social commontating Institutional and deference serv
Doff your cap
Yes your honour
Be grateful for the privilege of accepting the opportunities they provide for us
This goes
We are a TEAM
Gratitude for the superior.
Deference to the Boss.
Yes of course I will stay late for no money for the good of the company.
A reading from the Book of Servility r ke
tq oi
over here
Admiration for the leader.
Wow you work so hard telling me what to do
Thanks for the unpaid training I wouldn’t know what to do without you.
Continual appreciation for the chief executive.
Yes it is clear are worth 10 times my salary.
Veneration for the supervisor.
Thanks for letting me go on a break.
Deep regard for the recruitment agency.
What a great opportunity, zero hours on minimum wage and I mean zero hours.
Reverence for the HR advisor.
Well it is good to know this is normal behaviour and I am not being bullied.
Respect for the manager.
I am going to be 5 mins late due to the train but you must follow the rules and dock my pay.
Change needs to come from below
So stick that cap up your arse