The Common Enemy

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social commontating THE COMMON ENEMY But decisions need to be made?

I am the Boss

Yeah, you are being made redundant.

Not any more



I’m the executive director of a rail and bus operator. My pay rise is regular. I run one of Britain’s biggest house building companies. I’m building a huge profit

I’m the VC of a red brick I’ve overseen a transformation from academic standing to a property portfolio

I’m a chief executive of an immersive media corporation. I’m living in a different world.

I’m the boss of a construction giant. I’ll keep the private profit you keep the public debt

I’m a CEO of a high- flying tech company. All my wages are invested into cryptocurrency mining (fuck me, how did it get to this? At least with coal you could hold it)

I’m a leader of a council. Let’s get you lot moved to another borough

We decided we don’t need any of you


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