social commontating
You’ve got to speculate to accumulate.
Well I have accumulated a lot of speculation.
Invest in our own future; we all have something to gain.
u yo ch afe t wa e s we ill b f I y: we w rit cu hen re. e t S u w, ut no he f t in
Education: If we test you this young then you might pass one in the future.
Identity: I’m banking on this profile to be successful.
Housing: I am hop an affordable hou it leads to me affo unaffordable one
Healthcare: If I don’t now then they might for cancer later in lif
Family: If I ring my Gran once a week she might leave me a little something.
Employment: If I do this shit job then I might get a less shit one in the future.
ping to get use so that ording an later.
t smoke t treat me fe.
Debt: If I borrow more today then tomorrow‌..? Friendships: The more people I friend the more likely one will be a real friend.
Diet: If I don’t eat anything today then I can stuff my face tomorrow.
Shopping: Buy two now, they will be back to full price next week, you can always sell one on ebay.
All pain and no gain.