened the door to the suite, I think we were both lost for words. The room was huge with every indulgence you could wish for within reason. Our last evening in France was an indulgent one but to have a relaxing time in a Jacuzzi, was awesome. For my tired muscles and I am sure Paul's too needed that bit of tlc. Well rested, we went on our way. We did not partake of the breakfast as it was expensive and we had enough food in our hamper to get us through in any event. We were only about 50 miles away from the Eurotunnel and Paul had the previous evening rang them to ask if we could travel a day early and they allowed us to do so for no addition cost. So off we went, we arrived in good time and so took advantage of stopping for coffee and some chips to take the edge off. It was good to do so and we were then ready to go when our train came up. Before we knew it we were back in Folkestone and hitting the road home. We were both happy to be home and see our boat and the girls. It had been a lovely break and if you travel on 2 or 4 wheels, it is a journey I would recommend. The views for camera addicts are stunning but generally if you love heat and some TLC, it is for you. From Carpetbagger and Cookie (Paul and Allayne) Bon Voyage!


Czech Centre Just recently The SOC CZECH Centre celebrated its 30th Anniversary The centre secertary Ivan Benda has send across photo’s and information about them. A couple of shots picturing the great atmosphere of this event (2014 Annual Rally of our club as well) .

It was perfectly timed with the 65th wedding anniversary of the marriage, nicknamed as STONE of the SENIOR of our centre, who will be 90 in this september .

Two years ago Jaroslav / Jarda Kaplan has ridden his GSX400FW (1986?) yet for all the events held by our club .After having both his hips-junctions replaced by steel ones in 2005 .


Everywhere we have come by our rally trips, he has been kept for highest special personality .He started his SOC Czech Centre membership aspirancy in 1995, just after he has "done" the Nordkapp/ Norway journey with his 16years old grandson

Being then the leader of Czech Centre, we shared "some glasses" of beer when chatting with Jarda by one of our annual rallies, I dared ask him for his "identification card" to read he is REALY born in1924 ...... , because he has practicaly no silver hairs in the start of 21st century ((-: O-: O-: Here are some shots (sorry not too detailed) taken at our SOC Czech Centre Annual rally, picturing our Member the Senior Jaroslav Kaplan with his wife and his legendary "Nord Cap 2004 GSX400FW" !! .


Club Officers Chairman:- Anthony Averns (Bandit Ant)

Editor:- Alan Hancock (Alan H)

National Secretary:-Sue Carr (Queen Witch) Technical:- John Carr (JLCarr)

Public Relations:- Pete Dibble (Bugman)

Membership:- Keith Ferris (Keithf) Treasurer:- John Carr ( JLCarr) Shows:- Alby White Events / Welfare Riders Events:- Welfare / Rights:-


Here and Now Part 1 There and Then. A factual fantasy Tuesday (At a location somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens) Looking out from the back door of my Parents house, confirms my suspicions that it is likely to rain at some point during the evening. So I put my trusty Oilskins into my back pack. When I say trusty! What I mean is that it takes at least 5 minutes of riding in the rain before the water finds its way through to my neck, back and crotch. Tuesday night is Bike club night and we are finalising plans for our camping weekend near Silverstone. I’m on leave from the Army this week so I’m going to make the most of it, I haven’t been to the club for over a month so hopefully Maggie, one of the Barmaids at the Market Inn is working tonight, as her personal after hours service is great, but that’s another story. Getting ready to go out I pull on my Levis, which have never seen a washing machine or kitchen sink since bought 3 years ago, they can stand up by themselves, and with all the oil on them they are almost waterproof. Next my Lewis Leathers Jacket which I spent my entire life savings on (£30). Then it’s on with the open face helmet and finally my Army Surplus despatch riders Goggles, having first rubbed a raw potato on the inside of the lenses. Leg over Suzi (Life would be so less complicated if my girlfriends name was Suzi, she has always been very suspicious about that, but at least she has never heard about Maggie). Marvelling at how modern technology meant I only had to kick Suzi twice before she started. Getting off again because I had forgotten to pick up my toolkit of Hammer, (aka universal spanner), Adjustable wrench, Pliers, Can of WD40 and roll of Insulating tape. All that was ever needed to fix most things whilst out and about. Invariably something had to be done at the roadside on every trip. Off to the pub and sure enough it starts to rain. I decide not to put on my oilskins cos if Maggie is working I can dry my Levis at her place later. I slow down a bit as Japanese rubber and wet British roads have never really bonded well. No misfires thanks to the wonders of Pointless Electronic Ignition. (I often muse about why Suzuki chose to use the term pointless). Arriving at the Market Inn I pick my place to park Suzi, between the drip trays the landlord has put out for the British bikes to park on. Entering the saloon bar I am pleased to spot Maggie behind the bar, whose smile back and wide eyes tell me I won’t have to go home tonight. The first Club member I meet is Buffer (So called because his head of curly hair could polish the dark side of the Moon). He proudly shows me his latest toy from America (Where else?), which is a gadget that enables him to smoke his roll ups whilst riding his Harley. It consisted of a six inch wooden cylinder, about an inch in diameter which you put in your mouth (You get the picture?), we all did apart from Buffer, After exchanging the essential innuendos with Maggie about the forth coming evening, Buffer and me sit down at a table to await the arrival of the other club members, embarrassingly Buffer using his new gadget, between sups of his Ruddles County ale, which I swear he had actually drawn off from the sump of his Harley. 37

While we are waiting for the other club members to arrive we discuss issues such as the exciting new tech for bikes like fuel injection, whether or not starter motors for bikes will ever catch on, are the new full face helmets safe, or if you can wear a Turban on a bike even if you are not a Sikh. The next member of the club to arrive is Sven (aka Alf), so called because his choice of head protection is a German WW2 helmet, and he rode a Cossack motorcycle which he never tires of telling everyone is actually an original BMW that was until the Russians overran the factory near the end of the war. As usual he is complaining that the screws had pulled him over again cos his helmet was not British Standard, which as he rightly pointed out to them isn’t a legal requirement yet. A crashing sound from outside tells us that Malcolm (So named after Ogri’s friend), has landed. Like his namesake he is the most accident prone person to ride a bike, yet again this week he got Volvo’d, hence his Honda is off the road and he has borrowed someone’s Bonney. Arriving at the pub, he has crashed into one of the flowerbeds, because he has forgotten that everything is back to front on British bikes. Bit by bit over the next 15 minutes most of the rest of the club arrive. Last is Clive who apologises for being late, but had wait for the rain to stop for fear that his precious Gold Wing might get water on it and he had spent the last 3 years polishing it, even though they hadn’t even been on the market for more than a year. Once we have all got our glasses refilled, (mysteriously Buffer disappeared outside again to fill his) nearly thirty of us troop up to the meeting room, where to applause from the group the chairlady of the club proudly announces that she has managed to find a village pub near Silverstone that would accept 25 plus bikers camping in the field behind the pub, provided no one revved their bike until well out of the village. This was no mean feat for Glynis as thanks to the shootout between 2 rival Hells Angels chapters near Peterborough a couple of months back, all Bikers are being looked upon as pariahs by most of the general public (especially the Fennys, who don’t go out after dark). Glynis had also found out from the landlord, that there was going to be a live band on the Saturday night. The rest of the evening is spent planning the forthcoming camping week end. The venue is about 30 miles away, which means most of us should make the trip in one go. The landlord shouts up from downstairs, that it’s 10.20pm so there is only ten minutes drinking up time left, and he’s taking a big enough risk allowing us lot in to his pub, let alone after hours drinking. As the meeting closes and we all go our separate ways, I hang back to wait for Maggie (just to make sure she gets home safely of course!). The rest of the evening and most of the next day is spent, well you can guess how! It’s now 10.30pm Wednesday evening, so I say my sweet farewells and platitudes to Maggie who is back behind the bar again, and then set off for home. A couple of miles outside of town and my engine splutters and dies. A quick appraisal of the situation and a twist of the fuel tap on to reserve and once again the engine fires into life again. I wonder if they will ever be able to invent a reasonably accurate fuel gauge for motor bikes. Now I have a serious dilemma, reserve tank is good for 15 miles and it’s 19 miles to home


(I wish this was America, supposedly they have all night petrol stations over there, and CB radios). There is a phone box in the next village, perhaps I should give dad a call and get him to come and pick me up in the car, leaving my bike behind the village hall. No! that is a bad idea on so many levels. Still I had better ring to let them know I am safe, so I pull up outside the phone box only to find that the handset is nowhere to be found (S!*T). 6 miles further on and the engine dies, and to top it all, it’s started raining again. Thankfully the Fens are flat so I won’t have to push the bike up any hills. A mile down the road and suddenly an Angel appears in a blaze of glorious light. (Well actually it’s a Panda Car with lights on full beam). Anyway it is a miracle as firstly I didn’t think the Police ventured out this late at night and secondly I thought the Police force hadn’t been invented in the Fens yet. Anyway after convincing them that I am not a member of the Hells Angels who ate live chickens whilst doing the ton along the A14, but in fact a hero soldier returning from the frontline, they told me to put my bike behind the nearby barn and they would run me home. On arriving home, damp but pleased with the way things have turned out, I notice that my mother is stood at the front door, so after thanking the boys in blue for the lift home I proceed indoors and with a big grin turn to my mother to give her a big hug, but before I can do so I receive a stinging slap on the face and see before me a screaming banshee, going on about where on earth have you been until this time of night and how dare you come home looking like a drowned rat, and what are the neighbours going to think having the Police turn up outside our house and I have been worried sick about you etcetera, etcetera. Oh! What the hell, surely life will get simpler in the future. The Watcherr


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About Aepcs Ltd We are specialists in general pest control (rats, mice, cockroaches, wasp nests, ants, etc.) and all types of bird control and proofing. We can carry out work on a job work basis or on regular routine treatment / inspection basis. Our experienced surveyors will carry out free inspection, survey and estimating service. Very competitively priced. Pest control surveys and treatments. Our technicians are trained to eradicate problems by identifying the source of the problem, any necessary proofing and change of management of good housekeeping and best practice of treatments. We do not just throw pesticides at the problem. Full range of bird control and proofing, including netting, sprung wires, point system and flying a bird of prey. High level roof inspections, surveys and repairs. High level working from hydraulic platforms. Staff are IPAF certificated. Rope access (abseiling) specialists. Trained and work to IRATA standards. Aepcs Ltd is the sole sponsor of The SOC NEC show stand 40

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Manx GP, Classic TT 2014 For any of you going to the Manx GP and or Classic T.T. it would be good to have a meeting somewhere. As the week is rather hectic, well I am marshalling for practice and the races. Taking part in the VMCC Rally , which is on most non race days and trying to be social the rest of the time. A couple of ideas for a gathering. The Festival of Jurby on the 24th. August could be a good base as I will have a bike on display and also parading . Ginger Hall is also a possible point as the landlord will do us a discount on food. Maybe the Tuesday 26 for an evening meal for that day. Early doors a good time as the old bikes do the Regularity Run on Tuesday so you can watch the old bikes tootling round the original T.T. circuit. Any other suggestion are more than welcome. For those that think the Manx GP and that week's motor sport is for the "wrinklies" think again as it is far more fun than the T.T. You have time to chat and do things at a leisurely pace in a August. Better than the hectic pace of the T.T. week. No not the racing, the pace of life. Griff

Rear Photo Soc Members at the Battle of Waterloo memorial Belgium 2014

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