social commontating
able Living
ort omf
Yes, by conveniently ignoring the contradictions of my actions
Living Comfortable
S w m Asking to let the people decide conveniently forgetting the people did decide Paying a plastic cup levy never questioning where the money goes
With a protest that is a carni but not a protest that is a pro
With black kids killing black kids
Complaining about gentrification but loving a sourdough latte
Being fully consci unconscious bias
Shake our heads at fast food diets as we pop a Waitrose Two for a Tenner meal deal into the microwave
ival otest
ious of the of others
With our recreational drug habit while stepping over Spice Heads
Arguing for a soft border while keeping the border
Loving the NHS but going private just this once
Telling people to put down their phones while starting a new hashtag
It’s easy this life