social commontating
It’s all a numbers game
It just doesn’t add up
t ins a All these promises yet still the odds are stacked ag you
You got that one wrong. No GCSE for you idiot.
£10,000 to spend on training! Can I use it to pay off my loan?
1,269,501 more. But we can ignore that
Its ok we have plans to build 200,000 new homes over 3 years. But which 3 years?
It’s not just bums on seats we are after. It’s their cash as well.
10.000 fake ads, go nicely with my 10.000 fake friends
Extra 150bn for the Hight Street This sale on Pretty Little Things is amazing
That’s 3000 calories fatty. No NHS treatment for you.
You are not unemployed you are economically inactive. You and 3 million others
Your numbers up mate